The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1051 [1050] Heroines of the Republic of China 24 (5200+)

Chapter 1051 [1050] Heroines of the Republic of China 24 (5200+)

On the land of Anyi's house, the crops are grown with fertilizers taken out of the toilet, and the vegetables and fruits are grown with animal fertilizers discharged from the grass in the eating space, as well as organic fertilizers made from daily fruit peels and domestic waste. These summers can Raw maggots are best used to feed chickens, and even eggs can be laid more frequently.

These feeding methods are all the experience that An Yi has summed up over the years, so the good growth of their family's crops depends on her meticulous care.

Whether it is outside or in space, it is already a pretty good state to be able to recycle and use it without wasting anything.

As the weather got warmer and there were fewer clothes to wear, when they took the children out for a walk, everyone was surprised to find that the children picked up by An's family were fed so well?
The clothes are clean, pink, tender, white and fat, and it looks like it has been carefully cared for. On the other hand, the children of other people's families are so dirty that you can't look at them.

As soon as the comparison was made, the imbalance in my heart came out, and all kinds of bitter words came one after another, saying that my own children can't get enough to eat, and the children picked up from not working can be raised so well, how rich the family is, Did you make a deal with someone in private, so you have a source of income?Is there food to eat?Maybe this child is her own, right?
When An Yi heard it, she took note of the speaker, and even found out who her children were. She said that it was good for her to be petty, but with such gossip parents, the children would not be much better, so in the future, they will be divided into classes. Absolutely can't accept it, she doesn't want to deal with these people, it will affect her good mood for a day.

The land in front of and behind the houses of their two families combined is only a fraction of the land. Every morning and afternoon, while the children are sleeping, they work a little longer. Within a week, almost all of them are tidied up and planted.

After that, she took the child to the field every day to pull weeds and water, and when she got home, she gave the child a lot of double-skin milk, steamed egg custard, made shrimp dumplings, and various complementary foods. As long as the child could eat, she would change. Under her care, Little Anran really became more and more beautiful and cuter.

Even if people spray it every day, they can't help more people like her. Anyone who walks by will tease her. The various small toys she made for her have become the envy of others. Let's go, she is not interested in taking care of the children with everyone, otherwise they might have snatched them up, because in front of her, there are still people who open their mouths to ask for it, but she directly rejects it, without showing any mercy.

"This is a toy I made for my Xiaoan. If you take it away, what will my Niuniu play with?"

"Little girl Pianzi, why do you want such a good thing? It's better to give it to my Huzi. Don't worry, let him play for two days, and bring it to you when he stops playing."

As she spoke, she snatched the toy from her hand and stuffed it directly into her son's hand. She was so angry that she didn't spare any sympathy, and took it back from the child's hand, because she took it from An Ran's hand. Then he looked at her coldly.

"Are you okay? This is my home, how can you get it so easily? Who gave you the right? Who is it? Stay away from us in the future, and you are not welcome in my home. "

The woman left cursing, and An Yi felt more and more talkative, no, turn her head around a bit more, let them know that her family, An Ran, is not easy to bully!

Who said she picked it up?Who said she didn't have a mother?She will let them see in the future, whose child is more like grass!
When everyone else is facing the loess in the ground and their backs are facing the sky, An Yi is like an outsider, walking the dog and taking the children, going to the mountains one day, going to the slopes the next day, or even going to the river beach. In the eyes of outsiders, her The day was so good that people couldn't resist throwing mud on her door at night.

At first, Anyi thought it was caused by the jealousy of the villagers, so she didn't care about it, but when more and more people came to knock on the door, and the surroundings were full of resentment, she realized that it turned out that Some people really can't get used to being nice to others.

She stepped on the mud to plant rice, stored water, planted rice seedlings, and fertilized so hard, but she lived in such a big house, walked the dog and played with the children, why?

Some people even reported that her political affiliation was problematic and asked to verify all her sources of income.

This time the investigation team came very suddenly, led by the secretary, and killed their house suddenly. At that time, she opened the door with the child in her arms, and a huge group of people came in, which frightened her: "What are you doing?"

As a result, these people didn't say a word, and started rummaging through all kinds of boxes.

An Yi wanted to go forward, but several women blocked her way.

"Mr. An, if it's the truth, just wait and see. When everyone finishes checking, I will naturally ask you to explain!"

Anyi raised her eyebrows: "Yo, this is because I hate that I didn't play with toys for your kid last time, right? Okay, you are quite capable, but you actually thought of using this trick to deal with us, okay, then I will Wait, wait until you finish the investigation, and then calculate together."

She pulled a bench and sat under the eaves, holding the child in her arms and watching with a half-smile.

Every time she found a place, there were countless heads poking over her, and some people looked at her sneeringly, as if her good days were coming to an end, they were inexplicably excited, but the result made them extremely disappointed.

Apart from finding some wild vegetables she brought home, some whole grains, sauerkraut pickled in winter, radishes, potatoes and sweet potatoes, there is nothing, and even this day is not as good as other people's lives, but the faces of the two of them are not alike at all. It looks like he has suffered, so there must be something hidden in the house.

"Don't worry, just dig three feet into the ground. Anyway, if you destroy my house, you have to restore it to its original state. Your own family is living a bad life. You don't know how to clean up every day, so you can't see my house well." How much food I harvested in the field last year, and how many people ate, you can figure it out.”

"I raised the children that Qiuxia and the others picked up, and I also helped Qiuxia and the sisters stand firm. Are you sore? Use this method to deal with me? Let me tell you, I am not afraid, not only I am not afraid, I also think it is very funny , I can’t eat grapes and say grapes are sour, but in fact we are sweet or sour, you don’t know anything.”

What An Yi said made several women get angry, and they took the scissors to cut her family's bedding and children's clothes.

It turned out that the mattresses spread out were all black cotton, and it looked like it had been worn for many years. Although the cotton jacket the child was wearing was made of new cloth, the cotton inside had turned yellow. The only valuable things in the house were probably those few chickens. up.

But chickens are allowed, and they can't fault them at all.

This time it was a surprise inspection, and she couldn't have been prepared for it. The people in the village didn't find anything, so they didn't believe it, so they insisted on going to the sisters' house to investigate.

An Yi didn't say anything, and opened the door to let them in.

"Inspection is the inspection, no littering is allowed, how to throw it out, how to pick it up, put it away, we have not committed a crime, you have no right to treat us like this."

As a result, the poor sisters naturally found nothing. When the inspection team was about to leave, An Yi took out her martyr certificate.

"Now I ask you to conduct door-to-door inspections. As for what to check, you know in your own mind. If our family didn't find out, what about other people's houses? Why can some people label others with empty teeth, but not when it's their turn?" Now? Immediately notify them. The doors of all houses are open, and no one is allowed to enter. They search door to door. As long as they find that they do not meet the conditions of this house, they will all be detained. Don’t they like to report? I will too, if you don’t If you execute it, I will go to the county to sue you for abuse of power. By the way, I will not go to the elementary school in the village, and I will not be a public teacher, so I won’t make steamed buns to save myself!"

"Oh, Teacher An, you misunderstood, we didn't mean that,"

"I don't care what you mean. Now you immediately search the whole village. No one is allowed to go home, and no one is allowed to leave the line of sight. I have to be present during the search. Are you capable? Let me witness, this village How clean are the people here!"

While An Yi's words were resounding, some people's faces changed. No one who tried to escape could escape her eyes.

She is relentless here, and the faces of others are not much better. Even the few people who take the lead, their own house is really clean?
Who hasn't hidden anything?If you really want to be searched out by them, what's the deal?

Anyi knew that the secretary saw her expression with a trace of pleading, she was waiting for him to step down, and An Yi would still live in this village, so naturally she didn't want to offend everyone, so she finally chose to report her three families She can tell whoever has a guilty conscience through facial micro-expressions and mind-reading skills. It is not difficult for people who have learned black arts to deal with these.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with him, the secretary naturally would not be merciful to the culprit. An Yi followed into the homes of these three people, and all the people working in the field rushed back and stopped them from entering, but she refused to let them in. Just go in?

Anyi casually pointed to the bottom of the wall of a family.

"If I'm not mistaken, the bones of a newborn baby girl were buried there. It was about five years ago. The baby was healthy, but because it was a girl, she was strangled to death by this old lady. Ask me How did you know? You should have heard a saying that people who are thieves tend to feel guilty, and even bury them in the pigsty, thinking that the pigs can wipe out the evidence for you? Don’t forget that the law of heaven is not good, and your family has been pregnant for several years. No, why don’t you think about it? I’ve committed too many crimes? You don’t want others to be kind, you think I treat the child I picked up as a treasure and take care of it so well, so you are jealous and hate it, right? "

The old lady was so startled that her mind changed and she subconsciously backed away. An Yi turned her head and glanced at the other two houses.

"Don't think that I don't know anything when I come to this village. I know better than anyone else what is shameful about your family. This old lady killed her granddaughter, but said to the public that she was lifeless when she was born. , I know this is not a rare thing anywhere, but I think it is ridiculous that I am a woman, but I want to dislike girls, and I dislike us for wasting food and pouring out water, but I never thought that I am a woman. Didn't it come from the same basin of water?"

"Excuse me, does the mother of the child know that she is actually giving birth to a healthy baby girl? There are also two of you, one is stealing a widow behind his wife's back, and the other is, hehe, what's more, the child born here, although it is from their family blood, but!"

"Shut up, shut up, say one more thing, I will tear your mouth apart!"

This village is so big, people don't look up and look down, rumors spread quickly, but there is no evidence, so let's just make it a joke, there has never been such a shameless person, Anyi today Thinking about it, he was very angry, that's why he attacked these three companies.

"Hey, tear my mouth apart, are you guilty? Seeing how you bark your teeth and claws, don't talk, no one thinks about things they shouldn't think about,"

"You're a bitch, you're still working hard, aren't you? Let's see if I don't tear off your cocky eye, it's too good!"

"Oh, you gawk, stop scolding Zhang Fei, can you calm down? Let her go, stop talking, shut up!"

"Why should I shut up, gaha, who the hell are you, helping a junk that no one wants to drag me here? Come on, you have evidence, show it, and speak clearly, you It's not clear, I really think my old lady has done something shameful!"

An Yi saw that she was spitting out the fragrance for her sister-in-law, and thought to herself that she had to stand far away. With such fighting power, it's no wonder that that wimpy husband couldn't control him, and was compared to her own father. It's really... Haha, ironic!
"If you want a more detailed answer, come and find me, and I'll tell you, in front of the big guys, where do you let your man's face be, with such a poisonous mouth, before talking about others, think about yourself No? I’m also here to give you a lesson today, to let you know what karma is.”

"Okay, let's stop here today. Before you come to trouble me in the future, you'd better weigh yourself first. Don't be fooled by others, and you won't be able to tell the difference between the south, the south, the north, and hurt yourself and your family. Ha ha, the last sentence , don’t underestimate me, I know far more than you think! I just want to close the door and live my own life, if you don’t allow it, how about we die together?”

As soon as she turned around, the old lady and the middle-aged woman of the three families she pointed out in public had already been pulled away by her own family.

A haggard middle-aged woman came out of the third house: "Sister An, is what you just said true?"

An Yi glanced at her with pity, "You know some things in your heart, but you subconsciously deny yourself for the sake of your child. Have you seen Qiuxia and Caihua? Are their backgrounds more pitiful than yours? , but even they can support themselves, you are so hardworking, why can't you?"

"Only when you walk out of that door, can you feel how beautiful the fresh air is. There are other vacant houses in this village. You are not very old, but the face you look at has been eroded by the years." I can't tell if it's my mother or my grandma. A man who has been cold and violent to you for a long time, and domestic violence, why do you have to work hard for their family's cattle and horses? Look back at your sister-in-law, where Doesn't one live better than you?"

An Yi shook her head, and didn't want to say anything more, anyway, this passage of hers had already covered all aspects.

The fact that she dares to be so big and flirtatious depends entirely on her fake face, fake name, and fake identity.

If there is anything in the future, she can start over in another place.

Before that, she just wanted to raise the child quietly.

"Mr. An, wait, school will start in a few days, you can't lose the chain at this time, I know you have been wronged..."


The countryside has been a place of gossip since ancient times, gossip can kill people invisible, she looks down on those women who revolve around men, obviously women in the Northeast are very strong, why can't the few she sees come to follow like that tiger mother She challenged?To scold?
With the technology of this era, DAN doesn't have one, so even if the mother of the tiger gave birth to her husband's younger brother, no one would admit it, because the tiger is from that family at first glance, but others don't know, she knows Ah, and it's obvious at a glance, no argument required.

This woman is so recalcitrant, it means that she has no evidence, so she will have such a violent reaction, and the public opinion effect she created for her seems to teach her a lesson, she can arrange her right and wrong, why? She can't make a decisive move against her?

Her husband can't say that he won't have children, he can only say that he is too weak and can't satisfy her. She didn't expect her to turn around and hook up with a capable and powerful father-in-law. This woman, really! ! !

Because she had poked her pain point and was sure that she had no evidence, the mother of a tiger chased her directly to the door of her house, swearing all kinds of nasty words with her waist stuck in her waist.

It looked as if she had never done it. After An Yi put the child to sleep, she put it into the space, opened the door and said a word to the outside, and the scene fell silent instantly.

"Because you, like your son, were born by your mother and your grandfather, so you have to follow suit? Do you really want me to announce this sentence to the public?"

An Yi raised her eyes with a half-smile, and looked contemptuously at the woman who was a few centimeters taller than her, without any sympathy in her eyes.

"It is said that poor people must have something to hate, and children are innocent. If possible, I don't want to do this, but you always say that my child is picked, why can't I fight back? As a mother, I just Have you heard the saying? Why do women make things difficult for women? Just because you don’t want us to live better than you? So you come over and insult me ​​again and again? What kind of psychology is this?”

"No, it's impossible, you can't know so much, how can you know so much?"

"I also know that before Huzi, you gave birth to two children, one is,"

"No, don't say it, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I beg you, I believe it now, you are really capable, don't worry, I will shut up from now on, I will never look for you again It's your fault, please let me go!"

As soon as I met the two children, the woman was devastated, and she softened immediately. She was no longer as strong as she pretended to be. An Yi glanced at her coldly, then turned and went home: "This is a kind of sickness. I can't see others being better than myself. If she is not strong enough, she will really be forced to death by her. She can't bear it now that the direction is changed, which shows that some people just need to deal with it. Very necessary!"

The villagers who had been waiting to watch the excitement, after seeing Huzi's mother leaving with a sleepy expression, subconsciously turned to look at An Yi, trying to find some clues from her, so as to find out what kind of deal the two of them had just reached. Let Hu Zima have such a big change?

(End of this chapter)

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