honor me as god

Chapter 802 Human Experiments

Chapter 802 Human Experiments
No. 24 Fengxue Lane, there are many children living here. They were originally homeless and helpless, but because of Denisa's help and companionship, they had a very happy childhood.

But at this time, unlike the usual scene of children running around and being happy and lively, this place is very deserted, the furniture in each room has been vacated, clothes and other daily necessities have also been packed into the bags, and they are being moved to a room outside the door. Carriage after carriage.

The transfer here has been going on for many days. At the request of Denisa, the children adopted here have been sent away from Wangcheng one after another.

The reason for her doing so is also very simple. Perseus's health is getting worse day by day, the palace is full of undercurrents, all forces are eyeing each other, and this city has become the center of the vortex.

Now that Perseus is still alive, he can barely maintain a superficial calm, but he may fall into turmoil at any time.

Under such circumstances, it is unwise for the children to stay in the royal city, so Denisa used her savings to buy a secluded manor in another place, and planned to let Amanda and others take the children to Get out and hide from the limelight.

The dozen or so children were the last batch. When Candy walked out with her schoolbag on her back, like most of the children, her eyes were red, obviously she had just cried.

For these orphans who were abandoned since childhood, Shuangxue Lane has long been their home, where they have all their warm memories, and Dinessa, who comes to play with everyone every year and festival, is a real relative in the true sense.

When Candy saw Denisa, tears welled up again, and she rushed over and hugged her waist tightly, sobbing: "Sister, I don't want to go"

Denisa gently touched the back of Candy's head, and said softly: "Tangtang, it's not safe in the city recently, you follow Amanda to take shelter outside, the house there is bigger than here, there is a stream, there is a garden, There are also many apple trees, and it is just the season for apple harvesting, where you can read and pick apples at the same time, how fun~”

Candy wiped her tears and said, "Then why don't you walk with us?"

Denisa has never revealed her identity in front of the children, and has always been with everyone in the image of an ordinary person. The children don't know that the gentle elder sister who has been taking care of them is the chief imperial guard. "King's Blade", the only 7th sequence "Red Wheel" in Dogland Kingdom.

She has hidden her identity for so long, and speaking out now will only complicate the situation, so Denisa touched Tangtang's little head and said in a doting tone: "My sister has something to do in Wangcheng, so I can't leave. Candy is obedient, you Don't think about anything after you get there with everyone, and live a good life. My sister promises you that I will pick you up in a few months."

When Denisa said this, she deliberately put her lips next to Tangtang's ear, and whispered with a smile: "When the time comes, let the others ride in the carriage, and my sister will ride with you alone, okay?"

For a simple child like Candy, her emotions change very quickly, and her attention is immediately attracted. When she thought of the scene of running on horseback, her mouth opened round, and she quickly stretched out her fist to Denisa , eyes full of longing: "Of course!"

"Sure~" Denisa smiled and bumped her fists.

Candy and the children boarded the carriage, sticking their heads out of the window reluctantly, and waved goodbye to Denisa.

Denisa looked at the carriage in the distance, and her vision gradually became blurred. She wiped her eyes with her sleeve, then turned and walked towards the palace.

Today is a day that can change history for the Kingdom of Dogrand, because the Scarlet Church is launching the final challenge to the beast disease.

At the New Year's feast at the beginning of this year, the Scarlet Church announced the news of a new type of blood therapy. They said that by injecting healthy people with the new type of purified blood in advance, they can gain the ability to be immune to veterinary diseases.

If the effect of this new type of blood therapy is really as stated, and it is popularized on a large scale in the country, it means that there will be no new infections except for those infected in the epidemic area.

And when the number of infected people slowly passed away with time, the number became smaller and smaller, and one day the veterinary plague would be completely extinct in Dogoland.

Of course, any medical method cannot be implemented directly, but needs to be practiced. In order to verify the effectiveness of this new type of blood therapy, a secret experiment has been carried out in a town hundreds of miles away from the royal city.

Seven days ago, the royal family paid a lot of money to find 7 volunteers and let them participate in human experiments.

The procedure of the experiment is very simple. These 12 volunteers will be injected with a new type of purified blood, and then put into the lower epidemic area, where they will be directly exposed to the late-infected epidemic beasts.

The plague beasts in the lower plague area are completely restrained and will not threaten their lives, and there is enough water and food inside.

The only difference from the outside world is that due to the existence of the plague beasts, the lower level of the epidemic area is full of pathogenic factors of veterinary epidemics. If there is no salt crystal purification, ordinary people will be infected within a few minutes after entering.

The 12 volunteers who were injected with the new purified blood needed to survive for 7 days in this environment full of pathogenic factors.

According to previous cases, 7 days is enough for the infected patient to appear deformed.

Now that 7 days have passed, the physical condition of the volunteers will determine whether the new blood therapy is really effective.

If they come out with deformed bodies and are obviously infected, it will declare the failure of the new type of blood therapy, their families will receive a generous pension, and they will be imprisoned in the epidemic area forever.

If they are all in good health and show no sign of infection, then the Scarlet Church will make history, and the appearance of this new type of blood therapy will become a milestone in defeating the veterinary disease.

The residents around the experimental site have long been emptied out. Several royal ministers who came to investigate on behalf of Perseus and a centurion of the personal guards are stationed here. The exit of the lower infected area has been sprinkled with salt crystals, even if the experiment fails. , and will not spread the infection.

As soon as noon arrived, the royal minister ordered to open the exit of the epidemic area.

The soldiers of the Guards Legion put their hands on their swords, and if something happened, they would intervene in the battle as soon as possible.

Not long after, following the sound of hurried footsteps, the first figure ran out. This was one of the volunteers. He knelt down on the ground covered with salt crystals, panting heavily.

Obviously, the air quality in the lower infected area is bad. After living there for 7 days, returning to the surface to breathe fresh air can't help but give me a sense of new life.

Figures ran out one after another, and there were not one of the 12 volunteers missing. The royal minister looked at their bodies carefully, and suddenly showed a look of surprise.

All 12 volunteers are intact!There is no distortion of the body!

New blood therapy, proven to be effective!

(End of this chapter)

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