witcher in marvel

Chapter 407 Dismantling the Group of Seven

Chapter 407 Dismantling the Group of Seven


The motherlander roared angrily, struggling to adjust his position and maintain his balance, but just as he moved, a pair of big feet had already stepped on his chest, completely eliminating the force of his twisting, and then stepped on him like a meteor hitting the earth , falling straight down.

Just hearing a "bang", all the fans and reporters who hadn't dispersed were taken aback.

When a crowd of fans, reporters, and policemen who were joining in the fun looked at the loud sound, they were shocked to find that the ground there had caved in, forming a large hole three to four meters deep and tens of meters in diameter. pit.

Does New York have sinkholes?
Before the melon-eaters turned their attention, they saw a young Asian man standing proudly in the big pit that appeared out of nowhere, and another man was stepping on the young man's feet.

That is - the people of the motherland!

After a brief silence, the nearby neighborhood was in an uproar.

Water's advertisements are flying all over the sky, portraying the people of the motherland as invincible supermen. Even if there are occasional deflations, they are snuffed out by Water's strong public relations capabilities.

Therefore, in the eyes of most people, the people of the motherland are invincible supermen.

However, now the invincible Superman is being trampled underfoot!

Although the people from the motherland did not seem to be injured, but were extremely embarrassed, they still surprised the people.

"Now, what else do you have to say?"

Bai Jinglan looked down at this copycat plus dark version of Superman, his expression was still calm.

"I am going to kill you!"

Because of his extremely keen hearing, the sound of discussions from nearby people, and the whirring sound of the camera, were constantly transmitted to the ears of the people of the motherland, causing the anger in his heart to rise like a volcanic eruption.

This pseudo-hero with a 40-year-old face, but still in the rebellious stage, was outraged, and the anger interfered with his thinking. He no longer cared about the gap between the two. Lan's right leg that stepped on his chest went straight down.

However, with his speed, how could he meet Bai Jinglan?
His palm knife pierced through the shadow of Bai Jinglan's legs, and the shock wave caused after hitting the air cut the big tree not far away into two sections.

Then, he was kicked back by Bai Jinglan again.

Bai Jinglan looked down at him and continued to stimulate his nerves: "Do you have the ability to resist?"

"I'm going to kill you!! I'm going to kill you!!!"

The eyes of the people from the motherland glowed red, and they shot a dazzling hot gaze towards Bai Jinglan.

laugh! ! !
The thermal sight, which is more terrifying than lasers, impacts on Bai Jinglan's chest, sparking a large swath of dazzling light.

After a while, the hot sight gradually disappeared.

Whether it's from the motherland or the people who watched the show, they all opened their mouths wide.

Bai Jinglan flicked the corner of his clothes lightly, shook his head and said: "Pirate goods, your ability is too poor... Look, this is the hot eye!!"

boom! ! !
Bai Jinglan's eyes also shone red, but they condensed into waist-thick beams of light, which also fell on the chest of the motherlander.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

It was as if being enveloped by the sun, the uniform of the motherlander vaporized instantly, and then set off a barbecue-like aroma, and he couldn't help but let out a mournful cry.

When Bai Jinglan stopped his hot gaze, the motherlander had already sunk into a deeper pit, leaving only faint undulations in his chest, and the ground around him turned into glass-like, exuding heat waves visible to the naked eye.

"If you want to challenge me, you still need to work hard."

Bai Jinglan smirked slightly, and his figure instantly blurred, disappearing from everyone's sight.

He didn't kill this blackened copycat Superman, because he suddenly remembered one thing - this blackened copycat Superman seemed to become a super villain, and later completely separated from Walter's control, and even persuaded other superhumans to join his private organized, and rushed into the White House to try to hold the President hostage, and then killed everyone in the White House after losing control.

The sudden rise of Water Company is not only supported by capital, but also supported by the US government. The main purpose is to control Bai Jinglan.

The U.S. government didn't make trouble for him on the surface, and he wouldn't go for trouble with the U.S. government, but since they always want to make troubles in the dark, he doesn't care about letting them suffer the consequences.

Bai Jinglan really wanted to see what the expressions of these backlashed politicians would be at that time.

Must be wonderful!

Bai Jinglan flashed back to the dilapidated conference room, stopping Madeleine and the others who were about to rush out.

His eyes jumped over Madeleine, fell on the black body, and said lightly: "The people of the motherland have fallen, do you want to try it?"

The meaning in Bai Jinglan's words surprised the others, and they couldn't help turning their eyes to Hei Hei.

Black was silent for a while, and said calmly: "The man from the motherland is our leader, he is not your opponent, and we are not your opponent, and... we are just employees of Water Company, and we will not skip the president's order to do things !"

Bai Jinglan scoffed: "Really?"

In the Super Seven, the presence of Hei Hei is very low, not even as deep as the deep sea, but he is the strongest one - stronger than the people of the motherland!
He has always wrapped himself up tightly, and no one has ever seen his true face, because he is a clone of the people from the motherland, and he is also the real killer of Water Company.

Madeleine's face was livid, and she glared at Bai Jinglan: "Mr. White, you killed..."

"I didn't kill him."

Bai Jinglan interrupted her questioning, and said calmly, "At least I won't kill him until he commits a serious crime."

Compared with the constantly dirty deep sea, transparent people, locomotives, and other superhumans belonging to the Water Corporation, although the people of the motherland have cold and dark minds, at least they have not done any real evil so far, and they have never participated in other activities. A dirty party for superhumans.

In the words of a character in the plot: The male members of the Super Seven are almost all trash, except for the motherland. He does not smoke or drink, and exists like a saint.

In fact, the character in the plot just lacks information, and the people of the motherland also have dirty things. He has always maintained a dirty relationship with the married man Madeleine, but that is just a lack of personal morality, and Bai Jinglan doesn't bother to care about such things. thing.


While Madeleine breathed a sigh of relief, Bai Jinglan's eyes moved slowly and turned to the other people - Shen Hai, the transparent man, and the locomotive, "Guilty people need to be punished!"


Madeleine's complexion changed slightly, and before she could speak, Bai Jinglan raised her finger, and three rune crystals flew out, swayed over the three people in the deep sea, and then took them back.

The next moment, Shen Hai and Locomotive turned pale, and fell limply on the ground, and the transparent person who had been invisible all this time also showed a naked body, lying with two colleagues.

Madeleine was shocked and angry: "You...what did you do to them?!"

"They don't deserve to be called superheroes, so I deprive them of their abilities."

Bai Jinglan's expression was cold and his tone was cold, "I'm not joking with you. You can play idol training games in the future, but it is forbidden to insult the title of hero. If I see you using this title to make money again, I will not only call you Throw out all the dirty things in your company, and deprive all superhuman abilities under your company!"

Madeleine shuddered and said in a hurry: "You...you have no power..."

Bai Jinglan said lightly: "All the superhumans on the earth are under my jurisdiction, I have this power!"

"Superhumans have free will..."

"they do not!"

Bai Jinglan tilted his head, "On this planet, my fist is the biggest. I must formulate the superhuman rules. You can object, provided that you defeat me first..."


Ignoring the sluggish Madeleine, Bai Jinglan swiped his fingers lightly, opened the portal to the manor again, and motioned for Aunt Mei, who had been invisible all the time, to pass, before saying to the dumbfounded starlight, "You—come with me!" !"

"Ah... oh."

Xingguang shrank his neck, under Bai Jinglan's momentum, he didn't dare to refuse at all, and honestly got into the portal.

When Bai Jinglan was about to step into the portal, he paused again, glanced at the same sluggish Queen Maeve, and said calmly: "For the sake of saving you, I will give you a chance to leave with Xingguang!"

Queen Maeve opened her mouth, looked at Bai Jinglan who was standing by the portal, and then at Madeleine who seemed to be stupid, hesitated a little, stepped over the portal, and said in a low voice: " Thanks."

In the past, like Xingguang, she joined the group of seven with great ideals, but was defeated by reality, and became the money-making tool of Water Company, so she had to install a bunch of inexplicable characters for herself, and she had to use humorous words , to become a symbol of women's rights, and even to marry a woman... Everything is just to please fans and make more money for Water Company.

She has had enough!

Water Company is a super chaebol, and there are powerful thugs like the people from the motherland. No matter how unwilling she is, she can only endure this perverted life, but now...


(End of this chapter)

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