honor me as god

Chapter 824 Gluttony and Devour

Chapter 824 Gluttony and Devour
Time froze at this moment, the air seemed to stop flowing, making it difficult to breathe, and the temperature dropped to freezing point, everything seemed to be ruthlessly frozen.

"Giggle giggling." Fitch grinned ferociously, the fierce light in his pupils was pouring down like a tide, and his petite body kept trembling along with her sickly laughing.

It was also here that a large haze appeared in the sky above Fengyun Pass. The tumbling clouds covered the moon, devoured the remaining light, and brought the darkness to this world.

Some kind of fear engraved in the deepest part of the genes of carbon-based creatures broke out in the plague beast warriors, and it intensified with Fitch's twisted and wild laughter.

What kind of feeling is this?It's like standing on the wilderness, the whole sky above the head collapses, there is nowhere to escape, there is no way to escape, the only reason left in the mind is stripped away, eroded by trembling, just like being in the most real nightmare.

As a long-range unit, soul masters have always fought far away from the front line. They seldom come into close contact with the enemy, let alone witness bloody scenes, and their psychological endurance is naturally worse than that of ordinary units.

Although the soul masters who participated in the Fengyunguan blockade were elite, they were sweating and their heart rate soared in the face of the most primitive fear deep in their genes. A small half of them failed to survive this physiological stress reaction and fell into a coma without saying a word. on the ground.

"Roar——" After the soul masters fell in large numbers, violent beast roars sounded one after another, and those Troy elites who had entered the form of plague beasts hissed and roared. If you look closely, you will find that their eyes are irrational. Primal fear, and the impatience to kill.

The Plague Beast warriors had already fallen into madness, their pupils were filled with scarlet blood, and they launched the most violent charge towards Fitch from all directions, intending to tear her into pieces, and then tear the pieces into even more pieces!

felt it
Everyone felt it.
Something is wrong with Fitch right now!

In the fight just now, Fitch's performance was considered powerful at best, making it obvious that this was a formidable enemy, but that was all.

But now, when Fitch unleashes the coercion, the unstoppable fear deep in the genes gushes out crazily. This fear is not the fear of facing a powerful enemy, but a primitive, unknown fear engraved in biological instinct.

Everyone realizes that if Fitch isn't stopped, something horrific is about to happen!

This kind of fear wiped out the judgment of the plague beast warriors, driving them to forget about the form, and rushed forward desperately, trying to kill the terrifying signs.

However, it was too late.

From the moment Fitch arrived at Fengyun Pass, it was already too late.

"Boom!" Just as the plague beast warriors rushed towards Fitch, without any warning, there was a sudden explosion where she was standing, and the flying dust swept across the ground like a sandstorm, and the substantive sound waves swept away.

The plague beast warriors were blown away by the sound waves, and fell to the ground in embarrassment. They struggled to maintain their figures in the hurricane, and all looked forward dumbfounded.

what is that?
A strange and indescribable black shadow emerged from the dust, like a mountain, almost breaking through the sky. After the dust scattered, the true face hidden in it was finally exposed without reservation.

It was a life form that could not be accurately described by all human languages. Fitch was soaked in blood from top to bottom, and some kind of thorn-like tentacles grew out of his body, intertwined and intertwined, forming a giant net that covered the sky and the moon.

The spreading tentacles swelled endlessly and differentiated continuously during the period. Thousands of huge mouths grew on the surface of the tentacles, and hoarse and frantic roars filled every space. This is a scene that only exists in nightmares.

The tentacles surged towards the plague beast warriors, and they were terrified to tear them apart. However, when one tentacle was torn apart, thousands of tentacles would re-grow from it, endlessly.

These tentacles cover the sky like a torrent, and grow radially outwards with Fitch as the center. It is a terrible hunting organ. Once the body of the Plague Beast Warrior is pierced, it will shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye. The flesh and blood were devoured, and finally entered into the main body of the tentacles to become its nourishment.

Finally, the morale of the Fengyunguan army collapsed. They were not afraid of death. If they died on the battlefield under the hands of a strong enemy, it would be the long-cherished wish of every soldier to die honorably and well.

But like now, facing a monster that can't be killed no matter how hard it is, being eaten by her and turned into the most primitive nutrients is like food in a slaughterhouse waiting to be slaughtered and delivered to the table. This is unacceptable. They have no war in their hearts. The glory of death, only the fear of animals.

The tentacles of gluttony not only spread on the surface of the ground, but also penetrated deep into the rock formations, shaking the ground and shaking the ground, and the plague beast warriors who fled the battlefield fell to the ground like dominoes.

"Boom—boom—" In the earth-shattering loud noise, the ground shattered into dense cracks like spider webs, countless people screamed and fell into it, and disappeared on the battlefield with more and more distant cries. .

The Fengyunguan collapsed, and the Governor's Mansion, which had stood for 515 years, also sank to the surface and turned into the most primitive building wreckage. The sound of the earthquake was mixed with human screams at first, but nothing could be heard behind it.

As the attack range of the tentacles expanded, the soul master who released the soul barrier was also affected, the energy flow became less and less, and the barrier covering the sky over Fengyun Pass also disappeared into a sky full of light and mist.

"Boom!!" As the ground collapsed one after another, endless tentacles gushed out from the depths of the rock formation and rushed straight to the sky. A few Plague Beast Warriors who survived by luck raised their heads dully, and a sense of fear and despair swept over their bodies.

At the front end of the gluttonous tentacles, countless Plague Beast warriors were poked bloody on them. Their faces were distorted by fear and pain. The blood flowed continuously along the surface of the tentacles, and finally all of them were sucked into it.

Many of the plague beast warriors were extremely unfortunate. They didn't hurt their vitals when they were pierced by the tentacles. The strong vitality brought by the animalized body made it difficult for them to die. They could fully feel the tentacles raging in their bodies, draining them bit by bit. pain of.

There are also some soldiers who ridiculously prayed to the god of death before they died, but did not realize that the god of death in ancient legends is illusory, but the real god of death is overlooking this grand death.

The wind and cloud of Fengyunguan was raging, and the tentacles of the battlefield were criss-crossing. The bodies of the soldiers were stabbed in the air, and the expressions before death were still frozen on their faces. Death perfectly freezes the scenes of these people's lives.

In the end, as the body was swallowed by the tentacles, all life disappeared in the torrent of gluttony, leaving no trace.

(End of this chapter)

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