honor me as god

Chapter 396 Forest Search

Chapter 396 Forest Search
There are too many dangers hidden in the vibrant forest, as well as too many fascinating secrets-adventures, treasures, relics, myths... These haunting words have led countless people to explore the unknown.

But today, the "visitors" in the forest don't seem to be adventurous explorers...

Among the shadows of trees and trees, 10 heavily armed combatants walked quietly. Their camouflage clothes made them seem to blend in, only the occasional sound of dead branches breaking under their feet.

The reincarnation team is on a hunting mission!

There was a man in the middle of the line. His figure was not as tall as the other reincarnations, but his deep and sharp eyes made him look even more dusty from his journey.

Beside the man, a team member looked a little nervous, and asked in a low voice: "Captain, it's been several days, and I haven't found the target yet, what should I do?"

The captain said in a deep voice: "What can we do? Keep looking, if we can't kill Gluttony before the countdown ends, we will be finished."

The team members looked very annoyed, gritted their teeth and said: "It's terrible! We have only been to the regular plane twice, once in "Saving Private Ryan" and once in "Resident Evil 1". The rewards for the two rounds of missions are not much. Be stronger, why did you receive the task of hunting down rejecters?"

"Don't be upset, whether it's the regular plane or the rejecter plane, Cube won't issue a death mission. We received this mission, which shows that our overall strength is similar to "Gluttony". "The captain exudes a heavy aura, not ostentatious, but like an undercurrent under the ocean, hiding a powerful force, "Like the previous two missions, trust each other and cooperate with each other, and we can all go back alive!" "

At this moment, the reincarnated person who was looking for the path ahead stopped, and silently made military gestures to everyone: "Animals, three."

For the reincarnations who perform the invasion mission for the first time, the Cube will give a lot of free information, including the "regional restriction" of gluttony.

During the search in the past few days, most of the movable areas of the rejecters have been checked by the reincarnators, and no trace of gluttony was found.

In other words, gluttony can only be in the small unexplored area ahead.

At this time, if you ignore the nearby animals, if they notice the movement and run around, disturbing the overeating, it will be troublesome.

The captain made military gestures to the team in front—Jiang Youjia, Lu Renyi, Long Taobing, and quickly changed their sabers.

The reincarnated people quickly dispersed, and the three named reincarnated people were silently hidden behind the thick tree trunk, and the whole process did not make much noise.

The three of them drew out the sabers tied to their legs, and quietly moved forward...

In front are three huge bears, and they are not ordinary bears. Although they have the shape and fur of bears, they do not have mammal teeth in their mouths, but extremely sharp shark teeth. The parotid gland is a strange amphibious creature.

These shark-toothed bears are relatively clumsy, and they are lying lazily by the tree at this time, gnawing the bark with their teeth, as if they are grinding their teeth, occasionally making a few naive calls, completely unaware that death has quietly come.

The three reincarnations went around the shark-toothed bears they were in charge of, and shot almost at the same time. They flew to restrain the shark-toothed bears' parotid glands, and quickly cut around with the blades in their hands, creating a cloud of scarlet blood in their throats.

The attack didn't stop. After cutting the shark-toothed bear's throat, the three reincarnations quickly drew back their sabers and stabbed hard into the spine of the back of the neck.

The two shark-toothed bears in charge of Jiang Youjia and Lu Renyi stared and fell to the ground without making a sound. Except for the occasional shivering, there was no more movement.

"Roar—" The last shark-toothed bear was extremely tenacious. Before the dagger pierced its spine, it began to shake its body, causing Long Taobing's saber to be inserted crookedly.

The severe pain aroused the bloodiness of the shark-toothed bear. Its eyes were as red as blood, and it completely ignored the severed throat, turning over and rushing towards the Long Tao soldiers riding behind it.

Before Long Taobing had time to dodge, his ankle was bitten by the shark-toothed bear. His whole body was swung in an arc in the air, and he was smashed to the ground amidst the sound of the wind. The terrifying impact directly shattered his bones and bones. The internal organs, blood gurgling from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose, died instantly.

The reincarnators suddenly gasped, apparently not expecting the shark-toothed bear's dying counterattack to be so terrifying.

"Roar—" With the tearing of the throat wound, the ferocity of the shark-toothed bear was aroused to the extreme, and it rampaged in the reincarnation front.

Just as everyone was chasing and intercepting it, a figure quickly rushed in front of it.

It was none other than the captain of the reincarnation team. His right arm swelled rapidly, which was obviously a characteristic of bloodline strengthening. He slammed his fist on the shark-toothed bear's throat, completely suppressing its roar, and then Jumping up, the saber in his hand pierced the shark-toothed bear's left eyeball.

The back of the left eyeball was connected to the nerves of the brain. Even the fierce shark-toothed bear couldn't resist this kind of damage.

"Clean up the blood on your body, get rid of the smell, and move on." The captain looked at Long Taobing's body and sighed softly, but he seemed to have expected the inevitable sacrifice and was not too sad.

After a brief moment of silence, the reincarnators who participated in the battle washed off the blood on their bodies, and then used the spray exchanged for cubes to remove the residual bloody smell on their bodies. After treating the smell, they continued to march deep into the forest.

During the subsequent march, the reincarnators encountered several waves of native creatures, and the closer they went to the center of the forest, the denser the distribution of these creatures became, putting everyone in a dilemma for a while.

Using a hot weapon with a lot of movement will disturb other creatures and attract the attention of gluttony.

There are huge risks in using low-moving cold weapons-the sacrifice of Long Taobing is a good example.

Fortunately, there is the captain of this team. In his previous life, he was a front-line active special forces member, and he was the ace in the army. People can't match it.

After the captain became a reincarnation, he was rated as a "B-level growth qualification" by the cube. He showed strong battlefield adaptability in his first mission. Not only did he lead his teammates out of the Normandy landing battle in "Saving Private Ryan", but also Infiltrated the enemy's line of fire, successfully found Ryan, and retreated to complete the mission.

At this time, the team encountered a lot of trouble. The captain personally took action at the critical moment, and several encounters with native creatures all saved the day.

During the entire march, the reincarnations did not dare to relax their vigilance at all, and had to be cautious. In this unfamiliar battlefield environment, they might die at any time.

What's more deadly is that, the further they advance, some unknown magnetic field interference appears in the forest, all compasses fail, and the tactical communication equipment also begins to fail. The team members can only communicate through voice and gestures.

Just then, something weird happened.

"There is no competition for secretly eating meat, and Fitch eats it all in one bite~ big bear paws, rabbit legs, and wild boar pie~ let's eat ten people first! Tendon meat, tenderloin, ah, two and a half cows, one piece There are no bones left~" In the depths of the forest, a strange singing sounded faintly.

Humanity? !
Encountering humans in the world of gluttony can only be.
The captain held up his palms, and the whole team stopped moving forward, and everyone couldn't help swallowing their throats nervously.

The captain silently approached the source of the sound, opened the bushes, his pupils began to dilate slowly, and gestured backwards.
Every reincarnator understands that the meaning of this gesture is - find the target!

(End of this chapter)

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