The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1059 [1058] Heroines of the Republic of China 32 (5000+)

Chapter 1059 [1058] Heroines of the Republic of China 32 (5000+)

The school hours in the Northeast in this era are different from those in the South. There is no accurate winter and summer vacation time, not to mention that their Baijiawan Commune Primary School itself starts late, and it starts after May 8st. How can it be August or September before the holiday?It was the busy farming season here.

But within a few days, it became cold, so after discussion with the leaders of the commune, it was decided that classes would continue until Maodong in the commune.

Anyi also thinks this is more reasonable. After all, in winter, even if it is tens of degrees below zero and it is difficult to run out to class, how can I get firewood for heating?It’s almost the same as the winter. If you have to go to school all winter, not only the children will suffer, but also the adults. Therefore, the best way is to go to class from March to the end of October every year, and have a holiday for the rest of the time.

It is equivalent to the four months of 11, 12, 1, and 2, and you have to stay at home for cat winter.

As soon as this resolution was proposed, not only the teacher agreed, the children were happy, and even the parents felt reasonable.

After the principal and director made the decision, Anyi stopped worrying about when the holiday would be.

After the two sisters came back, she realized that not only their commune made the decision, but in fact the entire three northeastern provinces were at this time. Even if there were differences, it was also determined by the length of winter. Anyway, the annual teaching tasks Just leave it there and you're done.

"In other words, you are also officially on holiday in November until the end of February next year?"

Qiuxia nodded, "It should be like this."

After thinking about it, An Yi's eyes began to light up: "That's great. If this is the case, you can directly apply to enter the third year of junior high school next semester."

It is equivalent to the fact that they are going to study together in the first and second semesters, so the four months of winter vacation are particularly important. If you grasp these four months well, it will not be difficult to take the skipping exam at the beginning of school.

The two sisters refer to the four-month elementary school graduation, and the difficulty of junior high school knowledge points. They feel that An Yi is not joking with them. In order to save money and time, they gritted their teeth and nodded. After all, everyone knows that the school teachers have The level is not as good as their elder sister!
According to this progress, wouldn't it be possible to learn the content of the fourth grade in the winter vacation next year?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that I have to work harder, but whether I can complete this task depends on the difficulty of the specific operation.

After all, there are more and more knowledge points in the future, and no one dares to make too many guarantees.

"I've signed up for the qualification exam,"

Examinations in this era are not as troublesome as in later generations. Even public teachers have to divide into written examinations and interviews. Everyone’s situation is different. After all, the cultural gap in this era is really too big. It depends on who you apply for. Which type, if you apply for the elementary level, it must be relatively difficult. If you come up to the advanced level, the difficulty you face will also be greatly increased.

She applied in the name of Baijiawan Commune Primary School. The recommendation letter and introduction letter are also from the commune and primary school. She signed up in early June, took a written test in July, and had an interview in August. If everything goes well, she can get her certificate in October. , as long as she has this advanced qualification certificate, it is feasible for her to teach high school in the future.

She chose Guowen, which is the senior professional title of Chinese spoken by our future generations.

The so-called junior high school and advanced level correspond to elementary school, junior high school and high school, and if you go up to the special level, it is the treatment of a university teacher.

Of course, as a high school teacher, she can also teach in some technical schools, technical secondary schools, and intermediate professional titles. Only universities require special qualification certificates.

And you must have a college diploma. Do you want to teach college students without a college diploma?Isn't that a joke?
In this era, there is no such thing as academic qualifications, because many people are halfway through school due to the war, so it is collectively referred to as degree.

For example, if you finish elementary school, that is the education level of elementary school. If you only go to the second grade of junior high school, that is also considered the education level of junior high school. Although she does not have a high school diploma, she said that she went to high school, and what they publicize is high school education degree.

The minimum requirement now is that those who teach elementary schools must have a junior high school education, and those who teach junior high schools must have a high school education. High schools like her teaching elementary schools are a bit overqualified, because teachers are still in short supply.

"The two of you can go try out the junior qualification certificate. It's just training. With this qualification certificate, even if you don't go to high school or become a teacher in the future, when you get to the workplace, people will look up to you."

Caihua couldn't believe it: "We can really take the exam?"

"Yes, but after I figure out the routine, it won't be too late to take the exam next year or the year after."

"Then..., if we really pass the exam, will we be able to be teachers?"

An Yi smiled and said: "In principle, it is like this, but being a teacher is not that simple, and you have to do a lot of homework. You can see the details in the materials I prepared for you."

The two sisters immediately stood in awe: "Sister is right, not everyone can do the job of teaching and educating people."

The exam needs to be taken in the county seat, so one week in advance, she chose a class with Teacher Song Gang, that is to say, for a few days, she took Chinese class for a whole morning, and other teachers thought that the private teacher was fine. Okay, why do you have to take the test?

The travel expenses from home to the county seat, accommodation fees, and registration fees will cost about 3 to 12 yuan. For them, whose monthly salary is only [-] yuan, the price is too high and too expensive, so this year only Anyi Apply alone.

That is to say, but the salary of the public office will also rise accordingly. Anyi thinks that it is not a question of money, but that they do not know whether they can pass the exam. They plan to wait and see. For example, if An Yi takes the exam this year, the questions are difficult The degree of ease and process, don't you want to share it with them?
They don't fight unprepared battles, and they must pass the exam if they want to, otherwise money and time will be wasted.

It's right to think so, how many people are as confident as Anyi?What's more, they should apply for senior titles as soon as they come up.

The others didn't know that she was taking the advanced exam, so they took it for granted that she was the junior, and she didn't even think about explaining this.

Two days before the exam, Zhang Li said that she would help her take care of the child for two days, but An Yi declined. She took the child by herself, at worst, put it in the space for her to crawl and play. She specially set up a safety fence, so she couldn't run In the distance, if you cry, no one will hear you. From the fence, you can see the chickens, ducks, geese, pigs and cattle in the distance. These are very attractive for her to follow. The exam time is 90 minutes, and it will pass after a while.

Because the exam is at [-] o'clock in the morning, she needs to go to the county seat one day in advance, and bring the test admission information with the letter of introduction and recommendation letter. An Yi is sent to the town by the bullock cart of the commune, and then takes the passing bullock cart to Tongche. On the main road, and then bumped into the county seat, this alone, from the morning to two or three in the afternoon.

When I arrived at the county seat, I searched non-stop according to the address on the admission ticket, looked at the examination room, and entered the space directly in the nearby park.

If you have space, you will definitely not live in a guest house. Everything in the space is your own, and the place is big. You can walk your baby as you want, and you have plenty of time.

Looking at the heaps of chicken, duck and goose eggs in the corner of the space, she rolled her eyes, and while the girl was sleeping, she marinated a large pot of tea eggs in an iron pot. The eggs and tea came from space, not only did they grow big , The boiled eggs also have a scent of tea, which is delicious.

Now everyone can trade freely with money, and the bills have not yet been officially circulated, and there are still a few years to go.

Although it is said that around May next year, the value of one set of currency cannot be used, but at that time, one set of currency can be exchanged for two sets of currency.

According to the conversion of 1 yuan = 1 yuan, it is enough to show how high the expansion rate is.

In other words, a dime is equivalent to a face value of 1000 yuan.

One set was discontinued in May of 55, and the second set was issued in March of the same year, which is equivalent to only two months in parallel.

You can tell just by looking at the interest rate, ten thousand to one, very arrogant!

So how to sell tea eggs?

1000 yuan for two is not cheap, because her eggs are not only big, but also come from space, and you can't forget them after eating, so after thinking twice, she decided to sell them like this.

If it is not a marinated egg, it will be calculated as four of 1000 yuan.

A set of currency is valuable for collection. Since she plans to open it, she has to pick a few complete sets. Then she has to rotate these currency values. The excess part can be exchanged for it when it needs to be exchanged.

1000 yuan for three duck eggs and two goose eggs.

Duck eggs are usually used for pickling, and the duck eggs she pickled are particularly good, with a lot of oil, and the salted duck eggs sell for 1000 yuan each.

The small county town in the 50s was very simple, with low-rise houses and period-style clothing, and there were not a few cyclists on the streets. The upsurge of public-private partnerships had just arrived, and colored paper and red banners were everywhere.

Accustomed to the consequences of the word "speculation", she didn't dare to shout loudly, but carefully carried a basket on the street, and when she saw that people were well dressed, she would step up and ask, "Ma'am, do you want eggs and duck eggs?" And goose eggs? They are all fresh, very big, see?"

If someone wants to, he will stop and follow her to the corner. Compared with her cautiousness, she looks much more upright, not only straightened her waist, but also looked at her wonderingly: "Sister, why are you sneaking around?" ? Could it be that the egg came from a wrong place?”

"Oh, aunt, what are you talking about? I raised this one myself. Isn't this my first time in the city? I'm afraid they won't let me sell it."

"Oh, you're thinking too much, you don't steal or rob, why don't you let me sell it? All right, all right, let me ask you, what do you want to sell?"

"This..., ma'am, if you don't turn your head back, you don't know the market, or can you look at it?"

When the aunt heard this, her eyes lit up, "Okay, I won't cheat you, if we buy it normally, 1000 yuan is five eggs..."

"Five? Buy an egg as big as hers?" At that time, Anyi frowned: "No, the price is too low, I won't sell it anymore,"

"Hey, why don't you let people finish the sentence? You said it's a normal purchase. How can you be as big as you if you buy it normally? It can’t be too much difference, so you have to give at least four, if four don’t sell, I won’t buy either.”

Looking at what Auntie means, she seems to like her eggs very much. Four of them are worth 1000 yuan, and they should be the ones who made it. Six, it’s all possible, but the key is, can you buy it?
In the era of shortage of supplies, you can't buy them with money. In many cases, you may not be able to buy them with money. It is even possible to buy leftovers from others and pack them up. Like her The eggs are fresh and big, beautiful and clean, without even a little bit of chicken feces, white and white, red and red, they are rare to look at, selling four, will she lose money?
Sure enough, when she hesitated here, the aunt thought she was going too far, and said she didn't know, but in fact she knew the market here?

She gritted her teeth, as if she had made some major decision, "Three, no less, I won't buy any less."

Now An Yi smiled: "Ma'am, how much can you ask for?"

"Just... 1 yuan, I don't have any more, but if you can give me three more, I will take you to the yard where we live. Many people will buy it. The supply and marketing cooperative We don’t always have a good number of eggs, and everyone buys them at most [-], [-].”

Originally, she planned to sell four, but now they say three, so why not give away three for free?
The aunt handed her the cloth bag in her hand directly: "Come on, count 33 for me, be gentle, don't bump into each other, you have to pay for it."

More than 30 eggs weighed about four catties, and her basket of eggs contained almost five catties, and the rest was not enough for them to share.

The aunt carefully watched her put the eggs, she counted them clearly, An Yi thought it was funny.

"Ma'am, my skin is very strong. As long as it's not done deliberately, it won't be damaged, and it can keep fresh. Look, it's getting hotter and hotter, right? You may not know it when you eat it for the first time. Wait until you eat it. You know how my eggs are different from others.”

After counting the 33 eggs, the aunt looked at the remaining eggs and frowned.

"This won't work, this is not enough for you to sell, there are many people in our yard!"

"Well, just wait for me, I'll come home with a big bamboo basket, and you just tell me where your home is."

After the transaction was completed, An Yi followed the aunt and turned left and right into an alley, pointing to a family courtyard not far ahead and said.

"Here, that is the family courtyard of the boiler factory. How old are you? Let me greet you for you."

An Yi calculated the time, "Half an hour, I can come here in half an hour."

"Success, then I'll call someone over, hurry up!"

I bought the eggs today, and the aunt was very happy, holding the eggs carefully and walking home slowly.

Anyi went to the place where people were carrying people and entered the space to start picking eggs, because the estimated price was lower than this price, and she made a profit of 1 yuan, so she was still very happy.

And the aunt still gave [-] sheets, not [-] sheets. At the moment when supplies are in short supply, she can still make such a profit. She seems to have her second job after seeing Maodong, because everyone’s supplies are more expensive in winter. There is a shortage, even if the food for the winter is prepared in advance, but the winter is too long, so long that it can kill people.

Although materials are scarcer than money in this era, she has no shortage of materials. She needs to roll out the materials in the space, or she can't do without cash.

Tossing like this until dark, she sold 11 eggs (three for 1000 yuan), 1000 goose eggs (one for 1000 yuan), and [-] duck eggs (two for [-] yuan), all of which were raw. Pickling, how to pickle, it depends on how they toss.

But it sold 23 in one afternoon, um, not bad.

Because the girl had already started crying in the space, An Yi went back to the forest to enter the space, gave milk to the child, took her to feed the livestock, and harvested the vegetables and fruits in the field. Seeing that the eggs in the pot are already delicious, I plan to go to the examination room early the next day to sell tea eggs.

Basically, all the children who go to the exam arrive earlier, so it's not bad for her to take this opportunity to earn some money.After preparing the stove and pots, I carried my daughter for a walk in the space to digest food, and accompanied her to ride a big goose from time to time, exhausting my energy. Otherwise, if there is no night in the space, wouldn't she be unable to sleep?

After finally tossing the child to sleep, she was also tired. The two of them lay down in the wooden shed (it was too bright to sleep), and slept until almost early morning. After feeding An An, she couldn't sleep after a while. Yes, I took out the textbooks of junior high school and high school and flipped through them casually.

It wasn't until six or seven o'clock outside, when the sound of sanitation workers sweeping the street, that she packed herself up and came out of the space.

Afterwards, near the school where the exam was to take place, put the stove and basin on the side of the road, cover it, and write a signboard with wood next to it.

Delicious and inexpensive tea eggs, one for 500 yuan, three for 1000 yuan.

Because there are people on the road around 06:30, people who go to work, go to school, and those who wake up to exercise in the morning can be found everywhere. There is no age distinction for working people, isn’t it a good saying?Early bird gets the worm.

Their exam time is 08:30, and they have to enter the venue one after another at eight o'clock, so if they pass the exam, they will start rushing here before seven o'clock?

When Anyi sold it around eight o'clock, she hurriedly took the small stove, put the basin on the wall, and found a place to carry people into the space.

Then take off her disguise, An Ran has already woken up, after peeing, give her a pot of milk, greet her to eat and drink, then put her in the fence, let her lie on the mat or lie down tired She can stand up and lean on the fence to watch the animals, or play with toys by herself. In short, she can't take her with her for the time being.

When she was about to go out, she pursed her mouth as if she knew she was going to go, she was so sad that she was about to cry, An Yi kissed her.

"Hey, mom will be back in a while, you can play by yourself for a while."

Then he listened cruelly to her crying and left the space.

Outside the space, she has her own God's perspective, and can see everything that happens in the space, so, say nine 10 minutes, she will try to control it within half an hour, half an hour outside, the space is equivalent to an hour, For the children, fight!
 This is today's Chapter 1, and there will be another chapter in the afternoon or evening.

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(End of this chapter)

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