witcher in marvel

Chapter 196 Seeing the Winchester Brothers Again

Chapter 196 Seeing the Winchester Brothers Again
"Will Mr. White come?"

Dean, who was sitting on the sofa, asked Sam, who was frowning.

At this time, the Winchester brothers were visiting a psychic.

This psychic was their former neighbor and their father's friend... About this, they also just discovered from his father's notes.

Still, the psychic was clearly doing well, and there were several other guests ahead of them.

They have been waiting on the sofa outside for more than half an hour.

"Mr White said he'd be here soon!"

Sam sat down tiredly, covering his eyes with his hands, feeling a little listless.

Not being able to find his girlfriend's soul made him feel inexplicably uneasy.

"Don't worry, with Mr. White's ability, as long as Jessica is still there, he can definitely be rescued." Dean tried to keep his tone relaxed, "Think better, we can't find a girl as kind as Jessica." Maybe her soul has already entered heaven!"

"hope so……"

Sam rubbed his eyes, and heard the door of the living room open, and a woman's voice advised with ease: "Don't worry, your wife cares about you very much."

The two brothers turned their heads to look over, and saw a black aunt who was sending a middle-aged white man out, and she kept admonishing the words of harmony between husband and wife.

However, when the middle-aged man left here with a smile, the black aunt shrugged immediately, turned around and sighed to the two brothers: "Hey, poor guy, his wife is having an affair with the gardener."

Dean grinned and said speechlessly, "Why didn't you tell him?"

"Because people don't come here for the truth, they come to hear the good news."

The black aunt snapped her fingers and waved to the two brothers, "Dean and Sam, come in, I don't have much time today."

The two brothers followed in amazement.

They hadn't introduced themselves, but the aunt actually called out their names in one go.

The two brothers followed the black aunt into the living room. The black aunt looked at them happily and said with a smile: "Let me take a good look at you, haha, the little guys back then have now become handsome guys!"

She pointed at Dean and laughed in a friendly tone: "Dean, you looked so stupid at that time, well, it's much better now."

Facing this black aunt who suddenly got close, the two Winchester brothers were a little at a loss.

They have no other relatives except their father, who has always been strict and indifferent. This black aunt is the first person to treat them as an elder.


The black aunt looked at Sam, her expression changed slightly, she held his right hand with both hands, the smile on her face faded little by little, and finally became very sad, "Honey, I'm very sad about your girlfriend... oh, and Your father, is he missing?"

Sam couldn't help asking, "How do you know this?"

"Because you were thinking about this just now, just now." The black aunt let go of his hand, with a smile on her face again, "I am a psychic, have you forgotten?"

Dean hurriedly asked, "Where is father? How is it now?"

The black aunt shook her head: "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Dean's eyes widened, "But you are a master, right?"

"Son, do you think I'm a witch?" The black aunt narrowed her eyes, "I can read people's thoughts and feel certain souls, but I can't create something out of nothing..."

Dean pursed his lips and fell silent.

He has always been cynical and talks nonsense, but he always feels a little shy in front of this elder.

"Sit down!" The black aunt pointed to the sofa in the living room, and then gave Dean a hard look, "By the way, if you dare to put your stinky feet on my coffee table, I will definitely use a spoon I beat you!"

Dean's face was full of innocence: "I didn't do anything!"

The black aunt stared at him: "But you wanted to do that just now."

Dean: ╮(╯▽╰)╭

Sam snickered and asked calmly, "So, our dad, when did you first meet him?"

"After the big fire that year, some days later, he came to me to read books..." The black aunt sighed, "I told him that the thing that killed his wife did come from darkness, and then he set foot on this hunt The path of the devil."

Dean's expression tightened: "Do you know what killed our mother?"

"A little bit." The black aunt hesitated, and replied, "Your father told me about that house, and he hoped that I could sense the handprint of that thing..."

"you did it?"

"What the hell is that?"

The two brothers asked eagerly.

The black aunt shook her head: "I don't know, that's beyond my ability, but I think...it must be related to the devil, and it must be a very powerful devil. However, although I haven't been to that house again, I have no doubts Careful there, it's been quiet over the years, no weird accidents, I think that thing has left."

The two brothers exchanged glances, and Sam said, "I think it's back!"

Dean said: "We've already looked at it, and there are many bad signs there."

The black aunt felt cold all over, and asked in confusion: "It has been quiet for so many years, why is it starting again now?"

"We don't know, but Dad is missing, Jessica is dead, and the house...all things are happening together, and it feels like some disaster is about to start again."

Before Sam finished speaking, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

"Go and see and you'll know!"


The black aunt was startled and almost fell backwards.

Sam hurriedly comforted: "Ms. Missouri, don't be afraid, this is our friend!"

Dean patted his little heart, and complained, "Mr. White, can you stop being so scary every time you appear? It's okay for us to be young. It would be bad if we scare the old man out of trouble..."

Bai Jinglan let go of Vivienne's arm, and said disapprovingly, "Don't worry, even if I get sick from being scared, I can cure it."

Sam introduced: "Mr. White, this is Ms. Missouri, our childhood neighbor, she..."

Bai Jinglan moved his eyes to the black aunt, inspected it briefly, and said in surprise: "A natural psychic is really rare. Your talent is very good, you should learn magic."

This black aunt's aptitude is very good, better than many of Karma Taj's intermediate mages. If she finds a suitable teacher, she will soon be able to step into the door of magic, and she has a great chance to become a master of secret arts in the future.

The black aunt breathed a sigh of relief, looked at him, and said indifferently: "Are you magicians? Ha, I saw a witch with a good temperament when I was young. She wanted me to learn magic, but I Refused."

Bai Jinglan: "Why?"

The black aunt shrugged: "The life of a magician is too 'wonderful', and I am a person who is easy to meet, and I don't want to live such a 'wonderful' life. In fact, even the current life has already made me feel Uneasy."

"There's nothing wrong with living the life you like." Bai Jinglan smiled and didn't interfere with her choice.

"This is Vivienne Daly, you can call her Ms. Daly. Weiwei, this is the Winchester brothers, brother Dean, brother Sam, I plan to build a magic school in the future, they are preparatory students. "Bai Jinglan gave a hasty introduction, and then said to the two brothers, "Let's go, go and arrest that devil, if you have any doubts, just go to him and ask... Oh, do you want to call your boss?" Dad go together?"


"Do you know where he is?"

The two brothers were surprised and delighted.

Bai Jinglan raised his hand and pointed to the room inside: "The man hiding inside should be your father, right?"

The two brothers froze, then looked at each other, and rushed into the next room.

The black aunt opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally sighed, not stopping the two brothers.


(End of this chapter)

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