The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1062 [1061] Heroines of the Republic of China 35 (3000+)

Chapter 1062 [1061] Heroines of the Republic of China 35 (3000+)

Ten days and half a month passed, but she failed to find out who had a house for sale.

However, the housing prices in this area have been inquired. For fifty to one hundred Singapore dollars, you can buy a room of [-] to [-] square meters.

For a complete set of small courtyard houses or bungalows, it costs at least three hundred to five hundred.

To replace it with the current old currency, four zeros must be added after it.

With her current property strength, it is definitely enough. The key is that if you have money, you don't have a house. Everyone wants to buy a house to expand their space, but you can't buy it at all when everyone is rubbing their flats.

In the new school, she is not considered as a temporary worker, but as a special teacher hired temporarily. She is charged by the festival, and does not participate in the various welfare benefits of other units at all, only the class fee, other than that , nothing.

Do you want to find a piece of land to build yourself?That's even more impossible. Since I have been tossing around for so long and have nowhere to go, I might as well live in the countryside.

It’s a big deal to suffer from traveling back and forth, and later generations will still go to work in the capital from Tianjin and Hebei!
What is she?In contrast, isn't it just over an hour away?If you really want to switch to driving or something, it may only take ten minutes, which is really not far.

In this way, An Yi started her own teaching journey, and if one day at noon had a good opportunity, she could even take the sisters to a restaurant.

Although all the restaurants are now developing towards public-private partnerships, it does not affect her eating. The real impact on eating is after the issuance of food stamps.

By the end of August next year, almost food stamps will be popular across the country. This is the traditional unified purchase and marketing.

Although she and her sisters are in the same school, because she still has to go to high school to catch up, the number of times and opportunities to meet her is also limited.

However, she asked the teachers about the study situation of the two of them. They belonged to the hard-working type, those who are not talented, and have lost the advantage of age, but if they follow this progress, they can go to high school.

If you can go to high school, why go to night school?
The food and clothing of the two of them are now taken from her. This year is okay, and the first half of next year will be fine, but if food stamps start to be issued in the second half of the year, food stamps will be required for eating at school. Where will she go? So many food stamps?

So it is very important to cook and eat by yourself.

When the whole people need food stamps to live, it is too wasteful for you to exchange grain for food stamps, so before that, you have to find a way to renovate a house, as long as there is a place to shelter from the wind and rain, other things are not dared extravagant hope.

At the beginning of September, there was an old professor in the high school who planned to sell a room in his small courtyard in order to treat his only son.

An Yi heard the news in the office. At that time, she was overjoyed. Then she thought about it, how could she be happy about someone else's treatment?
low profile.

But people still asked about the price uncontrollably. The old professor lives in a family home of a high school in the county, and there are bungalows here.

Perhaps it is because the old professor has a certain level, so his house is a one-story courtyard house, with two main rooms, one for guests and one for residents, two wing rooms on the left, a stove room and a utility room on the right, a very traditional architectural structure .

This family also has its own yard, although it is not big, but at least the vegetables grown are enough for their whole family.

The old man has two sons, the younger son is sick. The old couple lives in the main room, and the two sons live in the left wing room with their own children. The family has one room, and what they want to sell is the one next to the kitchen. There is a utility room, it is said to be a utility room, but in fact it was also built with bricks and tiles at the beginning. The girls of their family lived in it when they were not married, and occasionally came back after they got married, and had to work in it.

The youngest son suffers from kidney disease, a chronic disease, and the asking price for that house is acceptable, 80 yuan in new currency and 80 yuan in old currency.

They have already tidied up the house, just paint the walls and run separate water, electricity and light lines, and you can move in directly, but the windows and doors are a bit broken, if you really want to live in, smash the original ones, and replace the doors and windows with new ones.

In fact, the price doesn't matter, it's not easy to buy it, what is she hesitating about?

Although the old professor's identity is not related to foreign affairs, he knows a lot of people. What if one day she, an innocent house buyer, is also implicated?
In case someone came to ask her where she got the money to buy the house, how would she explain it?

The more I think about it, the colder my back will be. Come on, it’s better not to buy it. Don’t put your whole life in it for the sake of a house you don’t live in often.

I still missed the house in the end, but there is nothing to regret. Sometimes it must be there in life, and there is no time in life, so don’t force it.

At the end of September, the countryside is busy with farming.

Her family’s harvest of vegetables and fruits this year is still bumper, and there is not enough space to eat them. She didn’t make so many pickles, but she did help the sisters to dry a lot of dried vegetables, because they had to spend the winter with these dried vegetables!

There are still leftovers from the pickles last year. This year, she has made dried mango pickles, taro seedling pickles, black olives, shredded kelp, tempeh fish, capers and other pickles a few times this year. There are many kinds of pickles, and the taste is still fresh. It is definitely enough to eat in winter .

I also made cured fish, bacon, cured pork ribs, and sausages. When it comes to winter, they can be taken out and eaten openly.

And when she and An An were on their own, they could just slaughter the fresh ones in the space. These foods were specially made for sharing with the Qiuxia sisters.

The vegetables and food at home will be received in the cellar one after another before November, and sauerkraut will be pickled half a month in advance.

After the eggplant, cucumber, and beans are eaten, cabbage and radishes are planted, which are all winter dishes.

The maturity periods of peanuts, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn are also different. She collects whatever other people collect, and the days must be chosen on weekends so that the sisters can help her.

Because the work is all on private plots, there are very few jobs, and it can be done almost in one weekend.

The stalks of all plants, such as corn stalks and peanut stalks, are chopped up by the common people with a guillotine, dried in the sun, and then ground to a finer size, and kept for their own consumption.

That's right, that's what families with food shortages do. Many families mix some bran vegetables and then grab some food substitutes to steam steamed buns.

It sounds very sad, but she threw it into the space for her own livestock to eat, because she wants to drink milk and eat meat, and time travel comes with her own golden finger, and she enjoys it under such circumstances, otherwise she can't live, it's really hard easy to say.

Don't look at her, she just raised a cow. As long as the bull needs to grind flour, it will help, and the calf will grow up. In a few months, the family of three will become a family of four. The ones are lucky, one has milk, and the other two can change jobs, so they are not willing to kill.

Pigs don’t know how many crops have been changed, and they are killed when they grow up, so she has no shortage of pork. Chickens, ducks, and geese are also cropped one after another. Even she herself doesn’t know how many pigs she has eaten. Anyway, if she wants to eat, she can go Catch, and if you catch it, take it outside and kill it. Pigs can’t do it, you have to kill it in the space. The sound outside is too loud, and the space is clean, so there will be no waste.

Now she has saved a lot of pork, including pig blood, which is in several large pots. She can enjoy the big pot dishes, Maoxuewang, and blood sausage this winter.

About three pigs were killed, because they grow fast, and the space stipulates that a maximum of four pigs can be raised, and the pigs that are more than four can only be killed.

But she didn't dare to let her life be too good. After all, it was too difficult to change from extravagance to frugality, so she simply saved it, and only occasionally picked something to improve the food.

The first thing she ate was the big bones, and the noodles were boiled with big bones, which was nutritious and delicious.

The ration of cows is also four. It is not easy to get pregnant, and it will increase to four in a short time.

The total ration of chickens, ducks and geese cannot exceed thirty. For the number of thirty, she has practiced a good skill at catching poultry, and even saved a lot of duck down, goose down and chicken down.

Their feathers can also be used to make fans, and she just happens to be able to, but she doesn't have time. When she has time, she can make some specially and sell them.

It is good to have space, and it is even more beautiful to be self-sufficient, but there are also many jobs in the space, especially the work of shoveling excrement and excrement, so much that you doubt life.

But what can be used in her home is extremely limited, and the extra piled up to the space will smell bad. Even a place full of aura will be covered by these smells. What should I do?

One day, she said to the head of Liujiatun, "I can find a batch of fertilizer for our village, about three tons..."

When the head of the village heard this, he was so excited that he almost jumped up: "Oh my mother, there are really so many? Three tons? Are you kidding me?"

Since raising livestock and poultry, the excrement has never been cleaned up. If the smell did not permeate the place where she lives, she would really be reluctant to give it up!

It will be given once a year in the future, but she will not give it for free, and she doesn't know the market situation, it depends on what the head of the village says.

"No kidding, it's just the price..."

"Oh, yes, the price, the price is easy to talk about, as long as there is one, then I will give it at the market price? The market price is 50 for one ton, so let's give 50, three tons, 150 million, right?"

The new currency is 150 yuan, so the price is not low. In the era when there was no chemical fertilizer, I did not expect that the fertilizer was quite valuable.

She didn't think about bargaining, even if the excrement in the space is fragrant, she is too embarrassed to ask the farmers too much for benefits.

The reason for asking the price is that I don't want them to get it too easily. As time goes by, it's only natural for them to ask her for it.

Three tons was her estimate. After negotiating the price with the captain, when she came to the village entrance to put fertilizer in the early hours of the morning, there was a transfer process. It took only a moment. After the space measurement, it was four and a half tons. fertilizer.

Then she must not be at a disadvantage, so she told the head of the village the specific weight the next day.

After seeing that these fertilizers were not intentionally mixed with water, she began to pull cart after cart into the field that had been cleaned up. Before pulling, she had to weigh them. After confirming that there was only a little more, she got 225 million. Benefit.

(End of this chapter)

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