witcher in marvel

Chapter 436 Stark vs President Teddy

Chapter 436 Stark vs President Teddy
Los Angeles Zoo.

"What a disgrace that these animals are being rolled in zoos like this!"

The old President Roosevelt, nicknamed "Teddy", squatted in the grass of the zoo, playing with his beloved old-fashioned shotgun, pressing bullets into the barrel, and staring viciously at the people and animals running around.

Not far away, several security guards with guns and several elephants fell in a pool of bright red blood.

The old President Roosevelt has the reputation of "Trust Blaster". He ascended to the presidency as a replacement and became the youngest president in American history. With the "big stick", a large number of large enterprises with monopoly positions have been smashed one after another.

After leaving office, he also stopped an expedition to explore Africa and captured more than 500 animals, ranging from insects to hippos and elephants, of which more than [-] belonged to hunting, and nearly [-] animals were eaten .

During this hunting and scientific expedition, a large number of animals were made into specimens and shipped to DC, and it took a full year just to load them.

He likes to hunt.

Now, there is another kind of object he hunts - human beings!

Just as old Roosevelt raised his shotgun and knocked a tourist to the ground, the roar of ferocious beasts came from the jungle behind him.

A very large American black bear, weighing at least [-] kilograms, roared and rushed from the depths of the jungle, crashing into old Roosevelt like a tank.

Its right leg was bleeding from an old Roosevelt shotgun wound.

The black bear ran at an extremely fast speed, and rushed to Old Roosevelt in a blink of an eye, waved its huge bear paw, and slapped him on the head.

Old Roosevelt's head was smashed, and the shotgun flew more than ten meters away.

In a blink of an eye, his head, which was smashed by the black bear, returned to its original shape again.

Black bear: o((⊙﹏⊙))o
Old Roosevelt looked at the damaged shotgun, made a boxing posture, and shouted angrily: "I can hear your restrained pain from your wounded roar, so let me relieve your pain! "


The black bear flinched for a moment, and soon became fierce again, opening its bloody mouth, intending to swallow his head.


Old Roosevelt didn't change his face, he made an uppercut and hit the black bear's jaw.

Immediately, the black bear screamed "Aww", and flew out in a spin.

Old Roosevelt clapped his palms and said triumphantly: "This is what happens when you are rude to me!"

"Oh, that bear is miserable, it's retiring soon!"

With an angry jeer, the sky drew a curve of flames, and Stark, wearing his new suit, stopped above the zoo.

As the head snake in Los Angeles, he naturally knew about the chaos caused by old Roosevelt.

And on the way here, he also received a notification from Fury, and he probably knew the whole story.

The corrupt president who has been resurrected collectively will soon form the Legion's undead army.

If he hadn't already been familiar with the wonders of magic, Stark would have thought that the braised egg was playing tricks on him.

Even now, he "stands" in mid-air, looking down at old Roosevelt, still has a very unreal feeling.

"who are you?"

Old Roosevelt was happy and unafraid.

Stark pursed his lips: "People call me—Iron Man."

Old Roosevelt laughed loudly: "Are you also hunting?"

"Yeah, I'm going to hunt some rabbits, plus a dead president."

Stark raised his palm, turned his wrist, and sprayed a burst of bullets.

Clap clap clap clap!
Old Roosevelt's head exploded again, several ribs were blown off his chest, and a huge hole was drilled out.

"You rascal!"

The old Roosevelt quickly repaired it, and waved his fists to complain, "You are either not familiar with gun safety, you are a monster, you really want to harm me, get off, I will beat you!"


Stark touched his nose. After this guy was resurrected, it seemed that he was not only blackened, but also his brain was not working well.

"I don't like to joke, neither when I'm alive or when I'm dead!"

Seeing that Stark was unmoved, old Roosevelt became even more angry. He picked up his shotgun, and the light flashed in his palm, and the damaged shotgun was instantly repaired.

Immediately, he aimed his gun at Stark and pulled the trigger.

Boom! !

The destructive power is completely inconsistent with the shape of the firearm.

Stark was caught off guard, and was hit in the bull's-eye, and the steel suit, which could resist even missiles, was instantly overturned.


Before Stark had time to get up, another elephant roar sounded in his ear.

The next moment, a pillar-like sole stepped on it.

At least a few tons of force were pressed down, and Stark was immediately pressed into the ground.


The shock absorption effect of the steel suit is excellent, Stark will not be injured, but he is still dizzy from the shock.

Immediately afterwards, the huge African elephant poked out its long trunk and rolled Iron Man up.

The scimitar-like ivory was pressed against his waist, as if it was going to stab him.

Stark murmured: "It's not surprising that you idiots will become extinct!"

The strength of an elephant alone cannot stop Iron Man.

But Stark hesitated, he had no intention of harming the elephant.

At this time, Teddy's voice came from his ear again.

"Don't move, I'll set you both free!"

Old Roosevelt rushed over with a shotgun, Stark didn't need to show mercy to him: "Get out!"

Two rows of gun muzzles protruded from the shoulders of the steel suit, spraying out more bullets.

This time it's an enchanted bullet!

Flame, frost, electric current, poisonous gas... Various types of enchanted bullets hit Old Roosevelt, causing various types of damage.

After a while, the old Roosevelt recovered again, waving a shotgun and yelling: "You can't kill me, you will only make me angrier!"

"Jarvis, tranquilizer bomb!"

Stark ignored him, sticking out the muzzle of the gun again from his wrist, aiming at the angry elephant.

Bang! !

Stark's special anesthesia bomb, even a large beast like an elephant, can lie down instantly.

"Next, it's your turn!"

Stark floated into the air again, pointing both palms at Old Teddy.

"Jarvis, convert energy into electricity."

boom! !

All the energy provided by the reactor was converted into electricity, which was released from his palm, forming two dazzling lightning pillars.


"You cruel beast!"

"Are you going to smash my presidential cabinet?"

"Don't think about it!"

"Hugh... want to..."

Boom! !
Old Roosevelt, whose body was filled with countless electrons, exploded on the spot.

This time, he couldn't recover.

The light in Stark's palm flickered, like a short-circuited electric board.

He didn't care at all, and said with a little pride: "My observation is indeed correct, the weakness of this kind of ghost is electricity."

When the row of magic bullets was fired just now, he was silently observing, looking for which element would be more effective.

It turned out that the bullets carrying the high current did more damage, and the elder Roosevelt recovered much more slowly.

So, there was his desperate move.

"Sir, there is still 10% of energy left!" Jarvis reminded.

"These things are hard to deal with..."

Stark felt like scratching his head.

Indeed, the weakness of the undead was found, but to eliminate one undead consumes one reactor, and Washington pulled up an army.

If you want to kill all these undead, the power grid in the United States is estimated to be paralyzed.

I have to think of other tricks!
Stark murmured to himself, and a blue pulse stream spewed out from his feet, carrying him back to Marbury's villa.

He just killed an undead president, and there are a lot more to come. He needs to prepare some reactors.



When the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., together with the students of the school, cleared up the troubled undead, Bai Jinglan found Hull who had been kidnapped.

At this time, he was caught by a woman.

She is thin and tall, her skin is a strange pale color, there is no white in her eyes, only pure black, her hair and arms are also pure black, but like a clear night sky, there are countless stars shining.

Goddess of the night!

She has escaped from the seal?

Bai Jinglan was taken aback, and was about to go over to snatch Hull back, when the shadow under his feet suddenly became active, turning into a deep chain, binding him tightly within it.

Dark rules!


(End of this chapter)

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