honor me as god

Chapter 803

Chapter 803

After testing on volunteers, the Scarlet Church's new blood therapy solution has been proven to be effective. Once this news was announced, it quickly ignited the desire of people everywhere.

Dogorand has suffered from the animal epidemic for too long. From the year 486 of the Huo Era to the current year 515, during the 29 years, many people lost their families and their wives were separated because of this disease. nightmare.

But now, as long as the new type of blood therapy is used to obtain the ability to immunize against animal epidemics, the human body will no longer be infected, which means that ordinary people can safely enter and exit the epidemic area, and reunite with those family members who are enclosed in it, and they will never be separated from each other again.

Even if no family member is isolated in the epidemic area, receiving the new blood therapy means that the body has gained a layer of barriers, and even if it is accidentally exposed to the pathogenic factor in the future, there is no need to worry about it.

What's more, the Scarlet Church promised as early as at the New Year's feast that the new type of blood therapy will be carried out entirely in the form of charity, without charging any fees. Anyone from nobles to slaves can receive free injections New Purified Blood.

For ordinary people, if there is a free food and oil collar, the interest will be very high, let alone such a matter that is related to life safety.

As the headquarter of the Scarlet Church, Wangcheng is naturally the first city to promote the new type of blood therapy. A large number of people have already gathered outside the church, and they are all people from the city who came here for the new type of blood therapy.

Before Shamu Town, there was an epidemic beast enemy situation. A plague beast rushed into the royal city and caused a large number of casualties, and caused many close contacts to be quarantined to the epidemic area, which scared the people out of their wits.

Even if this is just a small-probability emergency, no one can guarantee whether this kind of thing will happen again. Therefore, the residents of Wangcheng have a great desire for new blood therapy, and they even have an attitude of grabbing life-saving straws.

Because of the large number of people, in order to maintain law and order, the guards stationed in the royal city also sent a large number of people to maintain order in the streets of the city to prevent chaos.

A centurion was stationed outside the main site of the Scarlet Church. The centurion in charge of the on-site command and his deputy were standing on a high platform overlooking the crowd.

The centurion narrowed his eyes and asked, "Are you ready to accept this new type of blood therapy?"

The deputy didn't think about it: "Of course, it's a good thing to give the body an extra layer of protection. I've told my family members to give them time to receive the new blood therapy as soon as possible. Scary."

The centurion frowned tightly, and said in a deep voice, "I suggest you persuade your family first."

The deputy asked in a low voice: "What's the matter? You don't believe in the effect of the new blood therapy? It was tested by volunteers."

The centurion shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't believe in blood therapy itself, but I don't believe in human nature. Unless you are a selfless saint, a person must do things for profit."

"The new blood therapy is different from the traditional blood therapy. All fees do not charge a monthly coin. On the surface, it is a completely altruistic product, but is this really the case? Would you like to believe that the head bishop of the Scarlet Church is a saint, or would you What do you believe he is plotting with a new type of blood therapy?"

The deputy was silent for a while, speechless.

The centurion continued: "Now the king is seriously injured, and the situation is very unstable. If I were you, I would send my family to other places first, and then bring them back when the situation is stable, instead of trusting the Scarlet Church in such a hurry."

The deputy seemed to be persuaded, and felt that his decision was very hasty, so he said cautiously: "My lord, can I."

Centurion: "Give you a day off, and return to work on time before 6:[-] tomorrow morning."

The deputy gave a grateful "yes" and left in a hurry.

The centurion looked at the restless crowd in front of him. The more excited the crowd was, the more dignified his expression became, and he said to himself, "It's really disturbing."

On the day when the new blood treatment was released, more than 3000 people in the Wangcheng area were injected with the new purified blood. Each of them felt like a treasure, as if they had become invulnerable supermen.

And those who failed to line up were a little bit disappointed, but they were not discouraged. If they couldn't catch up with the first batch, they would just catch up with the second batch.

In the evening, the sun was setting, and the light and shadow in the sky intertwined, as if two armies of red and black were fighting. As the sun sank into the horizon, the darkness overwhelmed the last light and became the main color in the sky, and night came.

Nightfall is the duty rotation time of each unit of the Guards Corps. The soldiers in charge of night duty have woken up from their nap, put on standard equipment and headed to their posts, ready to take over the tasks of their companions.

A night soldier came to the junction and was just about to take over the armband of the guard from his companion, but found that the other party was frozen in place. He couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

The companion raised his head, staring blankly at the night, his voice trembling: "Hey, look at the moon today."

The night soldier raised his head following his companion's gaze, his expression slowly becoming dull.

As night fell, the moon had already risen on the eastern horizon, but unlike the usual bright moon, it was scarlet like blood, and looked much bigger than usual, like a monster appeared in a deep hole. Only red eyes are staring at the world ferociously.

The two soldiers held their breath, and could hardly think about this abnormal celestial phenomenon. Before they had time to recover, a more terrifying mutation appeared.

I don't know when it started, their vision became more and more hazy and blurred, and a dense mist appeared around them, covering them.

Normally, no matter the morning fog or the evening fog, it should be just condensed water vapor, showing a pale white color.

However, at this time, the thick fog covering the royal city was blood-like scarlet, pervading every street, and the surrounding visibility dropped sharply, and it was almost impossible to see anything clearly, only the looming blood moon at the end of the sky was still hanging high.

In addition to the soldiers in charge of defending the city, the residents of Wangcheng also noticed the appearance of the blood mist one after another. The people at home closed the windows in fear, and blocked the gaps with wet towels to prevent the blood mist from permeating. Overwhelmed.

People outside had nowhere to hide, they could only watch the blood mist covering their bodies, and the visibility was too low, they didn't dare to move at all, otherwise if they hit something or fell into something , that would only cause more serious damage.

The soldiers of the Guard Corps were suddenly restless, and the sudden appearance of the blood mist brought a great sense of oppression. Everyone seemed to have fallen into a completely unknown world. What's more, they didn't know what the blood mist was. A rare natural phenomenon.
Or hidden dangers.

(End of this chapter)

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