witcher in marvel

Chapter 195 Sam's Request for Help

Chapter 195 Sam's Request for Help

The two boulders, one black and one white, are the same as the obelisk. They were all captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. from the Hydra base at the end of World War II.

Decades have passed, and they still haven't figured out the origin and function of the boulder.

In fact, the two boulders and the obelisk both came from the Inhumans.

The obelisk is the catalyst for the gene activation of the Inhumans, and the two giant stones are the creations of the abilities of some special Inhumans.

The black boulder is a space stone that can connect to other planets.

The first generation leader of the Inhumans, the totem enshrined by the original Hydra - the hive, was exiled to other planets by the black boulder.

The white boulder is the stone of time, which can travel through the sea of ​​time.

In Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., the S.H.I.E.L.D. team led by Coulson was sent to the future by the white boulder to save the earth from being destroyed.

Compared with the obelisk, which can only be used as a catalyst, the value of the two boulders is obviously much higher.

However, Bai Jinglan asked for two boulders in order to see if they would be useful to the World Gate.

Since the "Evil Eye of Avalon" with the ability to travel through time and space can open the world gate, the two boulders that also have the ability to travel through time and space should have some effect, right?
SHIELD will also pay special attention to what Bai Jinglan said is important, but—the treasure that can create a group of cat versions of "Captain America" ​​is too attractive to Braised Eggs.

So, after Natasha experienced the feeling of a cat girl, the marinated egg who used remote communication to watch the whole process immediately made a decision.

When Bai Jinglan and Vivienne finished their lunch, Coulson and Hawkeye escorted two boulders, airlifted them directly to Paris by Quinjet fighter jets, picked up the statues of Natasha and Kitty, and left in a hurry .

For S.H.I.E.L.D., this is already a strategic weapon, and there should be no negligence.

The two boulders are placed in two glass enclosures, and each boulder is as tall as a person. The white is pure white, and the black is pure black, without a trace of variegated colors. Only some corners are surrounded by a layer of pale gold. texture.

Suddenly, the two boulders turned into liquid at the same time, surging up like a flood, but the outer glass cover is a special product, no matter how surging the two waves are, they cannot break through the gap in the glass cover.

After a while, the black and white "waves" stopped making noise and returned to their original appearance.

Vivian was taken aback and couldn't help asking, "What the hell is this thing?"

"They should be things handed down from the Mayan civilization more than 2000 years ago, and have the effect of traveling through time and space... If you get involved in a black stone, you may be randomly thrown to a certain corner of the universe; if you are involved in a white stone, maybe Will be thrown away decades later, well, maybe decades ago."

Bai Jinglan made a gesture to tell Vivienne to step back, then took off the glass cover, and before the two boulders showed their power again, they were inserted into the system with lightning speed.

Hmm...it turned out not too bad.

The two boulders are indeed effective for the world gate, but unfortunately it is probably a quality problem. Apart from reducing the activation time of the world gate from 30 days to 25 days, there is no other change.

However, this at least proves that Bai Jinglan's thinking is correct - all items related to time and space should be useful to the World Gate.

This reminded him of something else right away...not the Space Stone and the Time Stone, but the Pym Particles, the source of Ant-Man's powers.

Although among superheroes, Ant-Man's abilities are not ranked high, but Pym particles are a proper black technology. Even among the technological products of the entire Marvel universe, Pym particles are also the most advanced black technology. One of technology.

Pym particles are tiny atoms named after their original discoverer, Dr. Hank Pym.After research, Dr. Hank Pym found that this tiny atom can change the size of the biomass, allowing people to grow and shrink at will, so he designed the Ant-Man suit using the principle of Pym particles.

However, the ability of this kind of particle is not only to change in size and size, and to travel through the quantum space, but a very special kind of dimensional energy interference.

In the comics, even Uncle Tun couldn't resist the shrinking effect of the particles. He was shot into the size of a bullet by the cable, and then he was forced into the gun chamber, and shot into the depths of space; Ant-Man was even able to rely on Pym The power of particles, to observe the battle beyond the Protoss and the Tribunal of Life without being discovered... It can be said that Pym particles are a special type of artifact with a very high upper limit. It is not unreasonable for Dr. Pym to despise the steel suit.

Compared with the technology represented by Pym particles, even Iron Man's Blood Edge armor is like a child's toy.

During this period, Dr. Pym should have been kicked out of the company by the students and returned home to "retire".

What city is that from?

Oh San Francisco!
Just as Bai Jinglan was thinking about whether to go to San Francisco once, another call came to him.

The callers were the Winchester brothers.

Sam's tone was urgent: "Sir, we need your help!"

Bai Jinglan asked: "Have you found your girlfriend's soul?"


Sam said dejectedly, "I searched all over the place where Jessica happened, but I still can't find Jessica's soul... Uh, maybe I can't see it."

He has the blood of a demon, but he doesn't have yin and yang eyes. If the spirit body is unwilling to show up, he can't see it. He has to use things like a mobile phone.

However, if Jessica's soul is still there, it is impossible to hide from him.

Bai Jinglan tilted her head, wondering if she should find a time to teach them the magic of opening the eyes of the soul, and asked, "Then you are in such a hurry to find me, what happened?"

"We're at home, Kansas home." Sam said hastily, "This is our former home, where my mother died, and we moved out after the fire, but after the house was rebuilt, the town sold it again Gave it to another family... Now, the devil who killed my mother is back, and I can feel that he is going to kill the family that just moved in. Dean and I want to help, but the devil is very strong, even if We have demon hunting guns, and we are no match for him."

He paused slightly, and added: "Also, I...I seem to feel the breath of my mother's soul."

Bai Jinglan understood: "Oh, I didn't find your girlfriend's soul, but I found your mother's soul."

Sam hesitated for a moment: "Uh, I didn't see my mother's soul, I just felt it vaguely, not quite sure."

"I see, you wait a moment, I will pass soon."

Bai Jinglan hung up the phone, looked at Vivienne, and said with a smile, "Want to accompany me to catch ghosts? Oh, it might be a demon."

Vivienne leaned her delicate body into his arms, put her right hand on his arm, and showed a charming smile: "Of course, I miss the time when we went hunting ghosts together!"

"Okay, let's go."

Bai Jinglan smiled slightly, embraced her slender waist, and suddenly rose into the sky.

He used to use teleportation before, but this time, he wanted to try Superman's way.

Superman's speed exceeds the speed of light, second only to The Flash's speed force.

However, whether it is Superman or The Flash, what they really rely on is not pure speed.

In an atmospheric environment, once an object moves at the speed of light, it will inevitably bring about an explosive force comparable to a nuclear explosion. Therefore, unless the body is elementalized and atmospheric friction is completely excluded, the speed cannot be advanced to the speed of light, because the only way to do that is The consequence is to directly ignite the atmosphere and burn the entire earth.

The Flash's speed force is equivalent to entering another dimension, while Superman controls the mass effect with a biological body to achieve the effect of mass-energy transformation.

This is a very novel experience.


(End of this chapter)

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