honor me as god

Chapter 882

Chapter 882

Six hours after the extraterrestrial warning was issued, when the sun was just rising, two earth-shattering news spread throughout the Cardinal Province, and accompanied by a letter from Feifei, it burned to the whole territory with the force of wildfire.

First, Fengyunguan, the capital of Fenghuo Province, was suddenly attacked by aliens, and all the Trojans died in the scorching fire.

Second, the leader of the Troy family, Adam Troy, was ambitious and deliberately rebelled, and was personally killed by the Regent.

From now on, from the court to the people, from the kingdom to the world, there is not a single Trojan surviving in the world. The blood of the sons of the sword and shield who followed the ancient king will be cut off forever. This ancient family that has been passed down for 515 years, Just like that, it withdrew from the stage of history overnight.

The matter came too suddenly, whether it was the civilians who had nothing to do with the matter or the nobles in high positions, they all fell into an uproar.

The people were astonished at how violent the attack from outside the sky was, which directly led to the destruction of a large royal family. They were worried about the future and kept praying to the gods, hoping that the place they lived in would be safe and sound.

The high-ranking nobles were astonished at the truth behind the "attack from outside the sky".

There may be many unworthy mediocre people among the nobles, but there are not so many fools. Many people can sense that something is wrong.

Not to mention anything else, as soon as Adam took the lead in opposing the Queen's New Deal at the Royal Conference, your regent called all the registered Trojans to Fengyun Pass. As soon as they arrived, an extraterrestrial attack warning was suddenly activated, followed by a scorching sky fire. exterminate people.
Are you pushing this matter on the visitors from beyond space?Commoners who have no information channels may believe it. Are you fooling around in front of nobles with advanced intelligence?
However, this is the most terrifying part of this matter.

With Kino's meticulous mind, the reason why he directed such a scene full of loopholes, even rough to the point of being ugly, was not to cover up anything, nor did he want to cover up anything at all.

He is using the destruction of the Troy family to send a message to the nobles who opposed the New Deal—yes, I did it, what can you do?This is the fate of disobedience.

Prior to this, the reason why the nobles dared to openly confront the queen was because they bullied her that she had no political resources. Whether she wanted to or not, she had to rely on the officials of the noble group to implement policies.

Under this kind of game, the nobles believed that Solandelle would not and would not dare to touch any ministers lightly. If she dared to be tough, officials at all levels would directly dismiss her office collectively, and the kingdom would be paralyzed in an instant. She would not be able to fill the vacancy at that time. I have to be soft and beg everyone to go back.

But the major nobles did not realize that within the political rules, they could indeed ravage and play with Solandelle.

And the Grim Reaper never talks about rules.

In the private banquet hall of the palace, plain white tablecloths were neatly spread on the round table, and there were many exquisite refreshments on it. The atmosphere was obviously very elegant, but it formed an extreme contrast with the expressions of the people around.

There were only four people sitting around the round table, the regent King Kino, and the heads of the three royal families of Dagon, Eric, and Heck.

The head of the king's collar is such a heavy title. In the past, it represented the lofty status of being under one person and above ten thousand people. It is an existence that countless people look up to.

However, at this moment, the three leaders lowered their heads, no matter how superb their expression control ability was, it was difficult to conceal the panic from their hearts.

In the center of the round table, apart from refreshments, there was also a tape recorder, which played the previous conversation between Chino and Adam, and played every sentence without reservation.

With the last sentence finished, there are only endless blind voices left.

Kino turned off the recorder, leaned on the chair, picked up the teacup, and slowly stirred the milk and sugar that had just been poured into the black tea: "Listen to Adam, everyone is willing to support me as the new king? I'm flattered~ Why don't we discuss it now?" Details?"

The leader of the Heqi family, Jashan, was the first to come back to his senses. He silently wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said in a deep voice, "My lord regent, this is Adam's own wolfish ambition, trying to drag us into trouble. We absolutely have no The idea of ​​usurping, please be aware of the details."

Kino picked up his teacup and took a sip: "So, I blamed you all? But your posture of resigning together at the plenary meeting is very synchronized."

Jashan squeezed out a forced smile: "It's because of interests, it's definitely not a connection."

The other two king leaders also quickly echoed.

In fact, everyone knows that Adam took the lead to form an alliance of interests with the three major families, advancing together and retreating together, and Kino is also well aware of this.

The reason why the three king leaders pretended to be stupid and denied it was not to fool Kino as an idiot, but to express their determination to sever ties with Adam.

This is not surprising. If you want to play a game, you must first find out what the opponent's chips are and where the bottom line is.

What Kino has done this time is really terrific. The big family will be destroyed as soon as they say it. There is no bottom line at all. Who would dare to seek death and move forward in front of such a lunatic?

Kino smiled slightly, sighed and said: "Speaking of benefits, the Troy family is really pitiful. Originally, selling their fief area to the royal family could bring wealth to the clan for countless generations."

"The result? The aliens raided Fengyun Pass, the whole family was wiped out, and all the members on the list were killed—" Kino deliberately showed a sad expression, and said a very shameless sentence, "I can only do what I can, and cry on behalf of the royal family Receive their family assets."

The faces of Jashan and the others turned green and pale for a while, their stomachs turned upside down when they heard it, they were nauseated all over, and wanted to vomit, but they could only forcefully cooperate with Kino to show a look of pity.

"So, the topic is back." Chino stood up slowly, took out three contracts from the space ring, and put them in front of the three king leaders respectively, "This transaction contract for selling fiefdoms to the royal family, do you want to sign or sign? Don't sign?"

Kino obviously didn't release any ability, and just his calm words brought unimaginable pressure.

Not only will all the fiefs be taken away, but it also means that they have completely surrendered to the Queen. I don't know how many "New Deals" like this will happen in the future. The status of the royal family will only exist in name only, and there will be no more honor to speak of.

If you don't sign, the scorching sky above Fengyunguan, as well as the Troy family roster that could have been discarded forever, are lessons from the past.

In the face of the huge loss, the leader of the Dagon family was really unwilling, but he was afraid of ending up like Adam, so he didn't dare to confront directly, so he could only say mildly: "My lord regent, the family fief is jointly owned by the clan, and most of the time it is not The leader alone has the final say."

"Such a big matter involves a lot of inside and outside. Can you think that both parties can take a step back, take it easy first, and then re-discuss a more appropriate approach?"

Kino looked at the leader of Dagon, with the same smile on his face, like an eternal mask.

After a while, he put down his teacup and touched the space ring, and took out two inexplicable things from it - a washbasin and a large barrel of bottled water.

"Boom boom boom" water was poured into the washbasin and soon filled it up.

Kino put a large basin of water in front of the leader of Dagon, put on waterproof leather gloves, and slowly put his arms around his shoulders: "Do you know? The current regent. I have spent countless time and energy on this, and lost the best subordinates."

"I have paid so much, and I have finally come to this position. I did not come to have friendly discussions with you." Kino leaned over to the ear of the leader of Dagon, his voice was sweet and soft, but it was more like the whisper of death.

"I'm here to make you dogs."

(End of this chapter)

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