The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1050 [1049] Heroines of the Republic of China 23 (5000+)

Chapter 1050 [1049] Heroines of the Republic of China 23 (5000+)

Liang Tian thought about his words, and then said to Anyi seriously.

"You didn't do anything wrong, what are you afraid of?"

An Yi looked up at the sky meaningfully: "Sometimes, if you didn't do something wrong, the problem wouldn't come to you,"

"But teaching and educating people is very suitable for you. Although we are a farming system, don't you think you shouldn't harvest the land in the spring? Just plant some in front of and behind your own house, enough for you to eat ?"

An Yi frowned, "Why are you becoming more and more unreasonable? I'm a farming system, right? Is it okay to farm? Why did Morality kidnap me to become a teacher? The child is still so young, and you think it's easy to go to class every day Ah, this is all required to sit in class, and there are a lot of trivial things waiting for me, such as exams, meetings, and lesson preparation. How can I stay in the countryside and take care of the children? No, the more I think about it, the more I feel like this I can't take over the job, and I can't do it."

"I have devoted myself to the first half of my life. In the second half of my life, I want to follow the life I imagined. I don't want to live too tired. As a teacher, who doesn't worry about life? But there are still many parents and children who don't understand, and there are even some people who don't understand it. The teacher confronts those who fight, no, I won’t do this job, at worst I don’t want this merit, what’s so great about it?”

Anye's attitude is firm, what can it say as a system?She has completed all the tasks very well, and this fast travel journey is coming to an end, and a new life is about to be ushered in. The fate between it and her may end soon, or... start again, these are still unknown.

It wants merit points, but it doesn't mean that there is no bottom line. The current situation shows that she is a person with her own opinions, so let it be.

Therefore, Anyi rejected the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in the eyes of others. Although the school had some regrets, it also left a message.

"As long as you think clearly, you can come here at any time. Here is the procedure for the preparation test. You are not yet 35 years old. I suggest that you take this preparation test while you are at home with your children for the past two years. , After being admitted to the establishment, you want to come to the school in a few years, won't you be able to work in minutes?"

This is the truth, An Yi knew that he had good intentions, so she readily agreed.

Then she went to pay the tuition fees for the two younger sisters. Although the two of them almost paid it by themselves, Anyi still paid for them.

"In the future, you two can just write me an IOU. You two have limited money, so keep it for food. I will help you with the tuition and accommodation fees. You don't have to worry about the future, so you can go to school well. It's better than anything else if you get into high school. When you enter the campus, you don’t have to care about other people’s eyes.”

Three days later, they were going to report at the school, so after paying the tuition, miscellaneous and accommodation fees (25 yuan), they moved out of the guest house, took a car to a ox cart in time, and arrived home after dark. After returning home, they followed the registration notice According to the requirements on the form, prepare bedding, clothes and so on.

In this day and age, there are no uniform sheets and quilts, and even school uniforms are only available in big cities. The weather in the northeast is cold, so it is not suitable for school uniforms.

Because I need a letter of introduction from Tunzi to report to the school, I wrote it when I went out a few days ago to go out to do errands. This time I came back and wrote directly to go to school, and I also handed in the notice from Dingyuan County No. [-] Junior Middle School. Now let Tun Long shocked.

"My dear mother, you went to interview for school? Why didn't you say anything about such a big matter?"

The village head's daughter-in-law listened to it, and immediately turned her face curiously, and saw the words on the red stamp, and after reading them out word by word, her expression gradually became serious.

She looked at the two in front of her with a bit of astonishment... The old girl, after the separation, thrived. She used to walk with her head down, but now, she looked at them confidently, with a smile on her face. It's all about the longing for the future. How nice is such a girl's family? She was deceived by lard back then, and she went to make fun of those eight women?
"You, aren't you two illiterate? Just rely on those few days of literacy classes?"

Admiration is nothing but admiration, but the village head's wife is still a little unconvinced. Unexpectedly, as soon as she said this, the village head glared at her.

"It's really long hair and short knowledge. How could it be a few days of literacy classes? Years ago, I went to two months, and after the year..."

Because of the unhappiness a year ago, An Yi didn't pick up the call the year after. She declined the call on the grounds that she was not feeling well.

Now that I think about it, this is my own little class behind closed doors?

Although the behavior is a bit selfish, the effect of others is much better than the situation of fishing in troubled waters in the literacy class.

He stared at An Yi intently: "Your contribution is not small, right?"

An Yi smiled naturally: "Master Tun, what the teacher teaches is the same, some people are willing to learn, some people go in one ear and out the other. In this case, tell me, where do I want to bother?"

The head of the village sighed heavily: "You are right, and you are right. It is not easy to train a middle school student for our village, especially the age and experience of the two of them. It is even more difficult to pass the exam. Don't worry, this one I will definitely open it, not only to open it, but also to take care of you two."

An Yi shook her head: "Don't take care of me. Two of us have to go to school, and one has to take care of the baby. Just allow us to plant in the front and back of the house. We won't go in the field. If the two of them are on vacation, you can make arrangements. What should we do? We can’t cause other people’s unbalanced hearts and bring inconvenience to your work because of us. That’s not good, so I won’t go to the Yuhong class before my child starts,”

"Mr. An, didn't you agree to become a teacher in the cooperative we formed?"

Unexpectedly, before Anyi finished speaking, the head of the village was not happy, and hurriedly asked, only then did An Yi remember that there was such a thing.

"The school is built?"

"Not yet, but construction has already started. This is a major event in the collective, so before the land is thawed, our first task is to build the dolls' school,"

"Where is it built? Is it far away?"

"It's not too far, maybe three or four ten minutes on foot?"

10 minutes in three or four is better than counties with dozens of miles away, and you can take your baby to farm. "How do you calculate the salary?"

"Oh, you guys, you have to allocate funds from above. At present, I don't know whether to record work points or pay wages. When the details come out, I will tell you in advance. Don't worry about children. There is a nursery for children, just in elementary school Besides, since we have started, we must put the worries of each household in place, but this is not free, but paid, "

An Yi thinks there's nothing wrong with it, after all, teachers in other nursery schools have to survive, right?See how big the responsibility of the child is, can't you be more careful?If you don’t pay, who will do it for you?

"Okay, then the arrangements are made here, you can just let me know at any time, as for the fact that the two sisters go to school, it's better not to publicize it, just say that my relatives have found a temporary job for them and went to work, "

The two sisters understood Anyi's concerns with a single glance. They looked at the head of the village, and then at the head of the village's wife. Thinking of the situation of the two sisters, the two sighed.

"Okay, don't worry, we both know what's in our hearts, we won't talk nonsense."

In order for the head of the village to keep the secret, Anyi also left a bottle of Laobaigan wine.

Watching them leave, the village chief's daughter-in-law let out a long cry: "These two sisters are promising to follow Teacher An. This is Teacher An. Who the hell is she? Every time she comes to the house, she is very generous. Building a house for her, and allocating land, taking good care of her!"

"I haven't heard of it. Her father is an anti-Japanese hero. That is the only blood of a hero. Can you take care of her? Although I don't know what she has experienced before, she is very knowledgeable and clean. Look at her. Who have you ever been afraid of? Whoever quarrels with her can take advantage of it? This temper is really a hot-tempered person, so if we have nothing to do, don't provoke her. As long as you don't make mistakes in principle, take care of her more often, just take care of her. .”

The village head's wife is unknown: "Didn't she say that she doesn't need to take care of her?"

"She doesn't want to be taken care of, that's because she doesn't want to hurt us. Let's just pass this matter off. Last year, the land was distributed, and there are documents on it. This year, the land will be reclaimed. Whether or not she will be accepted, we have to ask the superiors." Clearly, if the superior said you should accept it and assign her an easy job with high work points, we have something to say, right? I can’t accept it without even saying a word, right? In case she holds a grudge, say yes What's our reason? So for this matter, you still have to go to the top to go through the clear road, okay, you don't need to worry about this matter, I will go back and work with the accounting secretary to handle this matter. "

"Old man, you are thoughtful. It is indeed the case, and it should be handled in this way. It is really amazing that these two girls can be admitted to our middle school in Dingyuan County. It seems that Teacher An is doing a good job. I hope Our grandson will let Mr. An teach in the future, "

"You think so far. We still plan to let her take care of senior students. At her level, staying in the countryside to teach is a bit inferior, but she agreed, which means that she likes our village, so she Tell us about our affairs, you big mouth, don't say it out of your mouth, if this rumor comes out from you, hehe, you just wait to be dealt with!"

"Okay, okay, it's not over, I said I will remember,"

The head of the village's daughter-in-law gave her old man an impatient look, then turned around and untied her apron and went to the kitchen to finish her work.

On the other hand, the two sisters felt that the chief's daughter-in-law would definitely not be able to keep her mouth shut.

"Her mouth is broken. Back then, I talked about the two of us behind my back. I met her several times. I really don't have a good impression of her."

An Yi was noncommittal: "It doesn't matter if you can keep it or not, what the hell, who can delay your future? Don't worry, with this proof, you can study hard when you go to school, and don't worry about the rest, even if these old women know So what, I have nothing to do with them, and I can't be credited with you. It would be best if you can skip a grade in the next three or four years, and I will try my best to help you. The junior high school here is four years, right?"

"Yes, five years in elementary school, four years in junior high school, and three years in high school."

"Xiaoxue, you can finish it in four months. The goal I set for you is to finish junior high school within two years. I will help you with tutoring during the winter and summer vacations, and you don't have to work. I will cover all the expenses. If you spend money, you should concentrate on learning what you have learned. As long as you can finish the four-year courses within two years, isn’t it easy to pass the high school entrance examination? Because perseverance has already determined success or failure. After entering high school, you will not be far from entering the university. .”

In An Yi's view, if she can advance, she must advance, otherwise the future will become more and more chaotic.

"That's why you bought all the textbooks in junior high school when you were in school?"

An Yi nodded, and Caihua was stunned: "I thought you were going to take an examination of knowledge, so I bought these books."

"I will study by myself first, and then I will summarize the main points for you. The task for you two is to finish the whole school year of the first year of junior high school in the past six months, start the second year of junior high school in the next semester, and then follow the second year of junior high school exam. As long as you pass the exam, you can apply for skipping grades , Step by step, this is my plan for you, don't force yourself, if you feel strenuous, just follow the steps, don't feel pressured, in fact, you can graduate from junior high school, you are already very good."

That being said, as long as the two sisters think that they depend on An Yi for food, clothing, housing and transportation, they will feel bad. After all, studying is much easier than digging in the ground, so there is absolutely no reason why they can't do it. If you can't, you have to do it!

Two days later, the head of the village personally drove the two sisters to the town in an ox cart. The town had a bus to the county once a day, so they set off before dawn. Anyi waved goodbye to them with the child in her arms. When we meet again, I guess it will be a month later.

This month is the day for sowing seeds one after another. About how to plant, how to get points, and how to organize, there have been meetings in the village to discuss.

An Yi didn't care about this, she didn't go to that meeting, in her opinion, the mess in her house was enough for her to keep busy.

So it has nothing to do with her how the higher-ups arrange it, so she takes a hoe to renovate the front and back yards of their two families every day.

After the land is almost flat and reaches the temperature for planting, she will plant Qiuxia and her family with sweet potatoes, corn, soybeans and other plants that don't care.

There are all kinds of vegetables in her yard, and corn is planted in the backyard first, and when the corn grows a bit, some peanuts are planted in it.

In late April, the new farming reforms began to be implemented in the village. After all, her land was allocated, and the head of the village won her a place as a public teacher.

"This is a reward for your hard work in the literacy class, and it is also a compensation for your two acres of land. Of course, after investigation, I know that you are the only public teacher in our Baijiawan Commune except for the principal and director. Public money, specific salary, the principal and director will talk to you after school starts.”

Unexpectedly, she hadn't taken the exam for a middle school establishment teacher in the county, and she was given a place as a public elementary school teacher.

It seems that she didn't give away all those wines for free. Look, she didn't ask for anything, and she just handled it quietly. It was really an unexpected and happy event!
The head of the village was so helpful, so she naturally didn't say anything more. After being grateful, she sat under the eaves with her daughter in her arms.

Nut came back from the outside, followed by two male dogs. She didn't know where they came from. She didn't remember that there were people in this village who kept dogs, and they couldn't survive. Who kept dogs? She kept them because she was a single woman. , I have to take care of the house, if I didn't look at it poorly at the beginning, maybe I haven't had this opportunity!
After reading it, he snorted.

"Fortunately, my mother sterilized you early. Otherwise, you would have given me a bunch of paparazzi during the week we went out?"

Nut heard her complaining, and yelled at her twice, "You are single, and I am also single, it's too much!" '

Anyi glared at it.

"Hurry up and take your two lovers away, I don't welcome any male creatures here, otherwise I will drive you out too!"

With a sound of "Aww", Nut got up "cursing" and walked to the door. The moment she closed the door domineeringly, Anyi felt that she was a little cruel.

In the days of one person, one treasure and one dog, there was no discomfort due to the temporary departure of the two sisters, and what to do every day.

In the warm spring days, when others are still plowing in the field, she only needs to carry Anran’s bamboo basket on her back every day, go up to the back mountain with a small shovel, and go to the river and other places with rich water resources to dig wild vegetables. Yes, wild vegetables and weeds are very rich, feed the chickens if you can eat them, and keep them for yourself if they are of better quality, because the first crop of wild vegetables is the most tender and has high nutritional value. Much better and mostly herbal.

For example, mother-in-law, shepherd's purse, Quma vegetable, small root garlic, willow artemisia sprouts, prickly sprouts, etc., almost until the middle and late May, these wild vegetables are in good condition, and they are all sprouting one after another, because it is only spring It tastes the best, so everyone cherishes it very much. Before and after work every day, many people will go to the fields for a walk, and some people will take advantage of the noon break to get it. , although she has time, she won't make too much. Just a little bit of everything, enough for them to eat for two days, and leave the rest to people to pick. After all, she is the one who has the best life in the village. one.

There was a head of the village standing there, and the child was young, no one was taking care of her, and school would start next month, so even if she was not working, no one dared to tell her clearly.

For her to find work for the two sisters, in the eyes of the villagers, it was a fool's behavior. Why didn't she go and give it to someone who was not relatives or relatives?

You stay at home to work and take care of your children, are you stupid?

Although she has the title of a public teacher, haven't you started yet?As long as you haven't started working, it's not a certainty.

These gossips, for her who doesn't like to go out, form a barrier like a wall, she can't hear it, and she doesn't want to understand it, so she goes out for a walk regularly every day, and puts the doll in the space when she sleeps, doing whatever she wants, even if How about going down the river to catch fish and pick up snails?No one cares because no one can see it!
Although the vegetables in the yard are planted, they still need to be turned over from time to time. Before the seeds are planted, the fertilizers that need to be applied are retting in advance. What she uses is the manure of livestock and poultry in the space. These are the best fertilizers. , very healthy and pollution-free.

Because in this day and age, if you want to make the land stronger, you have to go to the public toilets in the town to pull farm manure. Basically, the fertilizer water never flows into outsiders' fields...

(End of this chapter)

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