The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1150 [1149] Taste little lady 43 (5000+)

Chapter 1150 [1149] Taste little lady 43 (5000+)

Lin Sen couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth after hearing this, and said unabashedly distressed: "Your mother and you, it's not easy!"

"It's not easy for my mother. I'm sorry for her. When I was dying, I couldn't see her, and let her stay in such a wilderness. Even now, I have no place to live, let alone for her. The grave has been moved, if there is a chance in the future, if I settle down in a certain place, I will invite her there as soon as possible, but now..."

During the first half of Shen Qing's life, she had no intention of settling down in a certain place, so she let the Jin family live here temporarily.

After entering the city, she was a little hungry, so Shen Qing dragged Lin Sen to a side wonton booth and ordered wontons for two nights.

"Suddenly I want to eat wontons. You can accompany me to eat a bowl and drink some soup to warm my stomach."

Lin Sen knew she was in a bad mood, so he didn't say anything. When he walked from Yizhuang, it was getting dark.

While she was absent-mindedly eating the wontons in the bowl, she always felt that someone was watching her. Looking back, it was the old couple in front of the booth.

Although she didn't know why they looked at her like that, she still smiled kindly.

Shen Qing added a lot of chili to the wontons, her mouth was red and she was sweating all over, and finally asked the boss for a bowl of chicken soup in embarrassment.

A bowl of wonton costs five cents. After eating, when I stood up to leave, the old lady suddenly grabbed my sleeve.

"Are you Shen Qing? Is Shen Qing you?"

The old lady's eyes didn't seem to be getting better. When she looked at her, she squinted her eyes, with deep bags under her eyes and wet marks around her eyes.

When she called out like this, the old man was startled, and hurriedly came over and shook his head: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we recognized the wrong person."

Only then did Shen Qing look at them carefully, it doesn't matter if you don't look at them, she was startled when she saw them, "Are you... grandpa and grandma?"

The Jin family was married to the capital, and her grandfather's family was several hundred miles away from the capital, and she only returned home once a year, so Shen Qing didn't have a deep impression of her grandfather's family, but unexpectedly, she was the first to recognize her. It turned out to be an old couple with bad eyesight.

She didn't even expect that after she went to pay homage to her mother today, her mother would send her grandfather and grandmother to her side in the evening.

The old man was frightened by the sound of grandpa and grandma. As he looked carefully, there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"You, are you really Shen Qing?"

Seeing her grandfather looking around cautiously, she was still a little apprehensive, and her heart ached for a while.

"Grandpa, it's me, Shen Qing, but I've changed my name now, Shen Qing, the one defending, the sunny one, you can call me Xiaoqing."

Seeing that their stalls were almost sold out, Lin Sen hurriedly said, not far from the inn.

"You lead the two old people to the inn, and I will stay and sell the rest and help them close the stall. You guys have a good talk, come to the old man, and teach me how to do it quickly, so as not to make a mistake in a while."

The old man and the old lady were very excited, and they reacted when they heard Lin Sen's words suddenly.

The old man quickly walked over to show Lin Sen, a smart person can learn it quickly, especially wontons are all wrapped, just need to cook them in a pot and serve them out.

When Shen Qing took the old lady's hand to the inn, she still couldn't believe it.

"Are you really my Qing'er? Isn't Qing'er exiled?"

It is obvious that they are close relatives by blood, but because they do not see each other often, after more than a year of life and death, they do not know each other until now, and it is not bitter to say that it is a lie.

My grandfather used to be a fourth-rank official of the imperial court, but now he sells wontons at a stall on the street. My grandmother's ancestors were a well-known large textile household in the south of the Yangtze River, and a business lady who never touched the sun, but now...

Subconsciously, she took the place of the Shen family and knelt down in front of the two elders: "Grandpa and grandma, I didn't expect to meet you when I first came to Beijing. It took me a few hours to kneel in front of my mother's grave like this. I don't know what to say when you sent them to me, I can only apologize to you two elders on behalf of the Shen family, if it wasn't for the Shen family, "

"Stupid boy, what nonsense are you talking about? When the Shen family was in glory, we followed suit. It wasn't their fault that the Shen family fell. It has nothing to do with you girl. Get up, get up, and let grandpa and grandma Take a good look at you, you, how did you get to the capital safely?"

Shen Qing was forcibly pulled up by the elders. Shen Qing said that she met a pack of wolves on the road. She ran out and met Lin Sen. After stumbling all the way, she arrived in the capital. , I dare not come back!"

After hearing this, the old couple couldn't help crying: "It's good to be back, it's good to be back!"

It was only later that I learned from the two elders that after the decline of the Shen family, they were also implicated. Uncles, cousins, and sisters were also dismissed because of this. .

Then they were confiscated from their homes and dispatched to farm in remote mountains and forests.

But the good times didn't last long, and the grievances caused by the Shen family only increased. They complained every day, and they didn't have the slightest respect for the old couple.

"That's how your grandma went blind from crying. She didn't even see your mother for the last time."

"Later, your mother's companion found us and learned what had happened to us, so he ventured to secretly transfer our old couple to the capital out of distress. Your mother's loyal servant learned from them. In the first two years, they moved their family out of the capital, leaving us the old couple with a small yard in the city, and your grandma and I lived like this come down."

When grandpa was talking, grandma stroked her hand, squinting and smiling at her from time to time, with tears in her eyes.

The story is very short, but Shen Qing heard the bitterness and bitterness from it. She has no reason to blame the uncles. After all, their fate today is indeed caused by the Shen family. Even if the mother dies, the resentment in their hearts cannot be erased .

But grandpa and grandma are innocent, what is wrong with them, why treat them like that?
It is said that poor and lowly couples are sad about everything, but if the children and grandchildren are poor, will they also be mean to the elderly?
She originally thought that the capital was just a short stay, but now, there is an old man who cares about and loves her.

"Where is your mother now?"

Shen Qing was surprised, "You don't know yet?"

"Before the emperor passed away, we lived carefully every day. We didn't dare to ask anything, we didn't dare to inquire, for fear of hurting others. After all, it was not easy to bring us out of the ravine. We dared not do anything out of the ordinary. , although I know that your mother may be waiting for us in a certain corner of the capital, but, we are old, we have no money, and we have no contacts. We live in fear every day, so how dare we inquire? Just now you said you found you When we were mothers, we, we were so happy in our hearts!"

When the old man said this, he couldn't help but burst into tears. Grandma's eyes were only wet at the edges, but she couldn't shed tears, which made her feel distressed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, grandpa and grandma. It's our fault. It's our fault. You are still worrying about your livelihood at such an age. But don't worry, the granddaughter is back, and the granddaughter will take care of you, okay? Let's not set up a stall Yes, I will buy a Zhuangzi and give you old age, "

Shen Qing wiped her tears and stood up abruptly, "Where do you live? I'll take you home first. Tomorrow morning, I'll find a broker to look at Zhuangzi. Let's buy a Zhuangzi, a maid and a servant, to serve your two elders specially." , that dog emperor is dead, even if we can't live a fair and aboveboard life now, we don't have to live so aggrieved like before."

The old couple, who are over 60 years old this year, obviously never thought that they would be half-stretched into the coffin, and they would be so lucky.

I thought that one day I might lie down on the ground and not move. The reason why I have been holding on all these years is to think about each other and force myself not to just fall down, because once one of them collapses, the other may not be able to survive. How long will go with it.

This is a person's life. Since the children can no longer be controlled by the two of them, they can only cherish every remaining day in their limited life.

The old couple have lived together for decades, if they hadn't had a good relationship, they would have collapsed on the way to the present.

Shen Qing felt more and more that this trip to the capital was not easy to come by. When she helped the old man to the stall, as expected, Lin Sen had already sold out and was packing up the pots and pans and moving them to the donkey cart.

With the help of Shen Qing, the booth was quickly cleaned up, and the old couple were helped into the car. Lin Sen drove in front, and Shen Qing took care of the car at the back. After that, they turned into the alley to the south.

There is a Guanyin Temple in the south. With the Guanyin Temple as the boundary, it is still prosperous to the north. The further south, the poorer it is. I don’t know when it was classified as a slum.

Grandpa and grandma have lived in such a place for more than half a year.

The alleys in the slums are very deep, and it is not easy to walk in the dark.

However, the donkey, like an old horse knowing its way, shuttled smoothly and quickly.

Not long after, it stopped at the gate of a low courtyard wall.

"Okay, we're home, come down!"

Through the faint shadow of the moon, it can be seen that this is a square yard. After helping the two old people down, the old man unlocked the gate of the yard.

Going in and looking, it is really compact. There are three main rooms, the donkey shed on the left and the kitchen on the right. There is only a small area in the yard where you can grow vegetables. It seems that there is no backyard, because there is a hut in the corner of the door. .

This yard is only [-] square meters in total. It is a very compact house, but it can be a single family. I think this is the last arrangement of my mother, right?

I don't know if she thought that her parents would be treated like elder brother and sister-in-law?
"This place used to be the place where the Zhao family lived, and now this house is still in the name of the Zhao family. At most, the two of us can be regarded as borrowing here, and the neighbors on the left and right take good care of us. When the Zhao family returns to Beijing, they will come over. Look at us, whether it is her son or grandson, they are all very loyal, and this is probably the last kind treatment your mother gave."

"Actually, the two of us are living a pretty good life. We can sell a hundred and ten yuan a day. If the business is good, we can sell two or three hundred yuan. We take medicine all the year round. Although we can't save much money, we don't have to suffer. It's busy, it's good, it's good."

Before coming, the two of them returned the inn room, and Lin Sen also felt that it was better than staying in the inn.

The two helped unload the cart, led the donkey into the shed, fed it, and then led it into the house to light the kerosene lamp.

Lin Sen was chopping firewood and boiling water outside. The furnishings in the house were very simple. The furniture was all left over from the Zhao family.

"This house is where the Zhao family lived. After her son got married, he bought a new house and didn't live here. Although it is a bit dilapidated, it has everything. There is a well in the yard. What do you use for it?" It's also convenient, the couple has done their best to us, every year and festival, as long as we come to Beijing, people will come to see, and leave a few taels of silver for us to celebrate the festival, Qing'er, I think you have grown up now, If there is an opportunity in the future, treat them well."

Shen Qing nodded vigorously: "Grandpa and grandma, don't worry, I will, it's just..., Uncle and the others, don't you really need to worry about it?"

Grandpa snorted coldly, "You are a child in his teens, what do you plan to do with them who are in their teens? Don't worry about it, just let them stay there. If one day they return to Beijing, you don't have to worry about it, your mother You don't owe them, you can't when your mother was in the Shen family, they rushed over to enjoy the glory, but in the end they still have all kinds of resentment and hatred, there is no such thing, life has been ups and downs for decades, how can it be smooth sailing all the time? Who They didn’t come through the ups and downs, they are so confused, it’s really a waste of your mother’s help.”

Regardless of his age, the old man still lives quite transparently.

Because everyone has already had dinner at night, so I didn't do anything else, boil some hot water for the old couple, soak their feet, and let them rest early after resettlement. If there is anything, we will talk about it tomorrow.

Tonight she will sleep with grandma, Lin Sen will sleep with grandpa, the bedding at home will be taken out to dry from time to time, it may not be clean, but it has the taste of home, especially compared to the inn, the bedding here is obviously cleaner.

After putting the two old people to bed first, Lin Sen secretly pulled Shen Qing out: "Are you going to take the two old people to worship your mother tomorrow?"

Shen Qing nodded, "Then help me find a Zhuangzi when you are free. I will take them over. After all, this is not our own territory, but it can be used as a temporary settlement. I originally thought that you would leave after finishing your business. But now..., I want to stay in the capital for a longer time, they are getting old, I can't bear to just leave them alone, after all, it's also because of the Shen family that they are ending up with no one to depend on, "

The corner of Lin Sen's lips curled up, "Okay, don't talk about staying for a while, even staying for a few more years is feasible. Although the disaster area in the capital is not large, it has been affected to some extent. In a short period of time, stay in the present and be stable. It is also a good thing, but this Zhuangzi is not in a hurry to buy. Now is the time for a change of dynasty. If there is another change in the government, if you buy a house and don’t admit it, it will be a waste of time? Wait, wait until everything is dusted. , it’s not too late for us to go shopping again, you stay with them during this time.”

Early the next morning, when the rooster crowed three times, Lin Sen and Shen Qing woke up. Grandpa and grandma were light sleepers and were awakened.

"Grandma, please sleep for a while, I'll cook for you. In the future, granddaughter will take care of you. Ang, don't worry, everything will be fine."

This was probably the most comfortable sleep my grandparents had in a year or two. Hearing this, he nodded and lay down again.

When Shen Qing walked out of the yard, Lin Sen had already washed up, and there was still a little wind in the inn, so he had to start on foot.

"You should eat before leaving!" "No, I'll just wait until the city to buy a few buns. You stay at home today and stay with them. Don't wait for me. When it's time to come back, I'll be back,"

After Lin Sen left, Shen Qing looked around, cleaned the iron pan with a loofah, took out a few sweet potatoes and corn from the space, cleaned them, and steamed them directly in the pan. While steaming, some peanuts were grabbed underneath. , red dates, glutinous rice, and millet are put together to cook rice porridge.

The old people are old, and she has to let them eat something different.

After they got up, Shen Qing said with a smile when she saw these rare things.

"This, it was brought by the feudal kingdom. We don't know if we can plant it here. I plan to buy a Zhuangzi after a while. If I have a place to farm, I will try to plant these and see if they can grow. Daddy, I want to support you by farming and setting up a stall in the future, let them get over the past, let's not think about it, let's look forward and not look back."

The sweetness and softness of sweet potatoes, and the fragrance and sweetness of tender corn left the old couple stunned after just one bite.

Seeing that they like it, Apply pointed to a pile in the yard, "I'll put it in the cellar for a while, and we'll take it out when we want to eat. These things are worthless in other people's places, but to us, they are rare. Things, try this rice porridge, is it more oily than our rice here, and this red date, after boiling, the surface is sweet and the surface is sweet, this is peanut..."

After the old couple had finished the breakfast made by Shen Qing, they couldn't help being surprised by their own appetite. Each had an ear of corn, a sweet potato, and a bowl of porridge.

The old couple fed the donkey, but did not feed the chicken, so naturally they were not willing to eat an egg, and rarely cut the meat.

The three meals a day are coarse grains, and only fine grains are eaten during the holidays. Vegetables are those grown in the yard, and they can eat whatever they have.

I think the old man and old lady who were pampered back then were supposed to take care of themselves, but ended up suffering like this.

However, they were very optimistic, and said: "In the past, both of us used to take medicine constantly. At that time, we ate well, and often it was uncomfortable here or there. Well, the food is not good now, except for a few fixed pills. Apart from pills, I basically don’t take any medicines, and I don’t feel the pain every day. Instead, I can do some work within my power, so a blessing in disguise probably refers to us, your grandma and I, feel that our bodies are better now than before. .”

(End of this chapter)

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