honor me as god

Chapter 821 The moment of death

Chapter 821 The moment of death
On the 515th day of the fall in 20 of the Huoyao calendar, the second prince Andre Dogrand held a succession ceremony in the palace. He was officially crowned king under the witness of the Minister of Civil and Military Affairs and the statue of the Sun King. He was officially crowned as the king. ".

After Andre was crowned, he immediately announced the "truth" of the death of the former king to the world. The coup mastermind, the ninth princess, Solandelle Van Dörgolande, was stripped of all titles and removed from the royal family tree. Everyone is obliged to punish him.

Lorna Finn Regnome, who assisted in the absconding, was stripped of her title of prince, removed from the Regnome family, and included in the most wanted list of the whole country.

On the same day, except for Lengliegu, the capital of Tayu Province, the governors' offices of the other five major provinces collectively issued a document in support of the 25th Doguland, expressing their support for Andre's ascension.

The Ragnome family lost contact due to the leader Sting, and the eldest lady Lorna joined the rebel party. The whole family was leaderless, and was forced to bow to Andre in the end to keep the family safe.

Since then, the six major provinces have been fully under Andre's control, and five of the six royal families have also expressed their loyalty. The last remaining Hirsing family will become the most uncertain variable, and it is also the new king's choice. Objects that must be eradicated.

Since the beginning of the crown prince turmoil, Kino, the head of the Hircine family, was transferred by Perseus and placed under house arrest for leaking the princess' engagement in advance, and was kept in Fengyun Pass, the capital of Fenghuo Province.

The Scarlet Church originally planned to establish a political bond with the royal family through marriage to consolidate the church's position and interests in Dogolande, but now the church is directly doing things and assisting Andrei to kill his father, so the so-called marriage contract naturally doesn't matter. They would rather see a corpse now than a married Solandelle.

Solandelle is useless, and Kino behind her is of course even more useless. Andre's primary goal now is to kill the last member of the Hircine family, and completely submerge this royal family that has only been promoted for a year or two. in history.

For this reason, when the legions from all over the country rushed to the "king of Qin" in the royal city, only the legions of the Fenghuo province stayed in the province and did not move, in order to wait for the time to besiege and kill the Haiersing family forces as soon as possible.

On the evening of the 20th in Luoying, the legions of the Fenghuo Province began to march towards the Dusk City. A total of 20 fully formed legions, with a team of 10,000+ people, guarded the main roads in and out of the Dusk City, preparing to wipe out all the members of the new Haier family in the city.

The garrison at Fengyun Pass in the capital is even more terrifying. With Edward Troy, the leader of the Troy family in the sixth sequence, as the commander-in-chief, thousands of the most elite plague beast fighters of the family are all in place.

In addition, Edward also received the assistance of a large number of soul masters, and he led an army of pure superhumans, none of whom were mortals.

There is only one target for these thousands of extraordinary elites, and that is the Grim Reaper who is under house arrest here, Kino Van Helsing.

Edward stood in front of this tall building in Fengyunguan's capital city tower. He looked at the tall building shrouded in night, as if he was also staring at someone dormant in the building.

Looking from a height, with this city tower as the center, the elite elite of transcendents have completely surrounded the place, and there is absolutely no possibility of leaving the main road on the ground.

If you look closely, you will find strange ripples flashing in the night from time to time, which are the traces of the surge of the soul art barrier, which is indestructible by hundreds of high-level soul masters, making the sky a forbidden area that cannot be left.

The extraordinary people have cold eyes and awe-inspiring aura, and the vast Fengyun Pass has turned into a cage from which they cannot leave.

The first advance team had already entered the tower, searching for Kino's whereabouts, but there was still no movement of fighting inside.

Not long after, the advance team came out again, and the captain reported to Edward in a deep voice: "My lord governor, every room has been searched, and there is no sign of Chino Van Helsing."

Edward couldn't help frowning when he heard this, was Kino running away?
During the day today, Chino was still reading on the bedroom balcony, and many people saw it. Immediately afterwards, the soul master began to set up barriers, making it impossible for any living body to enter or leave Fengyun Pass.

Kino is definitely still here, judging from the current situation, he should be hiding.

It's really unexpected that Kino, who is regarded as the incarnation of death, would actually hide and hide like a downcast wild dog in the last days of his life.

Edward sneered, and said to himself, "It's really ugly."

At this time, a soldier suddenly discovered something, pointed to the sky above the tower and shouted: "My lord, look over there!"

Almost at the same time, the crisp and melodious piano sound came slowly, and the beautiful notes poured from the sky, echoing throughout the Fengyun Pass, forming a sharp contrast with the chilling atmosphere of the battlefield.

Everyone raised their heads at the same time, and saw a beautifully decorated piano floating above the city tower, and Kino in evening dress was sitting in front of the piano.

Under the action of some kind of dark force, both Kino and the piano were slowly moving towards the ground, shining brightly under the moonlight.

Chino's slender fingers are jumping quickly between the black and white keys, sometimes hurriedly, sometimes soothingly, and the rondo is perfectly connected. If you listen carefully, you will find that this is his self-compiled repertoire, which was also given to Solandia at the New Year's banquet three years ago. My first birthday present, "To the Little Princess".

No one can understand Kino's behavior at this time. In everyone's perception, he is already a trapped beast locked in Fengyun Pass. It is impossible for him alone to break through the soul barrier formed by more than a hundred soul masters. It is even more impossible to defeat the vast transcendents headed by Edward.

There are only two things that Kino can do now, either directly capture him without any resistance and give his existence value, King Andre may be able to save his life.

Or, it is to die in battle with honor, to save some dignity for the end of one's life.

And playing the piano under the night sky engrossedly like now, ignoring the battlefield as nothing, is simply like a lunatic intoxicated in his own world.

At this moment, the sound of the piano slowed down, and Kino spoke. The voice was silent, but it reached everyone's ears strangely: "I have seen things that you mortals can't imagine."

What Chino is talking about now is impressively the monologue recorded in the movie "Blade Runner" in his previous life: "I witnessed the warship burning on the edge of the Orion constellation, and I watched the C-ray near Tannhauser's Gate. Shining in the dark, all these moments will fade away in time, like tears in the rain"

"Boom——" the last syllable of the piano keys fell, and Kino opened his eyes. Those amber pupils reflected the moonlight, like a god watching the world, and said the last line of that monologue. :
"The hour of death has come!"

(End of this chapter)

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