honor me as god

Chapter 804 Collapse of Order

Chapter 804 Collapse of Order
A strange blood mist filled the royal city, gradually covering every corner of the city.

In addition to the soldiers in charge of defending the city, the residents of Wangcheng also noticed the appearance of the blood mist one after another. The people at home closed the windows in fear, and blocked the gaps with wet towels to prevent the blood mist from seeping in. Facing the scarlet outside the window, they didn't know what to do. measures.

People outside are not so lucky, they have nowhere to hide, they can only watch the blood mist covering their bodies, and the visibility is too low to distinguish the direction, they dare not move at all, otherwise if they hit Something, or falling into something, would cause more serious damage.

The only good news is that this blood mist doesn't seem to be lethal. Although it looks extremely terrifying, like endless blood spreading in the air, when it is actually inhaled, it can't smell anything, and the body doesn't feel anything strange.

"Damn it. What the hell is this?!"

"Anyone? Can someone come here and help me!"

"Mom! Where are you, Mom? Woo. I can't find Mom."

The city under the blood mist shrouded in constant cries of help from the residents, but the soldiers of the Guards Corps did not dare to act rashly. The permeating blood mist had already occupied their field of vision. They could only stand in place holding their knives and shields, barely maintaining a security formation. , be alert to all possible dangers.

Just as the soldiers were on alert, a strange voice suddenly came from the blood mist: "Hiss!"

The sudden noise made the soldiers nervous.

What kind of sound is this?It was as if a beast was crawling in the blood mist, scratching the ground with its sharp claws!

But this is not the wilderness, it is the royal city!Why are there wild beasts in the royal city? !

There was no sign of "roar". There was a strange low roar in the blood mist. Its voice was very clear in the dead silence. It just surrounded the ears, and the soldiers only felt a chill, and the cold feeling spread along the spine His whole body seemed to freeze his hands and feet.

this sound is very close
right by your side
A centurion stared at the direction from which the sound came from. He held up his shield and took a step forward cautiously. The airflow while walking pushed away the blood mist a little. Under the light of the blood moon on the dome, a hideous and A distorted beast face appeared in his sight.

The centurion's face changed drastically, and Li Dun put on a shock-proof posture, roaring: "Plague Beast! Attention everyone! There are Plague Beasts here!!!"

In a private house, the sleeping little girl woke up in a daze. She stared out the window blankly, only to see the bloody mist outside, the bloody moon hanging high in the night sky, and the rich moonlight piercing through the mist into the house, as if Painted a layer of scarlet blood around.


Just then, the little girl heard something outside the door.

The little girl put on her slippers, opened the door carefully, and found that the mother from the opposite room had also come out. She asked in a low voice, "Mom, where is Dad?"

The woman also just woke up, and was obviously frightened by the blood mist outside the window, she muttered: "Dad was still there in the middle of the night, I don't know where he is now."

During the day today, the woman's husband was the first to complete the new type of blood therapy. When he went home for dinner, he was very excited and kept showing off that he was no longer afraid of the veterinary disease.

The two slept together at night, but at this time, the room behind the woman was empty, and the husband who had shared the bed with her had gone somewhere.

The strange sound of "hiss" appeared again, very soft, as if it came from the first floor.

The little girl and the woman held hands and walked downstairs cautiously. The moonlight spread on the floor through the corridor windows, and the scarlet color falling on the person was even more weird.

The two came to the first floor, poked their heads out from the corner, and saw a figure in the kitchen.

The other party was wearing familiar pajamas, the little girl's heart was slightly relieved, and she called softly: "Daddy, you are here"

Before the little girl finished speaking, her mouth was suddenly covered, and the woman looked panicked, tightly covering her mouth, and the fear in her eyes burst like a bank.

"Hiss. It hurts." The child's father stood alone in the kitchen, the bloody moonlight flowing on his body like water, one of his hands was struggling to support the table, and some kind of mutation had occurred in the other hand, with muscle deformity It bulges and swells several times in size, thick fur grows continuously on the surface of the skin, and the embryonic claws become thicker and sharper, as sharp as a razor.

The man continued to breathe disorderly and heavily, and scratched the ground with his claws in pain, scratching claw marks several feet deep. On the floor, it was extremely corrosive, and the floor tiles were burned to emit white smoke.

"It hurts, it hurts." The man's voice has turned into a beast-like low howl, suppressed and distorted, and it is almost difficult to distinguish his pronunciation, but the pair of ferocious animal pupils are flowing with clear liquid, as if the remaining The last shred of sanity.

At this time, the man noticed the frightened mother and daughter at the stairs. His breathing became heavier and heavier, as if he was fighting against some kind of force, but the result was obviously futile. The distortion on his body began to spread rapidly, and the flesh and blood The distorted voice continued to sound, followed by a completely distorted choking voice: "Run, run!"

Under the horrified gaze of the little girl and the woman, the abnormal tissues of the man's body spread from the arms to the chest cavity, fluff began to grow on the surface of the man's body, and the originally thin arms and legs began to bulge rapidly, as if a demon in his body was waking up, trying to Out of the body.

"Run! Run!!!" With the last scream, the man could no longer suppress his distorted body. His body turned into a beast, and the crazily growing fangs continued to protrude from his mouth.

"Roar—" The man who turned into a plague beast let out a fierce beast roar, and rushed towards his wife and daughter frantically. The sound of the body being torn apart echoed continuously, and the blood stained the originally warm little home.

Similar things are still happening in the royal city. Those who received the new blood therapy during the day turned into irrational plague beasts on this blood moon night, whether they were strangers or family members who had been together for a long time , they are completely insane, and they will launch indiscriminate attacks on anyone.

At this time, Wangcheng was like an oil field thrown into Mars. The screams and wailings burned all over the city like a prairie fire, completely tearing apart the hypocritical tranquility in the middle of the night.

Some panicked people huddled at home, some fled to the streets and ran around, but without exception, they got lost in the thick blood mist. The soldiers of the Guards Corps had limited vision and couldn't maintain order at all. No one knew. Those rushing out of the blood fog in front were civilians seeking help, or plague beasts that had fallen into madness.

The killings spread everywhere, and the order of the royal city completely collapsed at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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