Chapter 408
After experiencing the previous scene, whether it was Xingguang, Maeve, or Aunt Mei, they were all at a loss.

Bai Jinglan acted as if nothing had happened: "I'll take you to the school to have a look. In fact, many students have already come to report."

After speaking, he instructed again: "Remember, no matter what you see, don't make a fuss."

Bai Jinglan didn't use the portal, but took the elevator to Xuye Palace according to the normal procedure.

The elevator sank steadily and quickly. After a few minutes, it seemed that it was going to sink into the depths of the earth. When a few newcomers were almost flustered, the scene in front of them changed suddenly, from a technologically-sounding The elevator passage turned into a vast desert.

The pale moon hangs in the sky, and the bleak moonlight is like a veil, covering the silver-white desert, giving it a dreamlike beauty.

Before they could sigh in surprise, the majestic Xuye Palace filled the field of vision.

Seeing their mouths wide open in surprise, Bai Jinglan smiled faintly: "Welcome everyone to Xuye Palace, this is the entrance to the school."

They walked along the magical archway. On the road, they could see many ninjas in black, cleaning and maintaining the palace silently.

Ninja culture is prevalent in the West, and even adults like them are very familiar with the image of ninjas.

It's just that these ninjas all have red eyes, which looks really weird.

Xingguang and a ninja looked at each other, and was shocked by the darkness, and asked in surprise: "Mr. White, those ninjas..."

"They are not real ninjas, but servants summoned by magic, responsible for the security and daily maintenance here." Bai Jinglan glanced at her and explained, "Don't look at their terrifying image, in fact, their fighting power is not Not strong, but the ability in housekeeping is very good."

Since Xiaowu became the master of the dimension of hell, possessing endless dark energy, he even swallowed the dimension of the Shadow Kingdom.

Now, Bai Jinglan can summon all ninja legions, and can transform a large amount of dark energy through the shadow kingdom to form endless ninja legions.

That is to say, the strength of the ninja soldiers is too weak, otherwise they can push the army under Thanos' command horizontally.

Now, Xiaowu is trying to combine the ninja army with black technology to form a new type of army with greater combat power, which can be used to push the devil army from other hell dimensions—the primary target is the old devil Mephisto!

Xingguang and Maeve looked at each other and grinned.

Aunt Mei asked curiously, "Could it be that the school is...deeper underground?"

"No." Bai Jinglan said, "The school is in another space, a separate small space, and there is a portal leading to that it is!"

At the end of the archway, there is a quaint mechanism.

Bai Jinglan snapped his fingers, and the huge ring on the device immediately began to rotate rapidly, and in a blink of an eye, a blue light gate was formed.

The space conversion device here is based on the wormhole generator, adding Karma Taj's space magic to make the most stable space portal. Even if a certain component fails, there is no need to worry about the portal malfunctioning. The portal of the Great Temple is still stable.

A few people followed Bai Jinglan in bewilderment, passed through the shining blue light gate, and appeared in a deep green forest road.

There is a blue sky above the head, and the soft sunlight falls down, through the fine branches and leaves, falling on the ground and turning into mottled light and shadow.

In front of the field of vision is a sea of ​​colorful flowers, and the breeze blows through the gorgeous flowers of various colors, filling the air with light fragrance.

In the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, stands a huge castle, where you can see many children playing in the open space outside the castle.

"This place...beautiful!"

Xingguang, who has not yet grown up, fell in love with this place as soon as he saw it, and he couldn't help but secretly regret it. If he had accepted the school's invitation, how could he have encountered those terrible things at Walter Company?

A crisp voice sounded from above.

"I think it's just okay, if you want to see real beauty..."

The girl with dragonfly-like wings on her back fell from the shade, made a face to the group of people, and said with a smile, "I suggest you go to Alfheim and visit my island, but It is not suitable for human survival there, you are likely to die on the spot..."

While several people were dumbfounded, Bai Jinglan smiled: "Are you a freshman from Yalfheim?"

"Hello, Mr. White!"

The girl saluted solemnly, and then turned into a cheerful smile, "I am Shelley Monpeder, a light elf from Alfheim, and I came to the Extraordinary School to pursue the true meaning of magic!"

Bai Jinglan's school recruits students from all walks of life. Odin, the lord of the Nine Realms, is noncommittal about this, but Empress Frigga is very supportive and personally spread the news to the Nine Realms, which arouses the interest of many beings in the Nine Realms.

Therefore, many students on Earth were invited by Bai Jinglan, while students from other worlds came uninvited.

Bai Jinglan pointed to Xingguang, and introduced: "This is Annie, code-named Xingguang, her ability is light, I think there will be a lot of talk among you."

It was the first time I saw an alien creature, and it was a mythical alien creature. Xingguang was very nervous and stammered: "You... hello, I'm Annie, nice to meet..."

Before the words finished, the little elf rushed over, hugged her neck, and said very enthusiastically: "I am also very glad to meet you, Annie, I can sense your energy, um, I like this kind of energy!"

Xingguang was frightened and said at a loss: "Oh, wait a minute, we just met!"

The little elf smiled and said, "Xie Li likes making friends the most!"

Xingguang's expression froze for a moment, but soon dissipated, showing a cheerful smile: "Well, Annie also likes to make friends!"

Walter's company and his party hit her too hard, but the enthusiastic elf made her forget about those things gradually.

At this time, a childish male voice sounded: "Excuse me, are you a welcome group for new students?"

A group of people turned their heads and saw two blond boys walking out from the end of the boulevard.

They are all about fourteen or fifteen years old, and their clothes are a bit retro, but they look exactly like humans.

One of them had a proud face and said: "I'm Eric from Asgard, and the handsome guy next to me is my brother Alvy... We probably need a little time to inspect this school, and then we can do it again." decide whether to stay or not."


Another little boy frowned, and said unhappily, "We are here because of the Queen's intention, and Sister Sif also specifically told me not to mess around. Do you want to be beaten by Sister Sif?"

Eric curled his lips, with a reluctant expression on his face: "I just don't understand, we are the Asa protoss, why did we come to Earth and learn magic from humans? I heard that they are very fragile..."

Before he finished speaking, Xingguang suddenly raised his head and said in surprise, "What is that?!"

Eric grinned: "Are you referring to Alvy's hairstyle? We heard that it is popular on Earth..."

The elf Shelly pointed at their backs and said happily, "I think Anne is referring to that beautiful creature!"


Eric turned his head unhappily, and saw a huge blue figure appearing in the flickering light of teleportation.

"Wow ah ah!"

Eric's expression changed immediately, he took several steps back and exclaimed, "Did you see it? Brother, there are frost giants invading!!"

"It's hard to ignore such a disgusting giant, kill her!!"

Alvy reacted more intensely, took out his magic wand, and aimed at the ice giant that appeared.

No way, just experienced a frost giant invasion, even the Golden Palace was almost flattened, the Asgardians were extremely angry at the frost giants.

However, as soon as their magical abilities were activated, Bai Jinglan pressed them down with a finger: "Is this how you welcome your new classmates?"

"I, uh..."

The two Asgardian boys were taken aback, Eric was dumbfounded, but Alvy responded quickly: "You are Mr. White, the principal of the magic school?"

Their attention just now was basically focused on Xingguang and Xie Li, and only then did they realize that the big boss was by their side.

Bai Jinglan smiled: "You know me?"

"When we came, Tianhou showed us your video." Alvy said carefully, "We sincerely apologize to you, and hope you can forgive us, Mr. White!"

Odin didn't publicize Bai Jinglan's achievements in Asgard, but Frigga briefly told the two children about it. They knew that he was a super boss no less than the king of gods, so they didn't dare to blow up in front of him. prick.

"This is the Frost Giant Gaslaug, who will be your classmate in the future."

Bai Jinglan introduced the young giantess to a few people, and then warned the two Asgardian boys, "The Frost Giants have signed a non-aggression agreement with Asgard, and I will be the guarantor. I hope you forget the hatred you once had, and get along well in school."

The Frost Giant Wang Laofei has long been the envoy of the Black Lantern, and the Frost Giants have become Bai Jinglan's vassals. Of course, he has to train the Frost Giants.

Frost giants are born ice magicians, and the number of young frost giants who were selected into the school this time is much larger than the number of Asgardians who came to study.

Bai Jinglan didn't want them to fight.

After thinking about it, he reminded again: "Also, the students in the school include not only frost giants, but also demons from hell. You need to learn to have a good relationship with everyone, no matter where you are from, or Who are your parents!"


(End of this chapter)

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