honor me as god

Chapter 822 Gluttony Comes

Chapter 822 Gluttony Comes
Seeing Chino acting like a madman, Edward sneered shortly, and asked loudly: "Can't accept the reality in front of me, do you want to bluff to save yourself some dignity? Or do you think you really have a chance to win here today?" of everyone?"

Kino overlooked the entire battlefield, and with just a glance, he had already captured all the enemies that existed here, and completed the statistics in his brain.

"1124 plague beast fighters, and 107 soul masters." A strange smile appeared on Kino's face, "Do you think these people are worth my shot?"

Everyone couldn't help but be a bit puzzled. Putting aside how crazy Chino's attitude was, what did he mean by his words, did he still have helpers?

This is impossible, Fengyun Pass has long been blocked, even if there are reinforcements from Kino outside, it is impossible to break in.

The superhumans who stayed here to besiege Kino were also strong generals carefully selected by Edward. Naturally, their strength needless to say, and their backgrounds have also been carefully researched.

What is he trying to do?
"Don't be so serious~ You won't die worthless, because your bodies—" the corners of Kino's lips raised, drawing a dangerous and crazy arc, "will become the best nourishment for "gluttony". "

"Boom—" The night behind Kino suddenly fell into endless chaos. The moon seemed to be torn into several pieces in the folded space. black hole.

Arrogance, the chief of the seven sins, calls for gluttony!
Unfathomable waves emerged on the surface of the black hole, as if a vast torrent had been set off, and indescribable ancient giant shadows intertwined and intertwined. It seemed that something was watching in the black hole, awakening the most primitive fear deep in the biological genes.

Everyone could only feel countless malicious and crazy murmurs rushing into their minds, and the deep breath pervaded the surroundings, as if they wanted to take away people's reason and become crazy.

The indescribable ancient giant shadow intertwined and intertwined, forming a human body in the air. When the last ray of black shadow merged into the body, the black hole in the night sky quietly disintegrated and turned into nothingness. Only a petite girl appeared in Fengyunguan Dajun before.

"Aww~~~" Facing the bright moonlight, Fitch's instinct of dancing with wolves since childhood was awakened, and he raised his head and let out a long wolf howl.

Fengyunguan Dajun recovered from the depression just now, and stared blankly at the girl howling in front of him, not to mention the indistinguishable voice. How did she appear? !
Shuji in Onmyoji?Divine action in soul art?Impossible. Fengyunguan has been sealed by the soul barrier, and it is impossible for these spells to work!
After howling, Fitch also noticed the army in front of her. She stared straight at the Plague Beast Warrior closest to her, and suddenly froze in place with her mouth wide open.

"Tick tock. Tick tock" Something completely incomprehensible to everyone happened again. Fitch suddenly started drooling for some reason, and some of it dripped to the ground.

Fitch was like a starving ghost who hadn’t eaten for three days. When he met a big meal, he screamed excitedly: “Aww~ to grow so tall, the bones must be very strong! The body is well-defined, which means that the fat layer is thin and the muscle content is super super super high!"

She pointed at the plague beast warrior, raised her head and smiled at Kino, "Fitch wants to eat this man!"

Kino spread his hands and swept across the Fengyunguan army below, his amber eyes were filled with a smile: "It's all yours, no one will grab it from you."

"Really! Really!!" Fitch's strange-colored pupils refracted a beast-like red light, and his sharp teeth kept shining in the moonlight, "Then I'm not welcome!"

Edward felt that this man was playing tricks, and he was getting impatient, so he winked at the plague beast warrior.

The latter understood, let out a beast roar, and the animalization factor in his body exploded, turning into a ferocious plague beast and pounced on Fitch.

The speed of this Plague Beast Warrior was so fast that he couldn't capture the shape at all while running, he could barely see a distorted afterimage, stone chips flew everywhere he passed, and strong winds blew.

"Pfft!!!" The plague beast warrior passed over Fitch's body like lightning, and his sharp claws directly tore her body, and the blood and minced meat were thrown to a distance of more than ten meters under the action of tremendous force.

The Plague Beast Warrior's body settled down, and he saw a heart that was still beating blood in his claws. Looking at Fitch, her entire left chest cavity was completely shattered, and her heart had disappeared.

"Pfft—" The Plague Beast warrior casually pinched Fitch's heart, and his mane was stained red with blood.

After a short silence, laughter echoed in the Fengyunguan army. They laughed so hard that they seemed to have just watched the funniest comedy in the world.

I thought how difficult this elusive girl was to deal with, but I didn't expect her heart to be ripped out without even taking a single blow. Is there a more stupid idiot than this?

Edward wanted to laugh too, but he knew Kino better than the others. This guy would definitely not find a living treasure to help him on such an occasion. This girl must have something special.

It's just that even the heart was crushed, and this kind of injury would undoubtedly kill any creature.

Even if one obtains the mutant power of the Scarlet Church, the regeneration speed of the body is greatly increased, and even if a vital part such as the heart is damaged, one will die.

Is the opponent underestimating the enemy?Died suddenly before showing his strength?

Inadvertently, Edward caught a glimpse of the smile on Kino's face growing stronger, and this kind of smile made him feel uneasy.

Edward subconsciously looked at Fitch's body, and suddenly froze in place, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Almost at the same time, the surrounding laughter stopped abruptly, as if a sharp knife had been drawn around, cutting off all the sounds.

The victorious Plague Beast Warrior is a little strange, why don't the brothers laugh?
The next second, Edward's roar came from behind: "Be careful!!!"


The Plague Beast Warrior turned his head in disbelief, and saw that Fitch's "corpse" had come behind him at some point. Her body was split into two halves centered on the central axis of the human body. screaming, densely packed pale fangs sprouted from the split flesh, and the whole body turned into a huge mouth that covered the sky and the moon.

The sight of the Plague Beast warrior was already covered by the huge mouth, and the strange scene he had never seen before made his heart feel like he was in a state of fear. Even his fighting instinct was paralyzed, and he couldn't even do the most basic dodge.

"Pfft!!!" The giant mouth bit the plague beast warrior fiercely, and the huge beast body was instantly shattered, turning into the most primitive flesh and blood.

After the giant mouth devoured the Plague Beast warrior, it began to twist again, its fangs retracted into the flesh, and the rift in the central axis of the human body quickly closed, and finally reorganized into Fitch's original appearance.

I saw that her left ribcage, which had been scratched by the plague beast warriors, had healed as before. Even though her fair and flawless skin was stained with blood, it was still as clear as jade. Exudes a beast-like stern light:

"You are all my food!"

(End of this chapter)

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