witcher in marvel

Chapter 445 The Bad News

Chapter 445 The Bad News


All the members of the Avengers are here...including Thor.

In other words, Sol follows Jane Foster every day, happily playing the role of Erha.

If it wasn't for Loki who was caught this time, Fury didn't want to bother that fool.

However, Rocky's smooth arrest did not reassure everyone, but made them more vigilant.

There is no way, his intention to delay time is too obvious.

Fury wanted to open the gap from Loki, so he specially sent Melinda to drive the Zephyr to pick up Saul and Jane Foster.

Sol has been on the earth for so long, not only has Jane as his girlfriend, but also made many ordinary friends, which made him feel more and more belonging to the earth. Regarding his younger brother's attempt to invade the earth again, Sol felt very sad. Naturally feel disgusted.

Now that there are many strong men around him, Fury did not choose to put Loki in a cage, but placed it in the battle hall brightly, so that he can be interrogated at any time and prevent him from making small moves.

Looking at his brother who showed no repentance, Sol was angry and sad at the same time: "Loki, I don't have time to mess around with you, what the hell are you trying to do?!"

Seeing the unconcealable anger in Thor's eyes, Loki's smile became more vigorous: "Great brother, I was originally a king, and I should be a king. Since Asgard expelled me, I will be the king of the earth." King, that's all!"

"Do you think I despise you, and in order to get revenge on me, I will destroy the world I love?" Sol's blond hair fluttered like an angry lion, "I don't agree! I will protect the earth, Loki!"

Loki sneered: "But you didn't do your duty. Human beings kill each other, but you stand by and I will rule them..."

"Just such a weak chicken, I can strangle a piece of it with one hand, and still want to rule us?"

"That's right! That's right!"

"This alien looks like a human, but his brain is dumber than a pig."

"I think, if he goes to participate in the election, maybe he might have a chance..."

"I don't really understand, he is so weak, why did he choose force?"

A few brats who came to help, talking about it without concealment, made the corners of the adults' mouths twitch, but Loki's face turned black instantly.

"Enough!" he roared with cold eyes, "Stupid earthlings, do you think you have won?"

The figure of Uncle Wolf who was sent to help flickered, and the sharp Adamantium alloy claws popped out from between his fingers, and they pressed against Loki's throat, and his roar was immediately blocked.

The cold murderous intent made Loki a little frightened.

But he looked at Sol in front of him, and the fear was replaced by madness: "Hehe, so what if you catch me? You dare not kill me, and you dare not force me, because my good brother will not agree... "

Uncle Wolf remained motionless, the paw pressing against his throat suddenly moved down to his waist, and then stabbed without hesitation.

puff! !
Three razor-sharp claws pierced through Loki's waist, leaving three bloody wounds, blood spurting out like arrows, dyeing the small piece of ground red in the blink of an eye.

"do not want!"

Surprised, Sol immediately rushed over, but what met him was a golden light.

The extremely fast golden light, like a moving golden mountain, stopped Sol.

Amidst Loki's painful groans, the death woman wearing a saber-toothed tiger battle suit said seriously to Sol: "Sol, Loki has killed many people these days, this is the punishment he must receive... Anyway, he I can't die again!"

The others were watching with cold eyes, and with Bai Jinglan as their backing, they were really not afraid of falling out with Asgard.

Of course, Asgard is an ally of mankind after all. Whether it is S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Security Council, they will not really choose to tear themselves apart from Asgard because of the death of some agents, but some lessons are definitely essential .

Thor said angrily: "Loki is an Asgardian and my younger brother, he can only accept Asgardian punishment!"

On the other side, Nick Fury suddenly said indifferently: "Punishing Loki is what Mr. White meant."


Sol's movements froze immediately, he was not afraid of anyone else, but he had to be scruples about Bai Jinglan.

The black stewed egg in tiger skin felt a little relieved when he saw the change in his expression, and hurriedly added: "And you can rest assured that Mr. Logan is measured, at most it's just a few flesh and blood wounds. A person's physique can be recovered in a moment."

Saul was in a dilemma, Coulson walked in from the door and put a stack of documents on the table.

"Just now there was news from Germany that the laboratory under the name of Dr. Heinrich Seifer was invaded and a rare metal element 'iridium' was lost..."

"It seems that your goal is this rare metal element!" Fury picked up the information and scanned it, waiting for Loki to ask, "Then, what is your purpose of snatching this element?"

Speaking of professional knowledge, Tony next to him cheered up: "Iridium can be used as a stabilizer, which can prevent the portal from collapsing itself, and it can also allow Loki to control the portal as he likes, how big and how long he wants to open, it doesn't matter. "

Dr. Banner added thoughtfully: "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. have easy access to other raw materials, and they are now missing only one major component: energy."

Tony nodded: "A high-density energy used to activate the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

"Does Loki need a specific energy source?"

"He has to heat the Rubik's Cube to 1.2 million degrees to break through the Coulomb barrier."

"Unless Dr. Eric has figured out a way to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect."

"If he's figured it out, he can do heavy ion beam fusion with any reactor."

The dialogue between the two scientific leaders left everyone else in a daze.

"Open the portal, or something to pass in, or something to pass out." Nick Fury turned his gaze to Sol and asked, "Sol, do you have any information to share?"

Thor glanced at the pale Loki and shook his head.

Sif sighed, and said: "I just received a voice transmission from the crow of His Majesty the God King. Loki has an army of Chitauri. They are not Askides, but from an unknown world. He intends to lead this army to attack You, they will help him take the Earth... The God King guesses that Loki intends to use the Rubik's Cube in exchange!"

Steve's face was serious: "The army, or the army from outer space..."

War is not something a single hero can handle. Even if they are not ordinary people, each of them can defeat a thousand enemies, but once they face countless alien troops, they will still feel stretched.

At that time, even if the alien army is driven away, the earth will suffer unimaginable damage.

Fury was silent for a moment, and frowned: "As the ruler of the Nine Worlds, can't Asgard provide assistance?"

Sif smiled bitterly: "First of all, the Rainbow Bridge has not been repaired so far, and Asgard's army cannot be sent over; secondly, recently, there have been many rebellions in the Nine Kingdoms, and most of Asgard's troops have been sent to pacify Betrayed, if Loki hadn't appeared on Earth, the God King wouldn't have paid attention to this side at all."

Several senior agents looked at each other and noticed something was wrong.

What a coincidence!

After a long time, Fury let out a long breath, and said in a deep voice: "Maybe we should go find Mr. White again, the enemy's formation may be far more terrifying than we imagined..."


(End of this chapter)

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