honor me as god

Chapter 670

Chapter 670

Ashuma looked at the letter in his hand, slowly closed his eyes, and there seemed to be something flickering in the slits of his eyes, and said faintly: "I am so moved by this letter."

With a deep breath, Larson held out his hand and said, "Come on, boy, come to me."

Ashoma opened his eyes again, and his expression became joking: "If it wasn't for the dagger in your pocket, I might believe it."

Larsen's eyes froze, he pulled out the dagger in his arms and attacked Ashuma.

Larsen was an out-and-out general back then, a first-class warrior on the battlefield, just like Bolton now, who could not only sit hundreds of miles away to strategize, but also personally put on armor and fight into the enemy's formation.

Although he was stabbed by Ashuma just now, and he was stabbed to the liver, but in terms of his physique that has been fighting on the front line all year round, there is still a powerful force in his body. He lost his fighting instinct, like a furious beast fighting back to the death.

However, as soon as Larsen took a step, he suddenly felt as if his chest was blocked by a boulder. Waves of darkness flooded his field of vision one after another, and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Larsen thought that he vomited blood because his organs were damaged, but he soon discovered that the blood he vomited exudes a strange smell of decay, and he didn't spit out once or twice, but the blood continued to overflow from his mouth and nose, and the blood gushed out more and more. Too much, and in the end it almost started to vomit blood.

Ashoma smiled mysteriously: "Before going to bed, are the wines I brought you good?"

"The dog poisoned me?!" Larsen resisted the desire to vomit blood, swung his knife forward, and fought with Ashuma.

Ashuma was just an officer, and he seldom touched weapons. His martial arts skills were not even comparable to half a soldier. Although Larsen was attacked and poisoned, it was not something he could deal with.

Ashuma was forced into a corner by Larsen, and in the end he could only parry left and right, and couldn't help shouting: "Hey! Help me!"

The messenger who was kicked down by Larsen found a weapon in the room and attacked from behind.

"Pfft!" Larsen was stabbed firmly in the back, but fortunately his spine was not injured. The pain triggered a burst of adrenaline, temporarily suppressing the pain, making him growl like a raging bull, and turned around to fight back.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!——" Gold and iron clashed continuously. This messenger was obviously a master, but Larsen showed even more powerful martial arts in the trapped fight, forcing him to retreat step by step in the mad attack.

When forcing the envoy to the corner, Larsen swung the curtain to obscure his sight, and stabbed him out while he was flustered, hitting the throat with precision like a surgical operation, the blade pierced through the larynx, and came out from the back of the neck.

"Hey——" when Larsen pulled out the knife, the messenger's body rolled up the curtain, slipped along the wall and fell to the ground.

After Larsen killed the envoy, his whole body was covered in scarlet, and his blood-stained face was like a ferocious ghost, pressing towards Ashuma step by step.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ashuma opened the door and wanted to run, but just bumped into the guard who rushed in after hearing the sound.

When Ashuma lost his balance, Larsen slashed out, directly chopping off his left arm, and the stump shot up into the sky with bloody arrows.

After bringing down Ashuma, Larsen's strength was somewhat exhausted, and he staggered and sat on the ground, clutching his wound in pain, his voice trembling unconsciously: "Catch him quickly! Lock him up Dungeon, I have something to ask later!"

"Hehehehe." Ashoma dipped his hand in some blood from the severed arm, sniffed it in front of his nose as if intoxicated, rubbed it slowly on his fingertips, looked at the sticky blood lines and said, "You think, Before I plan these things, won't I buy your guards first?"

Larsen raised his head in astonishment, only to find that the two guards who rushed in were staring at him with gloomy coldness in their eyes.

The two guards attacked together. Larsen was at the end of his strength and was unable to parry. When he was forced to the window, he just wanted to break through the window to ask for help, when a blade with a strange angle pierced his chest.

Larsen looked over in disbelief, and saw that the messenger's "corpse" had stood up at some point, and the curtain wrapped around his body slowly fell, revealing that sinister face.

There was a penetrating wound in the messenger's throat, which was undoubtedly left by Larsen just now. This kind of wound is 100% fatal to normal humans, and there is no possibility of survival, but he seemed to treat it like nothing.What was even more frightening was that this was not a dying struggle before he died. His arms were still steady and strong, and he was not affected by the fatal neck injury at all.

I saw some twisting bloodshots appearing on the wound on the messenger's neck, which were constantly intertwined and reorganized, and even the destroyed pale throat bone was slowly growing, and finally blended with the bloodshots.

The moment the neck wound closed, the fatal wound had completely healed, returning to its original state.

This scene completely stupefied Larsen. In the past 28 years of guarding the Frozen Fortress, he has seen all kinds of enemies from outside the wall. He has seen all kinds of strange powers or voodoo techniques, but he has never seen this kind of "death". As for the "resurrection" technique, I have never seen any wound that can heal in such a short period of time, without leaving a scar.

At this time, Larsen seemed to realize something, and looked at Ashuma blankly.

I saw Ashuma standing there gloomyly, his severed right arm was still on the ground, but the cut of the arm on his body was no longer bleeding. Even the girth and bone have grown into the shape of an arm!

The newborn arm is still very small, like the arm of a newborn, but it continues to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye. According to the trend, it may grow into the original arm in less than an hour.

Ashuma caressed that newborn little arm, his expression full of enthusiasm for power: "Larsen, don't say I didn't give you a chance. You could have fallen into His arms with me, and have the most attractive Since then, he is no longer a mortal body, he is not afraid of the knife and the axe, and he has no birth, old age, sickness and death."

"The result? You foolishly refused all of this, and fell limply on the ground, like an old dog whose teeth have been pulled out. Don't blame me, Larsen. I used to be really loyal to you, and even grateful."

"It's just that I want to keep climbing and you're in the way."

Seeing Ashoma take the knife from the envoy, Larsen showed a pitiful and ferocious smile, and said quietly: "Garrott is right, you despicable Fago cubs are all rats, you should all be killed kill."

Ashoma said with a smile: "Many people want to kill us, but we still exist in the world tenaciously. I think this is our greatness."

After Ashuma finished speaking, he stabbed Larsen's body with a knife.


The messengers and guards did the same thing, stabbing the broken body one after another.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

The cold wind howled outside, and the shadows of blood in the house shook.
(End of this chapter)

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