The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1010 [1009] Full-time mother counterattack 17 (4)

Chapter 1010 [1009] Full-time mother counterattack 17 (four thousand)
In March, I made a total of 3 yuan, plus the previous remaining 89 yuan, 18 million yuan, 107 yuan to Li Xingchen, 80 yuan in loans, and 17 yuan in deposits.

All the debts were paid off in one month, and it was not in vain for her to work so hard this month, even Li Xingchen couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'm so tired at such a young age, I'm not in a hurry, what are you in a hurry for?"

In Li Xingchen's view, Qi Qi, a single mother, bought a house worth 1500 million in just a few years, and even took out a loan for five years. The monthly loan pressure of 17 is really not easy. Ah, so he didn't want her to make himself so tired, but this person didn't seem to like to owe others, and even wanted to pay him two months' interest at the beginning, but he refused, saying that if he was so serious, his friends would do it Can't go down, Qi Qi just gave up.

Serious women are really scary.

I was so tired in March, but I knew how to combine work and rest in April. I only earned 3 yuan, and the remaining 4 yuan plus expenses left me with less than 48 yuan.

The tuition fee for the child is included in Li Xingchen’s 80 li, so the biggest expenditure of their family now is probably the child’s kindergarten fee, because the rent has been saved, it has become a loan, 17 per month, think about it I put too much pressure on myself. I can borrow for 30 years, but I have to borrow for five years. I just don’t want the bank to earn more interest. I am very shrewd in my calculations. Even so, after five years, there will be about 120 million interest .

60 yuan minus this month’s loan, leaving just over 40 yuan. Considering that the live broadcast needs to transfer various goods and staff, she spent the full amount of 35 yuan to buy a new energy SUV with a battery life of 650 kilometers. It also solved the second most important thing in the family besides the house.

Earned in May and June, this year's loan quota was filled, and there is no need for a separate deposit and loan quota for the next six months.

It is said to be 17 yuan, but it is actually more than 16 yuan, but she transfers 8 yuan every month, and the rest can be used for usual online shopping.

Both mother and son are on summer vacation in early July. During the summer vacation, they will choose to live broadcast for half a day (including yoga, calligraphy and pure live broadcast), work in the company for half a day, and teach their children to read and exercise in the evening.

Due to the long live broadcast time in two months, she earned 500 million yuan in revenue, and her platform fans also exceeded 500 million.

Live broadcasting requires extremely fast response ability and eloquence, which also laid a solid foundation for her to be a lawyer.

In September 2024, she will be in her third year of junior high school, Qi Yang's top class.

Because of insisting on exercising, high-calorie work, and adequate sleep, Qi Qi's growth is getting worse and worse, her skin is firm, her figure is perfect, and even her makeup is so fresh and natural, giving people a refreshing feeling. Such a temperament makes her Li Xingchen was very dissatisfied.

"It's also overtime. Why do we all have such deep black eye sockets and eye bags, and we even risk losing our heads, but you can keep it so fresh and eye-catching? How do you do it? Share with us."

There is no need for any coups, the best way is to get enough sleep, but this method cannot be shared, because she always sleeps in space, space sleep, the longest time, she can reach more than [-] hours, Who can sleep so long every day?

If she wasn't as busy as a grandson every day, how could she sleep in the space for so long?The longer she sleeps, the more tired she is. The more tired she is, the more she needs sleep to replenish energy. Beauty sleep, after a long sleep, her appearance will naturally come back?
This is the truth.

During the summer vacation, she took all the departments temporarily transferred by the company home to broadcast live. Others worked more than ten hours a day, and they lived and boarded with her. Sometimes they fell asleep directly on the floor outside, and because she had the space Because of his sleeping habits, he looks more energetic than anyone else. While everyone admires him, he doesn't forget to sigh that people are more angry than others.

The more fans and more traffic the live streaming brings, the more income will be obtained. Otherwise, why are so many celebrities transformed into Internet celebrities?

In fact, it is because it is much more profitable than filming, and her current yoga level has reached an advanced level, and even a team of starlets approached her, wanting to let her be a personal trainer, but she refused .

In her opinion, being an Internet celebrity is much better than serving people.

She has been a star before, and she knows how complicated that industry is, so it's better not to get in touch.

Now the live broadcast room at six o'clock every day has reached tens of thousands of people watching and practicing together. The yoga-related clothing and equipment she brought has sold hundreds of thousands of sets, and the praise rate is also extremely high. A place to be proud of.

The more this is the case, the more it proves that everyone likes her courses and that she teaches well.

And the plan of the year lies in the spring, and the plan of the day lies in the morning. There are many benefits to exercising in the morning. A set of Ashtanga will make you full of energy throughout the day, and an hour of Yin yoga stretching at night will end your fatigue One day, the body will relax better after stretching, even the quality of sleep will be improved several times.

The vegetables grown in the yard in front of the house are enough for the two of them to eat for a year. If there are too many vegetables in each season, they are put in the space, and they can be eaten slowly in other seasons or in winter, and there is no need to marinate them. It is made fresh whenever it is taken out, not to mention how convenient it is.

Sometimes Li Xingchen's company would come to her house for dinners and barbecues. Of course, it was said that it was a rented place. Only Li Xingchen knew that it was Qi Qi's bought house.

Because of her hard work in the first half of the year, she took her children to Tibet for a tour during the National Day holiday in the second half of the year. She got a taste of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and visited the Potala Palace. Yes, I had a good time.

After coming back from the National Day holiday, and by the end of 2024, with dividends and live broadcast earnings, the deposit will reach 1500 million yuan. After repaying the bank loan in advance, the remaining 600 million yuan will be transferred to the department specially opened by the company for itself. With the arrival of Three, she can spend more time starting a business.

At the end of 2024, she transferred 2 yuan to her parents in her hometown. This is the second consecutive year that she has transferred [-] yuan. Last year was also [-] yuan.

They have probably seen her disappointment in this family, so they don't make too many demands on her now, and just accept the money. Although the money seems small, it is better than not giving.

At the end of 24, her number of fans exceeded 800 million. On the platform, she was definitely treated as a big V. She earned a lot of money, but let her younger brother eat chaff. How could the best family members feel balanced?

But they don't answer the phone, they don't reply to the text message, and they don't even read WeChat. After this, Qi Qi knows that sooner or later they will find them, and they can't find them anywhere else. The only place they can go is the school, just like Wen Qiang was the same back then.

Because the winter vacation staff have to go home for the New Year, so Qi Qi took her children to Yunnan for half a month this time. Although she spent 3 to [-] yuan, she felt that it was worth the money. The natural scenery like spring all year round, It was a good eye-opener for the two of them to linger.

Qi Qi bought a lot of flowers and stored them in the space, and took out a bunch of them every once in a while, so that their family could see different flowers every day, which was very warm.

When I returned to the capital, it was almost the beginning of school. I took a three-day break and reported to the school. Unexpectedly, at this time, the original owner's parents, younger siblings, and even a one-year-old nephew came to the school gate together, looking for her. .

Qi Qi rubbed the center of her brows with a headache, she was really afraid of something, the best family came, how should she deal with it?

Take them to rent the basement, but no one believes it. Even if these people can't guess the money she earns from live broadcasting the goods every day, they can guess the amount they dare not imagine. Look at the big and small bags, He clearly wanted to join her.

Because of the money, the younger brother dared to kill the whole family of the older sister, how few such things are reported in the social news?
Her younger brother has been out of business for many years. He is spoiled and spoiled by his parents, and his younger sister-in-law is even more mean. She absolutely cannot get involved with such a person.

So when they come to Beijing, she must not show up, not only can't show up, but also can't let them be contaminated, so she greeted the security guard at the school gate directly. Leave these people and transfer two hundred in cash.

With this kind of advantage, for three days in a row, they were all in vain, because there were her informants in the four school gates, so she could grasp the movement and slip away in time.

After three days in Beijing, these people didn't even catch her shadow. They wanted to enter the school to find the school leader, but they were stopped by the security guards.

The younger brother used his cleverness to calculate others, so he trembled, berating the school security for not allowing him to see his relatives, and implying that his own sister would ignore his parents and disobedience after he became rich, and other inappropriate words, even @学校官方account and her account, its purpose is self-evident.

Qi Qi was also very happy, and directly posted a video to find enough evidence to prove that the younger brother and daughter-in-law are eating the old, and posted pictures of living expenses for their parents every year. It is enough for them to take care of their old age. She only owes her parents and not her brother.

Even though many people in this video scolded her for being unfilial, earning so much but giving so little to her parents, she has no conscience.

But there are also many people who support her to do this. A woman cannot be Voldemort. If she gives her parents unrestrained, it is tantamount to raising her younger brother and the whole family. Such a younger brother who lives by threatening his elder sister must not support her.

Qi Qi didn't show up, but responded on the video platform. The younger brother's family fully understood that it was because the older sister deliberately avoided them, and didn't want to get involved, so they started complaining to each other.

In the end, it was the doting parents who received the most attention.

They didn't expect to be scolded so badly by their son and daughter-in-law. It's unbelievable that this is the son they have loved since childhood. When they were sad, they gradually understood why Qi Qi avoided them so much. They were obviously afraid of being contaminated by such a younger brother and sister-in-law. In fact, even the two of them were rejected.

Thinking about the money that Qi Qi transfers every year, every penny is transferred to her son, but in the end it ends up like this, how can the parents not be sad?

But no matter how sad they were, no matter how they sent videos or WeChat messages to Qi Qi, Qi Qi replied directly.

"Go home and live your life well. If you help them again, people will be completely wasted. I have no reason to support them. If you are willing to give them money, you can continue to give them. Anyway, I give [-] a year. , I won’t give too much, I won’t give them two cents!”

It costs 800 yuan to live in Beijing for one night. Who can afford it?They came full of confidence, but went back disheveled like rats crossing the street. They didn't reap any benefits. How could the vampire brother be reconciled to this?After returning home, she even took the trouble to call Qi Qi and send WeChat messages, and Qi Qi who made trouble directly blocked her to deal with it.

After being blocked, they changed the phone number. Anyway, as long as they saw the phone number from their hometown, they would block it directly. One call blocked the other, and finally they simply changed the number.

If you call again, no one will answer. No matter how many calls you make, no one will answer.

The capital is so big, where can they find Qi Qi?

As long as Qi Qi wants to avoid them, none of them can find her.

Usually, her video account never posted about her son, so naturally she couldn't find any information about her son, and she might not even know that he changed his name.

The sister's unfeeling made the younger brother negatively slander Qi Qi on the video platform every day, Qi Qi completely ignored it, what should he do.

There were sunspots and gangsters scolding her and insulting her below, but she ignored it. In this way, in April of Yangchun, the number of fans on the platform broke through 4 million.

Look, no matter how much you slander me, you can't stop my popularity. Pity you slandered me for half a year, and you only have a little over 1 fans. No matter how hard you try, you can only hold a candle to it, and you will never be able to catch up. Don't worry?deserve it!Even if my sister's money is donated, I won't give you a dime.

In the first half of the year, 1350 million income was obtained, and this money continued to be invested in the company for operation. As the amount of funds became more and more sufficient, Xingchen's development became smoother and smoother.

In the summer vacation after the junior year, my son will be a primary school student when he starts school again. Fortunately, she has already prepared all the materials that should be prepared. The online registration was successfully passed in early July, and the home visit in August was also successfully passed. The school will start at the end of August.

This summer vacation, she gave up live broadcasting to make money, and took her children to travel for a whole month, all on her own, from the head of the chicken to the tail of the chicken, only on the back. Next summer vacation, she can go to the belly of the chicken.

It cost almost 10 yuan in a month, but traveling thousands of miles is really better than thousands of books, because my son is becoming more and more confident and determined.

In some places, the mother and son participated in it by riding. Of course, the bicycle was taken out of the space and put back in. The son didn't know it, thinking that she bought and sold it now.

In August, in addition to dealing with the final inspection of the school, I went to the company to train the team for half a month, until my son’s elementary school started on August 8. At this time, he was 8 years and 28 months old, and she was two years away. 6 months old.

When her son went to primary school, she had to pick him up and help him with his homework every day. She sent the child to the small dining table. It’s not that she couldn’t afford a nanny, but she thought it was unnecessary. After all, the primary school and the community are separated by a road, and the small dining table is in charge of the small dining table in turn. Yes, it’s much cleaner than the ones outside. The standard of 20 yuan per meal, even if you sleep and watch your homework at night, there are two meals a day. When she continues, it’s almost seven o’clock. It was undertaken by two full-time mothers. On the one hand, they can make money, and on the other hand, they can also take care of the children. She thought it was not bad, so she signed up for Qi Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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