The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1152 [1151] Taste little lady 45 (5000+)

Chapter 1152 [1151] Taste little lady 45 (5000+)

Go home at night, roll noodles with noodles, cut some shredded radish and marinate with chili pepper, chopped green onion and coriander, add vinegar and salt, after marinating for a while, pour in the sauce when the noodles are cooked, and then sprinkle A handful of the first batch of leeks in early spring, alas, the taste really tastes like grandma and grandma.

It was delicious and simple. Although it was a vegetarian dish, not only did she sweat profusely from eating it, even Lin Sen and Hu Zi were amazed.

Grandpa and grandma did not eat after dinner at night, and they are older and their digestion is far worse than that of young people, so it is not suitable to eat salty food at night, nor should they eat too much. It is best to mainly eat porridge.

Grandpa and grandma had already soaked the beans. There was a big millstone in the corner of the original owner’s house, which was originally used by the old couple to grind flour. Unexpectedly, after Shen Qing came here, she also made tofu, which made the old couple Surprised.

So when they are at home during the day, they do all the work they can do, such as picking beans and soaking beans.

If they do more, Shen Qing won't have to be so nervous and so hard.

"The beans are soaked after dinner, so it shouldn't take long."

Shen Qing nodded, "Grandpa and grandma, from now on you will help choose during the day, and the water and time for soaking beans are not easy for you to master, so let me do it, okay?"

Grandpa nodded immediately: "Okay, I'll listen to you. It's just that our family has oil, why do you buy so much suet?"

Shen Qing winked at them mysteriously, "You will know later, this is also a kind of income for our family."

There are roses stored in her space, and when it enters the boiling stage, these petals will be crushed and added to the pot to start cooking, and the herbal ash soap that comes out will have a faint fragrance.

She is very familiar with making this soap now, and can grasp the ratio very well, especially the plant ash lye, which must be left to stand for a week, and put a few more pots, so that if the alkalinity is not enough, it can be added at any time.

When the plant ash and alkaline water starts to settle, you can't stir it randomly, or the quality of the water coming out is not clear enough.

When using it, it needs to be filtered with gauze, so that the soap block that comes out can be translucent, like horseshoe cake.

When she was cooking, Lin Sen helped her light the fire, and briefly talked about his achievements during this time.

"I found my father who used to be quite a loyal friend. Hehe, time has passed and people have gone to the cold tea. After all, it was I who valued their former friendship. Thinking about it, it has been so many years, how could it be possible to hang up?" I was rejected, and they even insulted me with 100 taels of silver, trying to get rid of me."

Shen Qing was surprised that she failed?

then you--

"Since my father's people can't be used, I can only rely on myself. At my age, it's quite embarrassing. If you don't have a literary skill, you can't be a martial artist. People need young and strong people. I have no connections. I can do it, but I don’t know how many years I have to work for before I can be successful, so I have made up my mind, I don’t want to hesitate anymore, I will use my people to try it out, and if I don’t have any connections, I can find it myself!”

Shen Qing glanced at him, "Do you want to travel to the south?"

"It's not just the south. If I have the chance, I'd like to go to the Song Dynasty, the land of the vassal state. What does it look like for young people to live in one place every day? You should go out and make a living."

In fact, this kind of work of dumping goods back and forth is more suitable for people like her who have infinite space, but she doesn't want to tell others this secret. A man with ambitions everywhere should have the backbone of Lin Sen. Besides, the brothers in his village , the background is not bad, maybe he can really make a name for himself?

Shen Qing wanted to go with them, so that she would have the opportunity to find more ingredients and explore more delicacies.

If it was left in the past, they might discuss it tonight and leave tomorrow, but now, with grandparents, what should she do?
"Instead of placing your grandparents in the capital, you might as well go back to the cottage with us. You have so many younger siblings in the cottage. With them around, your grandparents should be able to spend their old age in peace."

This suggestion is undoubtedly the best, but when they put it forward, it was rejected by the old man.

"Son, we know that you are kind, but we are used to this place. We are getting older and can't stand the hard work. It's good to stay in the capital and by your mother's side like this. You don't have to worry about us, it's really not good Just like you said, just buy a few people to take care of us, I don’t want to be your burden, you are young, and Xiao Lin is capable, you can have a wider world, you shouldn’t stick to this place.”

Grandpa's open-mindedness and grandma's rationality made Shen Qing once again fall into a difficult choice.

Lin Sen thought with her all night, and he told her his thoughts the next day.

"The process of laying the road in the early stage will be very troublesome. It's not convenient for you as a... child to follow us. This is good. Since grandpa and grandma want to stay, you can stay with us. We open a shop in the capital, and you will guard it." Shop, I can’t pull the source of goods in the future, can’t I find a place to sell it? I need to explore this road slowly, and if it doesn’t work, I will cooperate with the caravan.”

"At this moment, it is an opportunity, but it is not appropriate to say that it is not. You wait and see, as long as the King of Nanyang does not reform, the shop and farm can be bought. I will prepare more money for you. If he reforms, Then let's wait a little longer, and would rather spend more money than buy a shop that can be denied at any time."

If Shen Qing doesn't have the courage to say that she wants to go with her, these two relatives are left in the world, and they should be the last companions out of emotion and reason.

The farm is not for sale, but it can be rented for the time being!

Especially when spring comes, you can order a variety of vegetables, melons and fruits, and feed some chickens, ducks, geese, pigs, cattle and sheep. If you can't do it by yourself, then buy a few long-term workers to work for them and enjoy the life of a farmhouse.

No matter how bad the capital is, it is also the capital of the Kingdom of Jin, a place where a lot of money is made, and it must not be wasted like this.

Lin Sen is a man of action, and before he left, he gave Shen Qing 1 taels of banknote: "You take this banknote, and if you see an opportunity in the future, you can buy a shop. It's best to bring it to the backyard. If you can't bring it to the backyard, it's nearby. Buying a two-entry house, didn’t you re-apply for your identity information? It should be no problem, if there is any problem, just wait until I come back.”

Shen Qing nodded, firmly remembering this matter, Lin Sen then said goodbye to his grandparents, left the capital, and headed all the way back to the cottage. .

After Lin Sen left, Shen Qing mixed oil and lye water at a ratio of [-]:[-], added salt to make it solid, and made a lot of molds for it. When the lye boiled and evaporated, she added roses and other flowers. Juice, which can sublimate the taste of soap to the greatest extent.

Then it was sold to a cosmetic powder store at a price of [-] Wen and [-] yuan per yuan. At first, I was afraid that I would ask for a high price, but after the clerk tried it out, his eyes lit up. I found the boss. After using it, the boss was very satisfied and said that as long as it She doesn't sell it to others, they can accept fifteen cents.

Shen Qing made a calculation, plant ash doesn't cost money, rose juice doesn't cost money either, what needs money is pork suet and salt, salt can't be put in much, estimated five cents, pork suet fifteen cents can buy two catties, two catties mixed with ten catties of plant ash and alkaline water, after the water is boiled, almost seven or eight catties of paste will be left, put it into the mold, and one mold will come out about 4000 grams, eight catties is equivalent to 130 grams, which is not From the cost of [-] Wen, she can make at least [-] Yuan. Calculated at [-] Wen, she can earn [-] taels of silver.

After all, it is also highly profitable.

In particular, she taught her grandparents this method. When the soap they made for the first time was sold for two taels of silver, the two of them saved the plant ash every time and bought more pots for standing lye.

If you do it once every seven days, you can do it almost four times a month, and you can sell it for five taels of silver once, and four times it is 20 taels of silver.

In addition to selling wontons and steamed stuffed buns and tofu nao every day, you can earn three or four taels of silver in a month.

For ordinary families, their income is quite considerable.

After waiting for a month, the King of Nanyang finally gave his order. The Kingdom of Jin ceased to exist and was renamed as the Kingdom of Nanling, which became a subsidiary state of the Kingdom of Song.

The laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Jin are completely abolished, and the legal system of the Kingdom of Song will continue to be used. The original framework will continue to be used. After the scientific examination this autumn, the system will be slowly reformed. All land and house deeds will still retain their original effects, but will gradually be changed to Nanling Kingdom. The new contract system issued by the government requires officials at all levels to notify the common people one by one to replace it.

The new law will take effect after May [-]st. In other words, if she buys a house or land at this time, it will be a newly signed contract system. With this good news, Shen Qing immediately went to find a broker.

The first thing to do is to buy a farm.

The second is a shop with a yard.

Finally, I bought a two-entry house.

Because they are ordinary people, they can only buy two at most, and it will exceed the regulation if it is higher.

Apart from asking the broker to do this, Shen Qing also found Ren Yazi to inquire about Chen Feifei's whereabouts.

Because I haven't bought Zhuangzi yet, but I can ask Yazi to look for her first. Of course, the most important thing is to explain Chen Feifei's situation clearly and ask them to help find it. If they find it, they will pay extra.

Ren Yazi is in this line of work, and he knows people of all kinds and religions, and he has a wide network of people, so he will be much easier to find.

Chen Feihu didn't expect that Shen Qing had been thinking about this matter all the time, he thought it was just talking, and only today did he realize that it wasn't that he didn't look for it, but that he hadn't found it all the time, so he came here to ask as a last resort.

He looked at Shen Qing gratefully: "Sister, as long as you help me find my own sister, we will sell ourselves as slaves and honor you for the rest of our lives."

Shen Qing didn't refuse, because Xiao Huzi was smart and bold, he was a rare talent, and she planned to carefully train him to be a chef, so she had plans to sell himself as a slave, and she couldn't get the contract She dare not use it!
"Okay, that's what you said. When the time comes, you follow me, and I will teach you cooking skills. If our new shop opens, you will start as an apprentice and become the chef of our shop in the future."

The first store she opened must be selling food, because Linsen’s road has not been paved yet, so she has no fixed what to sell, but during this period, she will still look for new stores, buy as long as there are suitable ones, and use to be their future options.

How good Shen Qing's cooking skills are, Xiao Huzi was deeply impressed, all the delicious food he had eaten so long was at her house, and he gained a lot of weight in just over a month.

Compared with the days I lived before, it is simply a world of difference.

Thinking of this, he suddenly frowned: "Sister, I saw my father today. If I want to sell myself in the future, I'm afraid I have to pass my father's test. Although he kicked me out of the house, my household registration is not It's in his hands, sister, I don't want you to give him the money, otherwise, I'll go home and steal the household registration?"

Shen Qing thought for a while, then shook her head, "He is your father, and he needs his signature to sell himself, so don't worry about it, does he know you are with us now?"

"I don't live far away, so I must know it. The reason why I haven't found it all the time may be what I'm planning. My father won't let me suffer."

He won't suffer, and she won't let others take advantage of it for nothing, she thought for a while, and said to Xiao Huzi.

"When you go home these few days, you will say that we drove you back. You make up the reason yourself. In a few days, I will let someone go to the neighborhood to buy you cheap, and get the deed of sale, and you can come to my house openly. .”

Xiao Huzi's eyes lit up, and after turning his mind a little, he understood why Shen Qing did this.

Because they have a good relationship, if Shen Qing goes to buy it, maybe his father will ask for the price, but if it is a human tooth, then the price will be the market price.

Little Huzi nodded, and the next morning, in front of his neighbors, he beat him up and scolded him away.

The reason was that he was stealing food, and when he was discovered, he was kicked out of the house.

Little Huzi ran home crying, what was he wearing when he went to other people's houses, and he was still wearing the same outfit when he came back.

Father Chen, who was drinking, was stunned when he saw the little tiger running home crying and crying.

After Xiao Huzi explained the reason, Chen's father raised his hand and slapped him: "Why do you steal something worthless?"

"Father, the stewed pork she made is delicious. I want to steal a piece for you to taste. It's not that I'm greedy, but I want to steal a piece for you."

Little Huzi looked at his own father, as if he wanted to find the last trace of affection and warmth from his eyes.

But no, some still abused and beat indiscriminately, and the stepmother even added fuel to the side, saying that he is used to talking, and he must say that he stole meat for you in front of you, and he must be greedy. My own mouth, dare to plant it on the old man's head, it's really shameful, it's a shame!
Chen's father was always soft-hearted. He would rather trust that woman than his own son. This time, Hu Zi suffered a serious crime. Shen Qing still cared about beating him, not hurting his vitals. It has always been a fight to the death.

After this pause, he was so beaten that he couldn't get up, and then he was thrown into the pigsty and left alone.

I didn't call him when I was eating, but I wanted to order him when I was working, but the tiger was beaten badly, and he couldn't stand up moaning.

Fortunately, the pig was sold years ago, and now the pigsty is a piglet, otherwise his life might be in danger.

Pigs are omnivores. They are not vegetarians. When they are hungry, they will eat anything. How many children around them are eaten by pigs?

Shen Qing and Ren Yazi had already made an agreement, and Ren Yazi was in this line of business, so naturally he could find someone to find Chen Feihu's stepmother without any trace, and starting with her was the most direct and quickest way.

This stepmother is greedy and stingy, seeing Chen Feihu stay at home half dead, she might as well sell it for ten taels of silver to supplement the family as they said, besides, wouldn't his sister just be sold like this?
Moreover, Ren Yazi found out where his sister was sold and who was the middleman without any trace. With this information, it will be much easier to find someone in the future.

Two days later, Little Huzi was brought home by Shen Qing, who only asked for five taels of silver.

Ren Yazi didn't make any money from it, maybe it was to show favor, it happened that Hu Zi was beaten badly, pretending to be sick, she asked for 20 taels, and the family gave five taels, that vicious woman would not sell, If you don't show your teeth, report to the officials, saying that they abused children.

It takes money to see a doctor for a child, and five taels of silver is a lot.

The stepmother was forced to have no choice but to sell.

"How much did your sister sell for?"

Huzi sighed: "Eight taels."

"What a pair of wolf-hearted men and women. If your mother knew, how sad would it be? Well, we won't be able to live here for a few days, and we will move in a few days. The farm has already been bought, and we will live in the suburbs first. The crops in the frontier are planted, "

There is nothing more important than growing food.

Through the selection of brokers, this Zhuangzi is relatively close to the capital. The Zhuangzi has a size of [-] acres, three wells, and two rows of rough houses. It is elegant.

Together with Zhuangzi, there were five long-term laborers, three handymen, eight people, and fertile land. The total asking price was 2000 taels.

This price is acceptable, but what about the people who stay?
Shen Qing followed the broker to Zhuangzi, carefully sized up the eight people through black magic, and after confirming that they were available, she began to bargain with the other party, and finally settled the deal at 500 taels.

I went to go through the formalities in the afternoon. The handling fee was about five taels of silver, and I paid the broker ten taels of intermediary fee. This business was completely settled.

The three handymen are all middle-aged women in their 40s and [-]s. They work quickly and are the daughters-in-law of long-term workers. Of course, their children also live in the village.

Seeing that Shen Qing kept them, she was very grateful.

The next day, Shen Qing brought the old couple and Hu Zi to the Zhuangzi. The house they lived in had been cleaned up. Grandpa and grandma walked around and looked around. There were not only houses in the front yard, but also grape trellises and peach trees. Fruit trees such as cherry trees, sheds for chickens, ducks and geese, and stables are all at the back, which will not affect the normal life in the front yard.

(End of this chapter)

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