The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1049 [1048] Heroines of the Republic of China 22 (5000+)

Chapter 1049 [1048] Heroines of the Republic of China 22 (5000+)

The more they get in touch with, the more they feel that she is a treasure, and there seems to be endless knowledge waiting for them to learn. The admiration of the two of them cannot be described simply by words from the heart.

However, they have already deeply realized that this is a gift from God to pity them, and it must not be wasted, and they must cherish An Yi.

Now that fate has brought them to this point, instead of being a mud leg in the countryside and being spurned by everyone, it's better to pick up a pen and fight for a breath, just like An Yi said, even if you can't pass the high school entrance examination, you can pass the exam After finishing junior high school, if you go to study a major, you are already a master, and you can eat at the public house. No matter how bad it is, even if you go to the commune to be an accountant, isn't that better than working?

Once the two of them made up their minds, they became more and more hardworking. They came early in the daytime and left after dark at night. They almost set up camp here in Anyi.

The reason why An Yi treats them like this is because of pity, and the other...

She glanced at the child in her arms, she didn't want to run to the city in this life, but the child's future needs to be found, Qiuxia and Caihua are undoubtedly the most suitable, and only they can treat her sincerely and treat her with peace of mind. At her age, just in time for the turbulent years, with her here, she can't go hungry, but she needs a more reliable study and job.

An Ran, who was born at the end of 1953, was 65 years old in 12 and 77 years old in 24. Alas, this is a generation destined to be delayed.

University is definitely impossible. Not everyone can apply for Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University. They only have to go to junior high school and high school, and in those days, they were easily influenced by the environment. After working for a few years, she will go to take the college entrance examination, and this is not something she can help. If the two sisters go to college, as long as they have a good one, An Ran will be able to make a living.

Therefore, the three women fought on their own, and An Ran was also born with aura. She would only fight for a while when she was hungry or when her stomach was uncomfortable. Playing with toys by myself, the so-called toys are all placed by An Yi, who has worked as a carpenter, by herself. Of course, there are also small gadgets collected from various places. These are all treated with high temperature and antivirus, so they are very safe.

When she was sleeping, she was placed flat in the corner of the heating kang, and An Yi lifted the cotton curtain from time to time to take a look inside to ensure her safety.

"Sister, you are very good at raising children."

That's natural, she didn't know how many children she raised, even she couldn't remember.

All her reactions now are probably instinctive, "The responsibility is heavy, and we must not be sloppy. Since the child is raised by us, we have to take good care of her."

"You've worked so hard." In order to sympathize with her hard work, except for taking care of the children in class, cooking, washing and so on are all wrapped in Qiuxia and colorful flowers.

An Ran drank milk when they couldn’t see her, and milk powder when she was with them. After four months, she ate a stewed egg a day, with only two drops of sesame oil in the egg, and sometimes some special fine fish paste in it. , These fish are picked out by Anye bit by bit, the kind without fishbone.

The seafood in this era is very good and has not been polluted. The amount of storage in her space is enough for her to eat for a lifetime. In order to store these foods, she has stayed at the seaside for half a year. If she can get them, she will go to the sea to get them. What she can’t get. Just swap fruits or vegetables for ready-made ones.

So it is very convenient for children to eat sea shrimp, sea fish, etc., but not too much, half a finger at a time is enough.

The stewed eggs are not eaten at one time, but divided into three times, eating too much, I am worried that her stomach will not be able to bear it.

This is the first time I heard of Qiuxia and Caihua not being able to eat salt under the age of one, but here in An Yi, it is an absolute authority and must not be crossed.

Including feeding, children have special chopsticks and spoons, and they must not use their own to feed. Her harshness made the two sisters uncomfortable at the beginning, but as she learned more, and she was a medical student, Trouble is trouble, but it's good for the children.

Ever since they had the elder sister An Yi, they had a headache, and they never went to the old Chinese doctor in the village. They were all herbal medicines made by An Yi for them, and how to decoct them was explained clearly, basically within two days. God, just like it, the effect is amazing.

The more he experienced and the more he knew, the more deeply rooted his admiration for her became.

At four or five months, An Ran had her teeth and learned to turn over. Every day, she lay down for a while and practiced raising her head. Every time she could make the three sisters laugh and hug her, it hurt because of An Ran. , under An Yi's meticulous care, she is white and fat, cute enough to warm people's hearts.

Touching her Michelin tire-like arm, Anyi smiled and said, "If it's summer, it will definitely kill mosquitoes. Let the weather warm up so that you can take it out for exercise. I'm always eating and sleeping like this. She doesn't want to sleep." Fat, who is fat? I don’t know, I thought our food was so good!”

Qiuxia couldn't help muttering: "Sister, do you have any misunderstanding about the poor food? As far as our family eats and drinks safely, it is not worse than others in the capital, right? We country people, except In addition to feeding them by myself, I also have to feed them rice cereal. Anyone who can eat fine grains is a good family. Who drinks unlimited milk powder like ours? It’s too extravagant, An Ran is really lucky, how much better than her Damn life is good!"

Anyi pursed her lips and smiled: "What? Are you jealous? Our family is raised by An Ran, so we won't be cheated by scumbags when we grow up. In the future, we will definitely check her quality!"

"This is necessary." The child who was picked up put so much energy into it, and the more it is raised, the more affection it has. Even if it deals with her feces and urine every day, it doesn't feel irritable. Instead, it feels that this day is getting more and more fulfilling. Whether it is Qiuxia or Caihua, they have accumulated deep feelings with this family.

Under the repeated supervision and encouragement of Teacher An, the progress of the sisters is also visible to the naked eye. They used to write crookedly, but now they can at least keep it neat. The more proficient.

"When spring comes, let's go buy a dictionary. With the dictionary in hand, you will be able to recognize more characters."

If there is no deviation in memory, the [-]rd edition of the Xinhua Dictionary is already on the market, but I don’t know if there is a bookstore in Dingyuan County.

"Dictionary? What's that?"

Anyi could only popularize this knowledge with them, and mentioned the "Erya" of the Han Dynasty and the "Kangxi Dictionary" of the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty. Dictionaries are only available in my country, and there are not so many versions of dictionaries in foreign countries. The cultural inheritance of thousands of years is all artificial Collecting is an extremely difficult knowledge reserve.

After listening to her notes, the sisters became very interested in the May [-]rd edition of "Xinhua Dictionary".

There is a copy of "Kangxi Dictionary" in her space, which she intends to keep but not take out. After all, it is a cultural relic due to its age.

This is really handed down from the Kangxi period. The paper has a strong sense of the times, and the pages are also rotten. It seems that it will melt if you touch it. Where are the sisters going?

During those few years of Fighting the Landlords, a lot of things were discovered. It is inevitable that these cultural relics were destroyed in a special period, and those who could receive the space, all received the space.

After the 90s, it is much better to choose a suitable opportunity to donate the cultural relics one by one than to smash them up and waste them.

She is not interested in these things. The accumulation of experience in so many lives has taught her to regard money as dung. When she has food, drink and housing, what does she want money for?

Time flies by in the blink of an eye. In March of the Gregorian calendar, the snow in the Northeast began to melt, and in April, the early spring buds gradually broke through the ground.

At the beginning of April, An Yi went to the county seat with Qiuxia Caihua with her child on her back. The junior high schools are all boarding schools. Although there are junior high schools in the town, she felt that it was not good, and she felt that the worst would be to go to the county seat, so the three sisters It took two days to get to the county seat with the children and mobilize the crowd.

First find a hostel to live in, and then go to the school hall, start the interview exam, as an older candidate, the school will give special care, it is never too late to study, Fan Jin is only in the old age, not to mention the two sisters can have such a strong Teachers at the school love their self-motivation, and no one looks down on them. In fact, as long as they are allowed to take the exam, it is the greatest respect for them.

The exams in the morning and the results in the afternoon will basically come out. They spent four days in the county and took the exams in four schools. To their surprise, they were all admitted.

The two sisters still couldn't believe it, thinking that they were lucky. Only An Yi knew that using modern education methods to understand the extent of this era, hehe, the third grade of elementary school was enough to cope with their five years of knowledge reserves, and even Some advanced children can reach the level of fifty-generation elementary school students in the first and second grades.

They usually get along with her, and the two of them naturally can't feel their true level, because they haven't tested any level, and they haven't even borrowed textbooks. It will be difficult to pass the junior high school exam in the future. , then come back next year, how could I have imagined that one exam would bring you such a big surprise.

The feedback given by the school also made them cry with joy.

"The foundation is very solid, the literacy is very rich, the oral and written calculations are fast, and the comprehension of the application questions is also full. It can be seen that you have worked hard. You said that you never went to elementary school. Is this true?"

"It's true. We studied hard for more than half a year. A high school student took us here. This time, I thought I didn't even have the qualifications for admission. I didn't expect..."

"What? High school students teach you? Starting from scratch? Are you sure?"

"Sure, you've seen it before. The one who came with us and held the child is our Teacher An."

"This teacher's teaching method also includes practicing calligraphy? Your handwriting is very good, and you have mastered a lot of classical Chinese and ancient poems. It really surprised us. Such a good seedling, why do you stay in the country? Quick, please come here, There is a shortage of teachers like her in our school," she said.

Qiuxia and Caihua looked at each other in dismay: "But teacher, we are all country people, we..."

"What's wrong with the country people? How can you look down on yourself? How much patience is needed to teach older students like you, and she teaches so well and works so well, which shows that she is a rare good teacher, and our school lacks Such a talent, no matter where she is from, as long as she is willing, we are willing to give her indicators."

Anyi was soon invited to Dingyuan County No. [-] Junior Middle School, which is a key middle and high school in Dingyuan County and a good integrated school.

Anyi never thought that she could be a teacher. When Qiuxia and Caihua told her the 'good news', she quickly poured cold water on them.

"I want to live in the village with An Ran, but I don't want to be a teacher."

What's so good about being a teacher, at least most of the things that happened in the turbulent times were teachers.

Her background is clean and clean, and troublesome is also a troublesome thing, because many people forget their roots, and may do everything in order to accuse you.

She didn't want this stage to ruin her beautiful life.

However, things backfired. Every time she said a reason, they had a good solution.

"My child, it doesn't matter. Our school has a special baby depository. They are all children under the age of three who cannot go to the red class. There are professional teachers to help take care of them. You can visit the children when you are not in class. And if you Entering the job and teaching well, the tuition fees of the two of them will also be appropriately reduced. How good it is to be a teacher. There are winter and summer vacations and various benefits. Isn’t it better than you farming in the countryside? What a pity."

"The school has a dormitory for students and teachers. In your case, you will be allocated a dormitory for two people. It is also the kind where the teacher takes care of the baby, but she will go home at night,"

When did teachers in this school become so scarce?To even think of this for her, can be regarded as... low to the extreme.

How did she know that people have taken a fancy to her professional ability, thinking that she is a malleable talent, a student who has not graduated from high school can teach two students who are not considered gifted, if she goes through systematic study and training , what should be excellent?
The person talking to them was the dean of the school, who focused on the enrollment rate and the overall quality of the students and teachers. Although everything was backward in the 50s, this culture has been passed down for 5000 years. What about the number of candidates, let alone a school that integrates junior high school and high school?

Looking at what Qiuxia and Caihua mean, they are very supportive of her being a teacher. Being a teacher is good, at least you don’t have to farm the land, and you don’t have to listen to those gossips. Here, they are facing people who don’t know their past. , She felt that her spine could stand up.

In their perception, being a farmer is very hard work, but here in Anyi, it is indeed extremely enjoyable.

Although the teacher has a lot of holidays, because of the teaching tasks, he usually has to work hard from morning to night. Moreover, in this day and age, there are six classes a week and only one day off.

The director also made it clear to her that political review and assessment are all necessary procedures. Even if she agrees now, she must obtain a teacher qualification certificate. After obtaining the certificate, she can only be regarded as a temporary worker. To enter the establishment system, one must pass a series of rigorous assessments before becoming a formal worker.

The country has very high requirements on teachers' morality. Not everyone can be a teacher, especially for an older teacher like her who has become a monk halfway through high school and is still in her thirties. Invitation is one thing. But it won't give you water.

"During the period of wage temporary workers, the basic salary is 10 yuan. If you work overtime, the class fee is 5000 yuan per class. In addition, the accommodation will deduct water, electricity and accommodation. The canteen will provide a certain subsidy for staple food, but the bulk has to be paid by yourself. If you get it monthly, it will cost hundreds of thousands, right? Of course, the prerequisite is that there are a lot of overtime hours."

For these hundreds of thousands of hundreds of thousands of wages, she has no idea, she can only use formulas.

5 yuan can buy 6 catties of rice. According to the conversion method of the second set of RMB in 4, rice is 10 cents per catty, 12 catties is 8 yuan and 15 cents, and 20 yuan is only [-] yuan and [-] cents, even [-] yuan. The money is not enough, if there is extra class, even if the deduction is messy, [-] is saved, it seems that it is not enough for her to raise a child, right?

After working hard for a month and having to take on various responsibilities, the great Anyi is no longer needed. After a little calculation, I don't want to participate anymore.

However, the director threw out another bait: "As long as you can pass the entrance examination, you can settle down directly, and then you can also participate in various benefits such as housing distribution."

An Yi looked down at An Ran, and then thought about the various honors brought to her after being admitted to the establishment, as well as the starting point of her children. No matter how you compare them, they seem to be better than staying in Liujiatun, but she still feels that in times of turmoil, The countryside is the safest place.

She is not short of money, and she is confident that An Ran can be trained, but the household registration is indeed a troublesome matter.

In the city and the countryside in this day and age, in terms of food and housing, the rural people still have the upper hand. The advantage of the urban people is that they are more particular about the rural people. If there were no natural disasters or man-made disasters, you would definitely not die of starvation, but this is not the case in the city. If you don’t pay wages for a month, you can still have savings. If the family is burdened, there may be no rice to cook.

In this era, there is almost no buying and selling of houses, but there are also, very few, unless you are lucky and run away, you will sell the old house.

In the past, she never thought of settling in the city at all. Naturally, she never thought of buying a house, but now, isn't she too selfish?

Maybe, she should go all out and continue to turn into a candle, glowing and glowing?
She has even been a professor in Huaqing, a mere junior high school teacher, isn't she easy to catch?

Just when she was hesitating, Liang Tian said quietly.

"Remember, the value of merit. Don't always think about the turmoil of the times. There are so many teachers. Those who have endured hardships are limited after all, aren't they?"

An Yi pursed her lips: "You also know that many of my years cannot be verified. In case someone randomly labels me..."

"It's not a bad thing to experience it." An Yi growled in disbelief: "What are you talking about? Experience it? Can you experience it casually?"

(End of this chapter)

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