witcher in marvel

Chapter 444 Unlucky Loki

Chapter 444 Unlucky Loki


Kuning Avenue, a splendid palace-style building.

A grand reception is being held here, and the organizer is the famous Dr. Heinrich Seifer, so most of the participants are elites in the scientific community, and the rest are family members of scientists and the like .

Loki strolled down from the second floor, his posture and eyes were like walking in his own kingdom, looking down at the ants under his feet.

Walking into the reception hall, he lightly waved the magnificent scepter in his hand, as if brushing off the dust from the corners of his clothes, and sent the security guards at the entrance of the hall flying away. Then, amidst the terrified eyes, Loki walked towards the target Heinli Hee Cypher.

He likes to see the desperate eyes of tiny humans, and he likes the tiny humans to look at him with the eyes of gods.

I am God!

A smirk appeared on the corner of Loki's mouth, he held the scepter in his left hand, and pinched Heinrich Seifer's neck with his right hand like iron clamps.

"Catch him and kill him. Will this group of tiny humans be even more frightened?"

"Earthlings, inferior creatures, only deserve to be treated as slaves!"

Just as Loki's smug smile appeared, another hand stretched out, just holding down his outstretched arm. When the upload came, he was thrown out at once.

Passing through the thick wall and crashing into a number of cars parked outside, Loki's meticulous appearance turned into a mess at this moment.

"who is it?!"

Loki was shocked and angry.

He may not care about the failure of this superficial task, but he must not lose face in front of inferior creatures!

Loki's body was shining with golden light, and the elegantly fitting evening dress turned into an Asgardian armor, and the scepter in his hand was shining with blue light.

With the surge of power in the scepter, Loki's confidence returned to his face.

This is the role of mind control, not only playing with the opponent's mind, but also playing with one's own mind.

"We meet again, God of Tricks!"

A crisp voice rang in his ears, and Loki suddenly turned his head to look, and saw a young woman in armor.


"I've seen you!"

Loki looked ugly.

When he came to Earth last time, he was severely humiliated once. This woman was one of the audience, how could he forget?

Skye's face was full of ridicule, and he greeted warmly: "Prince Rocky, you really don't remember to eat and beat. Last time you were beaten like that, how dare you come here? Did you tie yourself up, or Let me beat you until you can't take care of yourself, and then tie you up?"

Loki's face had already been entered into the SHIELD database, and he was showing up ostentatiously, for fear that SHIELD would not know that he was here. Even if SHIELD didn't pay special attention to him, the database would automatically call the police.

Before the Avengers were dispatched, Skye used his teleportation ability to instantly travel thousands of miles to Stuttgart, stopping Loki's murderous demonstration.

Skye used to be very afraid of this weak chicken who claimed to be a "god", but now he doesn't care at all.

The teleportation ability allows her to fight whenever she wants, and she can leave at any time if she can't. The shock wave ability allows her to master powerful destructive power. Coupled with the seahorse scale clothing that buffs offense and defense, she is sure to beat this Aspen The second prince of Gad.

"You bastard!"

Loki, who was despised again, was furious, and the blue light surged on the scepter, and the blue explosive energy burst out.

The blue electric light was like a thunderbolt, but Skye didn't move, but stretched out his hands to block in front of him.

The blue thunder struck her, but the space there shook slightly, like a distorted mirror, instantly bouncing the energy beam back.


Loki's face changed slightly, the energy beam rebounded several times, hit his body head-on, and a miniature mushroom cloud immediately rose, and the wind and waves caused drove the surrounding cars far away like blowing up toys.

At this time, Skye's figure flashed away, passing through the spreading dust and smoke in an instant, appearing beside Heinrich Seifer, and the shock wave spread to the void behind him.

Stab it! !
Following a series of bursts of sparks, Loki's figure reappeared.

Looking at the violently shaking scepter, Loki's expression could no longer be described as ugly.

He has always thought highly of himself, but he didn't expect to be deflated one after another on this small earth.

After forcing Loki to reappear, Skye first teleported Dr. Heinrich Seifer elsewhere, then teleported back, and waved a shock wave like a tidal wave at Loki.

The huge wave formed by the shock wave covered Loki, crushing him into pieces in the blink of an eye.

But obviously, this is an illusion again.

"Aside from these things, don't you have any new ways to play?"

Skye curled his lips and pulled his hands together.

"God's Breath!!"

In the next moment, the howling shock wave turned into a blue hurricane, plowed the ground, and stretched all the way into the distance.

"Damn brat!"

With blazing anger in his eyes, Loki hurriedly withdrew tens of meters, gritted his teeth and spit out a few words, grabbed a car beside him, and smashed it like a brick.

The Frost Giant's physique is tyrannical, and the throwing force is at least a hundred tons. The car passed through the void, and because of the violent friction with the air, it ignited a fire, just like a meteorite falling from the sky.


The car was crushed by the shockwave.

"With this strength, what kind of witchcraft do you practice?"

Skye laughed lightly, and a large wave of ripples surged out, almost covering the spacious street.

Loki's expression was quite gloomy, and his thin body pulled up afterimages, throwing cars one by one towards Ripple.

Dozens of cars exploded one after another, closing into a huge fireball, colliding with the condensed torrent of ripples, and it was like setting off fireworks for a while, and the "boom, boom, boom" was extremely lively.

At this time, the sky suddenly darkened, and thunder was stirring endlessly in the clouds.

Loki looked up at the sky and spat: "I hate thunder!"

boom! !

Accompanied by a deafening bang, a figure descended with thunder.

The thunder light disappeared, revealing a blond young man in a red, white and blue costume with a bright star on his chest, a hammer in his right hand and a shield in his left.

Seeing Steve walking out of the lightning, Loki's eyes were a little dull, and he shouted in shock: "Soldier, why are you holding Thor's Hammer?!"

Captain America shook the hammer and said calmly, "Prince Loki, thank you very much. If you hadn't messed around on Earth last time, King Odin wouldn't have sent Thor's Hammer..."

Well, he didn't tell the second prince that the hammer was actually just a fake.


Loki's mentality collapsed again.

The father he respected the most, would rather give such an artifact to a person on Earth than to give him this son.

Sure enough, if you are not your own, you will be discriminated against!

Rocky felt tears welling in his eyes, he held back his anger and gritted his teeth and said, "Don't fight, I know I'm not your opponent, I surrender..."

Still cautious, Steve tentatively asked, "Has the Rubik's Cube been stolen by you?"

Loki snorted, "That's right."

Steve cheered up: "Where is the Rubik's Cube?"

Loki sneered: "You think I'll tell you?"

Steve frowned and nodded to Skye: "Skye, let's take him back to the mothership!"

"Okay, Captain."

To deal with a Loki, there is no need to dispatch too many people. This time, only Skye and the US team came forward. It is convenient to go back, just teleport.

Steve didn't waste any time, and ordered the SHIELD agents to clean up the funeral, and then took Loki, who was captured without a fight, and teleported away with Skye.

The figures of the three disappeared into the night sky. Bai Jinglan raised his head and stared for a moment, then moved his eyes to the distant starry sky.

The spiritual scepter in Loki's hand is a fake, or just a replica.

Sure enough, Purple Sweet Potato Essence is not so stupid, knowing that the earth is so dangerous, and let the only clever Loki run around with the soul gem.

However, judging from the reality gem induction he has mastered, the real soul gem is not far from the earth!


(End of this chapter)

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