honor me as god

Chapter 881 The Sword and Shield Destroyed

Chapter 881 The Sword and Shield Destroyed
(Two in one big chapter, updated today and tomorrow)

Adam's words at this time were truly astonishing. The implication was that he would join forces with the regent to impeach the queen, kick out Solandelle and help Kino take over.

Looking at ancient and modern times, this move is also extremely rare.

In previous court battles, no matter how fierce the situation was, it was still a struggle between the heirs within the royal family, princes fighting princes, elder brothers fighting younger brothers, few outsiders could participate in this kind of competition.

It's not that they don't want to or don't dare, but that the ruling power of the Dogrand royal family is strong enough no matter what period it is, and there is no soil for outsiders to conspire.

The only exception is the rebellion of Bailong Sula, who wanted to replace the laurel flower with a giant dragon.

Adam's sudden outburst now, of course, is not dementia in a hurry, but half conspiracy, half conspiracy, half sincerity, and half evil thoughts.

The conspiracy is that the aristocratic group represented by Adam and other royal leaders really intends to appoint a new king.

On the one hand, the political stance shown by Solandelle is completely opposite to that of the nobles. This is already an irreconcilable contradiction. The two sides can only fight to the end, you die or I die.

On the other hand, in recent years, the interior of the royal family has undergone a triple cleaning——

Perseus paved the way for his heirs, cleaned the court, and the eight princes were executed.

Andrei killed his father and came to power, purged for the second time, and killed all the supporters of Bolton and Solandelle.

Chino helped Solandelle seize power and was purged three times. Andre and other coup leaders were killed on the street.

The blood of the royal family, which has been in the same line since the founding of the king in ancient times, was almost wiped out after these three cleanings, and only Solandelle was left in the orthodox line of blood.

There has never been a period in history when the power of the royal family was as weak as it is now.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it were not for Kino to hold down the forces of all parties, or for Solandelle herself, the royal family would be in vain, and any king leader could replace it, and an unknown number of people in the kingdom would establish themselves as kings.

Since they are mortal enemies and extremely weak, it is best for the people behind the alliance to overthrow them and establish a new order on the ruins.

Therefore, Adam and other king leaders sincerely want to push Kino to the top. This person is strong enough, and the kingdom will surely advance in power under his hands.

Moreover, Kino himself is also the leader of the royal family, and the new Haier family has no extra privileges under the New Deal, and they are also "victims".

This is a conspiracy, a sincere conspiracy.

And the reason why it is said to be half, has to mention the evil thoughts hidden in it.

Even if it fails to instigate rebellion, as long as this kind of news is made into a rumor and spread among the people, it can cut the relationship between Solandelle and Chino no matter what.

Now that Kino is in charge of military and political affairs as the regent king, and he is in control, the people have already speculated whether the Queen will be ostracized. At this time, if the fire is added, the rumors will quickly ignite, and all kinds of rumors are enough to confuse people.

At that time, the trust between the two will be lost, and the initiative will return to the ministers.

Regardless of whether Adam came up with this move by himself or was instructed by a think tank, anyway, the bomb has been thrown to Kino now, and whether he accepts it or not, he will be in a dilemma.

Kino and Adam looked at each other, and they were silent for an unknown amount of time. A sly smile appeared on his face: "Do you know? If Edward was still alive, he would definitely have a 'loyal and patriotic' son like you for himself." feel happy."

Kino was originally Adam's father-killing enemy. At this time, he was sarcastically angry, and Adam couldn't help feeling angry, but he still maintained the most basic calm: "Loyalty depends on whether the monarch is worthy of allegiance."

"As for patriotism? Lord Regent, we are all grown-ups. There are major families before we have this kingdom. Family interests are more important than anything else. You probably don't understand this truth?"

"Crack, crack, crack" Adam finished, and Kino applauded to show his support, then reached under the table to take out something, and put it on the table.

Adam looked at the dark button-shaped object, and then saw Kino's mysterious smile, and couldn't help frowning: "What is this?"

Chino: "This is a bug that is recording. All our conversations just now, including Ni's... well, very loyal and patriotic remarks, have been recorded in it."

If it were someone else, Adam would feel that the other party was bluffing, because there was no such so-called wiretapping recording technology in the kingdom.

But now, Kino was sitting across from him, and what was on display was also equipment from beyond the sky. They all had to see how powerful the technology from beyond the sky was.

Most importantly, Chino's personal style is obvious, saying what he says, never bluffing.

In an instant, Adam's face turned livid, and he subconsciously wanted to grab it.

"Boom—" An irresistible pressure hit, and Adam's whole body was crushed to the ground by the telekinetic force, unable to move.

Looking down at Adam, Kino smiled and said, "Guess what will happen if Her Majesty hears the content here?"

"You want to threaten me with this?" Adam grimaced, showing a resolute smile, "So what if she loses her temper? I am the leader of the king, and she dares to kill me casually?"

"Even if she dares, so what if she kills me alone? The Trojans have countless up-and-coming stars, and allies are spread all over the kingdom. We live and die together, advance and retreat together. If she dares to touch me, she will be cut off from all the officials!"

Kino tapped his forehead with his index finger and said, "Speaking of the tribe, I'm going to tell you about this."

"I don't know how well you know the law code? As far as I know, the kingdom law code has very complete regulations on property inheritance, even taking into account the extreme situation of 'extinct household'."

"Generally speaking, if someone in the clan unfortunately dies or passes away, the property will be inherited by the heirs. If there are no children, the immediate relatives will inherit it. If the fate is so tragic that there are no immediate relatives, the property will be inherited by the collateral relatives of the same clan."

"But if there are no collateral relatives, the surname of a family will disappear in the world, and the bloodline will be extinct." Kino looked at the dull Adam, his amber eyes filled with smiles, "According to the law, all property in the family will be taken back by the royal family." , to be nationalized."

At this moment, Adam only felt the cold current spread from his back to the surroundings, as if his blood was frozen: "What do you mean?"

Kino leaned back on the chair, and said with great interest: "Among what you said just now, I absolutely agree with one sentence—the Trojans have countless rising stars."

"The population of the Troy family is too strong. I counted all the registered members and found that there are 1872 people in the clan, spread across the kingdom's army, politics, business and other fields. God knows how much energy I spent gathering them together."

Before Adam recovered, Kino took out the projector from the space ring and projected the image on the wall.

The huge image was divided into dozens of pictures, all from surveillance angles. In the pictures, there are all kinds of Trojans. Some of them are pacing back and forth in the bedroom, some are talking about something in the conference room, and some are standing The corridor overlooks the night view.

Judging from the details of the scene in the picture, these Trojans are all in the same place - the capital of Fenghuo Province, the base of the Troy family, and Fengyun Pass.

Kino said indifferently: "During the few days when you were conspiring with other ministers in the royal city, I summoned all the Trojans from all over the place with the order of the regent and asked them to go to Fengyun Pass for a meeting."

"These people come from all over the world. Some are in the political arena, some are businessmen, some are waiting to be fed, and some are old. An hour ago, all 1871 people arrived and took their positions, and now they are all in Fengyun Pass, without exception."

The clansmen in the picture seem to be in good spirits and there is no abnormality, but under the terrifying breath of death, the scene in front of them is full of huge pressure.

Adam was already in a panic, he opened his eyes and asked tremblingly, "What are you going to do?!"

Chino didn't answer directly, but turned on the communication frequency band, and cast another independent picture on the wall.

In the picture, a girl in a black shirt is lazily lying on the ground, her face is more delicate than that of a doll, her vertical pupils are slightly smiling and squinting, sharp canine teeth are looming under her red lips, and there are two fluffy ears on her head , looks like an elegant and mysterious black cat.

Kino: "Let me introduce, this is my cat, her name is Han Yi. Han Yi, this is the leader of Troy, Adam, please say hello."

Han Yi raised his hand, hooked his fingertips casually, and let out a lazily "meow".

Chino: "Have you reached a safe distance?"

"It's already here~" Han Yi stretched his waist, took the black suitcase next to him, and opened it to reveal a whole set of sophisticated control devices.

In the previous life, it had a military scientific name - nuclear suitcase.

"Launch." Chino's tone was as simple as drinking water.

Han Yi took off the metal key from his neck, inserted it into the control hole to activate the system, then picked up a black booklet in the box, and entered the fixed password.

At the same time, Chino took out a cipher disguised as a pocket watch, and after biometric identification, entered the dynamic cipher to complete the final verification procedure.

Finally, Han Yi looked at the camera, as if staring at Adam from thousands of miles away, smiled and made a "bye" gesture to him.

"Drop." The nuclear suitcase button pressed.

At the end of the horizon behind Hanyi, a scorching glow lit up, and the missile lifted off at high speed, leaving scorching marks in the air, as if it wanted to light up the dark night.

The ultimate killer weapon of human civilization in the previous life, nuclear force, has finally come to the arrogant world.

When the missile pierced the sky with a scorching light and landed over Fengyun Pass over ten kilometers, Adam's face was completely twisted into a ball, his mouth was so open that the corners of his lips were broken. He shouted and screamed, but couldn't help it. Stop the destruction from befalling the clansmen.

"Boom—" The missile detonated near Fengyun Pass, and a mushroom cloud rose from the sky above the capital building. The beam of light symbolizing death was gorgeous and dazzling, filling every corner in an instant.

It can be seen from the monitoring screen that all the Trojans were turned into blood in the strong radiation impact, but the surrounding buildings were intact, as if the god of death walked in the world to plunder the souls of the living, and let go of those lifeless dead things.

The Trojan Sword and Shield flag will never fly again.

Kino watched all this with admiring eyes, and said slowly: "It's a very artistic picture, isn't it? This is the technology I mastered after the war. The neutron bomb is different from traditional nuclear weapons. It mainly uses high-energy neutron radiation. Lethality only acts on the human body and will not damage other facilities."

"Originally, I planned to bomb people and houses together, but after thinking about it, the royal family will still pay for the reconstruction of Fengyun Pass when everything is bombed. There is no need for Solandelle to be taken advantage of."

Kino patted Adam on the head, and said in a joking tone: "Congratulations, Mr. Adam, according to the property inheritance law, as the only member of the Troy family, the inheritance of the entire 1871 members of the family is yours. 'Rich beyond compare'~"

Blood and tears flowed from Adam's eyes, and he howled like a mad dog, but he couldn't break free from the shackles of his telekinetic power: "Devil! You will die a terrible death!! All the nobles of the king's land and the subjects of the whole kingdom will not let you go!" !!!”

"Don't let me go? It's none of my business?" Kino's gaze became playful. "Half an hour ago, I issued an extraterrestrial attack warning, announcing the arrival of extraterrestrial visitors."

"There are no outsiders here, let's talk about it - I actually didn't sense the attack from outside at all, but it doesn't matter whether they come or not, the important thing is whether you believe it or not."

"In the eyes of outsiders, Fengyunguan was attacked during the early warning period, and they will naturally think that it is the work of visitors from outside, and I can't be blamed."

Adam fell into complete despair, unable to refute a single word, because he knew that Kino was right.

In this world, only Kino can perceive aliens, and the "Resisting Enemies Act" has not been abolished after the Queen's coronation, so from a legal point of view, he still has the right to issue extraterrestrial warnings at any time.

There have also been incidents of aliens attacking irrelevant targets before. This time, Kino used the "hot sky fire" to blow up the Trojans in Fengyunguan, and then blamed the aliens.

Even if someone suspects that there is a ghost in it, so what?

As long as no hard evidence can be produced, as the only person in the world who can sense visitors from space, Kino will do whatever he says.

Even if Chino said that The Outsider disappeared after blowing up Fengyunguan, or was secretly disposed of by him, you can't refute it, because he is the only person who has the right to interpret in this field.

His words, in a sense, are even comparable to the truth of the gods.

Anger, desolation, and despair. All kinds of negative emotions crushed Adam's heart, and the whole world seemed to turn black. His voice was like the cry of an animal before death: "Why did you do this?"

Kino pointed to the embers in the stove, spread his hands and said indifferently: "Did I persuade you not to burn that contract? You let a gun appear in the first act of the drama, and this gun will definitely In the third act."

Adam fell to the ground, weeping, his eyes were out of focus and empty, and he couldn't even see the slightest light: "My family, 515 years of inheritance, glory and glory, why do you destroy it like this. I can't understand. I can't understand .”

Kino walked slowly in front of Adam: "Yeah, I can't understand either. There is a problem that has been bothering me. I have been thinking about it for the past few days, thinking over and over again. I have been thinking about it for seven days and nights but I still can't figure it out— —”

Kino grabbed Adam's hair and lifted it up, stared straight into those despairing pupils, all the smiles on his face receded, and looked at mortals with no emotion like a god of death:

"How dare you provoke her?"

(End of this chapter)

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