honor me as god

Chapter 883

Chapter 883
"Wow—" Before everyone could react, Kino suddenly held the back of Dagon's head, and pressed his face into the washbasin filled with water.

A terrible thing happened. After the leader of Dagon was immersed in water, his body did not respond to any struggle, and he remained motionless like a puppet at the mercy of others.

If you look closely, you will find that his body is full of ripples formed by the power of thoughts, which surge like a tide, and the crushing force directly clamps his whole body to death, and even the most basic tremors are contained.

The only thing that was not locked by telekinetic power was the throat and chest cavity. Kino deliberately left him breathing space, but this life-supporting channel was completely submerged by water.

The banquet hall was as dead as a grave, except for the terrified breathing of the two chieftains, the only thing left was the sound of bubbling bubbles in the water basin.

To become the leader of the king's collar, in addition to a strong background, contacts, and brains, one must also have unparalleled strength.

The reason why the leader of Dagon can become the head of the clan shows that the strongest in the clan is second to none.

However, even such an extraordinary person, one of the few in the entire kingdom, was as fragile as a puppy in the face of Kino, who had harvested endless fear in the war, and was easily deprived of the right to breathe.

Kino pressed the head of the leader of Dagon, his turbulent thought power was like a huge wave, but his tone was light and humorous like a joke: "You know? Waterboarding is a very classic method of processing. people, and they told me an interesting thing—”

"When you are submerged in water, because of your primitive survival instinct, you will feel panic, fear, and trembling. The whole person is restless under the soaring blood pressure and adrenaline, and you are tortured by the suffocation."

"However, if you suppress the instinctive desire to survive, relax your body, let the water pour into your lungs, and embrace the feeling of being filled with your whole body. You will find a wonderful pleasure filling your whole body, as if you are in heaven~"

Outsiders have no way of knowing whether the leader of Dagon perceives the former or the latter. In the face of irresistible forces, he himself is unable to save himself, and the other two leaders dare not rescue each other.

In the end, they could only watch helplessly as the bubbles in the water basin became less and less, until they disappeared completely.

When Kino lifted the head of Dagon's leader again, the suffocated face was covered with dead blue, twisted to the point where it was difficult to describe in any language, like a scene from a nightmare.

This son of the sea, who lived on a warship since he was born and was accompanied by the vast ocean, just drowned in the small washbasin.

Kino let go of his hand and let Dagon's leader's body fall to the ground.

The hearts of the two king leaders were completely chilled. This is not a lunatic, but a mad dog, a downright mad dog that enjoys killing and torture.

Kino sat back in his seat, took a sip of tea gracefully, as if he just had a good time, then took out the communicator and said slowly: "Neko, let that 'lucky guy' come in."

Soon, the door of the banquet hall opened, and a humble figure walked in.

The two kings and chiefs all knew the person who came. He was a high-ranking member of the Dagon family, with extensive political resources and contacts, and he could be regarded as one of the influential figures in the political arena of Dogrand.

Kino pointed to the place where the leader of the Dagon family was originally sitting, smiled at the visitor and said, "Congratulations, from today onwards, you are the leader of the Dagon family."

"You must be aware of the tragedy of the Troy family. There are many vacancies in the congressional seats. You can choose someone to fill them up. You can choose as you see. You don't need to ask me for instructions to fill the list."

When the visitor saw Dagon's leader's body, he didn't show any astonishment. Instead, he respectfully bowed to Kino: "From now on, I am willing to obey the command of the Lord Regent and serve Her Majesty the Queen. I will do my best!"

After he finished speaking, he directly sat down on the head of the Grand Duke, took out the pen and seal in his arms, did not even look at the terms and conditions of the contract, turned the page and signed, stamped the seal, and presented it to Kino with both hands respectfully. .

This scene finally made the two king leaders realize the fact of despair.

They forced the palace with Adam before, and their confidence was only in one thing-offensive and defensive alliance.

The four major families have joined together to form a community of interests, one prospers and one loses all, advances and retreats together.

For a monarch with an unstable foundation and no one to use, this offensive and defensive alliance is an unsolvable situation. Any slight move will offend the ministers, which will lead to events similar to collective resignation and forcing the palace.

At that time, there are only two paths in front of the monarch, or simply put it to failure, and let the entire kingdom stop and go to perish.Either surrender to the public, admit their dominant position, and be only a symbol, not real power.

With Solandelle's character, it's impossible to be bad, and the ministers believe that her only way is to be soft.

However, Jashan and the others did not realize that after the Troy family fell, the offensive and defensive alliance among the ministers had quietly disintegrated.

Kino destroyed Fengyunguan and told everyone with practical actions that I dare to do anything, and I can do anything.

In the face of life and death, the major families have long been divided.

Some people are diehards, and they must fight to the end no matter what for their own interests, and they will not hesitate to die or die.

Some people are on the fence, their stance is no longer firm, and they are vacillating, and they will help whoever has the upper hand next.

There were also people who chose to compromise, secretly contacted Chino early on, reached an agreement with him, and sold collective interests in exchange for personal future.

With such internal divisions, it becomes a joke to advance and retreat at the same time, and what Kino has to do is to support those who fall to him, and kill those who are stubborn.

Originally, if the four major families could really work together to fight against Kino, advance and retreat together, he really had nothing to do, he couldn't kill everyone, then Dougland would no longer exist.

However, there are almost no absolutely rational people in the world, and it is even more difficult to have an absolutely rational collective. The demise of the Troy family is doomed to have many people change their positions and sell the collective for their own safety. This is the characteristic of human nature that seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages.

Those who compromised turned to Kino, and the dilemma of "no one was available" naturally ceased to exist. Killing a group of ministers vacated the positions, and how many people under them squeezed their heads and wanted to take the position.

To put it bluntly, Chino was able to invite the three leaders to the banquet hall today, serve refreshments, and openly invite them to talk, which is really a great deal of face.

Secretly, I don't know how many people like this "new leader of Dagon" are eager to see through and take great pains, queuing up to be Kino's dog.

Jashan and the others thought that their plan to force the palace was impeccable, but they had already been played with by demons.

In the end, the eyes of Jashan and Eric's leader lost their spirits, and without any thought of resistance, they silently opened the contract in front of them and signed their names on it.
(End of this chapter)

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