The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1061 [1060] Heroines of the Republic of China 34 (5000+)

Chapter 1061 [1060] Heroines of the Republic of China 34 (5000+)

When An Yi returned home, it was already dark, and she got on the ox cart of the production team on the way, and she paid 500 yuan for the ride, not in vain.

Among the old coins, one, five, ten, 20 yuan, 50 yuan and other low denominations are too rare to be seen. Because of inflation, they have no value in existence. Regardless of the large denomination, what is the use of not being able to buy things? ?

One hundred, two hundred, five hundred, one thousand, five thousand, and ten thousand are the commonly used currencies. It’s not uncommon for the money to be sold in carts and bags to carry and carry. After all, the 1 yuan is only one yuan for the second set. She paid 500 yuan for the fare, which is actually only five cents worth.

Moreover, these banknotes are not produced in the same place, and the quality is also uneven. The main reason why she went through so much trouble to get the money is to collect complete sets produced by the same manufacturer for collection. Memory isn't it?

Fortunately, she has space, otherwise how much money would she have to carry back?
Counting the day of departure, the day of selling eggs, and the day of the exam, she spent almost three days in total.

In the past three days, her nuts have not been entrusted to others, mainly because what kind of food is suitable for them?What if it doesn't eat other people's food?

Maybe there will be rumors that her dog eats better than people, so after some consideration, she let the nuts to fend for themselves at home.

Leave a few catties of chaff and a large basin of water for it, eat the chaff when it is hungry, and drink water when it is thirsty.

So when she approached her house, Nut seemed to hear it, got out of the dog hole, and ran towards her, wagging her tail, she felt like she could fly.

"Stop, don't jump on me, you look dirty, I'll take you to the river to wash in a while."

Seeing the soil on it, she was a little worried about her vegetable garden, so she hurriedly opened the door, but she let out a long breath.

"Did you sneak out to play? You are brave enough, and you are not afraid of people catching you and killing you?"

In this age when people still can't get enough to eat, it's really lucky that the nut can live. Several times, she worried that it might be slaughtered.

The six chickens in the chicken coop were cooing, went in and took a look, ho, there are so many eggs?
Chickens are the same as dogs. They mix enough food and water before leaving. Chicken cages are surrounded by barbed wire and bamboo. Dogs can’t get in, and other small animals can’t even try to get in, so they are safe and have a large internal space. There is a range of activities, not only the chickens are preserved, but even the eggs are intact.

Her big cocks had been killed long ago, so these were not jerked and would not hatch.

She put An'an on the bench and put it in a cool place in the yard, so as not to tan our skin.

Nuts circled around her, while she carried a basket and went into the chicken coop to pick up eggs.

How big is her chicken coop?

You can stand up when you go in with your waist bent, and you can run around it twice without any problem. At that time, it was built to a height of two meters and a length of four meters, just to avoid crime when picking eggs.

Six hens spent three days, no, four days, and she seemed to have confiscated them the day before, but she actually harvested twenty eggs, which is not bad!
One of her wishes is that one day, she can pick up eggs in a field or in the woods like she is doing now, and pick up the kind that are soft to the touch.

Not only inside the space, but also outside the space, she has achieved this goal, which is really refreshing and healing.

"An'an, look, my mother has picked up so many eggs, and the leeks are sprouting again. How about eating dumplings stuffed with leeks and eggs?"

An An yelled "ahhh" at her while standing and sitting in the chair, her expression was extremely excited, and her saliva was also dripping out excitedly. Emma, ​​quickly find a handkerchief to wipe her.

"Okay, you sit down quickly, I know what your wish is! Mom will make it for you right now, you just wait, I will make the noodles first, and I will hug you and drink grandma later!"

The newly released leeks are tender green. It just rained a few days ago, and then they began to grow wildly. They are thick and thick green, which is enough to show that they are nutritious.

If the soil and fertilizers of leeks are insufficient, they will grow like strands of hair, which is ugly and unpalatable.

The leeks of later generations are all fed with medicine. If no pesticides are used, the leeks will be eaten away by diseases and insect pests, and they will not grow up at all.

Beans, tomatoes, bean sprouts, and various green leafy vegetables have more pesticide residues. Spinach and lettuce use less or no pesticides.

And sweet potatoes, potatoes, yams, carrots, white radishes, etc. that grow underground are much better than those vegetables and fruits that grow on the ground.

However, there are too many pesticide residues in later generations, so much that even golden cicadas can't come out. You can imagine the consequences.

There are also meaty proteins such as pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese that are inseparable from daily life, including fish, which are also fed with feed and chemical fertilizers.

She doesn't look at the leeks from other people's homes as well as her parents, because there are no pesticides or fertilizers in this era, and all they rely on are farm manure. I don't know if it's because of occasional watering with space water. Her vegetables are not only bright green and prolific, The taste was not bad, but it saved her a lot of trouble.

The color of the eggs produced by the farmers is particularly beautiful and natural. The so-called "native eggs" rendered with special feed in later generations are probably not as good as ordinary eggs, and no matter whether the eggs are fed or fed, the nutritional value is the same. Need to pay a high price to buy.

Human beings are step by step towards being invulnerable to all poisons. If someone from ancient times or this era is really going to pass through to future generations, she guesses that this person will not live long.

Because the body can't stand it, they have been poisoned since childhood, your body is healthy and green, how can you bear it when you are exposed to all kinds of diseases and poisons?
When mixing leek and egg stuffing, she likes to put some deep-fried vermicelli in it, so that the taste will be better. If you add some chopped fresh shrimp, it will be more perfect. It can be called dumplings with three delicacies stuffing.

The leeks of later generations can cause children to mature early, so it is better to eat less, but she grows it herself, so the concept is different.

She made one or two hundred dumplings at a time, and the mother and daughter ordered a total of 25, and put the rest in the space, and took them out when they wanted to eat, steamed, boiled or fried.

She didn't dare to let the little guy eat too much, so she only ate three of them.

The dumpling noodles are made by blending buckwheat and white flour, and they are a little black, but the taste is very good, with a strong wheat fragrance.

The wheat grown by our farmer, the flour produced by grinding is not as white as that produced by the flour mill, but the taste and texture are not bad at all.

As long as she and her daughter eat, it is produced by the space itself. This is the only preference, and even the Qiuxia sisters have not enjoyed this treatment.

Because there are not many opportunities for them to eat this kind of fine noodles, and they all come from Japan from afar.

Now I think back to her robbery behavior before the little boy exploded, and I find it enjoyable. At that time, she couldn’t care about anything else. She ran away after the robbery, and jumped into the space if she couldn’t run. The police alarmed her everywhere, so what?They didn't monitor her. At night, she sneaked out, changed her look, and continued to plunder in the mall. As long as you rob us, can't we let us rob you?
Anyway, in a month or so, these things will be reduced to ashes, why not let me use them!This is an act of environmental protection, and she is a grand thief. Isn't it delicious to use these things to feed the dolls of their Huaguo?

Why is her classroom atmosphere so good?Isn't it good to have sugar or other foods to eat?
You must know that these things are all good things that were stolen back in the past. At that time, they only went to large shopping malls. As long as they were good, she didn't want the bad ones!
If you don't grab it now, when the radiation comes, it will still be reduced to ruins.

She snatches everything she can use for basic necessities, including jewelry.

Not to mention, at that time, Little RB's economy was fairly developed, and the quality required was not bad, but she had to check many times for everything that needed to be taken out, and she could not rest assured until all traces of them were removed.

To be on the safe side, she only uses these things for her own home, except for food that leaves no trace after eating, everything else has to be digested internally.

Nowadays, both mother and daughter's underwear are made of high-quality cotton cloth, including summer shirts. They are all made by themselves, and the styles are not ugly. Because they are relatively clean, they have not attracted the attention of others. No one is fine. Let's touch the material of your clothes!
If some flowers are embroidered on these materials, the sense of luxury will come up, but in this era, the more low-key and safer, you must not mess around.

After dark, enter the space to wash the child, and then hug her out to put her to sleep. After putting her to sleep, the mother and daughter enter the space again.

At this time, she should be busy inside and on the other side of the pasture, collecting eggs, milking the cows, and feeding the fodder.

The so-called feed, what they eat is the outer skin peeled off after the space vegetables are ripe, such as peanuts, as long as the bottom is, the top is directly thrown to the cows.

Her space is circulated by these greens.

Those who are busy in the fields and pastures have to prepare lessons quickly. I haven't had class for a few days, and I still miss those little guys.

This time she went to the city, she earned a total of 52 yuan, which sounds really astronomical, but if converted into two sets of currencies, it is only 52 yuan.

Don’t underestimate the purchasing power of the two sets of currencies, it will never be comparable to one set of currencies, but you can’t underestimate the contribution of one set of currencies.

Because the currency during the war was too messy, you might not even be able to buy a piece of biscuits if you took the money from northern Hebei Province to Southern Henan Province, because the common people would not recognize it!

The money of each place is printed under the jurisdiction of the local governments, and it is impossible to mess up. Therefore, in order to unify the standard, the currency was unified after the founding of New China.

The first set of RMB was issued in 1949, and her mission ended in 1955, which added up to six years.
But the second set has the longest spanning period, from 1955 to 2007, 52 years!
She spent two days sorting out the money by time, only picking what was useful to her, and piling up all the useless ones.

The full set depends on the printing party. She collected a total of 6000 sets, and there are almost [-] million left. Sounds like an astronomical figure, right?

It will cost 6000 yuan to exchange for two sets next year.

She has already figured it out, absolutely can't exchange it at the place of residence, because people will know how much money she has, so she has to find multiple places to exchange.

The exchanged new coins can be directly collected as a set, and you may be able to find serial numbers.

Probably because the weather is getting hotter and there is more food in the field, Zhang Li and her children look healthier than before.

The old lady of the Qian family was frightened by her and never came to bother her again. Her daughter was naturally kept.

Dealing with such a villain should be done like this.

The days passed day by day like this, half a month later, she passed the written test directly with the No.1 grade in the county, and the interview time was set for July 7th and 15th, and their Baijiawan Commune Elementary School was also rejected by the county because of her. There is a roll call, and An Yi's name is well known by many people in the education field. Apart from her beautiful handwriting, more people are regretting that such a good education seedling is happy to be in a country elementary school. What about teaching grades one, two and three?
The principal has complained to her more than once, "Those people want to eat people. As soon as I have a meeting, they all ask me to ask for people. What happened to the rural primary school? The rural primary school can't keep people? We have mountains in Baijiawan. Water, it’s beautiful, you must try to win, and give our country’s primary school a good reputation, making them look down on you?”

But having said that, the principal is actually very curious: "Your conditions are so good, why do you stay in our commune primary school? Why don't you go to the county? I think based on your level, you will go to the city or the province to teach in the future. They are all vying for it!"

"Everyone has their own aspirations. I think our place is very good. Why do we have to go to the city? My mother and daughter are the only ones in my house, and there are no other burdens. Just enough for us to survive!"

Anyi didn't know, because of her words, the principal went to talk to the head of the commune overnight. In order to keep An Yi, they planned to apply for half of her work points in addition to applying for An Yi's salary as a public teacher. That is to say, if the full score is ten points, she will be given five points. In this way, at the end of the year, she can also get some food points.

The commune at this time was not very complete, it was adapted from the mutual aid ZU all the way to this point, and it was not considered a production commune in the true sense.

The real transformation is to eat the big canteen after the big steel smelting, that is the turning point.

It was almost half a month before the interview. During this half month, she had done a lot of preparatory work in addition to the daily classes and course adjustments.

Because the so-called interview is an open class, and it is a competition field for real strength.

Even if she ranks first in the county in the written test, there is no guarantee that she will be the first in the open class, after all, there are strong players among the best.

She didn't know until she arrived in the county that there were many examination rooms, and she took up the whole morning by herself.

The first thing the interviewer asked her to do was not Chinese, but calligraphy. After the calligraphy get out of class was over, she was asked to take a break for 10 minutes before entering the Chinese class.

After the Chinese class, the interviewer asked again: "Can you choose another subject to talk about?"

In the 5000 years, she has gone through countless lifetimes, and she reads history the most, so she chose history class.

After the exam, she didn't stop in the county town and went home directly.

As a result, what she never expected was that in early August, she not only got a senior professional title in Chinese, but also calligraphy and history?
God, if she has eight courses, should she be given eight certificates?

She got three certificates in one exam, she is probably the only one in the county, right?

On the day of receiving the certificate, all the key junior and senior high schools in the county extended olive branches to her. In the end, she couldn't refuse, so she chose history and calligraphy, one in junior high school and the other in high school.

After all, she couldn't let go of the children in the village, so she asked not to sit in class, but only to attend classes, including the elementary school. She would go back to the county after class in the morning, and then return to the village after class. The monthly salary can probably get more than 40 yuan, after conversion.

And the school also said that as long as she needs it, it can help her solve the housing problem.

The reason why she dared to do this was actually because she had a bicycle. When she came to the village, she said that the school helped solve the problem. With the bicycle, she only needed two and a half hours to go back and forth on the road every day.

It sounds far away, and I also want to enrich my life, because it will not delay her anything.

What she said to the middle school and high school is that someone will help take care of the child, and the elementary school said that the school in the city will help take care of it. In fact, she still takes care of the child by herself. There is nothing wrong with letting her stay in the space for a while. It will be more convenient to wait for three years old and send it to Yuhong class.

Lunch is always eaten in the space. Now she has two classes in the morning, and then rides to the county town between big classes. If the weather is force majeure, she will call the school to adjust the class, because she is really talented Well, the school would rather be troublesome, but also keep people first. When the child grows up, I don't believe that she is still willing to make such a fuss. She will definitely choose to drop the child's household registration to the county seat!

Why are rural household registrations rare when there are commodity grain household registrations delivered to your door?Inexplicable!

Somehow?She doesn't understand anything at all, she is only working part-time now, even if she wants to give up, she will give up her job in the city at any time.

Because in a few years, the teacher will become a street mouse, and everyone will call for a beating. It is better to get out as soon as possible.

And teaching in rural schools is the real safety.

So take advantage of these few years, if you can earn some money, do it!

Only if she worked harder, people outside would know that their family's conditions are good because she traded her time for it.

Who can bear such tossing every day?
Just because of this rugged road, even if you are riding a bicycle, you can weigh your internal organs, right?
Considering the weather conditions, it is impossible to be so lucky to encounter bad weather in the country primary school every time, and there may be bad weather in the city, so if I can find a house and a foothold, let Qiuxia and the others go to school from time to time. It is also necessary to come over for a meal, to improve the food or something.

But now the housing in the city is tight, every family has more than a dozen people squeezed into a house of [-] to [-] square meters, where can I buy a house?Can you buy her?

She knew it was impossible, but she still didn't want to give up. After school in the afternoon, while it was still bright, she wandered around the county town selling eggs, and asked for news from those who bought eggs.

Because she will disguise herself every time, so she doesn't worry about being recognized by others one day in the future.

 I will add more in the evening when I have time, and I will go out this afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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