The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1151 [1150] Taste little lady 44 (6000+)

Chapter 1151 [1150] Taste little lady 44 (6000+)

In the past, I was pampered, sitting there without moving, and going out in either a carriage or a sedan chair, but now I have been moving around, so my physical fitness has improved?
After passing the 60-year-old mark in later generations, you will not look old, but in the dynasty with an average age of 50, being able to live to 60 years old is considered a long life.

Shen Qing didn't expect that she had relatives in this world, especially the old people were so easy to get along with, which was completely different from what she thought before, so when this happened, she was very willing to take care of them.

They successfully subdued their stomachs with a single breakfast. When asked when they usually leave the stall, my grandfather said that he rushed to the city when it was dark, and only sold this meal at night. He dared not go out during the day because he was afraid of encountering Acquaintances, if there is a temple fair or something, they will hide in the corner and dare not go to crowded places.

Therefore, the business has been able to maintain food and clothing. I can't die from starvation, but I can't eat well.

After eating, they changed into clean clothes and couldn't wait for Shen Qing to take them to the mass grave to worship her mother.

"Grandpa and grandma, don't worry. I'll make some snacks for my mother. Let's go when I'm done."

Shen Qing took mung bean, red bean, and maltose made before from the space, and added cornmeal, sweet potato, purple potato, flour, glutinous rice flour and many other raw materials, and made mung bean cake, red bean cake, purple bean cake and so on. Potato cakes and sweet potato cakes are four types of cakes, and then use a large discarded pottery pot, put charcoal fire on the bottom, put two layers of pastries in the middle, cover the top with a large board, and bake the steamed cakes again, so that The pancakes that come out are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and are more fragrant and sweet.

In addition to these four kinds of pastries, there are pea cakes, sausages, blood sausages, salted duck eggs made by myself before, and apples and pears produced in the space.

Ten varieties, pay attention to the combination of meat and vegetables, there are meat and snacks, eggs and fruits, after playing with these, it is almost noon.

Looking at the variety of tributes in the food box, the old couple who came back from buying paper money, incense candles and other offerings were shocked.

"This, you did all of these yourself?"

Shen Qing chuckled, "I made the pastries now. I made the sausages, blood sausages, and salted duck eggs before. I bought the apples and pears yesterday (I brought my luggage when I came here). How about it, your granddaughter's The craftsmanship is not bad, right? I learned the skills from the seven aunts and eight aunts in the village. After the worship, let’s take them back and make a sweet and sour hawthorn soup at noon, how about it?"

Naturally, the old couple had no objection. When the relatives went to pay homage to their family members, they would take home the cakes after the worship. One was to avoid waste, and the other was to benefit from the blessings of the ancestors.

Since everyone was full in the morning, everyone was not hungry, so Shen Qing drove the carriage all the way to the mass grave.

When they arrived, it was already noon, and the wind was a bit strong today. In order to prevent the paper money from blowing randomly, they also brought two wooden boards, one to block the tribute and the other to block the burning paper money.

Since Jin is a daughter, her parents should not bow down, so Shen Qing kowtowed a few more times, and the old couple burned paper money for their daughter while talking, and asked Jin to entrust their superstitious words to them in a dream if they received it.

These are often heard during sacrifices, and they are not uncommon for a long time.

How can the old couple not be sad when the daughter passed away at a young age?

From the moment he entered the mass grave, his eyes were already reddened by the surrounding environment, and he was struggling.

It's just that they are very strong, and in Shen Qing's place they dare not cry too sadly, for fear of irritating the child again, so they hold back.

The return trip seemed a lot more silent. When I got home, I put the tributes on the table, took out sausages, blood sausages, pea cakes, and salted duck eggs, and planned to heat them on the steamer, and the rest could be eaten directly.

Boil water in a large iron pot. After the water boils, add the hawthorn sauce I made earlier, and then put the steamed blood sausage, pea cake, and salted duck eggs on the basket. Add the oil and stir-fry the bacon, and finally add the radish and start stewing.

It's only half an hour. Before it comes out of the pot, add some noodle soup in the pot to increase the thickness and reduce the acidity.

When these hawthorns were made into sauce, a lot of sucrose was put into it, so the taste would not be too sour.

It is the best appetizer for the elderly.

There are pastries, blood sausage, and salted duck eggs on the table, so you don’t need staple food.

These absolutely exquisite dishes in the eyes of the elderly aroused their frequent sighs.

"My granddaughter has grown up and knows how to hurt people."

"My granddaughter is really capable, and we will be blessed in the future."

While eating, there was a knocking sound at the door. Grandpa was taken aback and slapped his forehead suddenly.

"Oh, how did I forget that child?"

child?what child
When Shen Qing followed, she saw that it was a seven or eight-year-old boy carrying a bundle of firewood, his face was a little red from the cold due to the wind.

In such a day, his face would turn red from the cold, which was enough to show how thin he was wearing.

"Huzi come in quickly, have you been here several times? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we went out in the morning."

Grandpa pulled the child in. The tattered clothes, cloth shoes with exposed toes, and dirty face all revealed his misery and helplessness.

Grandpa took him to wash his hands. Although the child didn't speak the whole time, he looked at Shen Qing curiously with timid eyes from time to time.

The grandmother said beside him: "Mother Huzi died early. After my father remarried, the stepmother kicked him out of the house. Now he is no different from a beggar. He sleeps in the broken board room under the bridge hole. We see him as pitiful." , I will give him some food from time to time, come and go, this kid is grateful to help us chop firewood, and use the firewood in exchange for a meal, usually he will follow us at noon, and he probably falls asleep hungry at night, one meal a day Fan, you are still so short at the age of seven or eight, what a crime!"

Shen Qing glanced at the child curiously, "He...can't talk?"

"I can say it, but I don't want to say it. I avoid people when I see them. I am not afraid of the two of us. I guess I was scared by my stepmother."

"He used to have an older sister, but he was sold by his stepmother. I don't know where he sold it. This kid has been looking for his older sister. Speaking of which, he is also a pitiful person, worse than us."

Shen Qing pursed her lips, looked at the child with bushy eyebrows and big eyes after scrubbing, took a piece of mung bean cake from the table, and handed it to him.

"I am their granddaughter. I have been separated for more than a year. I just got in touch yesterday. We went to worship my mother together this morning. The old lady is only interested in being happy and forgot about you. I am really sorry. Come, sit here, don't be afraid , we won't hurt you."

granddaughter? ? ?
When the child looked at her suspiciously, she smiled slightly: "This dress is more convenient, I am a real girl. You eat quickly, and tell me about your sister after eating, I will ask someone to help Find out," the child's eyes suddenly lit up, and he subconsciously blurted out: "Really?"

Shen Qing nodded, "Of course it's true."

Now that grandpa and grandma are already familiar with him, if he finds his sister, will he be able to take care of the old couple when she is not around?

That's what she came up with, of course, the premise was that they would hold their deed of sale in their hands in the future, so that they could hold on to it, instead of abusing the elderly while she was away.

It has to be said that Shen Qing still thought a little too much. Seeing the child gobbled it up because she was happy, Shen Qing shook her head helplessly: "Eat a lot of snacks, it's easy to choke, you slow down, No one is robbing you."

Shen Qing looked at the location of the main room while eating, "If you don't mind, just stay at home. I'll get you a plank bed in the main room later, put it down at night, and put it aside during the day, so as not to delay walking. I I won't keep guarding the two elders, I can support you, but you have to take care of them for me, can you?"

Hearing this, the little boy stood up abruptly, knelt down on the ground with a plop, and kowtowed three times to her heavily.

"I am willing, I am willing. Thank you sister, thank you."

"Well, you don't have to be polite. I also want to find someone who knows the basics to help me take care of the elderly. Although you are not very old, it is better than my grandparents like it. Follow us in the future. You will take me to your place in a while. place, see if there is anything else that can be packed, and bring them over in a donkey cart together.”

"I don't have anything there, only those boards that protect against wind and rain, which can be transported back and used as beds."

"Okay, let's go and have a look later. Eat first. You don't have to be polite about these meals. Eat them. Only when you are full will you have the strength to work and grow taller and stronger. Only when you grow taller and stronger can you grow stronger." No one dares to bully you. What's your name?"

"My name is Huzi. My mother's surname is Chen. My sister will call me Chen Feihu from now on, because my sister's name is Feifei."

Shen Qing nodded, because she hated her father, she didn't mention her father's surname. Regardless of the child's young age, he actually knew everything in his heart.

After dinner, the sky was very cloudy, the wind was strong, and it was about to rain. Shen Qing took the tiger and hurried to pull back the wooden plank under the bridge hole, but she didn't have any tools at home. It's not easy to take it out, so I can only let the child make do with a board on the bench to sleep.

As for the quilts and the like, they were old old quilts that were no longer used by the family, and he would be able to sleep if he spread them on. Better than the one he was wearing, too.

The shoes were given to him by Shen Qing in the space, or they were made for his younger siblings before, and they were not sent out in time.

After tidying up and dressing up like this, the child looks more energetic, and suddenly looks like a normal person.

It was dark at night and Lin Sen didn't come back: "Don't wait, I guess I won't be back. I'll sleep in that room by myself later. Grandpa and grandma don't have a stall today. Tomorrow your two elders are resting at home. I'll take Huzi there There are stalls selling wontons.

Having eaten a few meals cooked by Shen Qing, they already knew her skills, and the old couple didn't even ask if she could do it, so they acquiesced.

Shen Qing didn't expect that she would set up a stall after only a few days in the capital.

However, compared to the old couple who only went out of the stall when it was slightly dark, she didn't intend to do this, nor did she plan to follow the model of a fixed booth, but——

The beans were soaked that night and the noodles were made.

The next day, you get up before dawn and drive your donkey to grind beans. What do you do?Tofu brain!

There are small celery, peppers, peanuts, and sesame seeds in the space. She used these raw materials to prepare a large pot of pickled vegetables, chopped peppers and marinade.

The hot tofu nao is topped with spicy and fragrant marinade, the taste is absolutely amazing!
The noodles were wrapped into cabbage tofu vermicelli buns. She cooked the vermicelli with sweet potatoes. There are no sweet potatoes in the local area, and naturally there is no flour, so she made it like this. No one can beat it, even if it is vegetarian , but this taste is unique.

Steamed buns cost two cents a piece. In addition to making big ones, they also steamed many small ones. They were busy from dawn to noon before they started to be loaded into the cart. They drove the donkey cart into Fucheng, yelling as they walked.

"Hot tofu nao, delicious hot compress nao with cabbage vermicelli and tofu buns, there are spicy, five-spice, and sauerkraut stuffing, don't miss it when you pass by!"

She yelled once, and Huzi followed suit. Although her voice was not as loud as hers, it was quite remarkable to be able to express what she expressed clearly.

There is a stove on their car, which burns carbon. In the age when there was no coal, carbon became a very practical heating material.

But to burn charcoal, you have to use large pieces of wood to burn it out, like those thin branches, you can't make it at all.

With so much plant ash in the house, Shen Qing also felt that it should not be wasted. She planned to buy all the money from selling the buns into animal fat, change the name to make more soap, and take them to these shops in the city in exchange for higher profits.

Her donkey cart was moving very slowly, yelling as she walked. At the beginning, people didn’t know what she was selling, but they could smell the smell after heating. However, is it too expensive for two yuan a bun? A little tired?

Shen Qing didn't take it seriously, because her steamed stuffed buns had vermicelli. Before there was any potato starch, her steamed stuffed buns were unique.

What happened to the vegetarian buns?The vegetarian buns are delicious, so it is worth buying!
Tofu nao costs a penny a bowl. This is not expensive. It is mainly eaten as soup. After all, a catty of beans can produce 20 bowls of tofu nao!
Six catties of beans are soaked in water for six catties, and one catty of bean dregs needs to be removed after grinding the tofu nao. In this way, there are only six catties left, and one catty can produce three bowls of tofu nao, and six catties can produce almost twenty bowls. In the era when money was a catty and water was free, even the firewood she picked up herself was free. She could sell twenty bowls of beans for five cents a catty. Ten Wen.

They pushed earthen jars for heat preservation. In order to keep warm, they made an earthen stove with clay. The bottom is the stove, and the top is a one-meter-high earthen jar. When it is cold, they use charcoal fire to warm it up a little. The wisdom of the working people is reflected here. Great value.

The heat preservation effect of the food has been achieved, and the taste is not bad. This earthen jar can sell at least a hundred bowls of tofu nao, that is, five catties of soybeans. The cost of five catties of soybeans is 25 Wen. If you can sell one hundred coins, you can earn sixty coins.

The cabbage and sweet potatoes produced in the space are then drained into vermicelli by themselves. The beans are from the space, and the tofu produced naturally does not cost much, and the taste is not comparable to outsiders.

Grandpa and grandma naturally asked about these ingredients, so after making tofu nao and tofu, she went out in a donkey cart.

Of course, she would not buy ingredients from others, so she transferred all the ingredients in the space.

This is where these ingredients came from.

Flour costs six yuan a catty, 15 buns can be made in a catty, and fifteen buns can be sold for thirty yuan. They made more than 100 buns in the morning, which is more than 200 yuan. For a steamed bun, the cost of flour can be counted.

So if all these foods are sold out, steamed buns can earn 200 Wen, tofu noodles can earn 250 Wen, and during the day, they can earn around [-] Wen. If they sell wontons at night, they can earn around [-] Wen.

In order to sell these steamed stuffed buns and tofu nao, which in Huzi's opinion are super delicious, he put aside his shyness and worked hard to promote them.

Because the smell emanating from the cage is too tempting, there are really beckoning diners who want to find out.

It is said that everything is difficult at the beginning, but as long as a diner takes the first bite, there is no way to stop afterwards.

First of all, the freshness of the ingredients in the space is needless to say, the key is that it also has its own aura. How can the ingredients in this space be compared to the food eaten by ordinary people outside?To Shen Qing, two pennies is still a bargain.

Half of the hundred and ten steamed buns are filled with chili peppers. When people who eat the spicy and spicy steamed buns are sighing, drink a bowl of tofu nao, it will feel a little better!
good to eat!

This taste is really good, why haven't I seen you before!

Will you come tomorrow?

Whenever someone praises from the bottom of his heart, Huzi will do his best to promote it. Tonight, there will be a wonton stall at the intersection of Dongda Street. If you want to eat, come and try it. My brother's craftsmanship is very good.

Only two hours after I came out, all the ingredients were sold out. I bought four chicken skeletons worth ten yuan, and fresh meat for fifty yuan, as well as the necessary seasonings and green onions (50 yuan). The rest of the money, All bought into lard suet.

After returning home, use a large basin to rub out the plant ash, pick out the sundries, turn on the water, rub it with your hands, rub it carefully until there are no impurities, wash your hands, let the water start to stand, it will take about seven or eight days It's time, rub it for a while every day until the alkaline water is completely rubbed out.

Wonton wrapping is simple, but the wonton skin is not easy to roll, but I didn’t expect that when I got home, my grandparents had already rolled out the dough, and it was very good, not to mention the thickness. Dejin, it is a little sticky, in this case, sprinkle some rice flour, starch or something, the effect is better.

The adhesion was too serious, so she hurriedly boiled aniseed water, let the tiger peel the onion, and she went to chop the meat.

The family members performed their duties, and the tiger also found time to feed the donkeys. If not, he would carry a bamboo basket and go outside to find hay.

The donkey has started to picky eaters now, since it ate the grass she sent, it started to dislike the fodder brought by the tiger.

So, in order to cure it, just starve it. If it is very hungry, it will naturally eat the whole forage of the little guy. When it is full, she will reward her with a little spiritual grass. Vegetarian collocation, reasonable use, for it, the herbs in the space are not meat dishes.

Not only does it like it, Xiaofeng also likes it very much, as long as it is a small animal that is close to her, it likes the smell of spirit grass.

Even when she makes tea occasionally, she also chooses to use spirit herbs. The tea she brews is fresh and natural, very pure.

But she didn't think about making spiritual grass into tea and selling it outside. It's okay to give it away, and it's unnecessary to produce and sell it in large quantities.

It's not that there are other ways to make money. She can use the space, but she must not rely too much on it. The top priority is to sell more vegetables to earn space points, so that the space level can be upgraded more safely.

Grandma felt sorry for her going out sooner or later, but Shen Qing felt that it was nothing, especially after a day of cooperation, she felt that Chen Feihu was quite easy to handle, and when she was free, she would teach him some principles of life and teach him to recite The ninety-nine multiplication table, when you settle accounts like this, you still settle accounts.

Of course, he is not proficient in addition and subtraction, but he should memorize the multiplication formula first, and then it will be easy to calculate!
And they don't set up stalls like this every day, and they may not set up stalls when the weather is bad.

As long as I have time, I will teach this kid to settle accounts. Whether he is literate or not is not in a hurry for the time being. When doing business, he must first ensure that he can calculate accounts.

The wontons made by her are naturally more delicious than those made by grandparents, and the wontons made by the old man are lighter.

The wontons she made are filled with pork and green onions, and she also made her own chili oil with chili powder and sesame aniseed.

Previously, the old couple used coriander with spices as an auxiliary material for wonton soup. In addition to coriander, she also added chopped leeks.

The taste of minced leeks is more delicious, sprinkle with chili oil at the end, if you like vinegar, add vinegar, drink a mouthful of soup, the taste will stay in your mouth for a long time, it will make people have endless aftertaste, it is very beautiful!
The wontons they had been working on all afternoon were sold out at about seven or eight o'clock in the evening.

Lin Sen came to look for them after finishing his work. He thought she was here with the old couple today, but unexpectedly, she brought a little radish head.

"I didn't come back all night, so you gave me a baby? Whose family?"

Shen Qing squinted at him, "Speak carefully, this is the grandson picked up by grandpa and grandma, he will be my younger brother in a while, I want to take him to get acquainted with him well, so that he can help grandpa and grandma in the future, don't look at his young age. Still quite clever. What about you, but have you met the person you want to see?"

Lin Sen winked at her mysteriously: "This is not a place to talk, I'll tell you when I get home at night. I'm hungry, I'm gone?"

Seeing this, Shen Qing took out for him a snack wrapped in greased paper from her sleeve (space), four pieces, which she baked a few days ago.

"Take this pad first. When I go back, I will roll out noodles for you. We are also hungry. We planned to have two bowls left to drink by ourselves, but these diners ate quite a lot. One person ate two bowls." , It was almost gone, so when I got home, I rolled noodles and the three of us ate together."

With Lin Sen's help, these tables, chairs, benches and stoves were quickly placed on the donkey cart, and he followed behind on horseback. Shen Qing rode the donkey cart with the tiger, and the group drove home under the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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