The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1060 [1059] Heroines of the Republic of China 33 (3000+)

Chapter 1060 [1059] Heroines of the Republic of China 33 (3000+)

Among the people who took the exam, An Yi was actually not the oldest, at least in terms of appearance, she was still young, and most of them were men. In the entire classroom, there were thirty people, only her three women, This ratio is not only big, it is simply exaggerated!
Entering the examination room from outside the gate, I didn't see many women. It can be seen that most of the girls in this era are uneducated. Explain that not everyone can be a teacher.

Middle school refers to junior high school vocational education, not only the comprehensive quality, but also the educational knowledge and ability, subject knowledge and teaching ability. To improve, the last one, subject knowledge and teaching ability, refers to all subjects in the middle school stage. It does not mean that if you take the Chinese test, you will only be given the content of the Chinese subject. It is a comprehensive knowledge reserve and ability assessment.

Their classroom has a senior professional title. She didn't have a junior and middle grade, and she directly took the advanced exam. The school initially disagreed, but in this era, there was no rule that said that you can't take the advanced exam if you don't have a junior and intermediate grade. She took advantage of this loophole to think Then simply pull it down in one step.

"If I don't pass the exam, I'll take the exam again next year. I'll report a lower rate. What if I pass the exam? Try it!"

Although the school felt that she was too ambitious, the moment she got the paper, she knew that she had overestimated the difficulty of the question types in this era, so she took the exam without much preparation. In half an hour, she really It took only half an hour to finish writing the whole paper.

The moment she stood up to hand in the papers, all the candidates in the class paid attention to her, but their eyes were full of disdain and contempt, presumably they thought she couldn't?
"Student, what are you doing? You can't hand in the paper now, at least 10 minutes before the end of the exam, it's still early, sit down."

"But teacher, I have finished writing, and the child is still waiting for me in the guest house. I must hurry back as soon as possible."

Staying here is just a waste of time, and An Ran in the space is indeed on the verge of collapse, and has been howling for more than ten minutes.

"Finish? How is it possible? It takes half an hour to complete the last question alone. Who are you fooling?"

The last big question is about the situation of the debate. Let me give you an example of a current political topic and talk about your own views. Because it involves politics, you must not answer indiscriminately. Who knows if this will be the same after a few years evidence?
However, An Yi not only finished answering, but also wrote a lot. The key point is that the font is so pleasing to the eyes.

The moment the teacher picked up her paper, she felt that her IQ had been crushed. She subconsciously glanced at her name and nodded.

"Okay, since you have something to do, let's go!"

As soon as An Yi handed in the paper, she hurriedly packed her things. The teacher took her paper to the podium, only focused on reading the content, and didn't even know when she left.

Then she called the teachers at the back to come over and take a look. After the teachers at the back went out, two or three teachers came in soon, and there were even patrollers. Everyone was immediately attracted by her font, and took a closer look. The content of the paper silently gave a thumbs up in my heart: "This is a talent!"

Almost at the same time, these words appeared in the minds of the teachers, talent, An Yi, they had to pay attention to this name.

After An Yi left school, she hurried into the woods. As soon as she entered the space, An Ran's crying stopped abruptly. After washing her hands, she took off her coat and changed into another dress. Then she went to hug An Ran, because her daughter liked He gnawed at the clothes on her shoulders, so when he came back from the outside, the clothes had to be changed.

When she is not chewing on clothes, she likes to chew on her fingers. Anyway, she is very interested in sucking fingers now, but she doesn't drool much, otherwise, she doesn't know how many bibs she needs to change.

After hugging and coaxing her for a long time, she gradually stopped sobbing. When she stopped crying, she made milk for her, held her to drink with one hand, and grabbed her clothes with the other, for fear that she would leave her again. , this guy was also tired, he coaxed him to drink the milk, hugged him upright to digest for a while, and wandered around the space, the little guy had already fallen asleep on her shoulder with his head tilted.

Put the child on the bed and let her sleep. It's still early, and the tea eggs made yesterday are almost soaked.

The things prepared by the outside world can be kept fresh in the space, and the food made in the space can not only keep fresh, but also undergo qualitative changes with the passage of time, but this speed is very slow, so she will not keep the food until it goes bad. Because the qualitative change of space is based on the ratio of the outside world 1 and space 2.

That is to say, the outside world is 24 hours, and the space is 50 hours. The food made in the space has its own aura. In the space with ample aura, microorganisms are insulated, and it is impossible for mold to deteriorate. At most, there is no original Fresh, but this change may not be visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, if the tea eggs were prepared last night, they will indeed taste delicious today, instead of keeping them as they are prepared in the space.

Since it's still early, go to the bus station and train station to yell around and see if anyone buys it.

She plans to pack and sell, 2000 yuan for a tea egg, a salted duck egg, and a steamed potato as a gift.

The potatoes were also steamed yesterday, because tea eggs and salted duck eggs cost 1000 yuan each, which is a bit expensive. If you give a fist-sized potato as a gift, it will not be a loss, and you can still have a full meal.

In addition to the potatoes planted last year, there are also potatoes that she bought from all over the world over the years, but the ones produced by the space are left out, which must be kept for her and the children to eat.

Even these eggs are raised by the family after they are sold out, and the earned money over the years can then be sold to the self-produced ones. No matter what time it is, the things in the space are the best.

At places like bus stations and train stations, there are still a lot of things for sale. At first, she was thinking about how to shout, but when she saw the situation, she boldly shouted.

"Tea eggs and salted duck eggs are delicious and inexpensive, and steamed potatoes are also included!"

This season, the potatoes are still half-baked, so she really attracted many people to ask.

"Little girl, where did you get potatoes at this time of year?"

"The ones here are not cooked, but the ones in other places are cooked. Look at the size of my tea eggs and salted duck eggs. Two eggs are 2000 yuan, and I get a steamed potato, which is still warm. How about it? Isn't it a good deal? ?”

Usually, you can buy three or four eggs for 1000 yuan, and you can buy two duck eggs at most, and they are all raw. Now they are all cooked, and they are delicious. I will bring them here for you, and I will also give you a steamed potato. At this price, To be honest, it’s okay, steamed buns are not good enough, but eating a potato with salted duck eggs will definitely taste good.

In particular, the salted duck eggs made by Anyi are not very salty. The salty duck eggs are so salty that there is no way to eat them. Her saltiness is just right. They are marinated in the natural environment of the space. They are fresh and delicious. The key is that they flow Oil!

After the 2000 yuan was handed over to her, the diners couldn't wait to open it, and when they tasted it, they couldn't help admiring it.

"Oh my sister, the duck eggs you make are so delicious. You are not idle at all. Look at the egg yolk, which is still oily. It is delicious. And this tea egg, what kind of tea is it made of?" Ah, the smell of tea is too strong, I will suck it up when I eat it, come here, give me another two thousand, no, give me eight thousand, for the 8000 yuan, I will take it on the train, if I can last until Go home and give my child a taste."

It is equivalent to buying her 1 yuan of tea eggs, 1 yuan is five and two thousand, which is equal to adding up to ten eggs and duck eggs, plus five potatoes.

She didn't give more eggs, but she stuffed a few more potatoes and wrapped them in oiled paper. The eldest brother felt that the weight was wrong. He looked down and raised his head gratefully.

"Sister, brother, thank you, when you come here again, I will definitely support you."

This elder brother was wearing a Chinese tunic suit and carrying a satchel. He looked like he was on a business trip. She waved to him and seized the time to welcome the next wave of guests.

Generally, food that can be preserved for a long time is pickled with heavy salt, but the salt is not cheap in this era, so in many cases, the food will deteriorate due to the lack of salt. The most painful thing is not the winter, but the current green and yellow when.

Although there are wild vegetables in the field, and some sweet potato leaves can make do with it, but who doesn't want to eat meat and eggs every day?
People who can appear at the train station either need to take a long-distance ride or go home, no matter what, they all want to buy it.

Many people saw the elder brother eating and leaving. The key point is that other people’s houses can’t buy potatoes, so she still gives them away.

All of a sudden they surrounded her tightly. The poor would not ask what she was selling. Only those who had money would surround her and ask questions. This proved that they wanted to buy, but the poor were watching They didn't even glance at it, so after An Yi kept affirming that they would give away potatoes, the business continued.

It was sold until after two o'clock in the afternoon, and the large bucket of eggs, duck eggs and potatoes she brought over was all sold out. She didn't know how much it was, but it was a lot of money anyway.

Because I just grasped the time for eating, now at two o'clock in the afternoon, I have eaten everything that should be eaten, and staying any longer will be a waste of time.

So An Yi turned around and walked to the passenger station behind, preparing to take a car back to the countryside.

Before taking the car, I put the bucket, money, etc. in the space, and saw that my daughter was still sleeping, so I didn't disturb her.

Just in time for her to catch the bus at three o'clock, the car bumped on the dirt road for about three or four hours before finally arriving in their town.

It was already five or six o'clock at this time, and there were bicycles in the space, and it took more than half an hour to get home, but how to explain the origin of the bicycle?
She doesn't even have the guts to pull the car out in the town, because there is a possibility of meeting acquaintances in the town, how will she explain it then?
If you think too much, just give up and walk on your own two legs. If you are lucky enough to meet the production team’s ox cart on the road, you can take it for a ride. But at this time, the prop doll has to be held in your arms. When acquaintances meet, I'm afraid it's hard to explain.

 Second more sent.Thank you for the monthly tickets you guys sent me~~~
(End of this chapter)

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