The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1009 [1008] Full-time mother counterattack 16 (4)

Chapter 1009 [1008] Full-time mother counterattack 16 (four thousand)
Modern people's lives are under great pressure. Medical care, education, housing, and eating and drinking for the whole family often overwhelm young people, let alone enjoy life. Qi Qi's income is actually in the huge In the city of Beijing, it's not a big deal, especially if she still wants to buy a house, so she has to cut down on food and clothing.

It doesn’t mean that she can relax and enjoy herself with an annual salary of hundreds of thousands. In fact, the mother and son eat at least two of the three meals a day at school. Although the school’s meals are not very delicious, they can at least fill their stomachs. , In the evening, most of the meals are taken out with the company's people. Sometimes a cake and a cold noodle may be enough.

The purpose of their meals is to fill their stomachs, not to enjoy them, because at this age, it is time for them to struggle.

She gave birth to a child at the age of 21, who is almost two rounds older than her child. When she retires at 55, her child will be 34 years old. The smaller the age difference between mother and child, the more she looks forward to her old life. After all, the post-[-]s The future mother-in-law is still very open, if you let her bring the baby, she will bring it, and if she doesn't, she will give you money.

And absolutely do not live together, would rather rent a house to live.

She earned a house for her child in this life, and for the rest of her life, she would depend on him.

As for where she lives when she gets old, it doesn't really matter, whether she lives in the world or rents a house, there is always a place for her in the world.

After all, I will never remarry.

Ever since she became popular, it’s not that there is no one around her to introduce someone to her. Her classmates introduce her to her relatives, and her colleagues also ask her relatives to find out about herself. Qi Qi bluntly said that she would not remarry, but no one believed it. Someone still came here every now and then. Asking her what she meant really made her dumbfounded.

In fact, this is also human nature. After all, her current conditions are not too bad. Even if she has a son, she is very capable. As long as the conditions are good, no matter whether you look good or not, someone will take aim at you.

But she also understood that none of the men introduced to her surpassed her, and they basically came for her annual salary of one million.

Hehe, the money she earns is for her son, not for poverty alleviation, and I don't know what these people are thinking about introducing such a person to her?
Is she worthy of someone of this level?
Otherwise, why would she marry?Marriage is two families forming a new family. The strength of this family must be equal, rather than one family helping the other family. If that is the case, there should be no beginning, because it will not be happy if it starts.

There are many unfortunate women in Douyin, but there are also many happy women. No matter what, she can't change her idea of ​​being alone for the rest of her life.

She doesn't envy others, and she doesn't want to be the envy of others, because she knows how warm her drinking water is.

Your own life is not for others to see, good or bad, only you know in your heart.

Qi Qi didn't have any free time in September, and she finally had seven days off on November. She just wanted to have a good rest.

It’s been more than a year since I came to Beijing, but I haven’t been to many scenic spots. During the National Day holiday, I should have taken the child to look around, but there were people everywhere. Her head hurt from seeing it, so she just took the child to lie dead for two days at home. God, enough rest, I led him to cycle around the city of Beijing for a few days to see the prosperity of the big capital, which was also very interesting.

In the era of information explosion, Taobao and can’t compare to the online shopping in Douyin APP. Since she started to bring refreshments (tea, snacks) and children’s clothing from three to 9 years old in September, her sales volume has remained high. , the number of fans broke through to 12 million, and the number of fans increased by 350 million within a month or two, which made her dare not even think about it.

Because of the shortage of manpower, the manufacturer suggested that she form a team, like the most popular live broadcast couple on the platform, a brother and a sister.

Or Qi Qi is worried, because her time is very tight, if she goes to form a team again, she may not have time to join the company in the future.

That was not her original intention, so after a month of exhaustion in September and earning 9 million (income after tax deduction), she stopped this model in an instant.

She will broadcast live in the future, but only on weekends. It is best to earn more, and do not have to complain about earning less. It is her original intention to keep flowing, and she should not be lost by money.

This is an important decision that Eleven calmed down.

Sure enough, because of this decision, the sales in October suddenly dropped to 10. This 56 is also after-tax income. Adding up the two months in October, she earned 56 million, plus the previous 9 million, and now all deposits are 10 million.

Putting the 400 million in cash here, it’s not worthwhile to just eat bank interest. Qi Qi started to look at the house. The houses are mainly in school districts, preferably in dual school districts. From house inspections to preparations for purchase, it’s almost the end of the year. , By the end of the year, once the dividends are credited to the account, plus her current monthly income, she can reach 700 million, and then she can take out a loan to buy a three-bedroom house.

Because of the purchase restriction policy, their family can only buy one house. Since they want to buy, they should buy a big one. New houses are not considered for the time being. Buying a second-hand house is mainly because the location of the second-hand house is better than the location of the new house. Secondly, the school district The houses are basically second-hand houses, and they are old and small if they are not good.

She herself doesn't like living in high-rise buildings, so it would be nice if she could buy a multi-storey apartment with an elevator. Now the renovation of the old community is still very successful.

The average price of a good community is more than 12, and the average community is only [-] to [-] square meters. The huge Haidian District, when she looks at it, will really be at the end of the year.

After knowing that she had the idea of ​​buying a house, Li Xingchen also gave a lot of advice. Of course, he was not surprised, because this is a ostentation with 400 million fans, and because of this Internet celebrity, their company has also introduced many Items are really rare.

In the next step, they also want to set up a special department for Qi Qi to serve her live broadcast account. After all, the more popular she is, the more people will benefit from the company, right?Who made this great immortal an all-around player? In terms of special effects and set production, he gave a lot of pointers.

The more beautiful the special effects produced by their company, the higher the industry's evaluation, and the more orders they get. This is a virtuous circle.

In terms of the company's future development, Qi Qi is absolutely indispensable, so even if she spends some money to set up a separate department for her, it is still worthwhile.

If it wasn't for Qi Qi not wanting to do it herself, I'm afraid it would have been formed shortly after she joined the company, but it's reasonable for people to consider studying on their own and not have the energy to take care of it, so everything has to be discussed, let's see and see.

Three months later, the time has entered 2024. At the end of January, Qi Qi got 1 million in dividends, and all her income from live broadcasting and bringing goods in three months reached 230 million. So far, all her after-tax deposits have reached 266 million, which is more than 905 million. It was much higher than what I expected.

In the past few months, she has carefully selected a house with an average price of 15 yuan. It has two floors, the first floor and the second floor, with a garden on the first floor, an underground garage, and a basement. The total price is 1800 million yuan. , four bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms, two rooms upstairs and one bathroom, one bedroom and one small study downstairs, a total of 120 square meters, the shared area is very small, because there is no elevator, it is a garden house, the rooms are not big, but all It is very practical, and there is no wasted area. The basement and the garden on the first floor are extra generous.

The reason why I bought this house is that even if I live with my married son in the future, and the upper and lower sides are separated, I will not feel that there is no space for each other.

And this bungalow is still in the school district, why would it be so expensive?

The provident fund loan amount is too small, so she chose a commercial loan, which is still a five-year loan. In this way, every month with equal principal and interest, she needs to repay nearly 17 yuan. This money is relatively easy for her, so I paid the deposit without hesitation, and now I went to handle the transfer of the second-hand house as soon as the money arrived.

The deed tax is 3% and 54 yuan, plus stamp duty, second-hand housing appraisal fee, agency fee, and transfer certificate registration fee. All the messy things add up to about 80 yuan. She borrowed this money from Li Xingchen.

The house is a house in 2020, and the decoration style is what she likes, and although this house is not a villa, she looks almost like a villa. Most importantly, there are almost no traces of living in it, which shows that the original owner did not Come here often.

Qi Qi herself has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and she desperately hopes to move her hukou over and settle in the house she bought. She went to her hometown a few years ago and transferred her and her children's hukou to collective hukou. Thanks to the help of Li Xingchen's company, the settlement was successful.

But after all, this is not a real Beijing hukou, but the settlement policy is dead, even if you want to find a relationship, it is difficult to succeed. Therefore, even if she has her own house now, she will have to wait for a certain number of years before she can settle in the future.

The only good thing is that I finally don’t have to rent a house anymore. Although it’s a bit wasteful for mother and son to live in such a big house, this house is for us to live in after all. In a house with a rent of up to 17.

I can afford a car, but the license plate number cannot be changed, and I don’t even have the qualifications to queue (non-Beijing household registration). Fortunately, there are subway lines and buses at the door. It is very convenient to go anywhere, and I can take a taxi when I go out. If you have an electric car, if you must have a car, you have to queue up to buy a new energy vehicle, that is, a green card car. Don’t worry about this. It won’t be too late until the debt owed is paid off in the first half of next year.

The new place to live is very close to the company, only two or three stops away, it belongs to the North Fourth Ring Road, and the name of the community is Hejing Yingyue.

It's a bit far from the university. It takes about three or four 10 minutes to ride a bicycle, and it takes about seven stops to take the subway.

Fortunately, the child and her go to school in the same place, so there is no need to run around.

Cleaning a big house is very troublesome, but looking at the results of my three years of hard work, I have to wake up with a smile in my dream!
Both mother and son live on the first floor, and the bedroom at home is not big, so she transformed the small study next to it into Qi Yang's small room.

In the first few days, the little guy didn't dare to sleep by himself, and would come to sleep with her in the middle of the night every day. Later, he gradually got used to it and felt comfortable sleeping with him.

The rooms on the second floor were not completely idle. One room was transformed into a yoga classroom and calligraphy practice table, and the other room was transformed into a live broadcast classroom.

With such a change, if you need help, invite outsiders to come over, and you will feel very spacious.

There is a living room on the first floor, and there is only a small tatami reception desk on the second floor.

Qi Qi spent the entire winter vacation renovating her home. The small garden at the entrance was very large, covering an area of ​​[-] square meters. The original owner was very tasteful and mainly used it for ornamental purposes. She might tear it down and grow vegetables.

The basement is also [-] square meters. Because the original owner gave a complete set of furniture and appliances, the mother and son moved in with their bags. The useful furniture and appliances were left outside, and the useless storage space was simply thrown away.

Clothes can be dried in the yard, and there is sufficient heating in the house. This is a very livable community, because the few buildings here were originally garden houses. Compared with the surrounding high-rise buildings, they are naturally much more expensive, and the prices of those high-rise buildings are [-]. Around ninety thousand.

The greening of the community is well done, livable and pleasant, comfortable and natural, she likes it very much, in fact, the so-called double school district housing, compared with so many good schools in Beijing, is only generally speaking, it is not a famous school, but it is not bad.

Her family has a house now, and in the future they will be able to go to the school at the gate. If there is no house and no registered permanent residence, they will be placed at the back. And the utility of the household registration book is invincible in terms of enrollment registration.

Li Xingchen is a native of the capital. He once joked that he would marry his cousin who was a soldier, so that the child's household registration and her household registration could be transferred directly. When you get married, you would rather stay for a few years and settle down with your ability than rely on a man, especially if you marry in this way, no matter how capable you are, you will be looked down upon by your in-laws.

People in big cities look down on people from small cities, and especially look down on rural people. This has been the same principle for many years. This custom will not change wherever it goes, even in ancient times. Therefore, if you want others to look down on you, you must You have to fight for yourself.

Perhaps Qi Yang, who was born in a single-parent family, will be looked down upon in marriage in the future, but if the family has a house and a registered permanent residence, it will become the target of countless women's scrambles, so it depends on how you look at it.

Now that the major issue of the house has been resolved, it is time to devote ourselves to repaying the loan, buying a car, and studying.

As soon as the second semester of her sophomore year started, Qi Qi was very motivated, because she was busy at home throughout the winter vacation, and only earned about 30 yuan for calligraphy and embroidery works, and some yoga classes brought goods, making a total of 17 , 18 to repay the loan, and the remaining [-] (remaining from before) will be reserved for repayment next time.

After entering March, live streaming of live goods will be launched on weekends. At the same time as the live broadcast of the yoga class at 3 o'clock in the morning, you can also bring goods with you. You can go to the company after school on weekdays and go home before [-] o'clock in the evening. After washing, you can do yoga for an hour, and then enter the space to practice Calligraphy, daily and monthly arrangements are full, full and exhausting, but the effect is great.

(End of this chapter)

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