witcher in marvel

Chapter 437 Unlucky Nyx

Chapter 437 Unlucky Nyx

Even the gods at the level of the heavenly father are bound by this rule, and it is difficult to break free for a while.

But for Bai Jinglan, it was not that difficult.

The pure Godfather is no match for Nyx, he needs to transform into a Super Saiyan.

However, even if his strength increases dozens of times, he will definitely be able to defeat Nyx?
Nyx is the body of the night, and like many concept gods, he belongs to the rules that cannot be destroyed.

Kill her, the night will not exist, and the universe will be destroyed!

"I'm so useless!"

"Shards of Godhead have been snatched!"

"The darkness is approaching step by step, and there is nothing I can do!"

"I can't stop the goddess of the night from reviving, I can't save the earth, I should be responsible for the destruction of the earth..."

Bai Jinglan's mood was extremely low, her own incompetence led to the destruction of the whole world.


Nyx turned his head and glanced at him, with a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth, then turned to the terrified Hull, and said calmly but full of hatred, "The gods of the Pantheon, the mortals in the world, and the entire universe, They have been spoiled after eternal abuse. The only way out is to return to peace and light - my new world will be vast, empty and nothing, and in that new beginning, the world will return to darkness!"

Her tone changed: "Librarian, when you record this moment in your book, remember to write like this..."

puff! !

Nyx's arm pierced Hel's chest.

"The Queen of Night has taken back the 'Long Night That's Gone'...with ease!"

"Sorry, you need my permission!"

The sudden sound made Nyx stunned.

In the next moment, a majestic and unparalleled energy burst out, like a landslide and a tsunami, venting frantically in all directions.

Comparable to a category [-] hurricane sweeping past, even Nyx couldn't maintain his figure, and was pushed back by the air waves as thick as a wall.

The dark bondage released by Nyx was directly torn apart by this powerful force.

Bai Jinglan walked out of the lightning and thunder with golden arrogance rising from his whole body.

In his hand was a four-legged snake-like monster with a head almost like a lizard and a body like a boa constrictor.

"Do you think you can really restrain me with just one Ogex?"

The Evernight Goddess had four children, and Ox was born last, but was the strongest one, transformed by Nyx's hatred.

She is the god of sorrow and sorrow, who controls the rules of emotions, can easily eliminate people's courage, and make people sink in sadness.

Her ability can be regarded as a weakened version of the Mind Gem, far more difficult than Hypnos, Apat, and Doros.

However, the power of Ogies comes from Nyx. After Bai Jinglan absorbs part of Nyx's godhead, he can completely use rules to resist the rules, so that its influence on his emotions is greatly weakened.

Next, it is the battle for the godhead!

Bai Jinglan snorted coldly, and threw Ogais into the air, and at the same time, his five fingers were clenched into fists, and the flames all over his body exploded instantly.

"Galaxy Starburst!!"

The phantoms of the stars all over the sky suddenly appeared, and the shadows pushed the Ox into the sky, and then shattered at the same time.

Suddenly, the omniscience hall collapsed, and black turbulence surged, sweeping in all directions.

"Mother... I... I'm sorry..."

Osex only had time to let out a low cry before being swallowed by the stars.

"Do not!!"

Nyx raised his head in astonishment.

At this time, Bai Jinglan's figure disappeared, passed by her, and pinched the fragment of godhead.

"You damn insect repellent, ruined everything for me!!"

Nyx reacted very quickly, gritted his teeth and roared, and squeezed the hand holding the fragment.

Click! !
The second shard of godhead was shattered.

Bai Jinglan didn't have time to attack her again, and immediately used the power of the rules he had absorbed before to extract the rules of this fragment again.

Same goes for Nicks.

A moment later, the hall of omniscience completely collapsed, and the energy of the fragments was shared by the two.

This time the situation was a bit worse, [-]% to [-]% - [-]% for Bai Jinglan, [-]% for Nix.

After all, Nyx is the main body, and Bai Jinglan loses the geographical advantage, and he will definitely be inferior to her for the power of fragments.

However, Bai Jinglan was already very satisfied, and he added two more priesthoods - death and bad luck.

"Kill my child and rob me of my power—mortal, you will sink into darkness forever!"

After absorbing this godhead shard again, Nyx's power soared, reaching the height of a cosmic god, and he launched an attack without hesitation.

Bai Jinglan laughed, golden arrogance erupted, and he fought back without showing any weakness.

The power of the two collided head-on, and after a short period of stillness, a violent shock wave was set off. The manic energy crushed each other, and vented to the surroundings frantically, impacting on the surrounding magic circles, causing countless lightning to flow around.

As expected of the goddess of the night!
It looks like a god of the legal system, but its physique is stronger than Odin.

However, for the super competitive Man of Steel, it is also pitifully weak.

"Your fist is not hard enough!"

Bai Jinglan's body flew quickly, and before Nyx could react, he was hit hard in the abdomen, and his body was shot backwards, crashing into more than a dozen buildings one after another, and finally embedded in the wall of the stone mountain beside the city, countless The broken stones scattered down and buried her.


Bai Jinglan followed closely, standing in mid-air, golden arrogance erupted, and he swung his hands swiftly, exploding countless shock waves.

Boom! !

Under the rage of violent energy, half of the sacred mountains collapsed, filled with dust, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, and the sky of Almighty City became gray.

However, even with such a big commotion, the city was still quiet, as if there was no one there.

Those protoss wouldn't all sneak away, right?
The corners of Bai Jinglan's mouth twitched, feeling that these so-called gods were really a little immoral.

He Erming knew how cruel Nyx was, but he was still unwilling to get involved. There were not a few gods like him.

Forget it, the virtue of the Protoss has little to do with Bai Jinglan.

He didn't plan to have a deep friendship with those guys either, he'd better deal with the Evernight Goddess first.

With a wave of his hand, Bai Jinglan set off a violent hurricane, blowing away the dust in the sky, and looked down at the broken mountain.

I didn't see anyone!

The law of smoke without harm applies everywhere.

Bai Jinglan inspected the surroundings, and his heart moved: Nyx ​​went to the dream dimension!
Only in that dimension of nothingness can she restrain Bai Jinglan's steel body.



The land of nightmares.

On the magnificent and strange land, two legions are fighting.

One side is composed of soldiers wearing ancient Greek armor, with their eyes closed collectively, and whispering from time to time, like sleepwalkers. They drive all kinds of war equipment, including ancient catapults, catapults, and modern war equipment. tanks, cannons.

The other side is even more magical. They are all huge monsters tens of meters behind them. Not only are they huge, they can also spray shock waves and release life-swallowing death ripples.

"Dreamless, back off!"

"Fantasy, go forward!"

"Tank Legion, prepare!!"

Hypnos' face was ugly. Originally, his Legion of the Dreamless was about to capture the Castle of Nightmare, but he did not know where such a terrifying army came out, and it defeated his troops in an instant.

Even if he didn't care about the lives of the soldiers at all, and ordered the soldiers to charge with their lives, he still couldn't stop the monsters.

However, he must not fail!
"For Nyx!"

"For revenge, attack!!"


(End of this chapter)

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