honor me as god

Chapter 669 Backstabbing

Chapter 669 Backstabbing
The messenger of the remnants knelt on the ground in the most humble posture, as if facing the supreme king. Larsen sat motionless on the seat, with no expression on his face, while Ashuma's eyes swayed back and forth between the two, and the room was extremely quiet. You can almost hear your heartbeat.

"Pfft..." Suddenly, a suppressed laugh sounded.

Larsen's shoulders trembled, and he was still enduring it at first, but he couldn't help it later, a look of ridicule appeared on his face like a bank burst, and the whole person laughed wildly: "Hahahaha! Hahahahaha!!! "

Larsen clutched his cramped stomach and laughed so hard that tears came out of his eyes. He pointed at the messenger's nose and laughed loudly: "Is this guy serious hahahahahaha!"

The messenger raised his head, a solemn light flashed in his eyes, and his expression was a little complicated.

Larsen wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, gave the messenger a thumbs up, and said slowly, "I have to say, your chief named Jupiter is very smart and knows how to send you to tempt me with the throne."

"I thought about it carefully, and what you said is very reasonable. If you really have integrated 80 troops, as long as the two of us work together to break through the Lenglie Valley and drive straight into the Royal City, Douglande will be ours!"

"That is a scene that I can only imagine in my dreams. I have thought more than once that one day, I will cut off the dog's head of Perseus, I will kill all his sons, enslave his daughter, and let all his beloved relatives and friends I am a dog, I want to let them know how wrong and unfortunate it is to follow Perseus!"

"I swear to the gods, if there is such a day. If there is such a day! I will take back everything that once belonged to me!"

There was a lot of surprise in the messenger's eyes, and his whole body trembled with excitement. He swallowed his throat, knelt on the ground and moved forward with his knees, wanting to kiss the back of Larsen's hand to show his submission.

"But—" the messenger was greeted with two heartless words and a boot on his face.


Larsen stepped on the messenger's face and trampled him to the ground, like treating a down and out dog. His weather-beaten eyes were full of ferocity and blood, and he said every word: "I will never betray my country."

The messenger's teeth were all knocked out, and he fell to the ground and kept struggling, but he couldn't get up no matter what, he could only let out a painful and dull roar.

Larsen looked at this guy's miserable appearance with cold eyes, and his expression gradually became dignified: "Ashuma, pass on my general order immediately, and the rotation of all soldiers in the Frozen Fortress will be cancelled. Patrol and prepare for possible attacks."

"In addition, immediately dispatch messengers and use ravens to send a letter to the Kingdom Army General Command in the desert area at the same time by air and land to inform the military situation that the various tribes of the survivors of the Six Kings are suspected of being integrated. There is no specific information at present, and it may be guessed There are 80 troops."

"Finally tell Perseus, let this bastard not worry about his ass, the Frozen Fortress is held by me, barbarians can't enter the country, let him concentrate on fighting in the desert, and just help me after cleaning up those Far Eastern bastards."

Ashuma was standing behind Larsen at this time, and a deep voice came: "What should I do with this messenger now?"

Larsen twisted the soles of his boots from side to side, rubbed the messenger's face to a bloody mess, and said with a sneer, "Give me the knife, and I will chop off his head and hang it on the highest point of the city wall to sacrifice the flag to the soldiers and tell the outside world too." Those savages, what is the end of provoking us."

"Of course." Ashoma drew his saber.

"Pfft—" The blade entered his body, and blood gushed out.

Larsen's expression changed several times, he was dazed and dazed at first, and then he was stunned beyond measure. He lowered his head in a daze, looking at the scarlet blade piercing through his chest and abdomen, his face was completely drained of blood.

Larsen turned his head in astonishment, and saw Ashoma standing there with a knife in his hand and a smile on his face.

"Pfft." As Ashuma pulled out the blade, Larsen also staggered and fell to the ground.

Larsen pressed hard on the bleeding wound, and stared at Ashuma with eyes wide open: "What are you doing?"

"As you can see, General." Ashoma wiped away the blood from the knife and said with a smile, "I stabbed you in the back."

Larsen glared angrily, and said unwillingly: "You have been with me for 20 years, why did you do this?!"

"So you still remember that I have been with you for 20 years." The smile on Ashuma's face gradually turned cold, and he said with a gloomy expression, "20 years, 20 years, you don't want to make progress, you obviously have several opportunities You can get what you dream of, but you still stay in this ice and snow, complaining non-stop, and you are always willing to be a watchdog for others."

"Larson, people have to climb up. If you don't climb up, others will step on you. How many years do you want to stay in this world of ice and snow? 20 years is not enough, do you want 30 years? 40 years? Keep guarding to become a pile of dry bones?"

Larsen gritted his teeth and said, "The conditions here are very difficult, but I have never treated you badly"

Ashoma sneered and said: "Yes, you have never treated me badly, but you have always been so unprogressive, which has also caused me to have nowhere to advance. I can only serve you here, enduring hunger and severe cold, and enduring the pain of my joints. The cold wind is ravaging, and the pain is getting worse every day. You can bear it, sorry, I can't bear it."

For some reason, a trace of bitterness flashed in Larsen's eyes. He tremblingly reached into his arms, and took out a folded, blood-stained parchment: "Why don't you look at this."

Ashuma glanced at Larsen suspiciously, stepped forward cautiously, took the parchment away, and immediately opened it to read.

This piece of parchment is actually a letter of recommendation, written to Sorandale. In the letter, Larsen described in detail Ashoma's dedication and achievements in the Frozen Fortress over the past 20 years. I hope Soran Dale should not look at the Fargo with ethnic prejudice, and asked her to recommend to Perseus after returning to the palace, so that Ashuma could go to the palace for further studies.

The date of this letter is today, it should be not long after Larsen wrote it, and he has not had time to hand it over.

Larsen looked at the silent Ashuma, and said quietly: "I know that life in the Frozen Fortress is very hard. Most soldiers want to go back to the interior after serving for a few years. Those who can serve for 10 years are warriors, and those who can serve for 20 years are warriors. You have followed me unremittingly for [-] years. I don’t say anything, but I am very moved in my heart, and I hope you can be promoted more than anyone else to display your ambitions.”

"I just didn't expect that your heart has become so restless. It's all my fault. I usually only care about business and don't talk to you very much."

"But it doesn't matter, Ashuma, you still have time to help me up, the knife just now is my repayment for so many years of mistakes, I will not hold any responsibility! Turn back, child, come back to me, you will have a bright future."

(End of this chapter)

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