witcher in marvel

Chapter 194 New deal with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 194 New deal with S.H.I.E.L.D.
"I'm... the fake Nilu?"

Nilu, who was already dizzy, stared at Bai Jinglan with teary eyes, her mouth shriveled into a duck shape.

"Uh, not really." Bai Jinglan shook her finger, "I think... well, you can consider yourself as Nilu's counterpart, she is Nilu, and you are also Nilu."

Nilu has a childish temper and doesn't know what peers are at all, but after being coaxed for a while, she immediately wiped away her tears, looked around in a panic, and asked uneasily, "So... Pei Xue and Dong Decha Where's the card?"

She was attacked by Neutra, her head was injured, her body became smaller and she lost her memory. Only two subordinate officers accompanied her, guarding her like brothers.

For Nilu, they are an indispensable family.

"This world doesn't have Pexue and Dondchaka..."

Seeing that little Lolita opened her mouth and was about to cry, Bai Jinglan pursed her mouth and said hastily, "However, if you are good, I can help you create the equivalent of Peixue and Dongde Chaka in the future."

He created Nilu just to observe how the mouse spell works. Once he mastered this magic, it would be no problem to make a set of the Thirteenth Guarding Team and the Ten Blades, not to mention creating Pexue and Dongde Chaka. question.


Nilu, who was frightened, finally breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Bai Jinglan's confirmation, but her little face quickly darkened again, "But, there is no Peixue and Dongde Chaka, no one to play games with Nilu gone."

"Someone will play with you."

Bai Jinglan thought for a while, and took out the Phoenix baby.

The little phoenix, the size of a human head, circled around him cheerfully, making a clear bird song, and occasionally spewed out a stream of sparks, igniting clusters of flames on the ground.

"Wow, what is this?"

Little Lolita's eyes widened. Having grown up in the virtual circle, she had never seen any animals outside, let alone this legendary divine bird.

Bai Jinglan said patiently: "It's a baby phoenix, and you will take care of it from now on, how about it?"

"no problem!"

"Hey, little phoenix, let's play hide and seek!"

Little Loli happily agreed, she likes infinite hide-and-seek games the most, in the past it was Peixue and Dongde Chaka who caught her, now she can catch Little Phoenix Baby.


Bai Jinglan wiped off her cold sweat, feeling that she should hire a nanny to help look after this brat, lest she tear down the house.

In other words, even Nilu, who is in the state of a child, has extraordinary destructive power, and the average nanny is really helpless... I don't know if Toria will look after children.

With a wave of his hand, he pulled back the little loli who was jumping around like a flying fish, and the little phoenix who was jumping around like dogs, and said, "Nilu, don't play tricks on little phoenix, I will take you to the world."

"To the present world?!"

Nilu's eyes sparkled instantly, and she didn't even care about torturing poor little Phoenix anymore.

For a long time, she had only two subordinate officers by her side, and later joined the giant beast Bawa Bawa. They lived in the boundless desert of the virtual circle. Although they tried their best to play games every day, they were actually very lonely.

"If you go to this world, you must be obedient, otherwise you will not only be sent back here, but Peixue and Dongde Chaka will also be lost..."

Bai Jinglan kept admonishing, directly left the pocket hell, and teleported back to Brooklyn's villa.

At this time, the sky is already slightly bright.

Tolia and Lei Ling were having breakfast, waiting for him to come back.

Seeing Bai Jinglan appearing leading Nilu, surrounded by a little phoenix, both of them widened their eyes in surprise.

"Wow, this is the real world!"

Little Loli broke free from Bai Jinglan's hand, and looked around in amazement like a happy puppy, and everything she saw felt fresh.

"She is?" Toria was at a loss.

"Well, she is Nilu." Bai Jinglan spread her hands and said briefly, "Due to injury, Nilu's mask was damaged, and her spiritual power continued to pass away, resulting in the loss of most of her memory and her transformation into a child. The appearance of ... Uh, Toria, she has never been in contact with the real world, take care of it when you have time."

Toria blinked: "Okay."

Her previous master, Irisviel, was an artificial human and had been growing up in the castle. She also lacked common sense about the life outside, like a little princess who made people feel a little troubled. I don’t know what this little loli will be what kind.

"and this……"

Bai Jinglan raised his arm and let Little Phoenix stand on it, "This is a baby Phoenix, a small pet that I got by accident. I plan to keep it in the manor in the future."

"So there really is a phoenix in the world!"

Surprised on Lei Ling's face, he carefully stretched out his hand, and lightly stroked the little phoenix's feathers. As a result, the little phoenix coughed and sprayed out a long line of fire, which almost burned her clothes.

Toria seemed to remember something, touched under the table next to her, and took out the cat statue that she hadn't seen for a long time, and said, "A druid mage came over just now and left this thing behind."

"Haha, I almost forgot about it, has he finally fixed it?"

Bai Jinglan smiled lightly, took it over and looked at it.

Well, Dr. Druid is really reliable. He did not eliminate the curse of the statue, but found another way, attaching a device to reverse the spell on the statue.

Just turn Kamao's right paw around before fully turning into a cat, and the statue will reabsorb the curse.

However, the two different spells work together, which weakens the curse of the statue, and can only be used five times at the same time.

In other words, it can only convert up to five people into cat people at the same time.

Not bad!
At this moment, his cell phone rang.

Vivienne's call.

Bai Jinglan's eyes flickered, he glanced out of the window, and said, "You all take care of Nilu, don't let her run around, I'll go out for a while."

Without waiting for the two to agree, he took out the Eye of Aurora and moved to Paris in an instant.

Vivian sat behind the desk, and Natasha sat across from her.

Bai Jinglan appeared next to Vivienne, raised her hand and pressed her shoulder, and said calmly: "Agent Romanov, if you want to return the borrowed equipment, you should go to Brooklyn."

Vivienne stretched out her arms to hug him, and kissed his lips again: "Honey, SHIELD asked me to help as an intermediary, and I'm going to spend some money, please go and bring back those captured soldiers...Of course , it depends on what you mean."

Natasha stood up and said with a wry smile: "Mr. White, although it is not appropriate for me to say this, those soldiers are only following orders, and the crime is not worthy of death..."

Bai Jinglan smiled slightly, sat down leisurely, and said: "I don't care if they are not guilty of death, I just want to know what price you are willing to pay if you S.H.I.E.L.D. wants me to save people ?”

Without waiting for Natasha to answer, he added: "Let me tell you first, going to hell to save people is different from the ancient temple of the evil god last time. There is no danger in the ancient temple of the evil god, but there are many dangers in hell. If you only pay some dollars, Then you don't have to speak."

Natasha's words were choked back, and she paused for a moment before asking again: "What does Mr. White want?"

Bai Jinglan thought for a while: "As far as I know, there is a black stone and a white stone in SHIELD's 084 collection. Which one would you like to offer in exchange?"

Natasha remained calm: "Mr. White knows what it is."

"084" is the code name of unknown objects, and all items with unknown functions will be numbered with "084".

In that series of inexplicable collections, there are indeed two mysterious boulders. S.H.I.E.L.D. has studied them for many years, but they still don't understand their functions. They only know that they occasionally suddenly become liquid, swallowing everything nearby. In the abdomen, many SHIELD agents have disappeared since then.

Bai Jinglan shrugged and said, "Of course I know what it is, but I won't tell you."

Natasha fell into a long silence again, she was waiting for the final instruction from Black Braised Egg.

After a while, she spoke again: "SHIELD is very interested in the 'Moon Essence Essence' and the armor worn by Ms. Lei Ling. I wonder if the two boulders can..."

Thousands of soldiers are indeed pitiful, but Braised Dan has always been black-hearted. If it is only in US dollars, it will be fine. If you make an application to the Security Council, sufficient funds will be allocated immediately, and SHIELD may be able to retain part of it.

However, if he used SHIELD's collection as compensation, he would have to hesitate.

Compared to those thousands of soldiers, Braised Eggs valued the future more.

Bai Jinglan shook his head and laughed, pondered for a moment, and replied: "I still have some uses for the moon spirit marrow liquid and that armor, and I can't exchange it with you, but if you are interested, you can make another thing." trade."

Natasha immediately asked, "What?"

Bai Jinglan took out the little cat statue that had just returned to his hand, and said with a smile: "This is a cursed statue. Anyone who is scratched by the cat's claws will become a cat person, with a physique almost like Captain America. Most importantly, this curse can be applied to multiple people at the same time..."

Originally, I wanted to get a Catman Legion, but now that I have the White Lantern Legion and the Black Lantern Legion, the Kamao statue is a bit tasteless, so I might as well exchange it with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Natasha's eyes lit up: "Since it's a cursed thing, there should be something bad about it, right?"

"That's right, this curse is irreversible. You will become a cat person at first, but you will get closer and closer to a cat, and finally become a cat completely." Bai Jinglan waved his hand, "However, I have asked a certain secret method The master helped to modify it, and before the curse completely turns the person into a cat, the effect of the curse can be reversed, and the cat person can be transformed back into its original form... Interested?"


(End of this chapter)

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