Chapter 406


The sudden sound not only woke up Xingguang, but also shocked the deep sea.

Shen Hai, who claims to be the second-in-command of the Super Seven, is actually the weakest member of the team. He just thinks that Xingguang is a newcomer and a silly, sweet girl, so he uses this method to scare her.

However, such things must not be spread.

These so-called heroes are all following the idol route, and any stains will destroy the character and hinder the company's stock price.

Not to mention a mere deep sea, even if you are a native of the motherland, you have to be taught to be a man by the company.

Bai Jinglan revoked the invisibility on his body, ignored Shen Hai's glaring, just stared at the starlight, and said indifferently: "Now, do you still feel that you are mature enough to take on the responsibility of a hero?"

The reason why Xingguang refused the admission invitation was because he was envious of the scenery of the Super Seven, and secondly, he thought that he had grown up and his abilities were mature, so he didn’t need to go to school anymore.

It's a pity that her thoughts are obviously still very immature, and she was almost frightened and gave in directly after being frightened by a few nonsense words that couldn't stand scrutiny.

"You are……"

Xingguang wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and wiped off all the makeup from the corners of his eyes, looking very weak and pitiful.

She has such a vulnerable personality, but wants to be a superhero, it can only be said that she has not been beaten by society.

"It's you?!"

Deep Sea made the same voice, but the tone was completely different, and his entire expression was distorted.

S.H.I.E.L.D. restricts the news of Bai Jinglan, so most humans have a very low impression of him, but the Super Seven has seen Bai Jinglan with their own eyes—when hatred was raging in New York, they joined forces to stop the crazy Abomination, but was beaten all over the head by the enhanced version of Abomination, and then Bai Jinglan appeared floatingly, and beat the monster until there was not even ashes left in two or three encounters.

That incident had a great impact on the Super Seven. Under the continuous brainwashing by Water Company, they always thought that the people of the motherland were the strongest superhumans, but when they saw Bai Jinglan punching out a nuclear explosion effect Finally, looking at the people of the motherland has a different meaning.

Since then, the people of the motherland have been crazy. They almost used Compound No. [-] as sugar, relying on the stimulation of Compound No. [-] to cells, and continuously strengthened their genetic power. They almost exploded into a mess several times. It can be seen How much Bai Jinglan stimulated him.

For Shen Hai, who has no ambition to make progress, Bai Jinglan is a nightmare that he doesn't want to recall anymore, and it easily crushes their arrogance all the time.

Now, "Nightmare" has appeared again!
Bai Jinglan glanced at him sideways, Shen Hai's body trembled suddenly, feeling a coolness rising from his feet, and flowing all over his body in a blink of an eye.

"Do not……"

Frightened, Shen Hai turned around and ran away, but forgot that his pants were still on, and his trouser legs were entangled, and he fell to the ground with a bang.

He didn't care about his sore nose, and ran out rolling and crawling.

Bai Jinglan snorted, and said to the dumbfounded Xingguang: "Look, this is the teammate you personally chose!"


Seeing the deep sea running away like a lost dog, Xingguang felt terrified and relieved. Hearing Bai Jinglan's words, he was very aggrieved, and said dully, "I don't know...the deep sea is like this."

Bai Jinglan smiled mockingly: "Do you still have illusions about your new colleagues?"


Starlight opened his mouth, not knowing how to answer.

She is a fan of the Super Seven, and her favorite idol was the handsome Shen Hai, who would have known that he was so dirty.

However, for the other members of the Super Seven, she still has a little fantasy, hoping that among this group of star heroes, there is only a hidden moth like the deep sea, otherwise... she feels that she will collapse.

The silly, white and sweet girl murmured, and changed the subject: "That... who are you?"

Bai Jinglan said truthfully: "The person who sent you the admission invitation."

The silly white sweet girl was surprised: "Are you from the extraordinary school?"

"I am the one who founded the extraordinary school." Bai Jinglan raised her eyebrows slightly, "And you are the only one on my invitation list who refused to accept."

He looked around at the broken equipment, and said in a flat tone: "You rejected my invitation and chose such a place... What is your purpose for coming here?"

Xingguang replied immediately: "I want to be a superhero, protect others, and uphold justice!"

As she spoke, her expression darkened slightly: "Joining the Super Seven is my biggest dream."

Bai Jinglan said: "For your dream, would you rather satisfy any request from him?"


The silly white sweet girl was silent again.

She was very angry about the dirty demands of the deep sea, but... Joining the Super Seven was not only her dream, but also her mother's biggest dream, and she didn't want to let her mother down.

"If you are looking for a glamorous job, Walter Company is indeed suitable for people like you." Bai Jinglan shook his head and said calmly, "However, don't mention the word superhero again in the future. Don't associate yourself with justice..."

"What kind of name to use is our freedom, and Mr. White seems to have no right to interfere!"

The closed door reopened, and several people walked in from the outside.

The leader was the vice president, Madeleine. Walking side by side with her was a blank-faced motherlander, followed by Queen Maeve in full armor, all wrapped in a black combat uniform, wearing a blue and white uniform The locomotive, and the promise of the deep sea.

Of course, in a place that ordinary people can't see, there is also a man with naked fruit - a transparent man.

Except for the retired lamplighter, the Super Seven is all here.

The motherlander said stiffly: "Mr. White sneaked into our company headquarters without consent, and we will reserve the right to resort to the law!"

Walter Company named this guy "Motherland Man", which is simply too appropriate.

It can be said that his image is basically the same as that of the United States. He looks dignified on the outside, speaks freely and is democratic when he keeps his mouth shut.

This guy was born in the "Super Human Project" operated by Walter Company, and was mutated into a super human because he was injected with a large amount of "Compound No. [-]" in his childhood.He grew up in the laboratory of Water Company, and lacked love and care since he was a child, which led to him becoming an Oedipus complex, extremely arrogant, violent and cruel person.

He claims to be the strongest man on earth, but the appearance of Bai Jinglan shatters all his self-esteem, and even begins to doubt the meaning of existence.

He risked the collapse of his genes and continued to increase his strength with the No. [-] chemical in order to be able to kill this thorn in his side, which had become his goal in life.

However, he is not sure now.

Bai Jinglan calmly responded to the vague verbal provocations from the people of the motherland: "You are welcome to sue me in Congress!"

He is not the superman next door, he will give face to the US government, and he will not be influenced by public opinion.

The U.S. government is tossing around the world. When did it pay attention to international public opinion?

When did the United States pay attention to the punishment imposed on the United States by the International Court of Justice?

It has the biggest fist, and the international court is just a decoration.

Bai Jinglan is bigger than the fist of the United States. The laws of the United States are just for display. If he wants to use the so-called public opinion to coerce him, he doesn't care about punching the White House.

The motherlander was choked, and his face became even more ugly. Madeleine hurriedly said: "Mr. White, I am Madeleine, the vice president of Walter Company, and you are welcome to visit Walter Company. If you encounter any problems, Maybe I can help you out."

The people from the motherland are childish reckless men, but Walter Company is a business group whose main purpose is to make money, so they don't want to provoke Bai Jinglan, a strongman like Bai Jinglan, who even the government doesn't want to provoke.

Bai Jinglan moved his eyes and looked at Xingguang: "I want to take her away."


Madeleine hesitated for a moment.

Xingguang had just joined the group of seven, and Walter Company valued her very much. In order to build momentum for her, they specially asked Shen Hai to help her stand.

In the eyes of Walter's executives, Starlight is not a superhero, but a product that will bring great value. If she is allowed to be taken away by Bai Jinglan now, it means that all the previous investment has been in vain.

Even if Madeleine is a vice president, she has no authority to make such a decision.

Madeleine wanted to delay for a while, but the motherlander couldn't help it. She clenched her fists, her eyes glowed red, and shouted sharply: "Impossible! Starlight has signed a contract with us, and she is from Walter Company." , even if you die, you can't leave, don't even think about it..."

Suddenly, his expression changed.

A white palm grew from small to large, pressing on his head, pushing him backwards, smashing into more than a dozen walls one after another, and then falling to the ground like a meteorite.


(End of this chapter)

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