witcher in marvel

Chapter 410 The Lively Opening Ceremony

Chapter 410 The Lively Opening Ceremony

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

The Super Seven almost completely disintegrated, and the Walter Company, which suffered heavy losses, together with the Roxon Group behind it, were furious at Bai Jinglan's behavior. The imperial army did not dare to hold him accountable blatantly, not to mention that the U.S. imperial government also expected him to help train a group of super soldiers, so this was destined to become an unenforceable trial, and the so-called "recourse to the law" naturally became empty talk.

Not to mention that Walter's company held a meeting overnight, preparing to mobilize manpower from lower-level heroes based on the motherland and black, and re-form a group of seven people with different hearts. Professor Charles' silent probing review.

After throwing out nearly 300% of the spies, the remaining [-] people were declared to be special trainees of the Extraordinary School.

In the words of the Celestial Dynasty, this group of people studied at Ye University.

At the gate of Alexander Castle, Bai Jinglan held the first opening ceremony.

This time no parents attended—Emily's parents were still in a trance after they went back.

It is inevitable that this kind of incident will happen again, Bai Jinglan will keep ordinary parents and politicians with ulterior motives in the Xuye Palace, and let Professor Charles be in charge of reception. He is very familiar with this kind of work.

Students of different sizes stood rubbing their shoulders on the left; specially selected personnel from various countries stood in an orderly manner on the right.

There is not a clear distinction between the two, but they can be clearly distinguished at a glance.

There is no way, most of the official students are young and basically in the stage of free and undisciplined. They cannot be required to be like the students of the Celestial Dynasty and develop the habit of being group-based since childhood, and the specially selected personnel from various countries are basically from In the intelligence service or the military, obeying orders has become almost instinctive.

"Welcome to Extraordinary School."

Bai Jinglan looked at the students who were all wearing new school uniforms with satisfaction, and pointed to the majestic castle behind them, "The students who arrived early already know, I will explain to the students who just arrived, you will live here for the whole school year, Everyone gets a key, find someone with the same key as you, and that's your new roommate."

"The first floor of the castle is the public rest area and kitchen. We have the best chefs to prepare food. There are foods that all races like. You can take them as you like, except for magic food...Of course, I don't think so. Some people like that kind of food. Magic food comes from dimensional creatures. Both the appearance and the taste are very touching. If you eat it once, you won’t want to eat it again. However, students majoring in magic must eat it, because these difficult What you eat will strengthen your physique, so that you can better resist magic backlash."

Next, the elf Shelly whispered to her roommate Emily: "Actually, I think black goat meat tastes good..."

Emily blinked: "I thought elves were vegetarian."

Shelly was a little sad: "Actually, I am a mixed race, and my father is a human being, but I have never seen him."

Emily apologized awkwardly: "Oh, sorry, this is too bad, a friend's father in my hometown also left him..."

"Oh, no."

The cheerful elf twitched the corners of his mouth, "He didn't leave us, he loved my mother and me very much, but my mother, as an elf, broke the rules when interacting with humans, so the elf association strictly forbids them to meet again. Dad thinks that my mother and I It's better for the clan to grow up together, so he obeyed the order and left, and the fact that Mom and Dad didn't stay together was partly my fault."

Emily hurriedly persuaded: "Don't say that, it's not your fault..."

Then, little Lolita waved her fingers in a serious manner: "What I have learned is that adults are weird and troublesome. If they cause any trouble, we must be right!"

"That's right!"

An echoing voice interjected from the side.

The two little loli turned their heads to look, and saw a slightly older loli.


"You are all right."

The three loli greet each other.

"I'm Shelly, from the light elves."

"I'm Emily Bright from Brooklyn."

"Ha, my name is Mindy, Mindy McCready, also from Brooklyn!"

The little elf had never heard of this name before, so he was very happy to express his friendliness: "Minty, I think I will like you as a friend!"

Emily's eyes widened a little: "Mindy, you're Super Killer?!"

Mindy proudly raised her chest: "Ha, am I already so famous?"

Emily nodded again and again: "Mom and Dad said you like to chop people with knives, so let me stay away from you, but I think you are cool!"

Minty had a dark face before, but when she heard the end, the cloud immediately cleared up, and she patted Emily on the shoulder, very relieved: "Not bad, not bad, from now on, big sister will take pictures of you, who dares to bully you in school, I will help you!" Cut off his JJ!"

A few radish heads next to it: ()(¬_¬)╮(﹀_﹀”)╭

Hai Bian Wang Dave coughed helplessly: "Quiet, quiet, Mr. White has already looked over..."

"...your lessons will be tough, but hopefully you will enjoy the challenge!"

Bai Jinglan was going to wait for the ceremony to end and give Mindy a good class. Of course he couldn't have an attack at this time, pointing to the teachers on both sides and said, "In order to help you complete these challenges, I'm here to meet your future teacher—Psychology Charles, professor of science, you have already met, no need to introduce. And this one is the ancient one mage, the ancient one mage is the most powerful mage on earth, most of the mages today, including me, once I have studied under her, and now it's your turn...Of course, Mage Ancient One has a lot of affairs and will only serve as a visiting professor, and will not stay in the school all the time. You can find time to ask her about any problems you encounter in magic .”

Master Gu Yi, who came to help the platform, nodded elegantly.

Her leisurely demeanor can easily arouse the affection of children.

"This one is Mage Monarch. In the magic world, he is also known as the Prince of Magic. He is the first-class master of black magic on Earth. He will serve as a professor of black magic."

Monarch was tormented by black magic. He was not interested in teaching students at first, but Bai Jinglan asked him to send all the magic bills to his own hell dimension, so as to save him from the pain of living as hell. He immediately agreed to Bai Jinglan's invitation.

Moreover, with the backing of their own hell dimension in the future, students can use black magic at will without paying an inhumane price, and the school can naturally offer this course.

"This is Dr. Druid. He is not only proficient in white magic, but also a descendant of the Druid sect. He is good at natural magic of the Druid sect. He will be a white magic professor in the school in the future."

Dr. Druid, who has always been a wild crane, accepted Bai Jinglan's invitation. In fact, the process was not too different from Monarch.

In addition, he likes to study magic, and the school can provide an excellent environment.

"There are also special teachers, John Winchester and Bobby Singer who instruct the knowledge of expelling evil spirits, Damon Hellstorm and Satana Hellstorm who instruct hell-like magic, and those who instruct combat skills The heroic spirit Toria, the succubus Maizekin from the dimension of hell, the goddess Sif from Asgard, the Valkyrie Legion from Norse mythology, and the well-known Captain America Steve Rogers..."

Except for the relatively ordinary John and Bobby, the others all showed their abilities. Hellstorm brothers and sisters summoned hellfire, Mezekin showed the original succubus body, Toria put on magic armor, and Sif summoned and was blessed by Odin The Excalibur and Aegis, the Valkyrie Legion floating in the air on Pegasus, as for Steve... He put on his uniform and stood there, that's enough.

Immediately, the students who were originally quiet, and even the secret service soldiers who kept their expressions calm, all cried out in surprise.

"It's amazing!"

"I can't believe this is my future life!"

"Wow, goddess! So many goddesses!!"

"Isn't Captain America dead?"

Amidst the noise, Bai Jinglan lowered his hands and said, "Next, continue to the next topic!"

As he spoke, he waved in front of him.

Immediately, layers of ripples seemed to appear in the void, and shining battle suits appeared from the ripples.


(End of this chapter)

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