honor me as god

Chapter 397 Gluttony Girl

Chapter 397 Gluttony Girl
"Huh?" Kino, who was flying over the forest, looked north.

The past few days of exploration have been fruitless, neither humans nor gluttony have been found, only those weird native creatures.

The strange creatures look fresh at first, but after a long time, they get bored, and Kino's patience is gradually worn down.

But just now, the northern part of the forest began to move, and various small beasts with strange shapes kept fleeing from that direction. Judging from their flustered appearance, they were obviously frightened.

Kino thought it was hunting in packs, but later on, among the creatures running from north to south, there were many large beasts, and there were also a few big trees, whether they were animals or plants, "running" with countless intertwined rhizomes. , including the man-eating tree that attacked Kino before.

Although I don't know what happened in the north of the forest, but there must be a lot of commotion, and the distance is very far away, otherwise I wouldn't be unaware of any movement.

Now the direction of escape of these creatures is quite confusing, and it can only be roughly seen that they are fleeing from north to south. If you only search against their escape direction, there is a high possibility of direction deviation. It is best to determine the approximate location, and then use the shortest Fly in a straight line of distance.

At this time, the pupil of divine vision can come in handy.

Kino's right eye ignited with extremely shining lines as if burning, and the coercion that surpassed the mortal world came out majesticly. It was so huge that it had never been seen before. The amber torrent in the sky gathered violently, forming a bird overlooking the forest. giant eyes.

Kino's pupil of divine vision moved at high speed in the vast forest, and the giant eyes in the sky also leaped with immeasurable splendor, leaving vast traces behind.

Every second when the pupil of divine vision is opened is extremely precious, so Kino raised his sight distance high enough to cover a distance of nearly a hundred miles in a short time.

After 11 seconds, the eyes of the pupil of divine vision froze, aiming at an area with obvious signs of battle damage.

It seems that this is the place.

Kino closed the pupil of divine vision, fully opened his telekinetic power, and swooped towards the end of the horizon like a meteor.

In the devastated forest, there are many scorched marks on the ground, and embers of fire on some grass and trees. Bullet holes are scattered scattered on the surface of the tree trunks. The air is filled with the smell of blood and gunpowder smoke.

The battle here is over. The original team of 10 reincarnators died when they killed the shark-toothed bear, and another 1 died in the battle just now. In the end, only 6 survived. One is their captain. , and the remaining two are Jiang Youjia and Lu Renyi.

There were more than a dozen corpses of animals lying on the battlefield, including the shark-toothed bear that the team had encountered before, a forest wolf whose head was parasitized by thorn flowers, and a ferocious beast that looked like a crocodile and could produce optical refraction effects with its flesh and blood body.

Most of these beasts were shot to death, but there were at least dozens of bullet holes on their bodies, and several of them even penetrated the vital parts of their heads, which shows their tenacious vitality.

Beside the corpse of the beast, there are many broken pieces of meat and limbs. If you look carefully, you will find that these are the corpses of reincarnators, but you can't fight back, because many of them have entered the belly of the beast.

Jiang Youjia and Lu Renyi's bodies were full of marks of fierce beast bites, and they were pressing something to the ground at this time. The captain wrapped the bite wound between the ribs with a bandage, tightened it, spat hard, and carried the Dao grim face walked over.

Jiang Youjia asked coldly: "How do you say? Just kill him? There is still some time."

"She killed so many of our teammates, we have to settle the battle with her." The captain twisted his neck vigorously, making a muffled clicking sound, and said with a sneer, "Turn her over."

Jiang Youjia and Lu Renyi worked together to turn over the thing that had just been firmly held down.

It might not be appropriate to say "something" because it's a person.

The person being held down is a girl, she has a pair of amazing heterochromatic pupils, her left eye is normal black, but her right eye is filled with the green of forest green, exuding a dreamy luster like a jewel.

The girl's face was covered with mud, like a kitten that had just been caught. The dirty mud could not cover the rosiness of her lips, as if soaked in blood.

"Wow, wow, you guys are amazing! You killed all those beasts with just a few shots! It took me a long time to tame them!" The girl didn't panic about being captured alive, let alone face the fear of death. She swayed her long and slender legs and feet playfully, and her strange-colored eyes smiled into a crescent, revealing a cute smile that she didn't know whether to call it cute or not.

She is cute because she is really cute, she is neither tall nor short, 160 is just right, her slender legs have amazing curves, like an elegant deer, she has no fat but a plump waist Just enough to hold, the small face is as delicate as a doll, and there are cute dimples when she smiles.

It is not cute because the shape of the teeth in her mouth is completely different from that of ordinary people, more precisely, it is completely different from creatures like "human beings".

Her teeth are sharper than blades, as if they were born to bite prey. These are sharp teeth that can only be seen in the mouths of wild animals, and they are still stained with blood, minced meat, and human clothing fibers.

If you compare the fibers carefully, you will find that they all come from the clothes of the reincarnated people. Combined with the bitten and fragmented corpses at the scene, it is self-evident what happened just now.

Obviously, this girl is none other than the "gluttony" rejecter.

Originally, Gluttony was just waiting to die, but he still dared to smile. The captain is not a good person, so he punched her hard on the cheek.

"Hee hee hee, why are you so angry~" The girl's face was swollen from the beating, bruised and purple blood appeared in patches, and the center of the beating was even split open, with blood gushing out from the opening. But she didn't seem to be in pain, her sweet smile looked a little weird against the blood, "Don't you think it's interesting?"

"O you are the most interesting!" The captain slammed the girl's stomach, his fist almost sank into the soft abdomen, and beat her into a V shape.

The girl choked on bleeding arrows, and blood spots formed on the surface of the eyeballs, but her laughter became sharper, as if a devil was grinning: "I've already digested everything I ate~ No matter how hard you hit, I can't spit it out." Here you go, slightly~"

"I'm very resistant to beating, right? I'm OOOOOOO!" The captain kept cursing, the strength of the bloodline strengthened every punch with a powerful impact, and he punched the girl's face one after another, without any sympathy. meaning.

"Hee hee hee~" The girl is like a flower that is about to wither, being pressed down on the ground and tortured, her delicate body trembles constantly due to the beating, but sharp laughter is still coming out of her bloody mouth, even Singing a dark nursery rhyme: "Who killed the mockingbird? I, said the sparrow, with my bow and arrow, I killed the mockingbird~"

"I asked you to sing!" The captain pinched the girl's face and slammed into her mouth, directly smashing her mouth and breaking several sharp teeth in her mouth.

Because of the beating, the girl's voice was broken, but she was still singing shrilly: "Who saw him die? It was me, said the fly. With my little eyes, I saw him die~"

The captain was irritated by this behavior, his hands became stronger and stronger, and his curse words became more and more dirty, every punch would bring out spurts of blood.

At the end of the fight, the girl was beaten to the brink of death, and her breath was as thin as a cicada's wing, but the dark singing voice accompanied by a strange low laugh was always alive, and faintly came from her mouth: "Who took his blood? I, said the fish, in my little saucer, I will take his blood~"

This scene reminded Jiang Youjia of the scene in the horror movie in his previous life. His scalp was numb, his forehead was sweating, and he cursed: "This is a crazy critic! Hurry up and kill her to end the mission! I don't want to be here." It's spent here!"

The captain grabbed a thick branch and stabbed it into the girl's throat. The position and strength were extremely accurate, that is, the fatal artery was missed, and her vocal cords were damaged, preventing her from continuing to sing that weird song. , the surroundings finally quieted down.

The captain slapped the sawdust off his hands, and said in a cold voice, "My brothers died so badly, she has to suffer everything they have suffered!"

"That's right! Jiang Youjia, you idiot, we have already won the battle. We were not afraid of her when she was healthy. What is there to be afraid of now?" Lu Renyi seemed to have some kind of weird habit, his eyes were on the girl's bruised and bruised body. Sweeping up and down, he said with a distorted smile, "Your uncle, gluttony. We have taken down such an awesome mission goal! Now we are trampled on like a dog! This return, I will brag about it for a lifetime!"

As soon as he mentioned the return, the captain couldn't help but get excited. He summoned the task interface with his consciousness, and muttered in his mouth: "The rewards for hunting down those who refuse are generous! In the first two tasks, we only got a few D after working hard." Level reward points, this time hunting down rejecters, the successful mission will directly give a B level reward point! The three of us will share it equally, how can each of us get 1 or 3 C level reward points, and get rich!"

Lu Renyi became excited when he thought of the generous rewards, he pulled out his dagger and stabbed the girl's white belly, and stuck out his tongue excitedly: "It's cool! It's cool!!! With so many reward points, I don't need to tighten my belt in the future. Alright! Replace all the big guns and cannons, buy two boxes of bullets, and use one box to throw the other box!"

The captain was more calm than Lu Renyi, and his mood gradually eased. He lit a cigarette, took a big drag, and shook the ashes on the girl: "I advise you not to rely too much on technology and equipment. In the world of reincarnation, the top No one among the strong relies on technology, only genetic evolution is the kingly way."

Lu Renyi smiled and said, "That's hard to say. I believe that the power of technology is infinite. No matter how strong the genetics are, if I throw a nuclear bomb at the reincarnation, can he withstand it?"

The captain didn't argue about such a boring question. He glanced at Jiang Youjia and asked, "What about you, this time we got such a generous reward, what are you going to exchange for when you go back?"

Jiang Youjia wiped the sweat from his forehead due to nervousness, and said with a smile: "I want to go back and pinch someone out."

"Pinch people???" The captain and Lu Renyi expressed their doubts in unison.

"Yes, doesn't the cube have the function of pinching people, 1 C-level reward point, the appearance, body and personality are self-determined, and the pinched person will unconditionally obey any of your orders." Jiang Youjia licked his dry lips, and his expression revealed A little shy, she smiled shyly, "I want to create a cosplayer and let her cosplay with Qiongmei every day."

"Huo! You are the legendary Two-dimensional?!" The captain and Lu Renyi burst into laughter.

The girl's throat was stuck with a branch, her vocal cords were damaged, and she couldn't make a sound, but judging from the way her body twitched, she must have laughed miserably.

"I'm laughing at you!" Jiang Youjia grabbed a stone and slammed it on the girl's head, smashing her head and bleeding.

Jiang Youjia spat, and then showed a longing expression: "Do you know? When I first came to the reincarnation space, it was the time we went to the plane of "Saving Private Ryan". I couldn't bear the pressure of the battlefield. Always thinking about the enemy's bunker, kill me quickly, so that I can be free.

"But after the task was completed, I found that the cube can pinch people, and even break the dimensional wall. Only then did I have the faith to continue living! My wish is to pinch 100 cosers, and let them all cos into what I like Character! Turn my resting space into a Two-dimensional world!"

The captain and Lu Renyi laughed so hard that they slapped their thighs, almost screaming: "Then you squeezed a girl out, what are you going to do to her?"

Jiang Youjia smirked and said, "I want to marry her for Kasuga Yeyou."

"Hahahahaha!" The captain and Lu Renyi were cramped by this silly laugh.

Jiang Youjia continued to speak incomprehensible words, such as "Qiaodu sacks, what's wrong with talking like this", "Hey, tell me", and "Maybe only in the Two-dimensional world can you There must be a real beauty." The atmosphere inside and outside the forest is full of joy.

The captain couldn't stop laughing, so he stopped laughing slowly, wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, then took a deep breath, took out the gun in his arms, and finally looked serious: "Okay, okay, don't talk, Besides, you're really going to die laughing at me. In order to let you marry Qiongmei early, we hurriedly finish the last step, kill Gluttony, and then end this fucking mission."

Lu Renyi shook his legs and said, "Are you going to kill her? It's boring. I want to torture her for a while longer."

"It's almost there. After all, this is not a safe place. Go back early and get the reward points in your pocket, so you can rest assured." The captain threw the gun to Jiang Youjia and said, "Two-dimensional, do it, you killed it!" There are the least number of people, practice as early as possible."

Lu Renyi was a little dissatisfied, but he didn't say it out, mainly because in the invasion mission, it didn't matter who killed the rejecter in the end, and the reward points were divided equally among the survivors.

Killing the rejecters with his own hands is nothing more than bragging in front of newcomers in the future, and there is no real benefit, so he didn't argue.

Jiang Youjia caught the gun, pointed it at the girl's eyebrows, and showed an imaginative smile: "Sister Qiong! I'll—"

Before he could say the last word "了", he froze suddenly, and his expression gradually became dull.

"What's wrong?" the captain asked, shaking his legs, "Can't make a move? How about me?"

"Hey..." The blood on Jiang Youjia's face faded quickly and turned pale. He pointed behind the two with trembling fingers and muttered blankly, "Who is that person?"

(End of this chapter)

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