witcher in marvel

Chapter 438 The Battle of the Dreamland

Chapter 438 The Battle of the Dreamland

Hypnos has a high personality, and his hypnotism is irresistible to both humans and gods, and once he falls asleep, he will become a puppet manipulated by him.

The legion under his command are the humans hypnotized by him, and the weapons they use are all driven by imagination.

Those illusory things can be turned into reality in the dream dimension.

The almost endless tank army is the embodiment of the imagination of the soldiers summoned by the sleepy god.

They were real soldiers in the first place. They met the terrifying Daxu Army in their sleep, subconsciously fantasized about modern weapons, and thus created this tank army.

Thousands of tanks fired simultaneously, and the shells literally rained down.

If it was in the real world, such a level of concentrated fire would be enough to blow up a mountain.

Even Killian Daxu was beaten left and right for a while, and it was difficult to push horizontally like before.

Hypnos' expression finally relaxed a little.

Whoosh! !

A blurry afterimage flashed past and appeared in front of his eyes instantly.

What is this? !

A very different monster.

Compared with those hill-like monsters, this monster is much smaller in size, only about four or five meters, but its aura is even more terrifying. There are hideous bone spurs on its brown back, and its muscular arms and thighs are full of oppression. sense of power.


Just as Hypnos realized it, he grinned in disgust, and smashed his fist like a jar.

Hypnos didn't have time to think, he hastily blocked his left arm in front of him, while holding the Blade of Exile with his right hand, he stabbed violently at the belly of the abomination.

With the distance between the two, when the opponent's fist hits, his sword will penetrate the opponent first.

However, his fierce sword did penetrate the opponent, but it was just a real afterimage.

boom! !

What Hypnos's sword hit was just an afterimage, but the fist of hatred actually hit his arm.

Like a baseball hit by a bat, Hypnos turned into a black phantom and flew backwards towards the depths of the tank army.

The next moment, the abomination caught up with Hypnos who was moving at high speed, clasped the hammer with both fists, and bombarded his back again.

Before Hypnos could react, he was blasted into the ground by a huge force.


Hypnos, who finally broke free from the bottom of the sea, just uttered two words, when two afterimages rushed from left and right, and a series of stabbed fists hit his face, sending him flying into the sky.

Two burly figures followed like a shadow, clinging to Hypnos, punching countless punches with both fists, releasing their strength on him to their heart's content.

With the continuous roar like a torrential rain, the ground shook, and the tanks that fired were blasted one by one.

It wasn't until the three of them ascended to an altitude of a thousand meters that their fists finally stopped.

But at the next moment, the flames surrounding them suddenly exploded, and the dazzling light flashed, turning into countless flowing air blades in an instant.

"Shenwei Wolf Fang Fist!!"

"Phantom Tiger!!"

The saber-toothed tiger wearing the hellhound god's clothes and the X-24 wearing the cannibal wolf's god's clothes, both of them released the secrets of the small universe at the same time.

Powerful energies disrupt dimensions, causing the sky to flicker.

Shrouded in the cold light of countless sharp blades, Hypnos' eyes were bloodshot, he took off the black hair ornament on his head, and poured all his divine power into it, as if he had ignited a black sun.

"Do you think you can kill me like this?!"

With Hypnos' loud shout, the black energy bounced through the void and collided with the two God Fighter Profound Truths.

Boom! ! ! !
The roar that resounded through the sky suddenly exploded, and the dark light bloomed in the sky, and a large part of the Dreamless Legion on the ground was instantly emptied.

The dazzling brilliance ended, and Hypnos appeared.

The black hair ornament standing in front of him was already broken, and the brilliance on the Blade of Exile also dimmed a lot, and Hypnos himself was also miserable, with only a small half of his body left, covered with fine cracks, Seems like it could crumble like porcelain at any moment.

In today's Black Lantern Corps, every envoy's ability is no worse than that of Hammer God and Hulk. Together, a few people are enough to beat the gods of the sub-celestial father level violently.

Hypnos' divine power surged, and he quickly repaired his shattered body. Seeing three tyrannical enemies coming again, he hurriedly dodged into the depths of the legion, and at the same time ordered sharply: "Sleeper legion, stop them!!"

In an instant, a dozen figures suddenly appeared behind the tank army.

They dress in different ways, not only black, yellow and white, but also blue-skinned and pink-skinned people.

Like other soldiers, they all closed their eyes and moved in a sleepwalking posture, but all of them were extremely fast.

Two of them, one to the left and the other to the right, met the saber-toothed tiger and X-24 respectively.

Their flying speed exceeds Mach [-], and the hurricane that engulfs them is enough to tear ordinary people apart.

These two faces are relatively familiar, one is the copycat Superman who was once beaten by Bai Jinglan - the native of the motherland, and the other is the counterfeit product of the copycat Superman - Xuan Se.

The two Hulk-like guys collided with the saber-toothed tiger and X-24, instantly stirring up a huge hurricane and sweeping all directions.

The rest of the Dreamless Legion are also powerful superpowers.

Like other ordinary soldiers, they were pulled into the dreamland by Hypnos in their sleep, and served as his hidden backs to help him in this conquest.

Almost all of these powerful power users are at the first level of Thor, and they have rich combat experience. When a few people besieged one, the three who hated them immediately fell into a disadvantage.

Fortunately, Bai Jinglan also prepared many envoys to accompany the group.

When the three haters were almost beaten back, Phantom Shuangsha, Toad, Jason, and Mouthless Deadpool were dispatched at the same time.

The legion of immortal fighters confronted Hypnos' puppet with superpowers, and the battle situation turned again in an instant.

Hypnos hid in the shadows, looked at the shining shock waves, grunted angrily, and quietly crossed the battlefield, approaching the nightmare castle of nightmares.

The castle was very deserted, and there was not a single living thing to be seen.

Hypnos was not surprised at all. When his army was about to knock down the gate of the castle, he noticed that the guy from Nightmare had run away.

The nightmare castle is the core of the dream dimension. It is the power of the nightmare. Once the gate of the castle is knocked down, the power of the nightmare will shrink instantly. Anyone with some ability can bully him... The weakest dimensional lord, is not talking about it of.

If it wasn't for the Daxu Legion that suddenly appeared, he would have already completed the task assigned by his mother and got "the long night that may be coming"!
Before Hypnos came, he returned to Olympus, looked through Zeus' memo, and knew where Nightmare kept the fragments.

As long as you find it there, you can take the fragments away.

Very simple matter!
Following the guidance of the memo, Hypnos made several turns in the castle of Nightmare, and soon entered the central hall of the castle.

At the end of the hall, there is a throne.

Nightmare's ability is not great, but it likes to show off. It often draws mortals here, playing with them with terrifying nightmares, so as to absorb their fear.

Hypnos walked around the throne, examining the symbol behind.

It was a strange and magnificent painting, an abstract work, as if painted by someone drunk, and it seemed completely illogical.

Hypnos recalled the records in the memo, and then lightly daubed on the abstract painting in a certain order.

In a blink of an eye, a layer of distorted lines appeared on the abstract painting.

In the next moment, the distorted lines merged into the abstract painting, forming a vivid night owl pattern.

Hypnos tapped Ye Xiao's eyes again, and immediately, a gleam of light seeped out from the painting.

Then, the lines of the abstract painting are constantly moving, transforming from a two-dimensional picture into a three-dimensional space.

This painting is a treasure chest!

Inside the treasure chest, there is a black crystal floating.

"Mother, the battle is settled, we have won—'The Long Night That Will Come' is in my palm!"

Hypnos was so excited that he reached out his hand to take out the fragment of godhead, and immediately reported it to his mother.

Suddenly, the air roared loudly.

A slender figure appeared beside him, and the dark particles whizzed out a terrifying impact.

Bang! !

Hypnos was blown away, leaving a deep mark on the ground of the castle, and the fragments in his hand were instantly taken away.

"After planning for so long, I finally got it!"

Hecate, who had been invisible for a long time, held the fragment of the godhead, his eyes full of excitement.

In just an instant, a pure darkness spread out from the space, like a dark ocean, swallowing the unprepared Hecate into it.

"Damn maggots, even you dare to covet my power!"


(End of this chapter)

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