witcher in marvel

Chapter 409 The Magical School

Chapter 409 The Magical School

Aunt Mei and Emily's parents followed Bai Jinglan silently, asking three philosophical questions along the way.

who am I?
Where am i?

What should I do?
Although they have accepted the existence of magic, they still have a feeling of collapse when seeing these many mythical creatures.

So is Maeve.

She has seen many superpowers, but this is the first time she has seen creatures like elves and demons.

Compared with the collapsed psychology of adults, young people's ability to accept is much better. Before entering the castle, Xingguang had already talked and laughed with the elf, and even joked with the giantess behind.

Bai Jinglan introduced to the group: "This is the Alexander Castle. The students' living and learning areas will be carried out in this castle."

The starry little star: "Wow, a very old castle!"

Girls in the western world, which one has not dreamed of being a princess?

"How old can it be?" Eric was very disdainful, "I feel like it's not as old as me..."

Xingguang blinked, looked down at the young man, and asked, "Are you very old?"

Eric straightened his chest: "It's not too big, 740 is three years old."


Several earthlings were speechless.

Bai Jinglan smiled: "Asgardians are a long-lived race, with an average age of 5000 years. His so-called over 700 years old is actually only equivalent to 13 years old for people on Earth."

Xingguang tugged at the corner of his mouth: "Their growth period is really slow!"

"Everything here is not as simple as what you see, such as the classroom where you learn cosmic magic..."

Bai Jinglan pushed open a door next to it, but inside it seemed to be a different space, with rivers of stars flowing, stars shining, and meteors flying past his eyes from time to time, very gorgeous.

Maeve horrified: "This is... the universe?!"

"That's right, it's the universe."

Bai Jinglan nodded and continued, "Different magic requires different environments. There are many kinds of classrooms here. Some are located near volcanoes, some are located on the boundless ice field, and some are at the bottom of the deep sea...Of course, the pressure There are also more normal classrooms.”

He pushed open another door, and the inside was much more normal. There were various tomes on the bookshelves against the wall, and bottles and cans for experiments were placed on the front desk.

Then, Bai Jinglan said something that made ordinary people horrified: "This is the magical parasite laboratory. If you find that you have an extra arm, you can come here to learn which dimensions and which creatures will be born. There are suitable arcane bacteria that can cure."

"In addition, there are classrooms dedicated to explaining evil spirits hidden in the darkness of the earth and coming from various myths and legends; fighting classrooms dedicated to teaching frontal combat capabilities, etc."

"Except for these classrooms, you can go in and out of the library at will and look at the books inside, but you must protect these books and magic scrolls. Some of them are older than time itself. They are gifts from my magic teacher. I don't want to They're broken."

Bai Jinglan talked eloquently, a few alien students were fine, but those who were born on Earth couldn't keep their mouths shut at all.

Looking at this incomparably magical world, Maeve felt dizzy and couldn't help saying: "I'm curious, how did you pack so many things into a castle? Although this castle is really big, But these areas..."

The few classrooms they saw, including the magnificent library, were each larger than the castle.

Bai Jinglan shrugged: "A simple space compression transfer spell can do it. If you are interested, you can also learn it. It is estimated that you can learn this spell in the course at the end of this year."

Maeve was pleasantly surprised: "I can learn too?"

Bai Jinglan smiled and said: "You have magical potential, although it is not as good as Starlight, but it is not bad, you can learn some practical little magic...Although I am going to let you be a teaching assistant in the fighting class, you can still learn magic. "

Maeve was stunned: "You want me to be a fighting assistant?"

She mustered up her courage for a moment and followed Bai Jinglan, but she really didn't expect the next arrangement.

Bai Jinglan nodded and said: "All the students in the school have to learn close combat, so we need to arrange a lot of fighting coaches. You can be considered a mature superpower. It's no problem to help teach the students."

Among the teachers arranged by Bai Jinglan, the most close combat type, down to Wolverine, Captain America, up to Sif, Toria, and Maizekin, each of them is a ruthless character, and Maeve is a copycat version Although Wonder Woman's ability is a bit worse than the original version, but the overall strength is not much worse than Sif, and there is no problem in being an assistant.

Maeve thought for a while, and then responded, "Okay!"

Compared with Walter Company, which is sanctimonious on the surface but dark and dirty inside, she likes the environment here very much, and those innocent and innocent children...

However, Aunt Mei was very worried, and she lowered her voice and said, "Mr. White, the students here are all so, uh...strange, Peter, can he adapt to life here?"

Peter was originally a weak child, would he really feel happy in such a school full of strange creatures?

"You don't have to worry about him."

Bai Jinglan stretched out his hand and pointed to the side, "The students here are not just alien beings and people with natural superpowers, but also some ordinary people with potential..."

Over there, Peter and Emily, who were sent ahead of schedule, were playing with the same little radish heads - Super Killer Mindy, Kick-Ass Dave, and Peter's future best friend - Fatty Ned , Little Spider's future girlfriend - Gwen.

Oh, everyone else is a radish, not Hai Bian Wang who is in high school, but he has a good relationship with this group of radishes.

Compared to those strange-looking alien beings, or mutants born with superpowers, he wanted to be around this group of little radishes who didn't look very special.

There are still three days before the official start of school, but it seems that most of the students have come to the school to register in advance, so that they can adapt to the environment of future life in an instant.

Not only did Minty and Gwen arrive early, but Bai Jinglan unfolded his consciousness, and saw Lei Ling, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, holding Skye's hand and talking.

Beside them, there are several young Asians.

They are all superpowers of the younger generation in Asia, Lin Lie, the sword master of Fuxi, Ji Shuangshuang, the master of Nuwa's gauntlet, Acheng, the master of Shennong's whip, the Monkey King who has obtained part of Sun Wukong's power, and the descendant of the nine-tailed fox who is a Chinese-Korean hybrid. Han Aimi, Korean taekwondo genius girl Tanbi, etc.

This group of young superpowers from Asia can be regarded as a small circle of their own.

In addition, Uncle Long also arrived, accompanied by a group of soldiers.

Seeing Bai Jinglan appearing, Uncle Long, who was talking to a certain soldier, immediately led them over: "Mr. White, here we come!" He pointed to a group of people behind him, "They were all selected by thousands of people. , came here specially to learn art from a teacher."

"Mr. White, hello!"

A group of soldiers salute.

"Hello, I hope you enjoy life here."

Everything that can appear in the school has been reviewed by Professor Charles, and Bai Jinglan can contact everyone with peace of mind.

The leading soldier smiled, looked at the frost giant behind him, and the elves flying around cheerfully, and replied: "I have to say, although we have already prepared mentally, when we just came here, we still Was taken aback."

"Haha, there will be more thrilling things in the future."

Bai Jinglan clapped his hands, focused the eyes of a group of people, and announced, "Attention all students, I am your principal, you can call me Mr. White, welcome to become the first student of Jinglan Chaofan School... …this type of school has never existed before and has never been needed, but with the increasing number of threats on the planet, we need more professionals, and you may have a talent for the occult, Or natural superpowers, best suited for this great responsibility."

Some students asked in amazement: "Like a superhero?"

"Yes, like a superhero, and not just any superhero."

Bai Jinglan paused before continuing, "Every student in the school, each of you will get a key and find someone with the same shape as the key in your hand, and that person will be your roommate. Also, the school encourages You form a team, a maximum of five people, at least three people, you will form a combat unit, and help deal with mysterious incidents in various places in the future, so choose your teammates as soon as possible, and when the school starts, the school will make different arrangements for you."


(End of this chapter)

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