honor me as god

Chapter 823 Violent Offensive

Chapter 823 Violent Offensive
Fitch let out a fierce wolf howl, and rushed directly into the army from the front, and the scene that followed could only be described as "tragic".

Fitch adopted the most primitive fighting method—grabbing and biting, blood and flesh flew everywhere he passed, causing blood waves after waves in the Fengyunguan army formation, including both the enemy's blood and his own blood, crazy The strange laughter continued to echo in the fishy wind.

The Plague Beast warriors who can stand here now are all elite soldiers selected by Edward himself. They will not shrink back just because a few of their companions are eaten raw. fight.

Just as Fitch was catching a Plague Beast warrior and biting her, the opponent's companion quickly approached from the side, gathered all his strength and smashed the warhammer on her neck.

"Crack!" Fitch's neck bone made a crisp sound, and was directly smashed into a V-shape. However, the crazy smile on her face never receded at all, and even more bloody fierceness appeared in those strange-colored pupils. Light.

The assailant felt a strong wind coming from his chest, and Fitch turned around with a broken neck, and his small fist hit his chest.

Fitch's body is small, and his hands are naturally small. He looks weak, boneless, and white, but the powerful power brought by the genes in his body makes this punch full of force, and the surrounding air is blown away to form a vacuum. Area.

"Boom!!!" When the fist hit the assailant, his sternum was dented and shattered in an instant, the soaring blood pressure squeezed the blood vessels all over his body, blood burst out from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and he died violently on the spot.

Looking at Fitch again, she just patted her head casually, and the neck that had been severed earlier returned to its original position. She pulled her eyelids down with her fingers and made a mischievous grimace: "Slightly, slightly, use some force, I didn't eat. ?"

"Kill her!" These invincible plague beast warriors deeply felt the insult. Amidst the roars of beasts one after another, they entered the form of plague beasts one after another, their body functions greatly improved, and they roared and waved their claws and rushed forward, vowing to kill her. Fitch shredded.

It is said that two fists are difficult to defeat four hands, and Fitch is no exception. It is easy to deal with single-digit enemies, but it will be difficult to use fists and feet when there are too many people squeezed in the middle.

In addition, she has no basic fighting skills at all, and the word "dodge" doesn't seem to be engraved in her genes. Facing so many enemies, she doesn't even hide, and directly rushes into the place where the enemies are most dense.

When those powerful animal claws grabbed Fitch, she was instantly torn to bloody flesh, and the splashed blood and bone fragments flew seven or eight meters away, turning into a bloody man in the blink of an eye.

However, no matter how the Plague Beast warriors attacked, whether they tore her limbs or disemboweled her, that small body could not be knocked down, just like an immortal monster.

"Hahahahaha! It's so much fun here!!!" Fitch screamed excitedly, and aimed at the most powerful of the plague beast fighters in front of him, he punched out.

"Boom!!!" The moment Fitch's small fist collided with the beast's claw, the bone was torn into several sections, and the broken finger flew out along with the bone fragments, and the forearm was torn off.

The Plague Beast Warrior believed that Fitch's resilience must have a limit, as long as she broke through this limit, she would definitely die, so before her body regenerated, the Plague Beast Warrior continued to launch a fierce attack.

"Pfft——" Under the sharp claws, Fitch's entire right arm was torn off, leaving only the bloody shoulder bone exposed, and even the right side of the chest was shattered, and the damaged body could even be seen from the opening. spine.

The Plague Beast warrior stabbed out its sharp claws, directly piercing Fitch's body, and the arm muscles swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, tearing to both sides violently.

"Pfft!!!" In the blood mist, Fitch's petite body was torn in half.

It's time to die!
The Plague Beast Warrior looked at Fitch's dismembered corpse, and before he could catch his breath after the berserk attack, he froze in place.

I saw Fitch's torn body in two trembling on the ground, distorted neuron tissue appeared at the rift, they were intertwined and intertwined, reconnecting the body as a whole, and the blood that was sprinkled on the battlefield seemed to have a sense of autonomy. Consciousness is coming together from all directions.

Beads of blood flew across the battlefield, forming a suffocating scarlet storm. In the huge blood curtain, the distorted sound of flesh and blood regeneration continued, and Fitch's fragmented body recovered as before. As if never there.

"Well done, you knocked out the IPS stem cells I needed for a complete regeneration." Fitch grinned, his fangs reflecting the icy light in the moonlight, "Kill me 1 times like just now, you guys You can really kill me~"

"Roar!" The last sliver of rationality of the plague beast warrior was crushed, and he let out a deafening roar. The sound waves swept around like a storm, and the beast's claws hit Fitch's head from the front, vowing to smash it into pieces.

Facing the attacking beast's claws, Fitch's next move was unexpected. She opened her red lips and bit directly towards the opponent's claws like a beast.

The plague beast warrior poured all his energy into the beast claws, ready to smash Fitch's teeth together with her head!
"Hey——" the beast claw hit Fitch directly, and the plague beast warrior roared, and the turbulent air flow swept all the surrounding stone chips and dust into the sky. He pressed Fitch's face and smashed her whole body to the ground. .

The plague beast warrior's offensive was too fierce, and his physical strength was seriously exhausted. He was panting heavily and just about to stand up, but suddenly found that he couldn't feel the existence of his hand.

The Plague Beast Warrior looked over in astonishment, and couldn't help but froze in place. He saw that Fitch's whole body was covered in bursting blood, half of his face was shattered, but the sharp teeth still pierced through his beast claws, It bites firmly in the mouth.

Fitch's shattered half of his face regenerated at a high speed, and he recovered as before, with a terrifying and fierce light in his eyes: "I got you~ oh~"

"Crack! Puchi!" The sound of flesh and blood being crushed sounded, and the animal claws of the plague beast warrior were completely bitten off, and fine blood lines shot out from the blood vessels crazily.

The excruciating pain caused the plague beast warrior to howl fiercely. He clutched his severed wrist, which was bleeding wildly, and stepped back, his mane was already wet with his own blood and sweat.

"Kaka." Fitch chewed heavily, his sharp teeth quickly crushed the beast's claws thoroughly, and swallowed them.

This kind of behavior full of primitive animality made the plague beast warriors feel terrified. They believed that after being infected with the beastification disease, they were no longer ordinary humans, but more like savage beasts, but they were not distorted enough to eat them naturally. Drop the enemy's body.

Is this girl really human?

"It seems too slow to fight like this." Fitch tilted his head and smiled sweetly, and said the scariest words with the cutest face, "Then eat you all in one go!"

(End of this chapter)

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