honor me as god

Chapter 668 Regain the Throne

Chapter 668 Regain the Throne
Before this, it was not that the survivors of the Six Kings had never sent envoys to the Frozen Fortress to negotiate.

However, Larsen was an extremely terrifying person, often ignoring the rules of engagement and cutting down the envoy at every turn.

Generally speaking, the rule of "the two countries do not kill the envoy when they are at war" is to leave a communication channel for both sides. If the envoy is killed, the communication channel will be broken, and the two sides will have nothing to talk about after the fight, which will add a lot. Needless casualties are not conducive to overall decision-making.

And Larsen had repeatedly beheaded envoys from outside the wall before, and his meaning was very simple - there is nothing to talk about, I am your enemy, and I will kill as many of you barbarians as you come.

Therefore, the envoy of the remnants of the Six Kings is a high-risk occupation. No matter how brave the envoy sees Larsen, he will lose all courage. Unless he is really polite and humble, otherwise he will be decapitated if he accidentally offends Larsen. .

But what is strange is that the envoy who came today held his chin up and showed no fear. He smiled shortly and said slowly, "I am here this time to bring glory to General Larsen."

If it were the previous emissary who was trembling and could not speak well, with Larsen getting up in the middle of the night, there would be a high probability that someone would drag him down and chop him up casually, without even bothering to talk.

But the envoy in front of him was calm and mysterious, and Larsen became interested: "Oh? Bring me glory? How should I say it?"

The envoy had a mysterious smile on his face, and said straight to the point: "General Larsen, do you want to be king?"

Larsen fell into a long silence. He squinted and his fingers danced regularly on the table. After a long time, he sneered and asked, "Does it have anything to do with you?"

The envoy clasped his right hand to his chest, bent down and said respectfully: "I am here this time to present a gift to General Larsen on behalf of my compatriots. We want to help you regain the old throne."

Larsen's twitching fingers stopped, and the sneer on his face slowly disappeared, but his expressionless face became even more terrifying: "Speak up, and play riddles with me again, and I'll throw you off the city wall. "

The messenger bowed his head and bowed his head, and said slowly: "General Larsen, we are also old opponents. Although we usually fight badly, the compatriots outside the wall actually admire you very much. Everyone thinks that you are a king. An imposing leader who is much better than the current king."

"And to be honest, who doesn't know that the current king's throne is not right. Back then, Perseus used conspiracy and tricks to confuse your father and king, squeezed out you, the former crown prince, and despicable himself. In our opinion, The real "24th Doguland" should be you. "

When the messenger said this, he took out the strategic map that he had prepared long ago from his pocket, opened it and spread it out on the table, and drew a circle on the desert area in the southeast direction with his fingers: "Now, Perseus, the false king, is leading the main force of the kingdom to settle in. The desert is in a fierce battle with the Far Eastern Dynasty, and the interior of the kingdom can be said to be empty."

"It is no exaggeration to say that the throne is now like a virgin in the first night, quietly waiting for the general to arrive there. As long as the general leads his troops to the south, breaks through the Lenglie Valley, and takes the royal city directly, wouldn't the throne be within easy reach?"

Larsen remained motionless, frozen on the seat like a statue, and after an unknown period of time, his fingers danced regularly again, and a playful smile appeared on his face: "What do you think of me?" Good brother, is he a fool? It’s true that the kingdom’s main force is fighting in the desert, but since the day he took office, he has been guarding me all the time.”

"Even if the inland is more empty than usual, the dog must have left a lot of garrison troops. With the four legions of my Frozen Fortress, there are more than 4 people at full strength, and they will use their heads to break into the royal city."

A heroic smile appeared on the messenger's face: "This is the reason why I came to find the general. Presumably the general's scouts have discovered that the various tribes outside the wall have recently migrated on a large scale. This is actually because one of us appeared. The great king, his name is Jupiter, the chief of the saber-toothed tiger tribe, he has now unified the forces outside the wall, and all the six princes are at his command."

Larsen's eyes froze at the news.

For more than 500 years, the reason why the survivors of the Six Kings had difficulty stepping into the kingdom was that, in addition to the strong defense of the frozen fortress, the steadfastness of the soldiers of the kingdom was inseparable from the complexity of the forces outside the wall itself.

The extreme northern ice sheet is covered with ice and snow all year round, and natural resources are scarce. In addition, the culture of the survivors of the Six Kings has been lost. There are at least hundreds of tribes that have split off. Each tribe has its own chief, and they attack each other for resources. There is no cohesion at all .

A force without cohesion is a mess, and it poses no threat to Dogrand.

But now, if the emissary was not cheating, but telling the truth, it would be an unprecedented event if a chief really integrated other tribes.

Larsen's eyes narrowed slightly, flickering with erratic light, and asked in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

The envoy turned to the north and saluted the tribal salute, as if paying tribute to the chief who was far away, and said respectfully: "Chief Jupiter is a great leader. Our appeal is actually not complicated. If we say we want to defeat the ancient The people of the "King" and "Queen of Dragons" regain the throne that once belonged to the Six Kings, and the general will definitely feel disgusted. "

"But in fact, we just want to leave that icy and snowy land and return to our warm homeland, so that our compatriots can live in peace. For this, we are willing to fight side by side with the general and establish a blood alliance."

Larsen's pupils were dilated, and his breathing seemed to become hot: "Go on."

The envoy said heavily: "Perseus must not agree to the request for the six princes to return to the inland, because he is a shameless and cruel false king! Only a real king will be merciful and accept those who live in a foreign land. people."

"General, didn't you say that Perseus probably left a lot of garrison troops in the interior, and the Frozen Fortress is short of troops? In fact, you are wrong, because—"

The messenger opened his arms, as if he wanted to embrace the entire ice field, and his eyes were burning like fire: "There are thousands of troops and horses behind you! Chief Jupiter has gathered 80 tribal warriors outside the wall, waiting for you at any time." Dispatch!"

"Chief Jupiter assures you that as long as you open the gate of the frozen fortress and promise us food and land, the tribal warriors will help you break through the interior, capture the royal city, and make you a real king! And we, will become Your most loyal people will serve you from generation to generation!"

The messenger fell to his knees, saluted Larsen in the most formal way, and shouted: "Your Majesty, your subjects are ready to go. Please lead us to kill the false king and take back your throne!"

(End of this chapter)

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