witcher in marvel

Chapter 405 Desperate Starlight

Chapter 405 Desperate Starlight

Because of the strong operational capabilities of Water Company, superheroes are highly sought after, ranging from every billboard on high-rise buildings to small snack packages and peripheral products in supermarkets. All products have superheroes on them. , bringing incomparably huge benefits to Water Company.

It is also because of this that many people with superpowers are flocking to Water Company.

Walter's company not only has "Super Seven", but also "Youth Keith Group" (spoof Teen Titans), "Avengers" (spoof Avengers), "G-Men" (spoof X-Men) Wait for the superhero team...

However, the popularity of the Super Seven is the highest, while the other teams are second-tier teams.

Therefore, after the inexplicable retirement of the lamplighter, many people with superpowers set their sights on this position, preparing to join Walter Company and become one of the superstars to replace the lamplighter.

Compared with those who regard superheroes as "idols", Aunt May and Emily's parents are obviously much more sober.

They don't like Walter Company, and they even hold a certain degree of skepticism about those so-called heroes.

No way, as people who have been in society for many years, it is hard for them to believe that capitalists who put their interests first can really cultivate a group of selfless heroes.

In particular, today is not only the induction ceremony for newcomers, but also the shareholder meeting of Water Company.

On the dazzling performance stage, Vice President Madeleine vigorously advocated the importance of superheroes, and then even more vigorously demonstrated the benefits obtained by Walter Company.

"Our net income increased by 14%!"

"Our crime movie "G Men: War of the Worlds" grossed $17 billion worldwide."

"This autumn, the newest theme park in the suburbs of Paris will start construction. The brand effect is unlimited..."

Listening to the CEO's description of the company's prospects, Aunt Mei couldn't help but ask, "Mr. White, will your school train superhumans, will you continue to operate like this in the future?"

Emily's parents, both ears pricked up, were equally concerned about this.

Bai Jinglan curled her lips, and said lightly: "I will not train them to become stars, nor will I use capital to lead them by the nose... The mission of the school is to cultivate children's abilities and guide them to correct values. It's not the same as this group of guys who sell dog meat."

Emily's father hesitated for a moment, and asked in a low voice: "Mr. White, are there many dirty things behind these superheroes?"

Bai Jinglan smiled disdainfully: "They're just a bunch of acting stars who have been put on a layer of heroic skin."

As he spoke, he rubbed his chin and said to himself: "It seems that we need to discuss with some people to create a set of rules specially used to restrict superpowers."

The so-called superheroes of Walt Company, especially superheroes at the level of the Seven, live like traffic stars every day. They speak, attend activities, fight criminals, and make screen shows under the arrangement of the brokerage company. The company's various interest demands, if you don't follow the work arrangement, you will be frozen and fired.

Among these superpowers, there may not be any passionate people, but justice begins with responsibility, but eventually disappears in capital, which has become a great irony.

Just like "Starlight" Anne, in a comprehensive comparison, her strength is not strong, at most equivalent to a third-level mutant, and at least one or two grades worse than those truly powerful characters.

She was selected into the Super Seven not because of her ability, but because her image is good enough, her face is good, her smile is sweet, her ability is cool, and she is most suitable to be an idol, so she stands out in the draft , becoming a member of the Super Seven.

For the ability of "Starlight", Bai Jinglan doesn't think much about it, but this girl is very pure. She wants to become a superhero, and her main purpose is to help others, not for fame and fortune, but she entered the maelstrom of Walt After that, there was no chance of escape.

If it is a pure "Black Robe Picket" world, the biggest enemy of human beings is themselves, and it doesn't matter how you toss, but in this big world of Marvel, there are countless perverted enemies, and those capitalists must not let them mess around mess.



After the boss Madeleine's bewitching, the super knockoff version of Neptune - "Deep Sea" came to the stage, and led to today's protagonist "Starlight".

"Starlight" is an innocent little girl, wearing a homemade white robe, fighting side by side with the deep sea on the stage, and in the warm applause of the audience, she foolishly looks forward to the bright future.

Bai Jinglan shook his head, and asked the people around him, "Are you interested in going to a play?"

"Watching a play?"

"What drama?"

Aunt May and Emily's parents were at a loss.

Bai Jinglan raised his chin: "Go and see what kind of virtue a hero under capital operation has."

"it is good!"

They were already curious, so naturally they immediately agreed.

Bai Jinglan glanced at the two little radish heads next to him, and said with a smile: "However, in the next scene, some children are not suitable. I will send them to school first..."

As he spoke, he swiped his finger and flicked aside.

Suddenly, a portal leading to the pocket space appeared beside them.

"This is……"

"What's there?!"

"A small island floating in the sky?"

Even Emily's parents and Aunt Mei had seen magical magic before, and they couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw this door that seemed to lead to another world.

Bai Jinglan said: "Our school is located in another space, where we don't have to worry about being disturbed by outsiders."

Suddenly, a slender and graceful figure passed through the portal and landed beside him, saying respectfully, "Sir, Bren greets you!"

Bai Jinglan nodded, patted the shoulders of the two children, and explained: "This is Peter Parker and Emily Bright. They will be students at the school. Take them to get acquainted first."

"As ordered!"

The heroic Valkyrie said softly to the two children, "Two little guys, come with me!"


The two children were a little confused, and looked back at their adults.

"This is the captain of the school's guard and a Valkyrie in Nordic mythology." Bai Jinglan introduced, "I think you have all heard her name——Brünnhilde, she will take care of two children, you are very happy See them soon."



The three adults also felt that their minds were not clear enough, so they agreed in a daze, allowing Brunhilde to hold the hands of the two children and disappear across the portal.

Bai Jinglan shrugged: "Now, we can go to the theater!"

Another portal opened, and it landed in a conference room full of sci-fi atmosphere. The walls were covered with computer monitors, displaying various data, and there was a technical console in the middle, which looked very tall.

Aunt Mei and the three of them were confused and followed Bai Jinglan into the portal.

The next moment, the alloy door of the conference room opened, and Deep Sea and Starlight walked in from outside.

At this time, "Starlight" is just like Aunt Mei and the other three, also full of confusion, but the direction of confusion is different.

She seems to be walking on the clouds, her legs are light and light, looking at the various technological devices in the conference room, her eyes are full of wonder: "It's amazing!"

"It's pretty cool, isn't it?"

Shen Hai was very satisfied with her expression, and introduced: "In the earth's center orbit, we have two Earth Observation 60 satellites to observe the situation in the United States at any time. We can see the license plate of the escaped car from an altitude of [-] meters. For face recognition, we also have cooperative relations with police departments in various places, and we can get their alarm data at any time. If there is a crime, we can know it as soon as possible and give instructions on whether superheroes are needed.”

"This is simply..." Xingguang felt unbelievable, and said in admiration, "It's really amazing, I used to work with the police scanners I bought from eBay..."

"You don't need that thing now."

Shen Hai smiled triumphantly, walked to the seven-person conference table, and patted one of the chairs, "You will have your own seat here soon, or you can try it first."

Xingguang looked at the surrounding instruments, clenched his fists involuntarily, with tears in his eyes, and said excitedly: "I used to stand in front of the mirror, pretending to be where I am now..."

The voice of the deep sea gradually became mysterious: "Now you only have the last level left, I know it will be easy for you..."


Starlight turned his head blankly, startled.

Because Shen Hai had already taken off his pants, and was facing her naked.

"What?" Xingguang couldn't believe it, "What the hell are you doing?"

Shen Hai said as a matter of course: "Hey, didn't you say that you used to admire me very much, you just played for a while, I think you should look forward to it."

"You won't... no... no... you can't say such a thing!"

Xingguang was a little at a loss, and then a surge of anger grew in his heart, and he turned and left.

"Wait, you don't want to join the Super Seven?"

Shen Hai smiled and said, "You know, I am the second in command of the Super Seven, if I object to your joining, you have to get out of here..."

Starlight paused.

She was frightened by Shen Hai's words, and she didn't want to lose the chance to become a superhero, which was her childhood dream.

Seeing this, Shen Hai was even more proud: "Also, if I tell others that you attacked me, what kind of consequences do you think will happen? The Iowa sweetheart who was just accepted suddenly went crazy and attacked the superhero Deep Sea. Get you out of this business forever...Think of the kids who adore you, they're going to be heartbroken, you don't want things to really turn out like that, do you?"

Xingguang clenched his fists and remained silent, his expression gradually becoming desperate.

Suddenly, a voice rang in her ear.

"For superheroes, willpower is more important than ability in many cases-if you don't even have the basic resistance psychology, then I advise you, don't come to participate in this dangerous game, or you will hurt others and yourself sooner or later."


(End of this chapter)

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