witcher in marvel

Chapter 443 The Twisted Plot

Chapter 443 The Twisted Plot

Bai Jinglan agreed to Fury's request.

Although I don't think it is necessary for Tony and Banner to come forward, but it is very easy for the Avengers to play a team match, and the two guys must always show their faces.

Especially Tony Stark, as the most high-profile superhero in the world, if he doesn't show up at such a critical moment, he doesn't know how much slander he will bear.

That guy has a glass heart, maybe he will close himself in the blink of an eye.

Bai Jinglan, who returned from space, didn't bother to go back to school to have a look, and directly sent it to the SHIELD headquarters to learn more about it with Fury.

After a while, he raised his chin: "Banner and Betty are here."

Banner and his wife, who received the notification from Bai Jinglan, walked in from the outside, accompanied by Coulson and Barton.

Banner saluted Bai Jinglan first, and then asked calmly, "Director Nick Fury, what are you looking for us to do?"

As a wanted criminal who has been hunted down by the government for many years, he doesn't like any government organization, and the marinated egg is not a beautiful black widow, so he has no basis for using color to lower his intelligence.

Fury said seriously: "Doctor, we are about to face a global disaster."

"Hehe, I don't think it should be referring to me." Banner laughed at himself.

Fury didn't answer, but turned on the projection on his wrist, and said: "This is the Rubik's Cube, which has the energy to destroy the entire earth. The gamma signal it sends is too weak for us to track, and you know gamma rays best." We need you and Dr. Betty and Tony Stark to find it as soon as possible."

Banner looked at Bai Jinglan, and seeing that he didn't stop him, he nodded, "I understand."

"Okay, let's set off immediately!" Fury got up immediately, "I will take you to the appropriate work area."

Banner raised his eyebrows slightly, and joked, "Are you sure you won't put me in any jar?"

Fury stared at him, and said lightly: "As long as you don't turn into a big green guy and smash around."

Banner smiled.

His more than a year of research is not a waste of time. Although it is not enough to completely eradicate the dementia problem after transformation, it has been able to ensure that his intelligence is online most of the time.

Of course, there are pros and cons to doing so.

The advantage is that there will be no random smashing, which will easily cause unnecessary casualties, but the combat power can increase infinitely; the disadvantage is that because it is difficult to show extreme anger, the Hulk's combat power has dropped a lot.

But for Banner, this is undoubtedly a great thing.

He is a scientist, not a warrior, and he doesn't need combat power in the first place, and if he wants to improve his combat power, Bai Jinglan has many ways, and it is definitely not advisable to exchange IQ for increased combat power.

Fury turned to Bai Jinglan: "If Mr. White is willing to help, we..."


Before he could finish speaking, Bai Jinglan refused, "Now you have a team of superpowers under your command, you can deal with it yourself first, and I will also send some people to help. If you are really invincible, I will naturally look at it." The situation is underway."

There was a twist in the plot, and he had to be prepared to deal with possible variables.

Fury nodded: "In that case...Okay!"

If he really encountered an enemy he couldn't deal with, he believed that Bai Jinglan would definitely attack, just like the Evernight Goddess incident this time, so there was no need to force him to stay here.



When Fury took the Banners into the aircraft carrier base, the Avengers team he had planned for a long time was basically ready.

Captain America, with a shield and hammer in hand, was talking to Coulson, Melinda, and Barbara. Hawkeye was drinking with Black Widow and Sharon. In addition, the new Ghost Rider Robbie Reyes was also fooled.

This brand new team of Avengers is much stronger than the one in the original track.

Seeing the hard-working super team, Fury's heart was much more stable.

Just like what Bai Jinglan said, the aliens are nothing more than mere aliens. As long as the army is not invading, he believes that the Avengers will definitely be able to deal with it.

Although Tony Stark hadn't arrived yet, Nick Fury didn't want to wait any longer, and immediately launched the aircraft carrier into the air, sailed around the subspace orbit, and was ready to support any disaster that might break out.

There are only two problems at this time, find the aliens and get back the Rubik's Cube!

Coulson explained: "We scanned all the cameras, mobile phones, and notebooks that can be read wirelessly around the world...As long as they are connected to satellites, they are our eyeliners."

Natasha added: "It takes a lot of time to do that, and time is what we are most lacking right now."

Dr. Banner thought for a while and said, "Need to narrow the range... How many spectrometers can you use?"

"As much as you want."

Banner and Betty looked at each other, and said seriously: "Contact all the laboratories you can find, let them put spectrometers on the roof, calibrate and search for gamma rays, and we will draft a tracking algorithm based on cluster identification, so that at least we can rule out Several regions... can you find us a place to work?"

"It's already been prepared." Fury nodded, "Agent Romanov, please take Dr. Banner and Dr. Betty to their laboratory."

Natasha smiled at the two of them, "There is everything there, I hope you are satisfied."

When SHIELD assembled a group of superheroes to search for cosmic magic step by step, in the depths of the distant star sea, a large number of interstellar warships poured into the solar system.

At the same time, a figure in a silver cloak quietly landed on the back of the moon.

The unmanned lunar rover launched by the United States slowly travels in the endless craters, collecting all the information on the back of the moon.

Suddenly, the moving lunar rover stopped abruptly.

It was not that the lunar rover was malfunctioning, but that there seemed to be an invisible obstacle suddenly appearing in front of the seemingly empty space.

The wheels of the lunar rover were still turning fast, but they were still unable to move forward an inch.

In the next moment, a foot fell from the void... no, it should be a hoof, and it fell heavily on the lunar rover, as if a meteorite hundreds of kilograms fell, smashing the durable lunar rover into pieces on the spot.

In the space where sound cannot be transmitted, someone can be heard moaning and complaining: "There are more and more of these things, and we will be discovered by humans sooner or later..."

Then, a pair of big hands protruded from the void, lifted the smashed lunar rover, and then retracted back into the void the same way.

The crater was quiet again.

After a while, a figure in a silver cloak stepped out of the dim light, paused at the broken part of the lunar rover, and stepped into the seemingly empty space.

A city full of science and technology, set off a corner on the back of the moon.


(End of this chapter)

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