honor me as god

Chapter 395 Strange Creatures

Chapter 395 Strange Creatures
The cursors converged like a torrent, condensing into a human shape.

When Kino opened his eyes, the world of "gluttony" finally appeared in front of him.

Ahead is a vast forest covered by primitive vegetation. The vast forest sea is full of towering trees, and the dark green stretches under the sky, spreading to the end of the vast horizon.

The sky was covered with thick dark clouds, and the rain fell down, forming a hazy smog, covering the forests that stretched for thousands of miles. The forests were filled with thin silver threads, like a rising mist.

Kino knew nothing about the world of gluttony, and he didn't know his exact location. He looked ahead, and there was a thick layer of fallen leaves on the forest floor. It looked very thick. If you didn't step on it, you wouldn't know what was underneath. There is a deep pit hidden. Of course, this makes no difference to Kino who has telekinesis.

Kino walked slowly on the forest path, the sound of the contact between the fallen branches and the soles of the shoes creaked, and he carefully looked at the surrounding vegetation.

Some look like ordinary trees, which can be seen everywhere in the forest in the previous life.

There are also some plants with strange shapes, but with a feeling of deja vu.

After careful identification, Kino compared it with his biological knowledge base, and suddenly found that these are basically extinct prehistoric plants. Taking some naked ferns as an example, according to the timeline of previous lives, they can be traced back as far as " Paleozoic".

Because the world he lives in is different, Kino can't judge what period the world has developed and what level of civilization exists based on the vegetation, so he can only continue to move forward.

While walking, Kino suddenly stopped, standing in front of a big tree, his fingers caressed the end of the branch, where there was a trace that had just been broken off.

There is no doubt that this is a trace of biological activity. As for whether it is a human, a beast, or some unknown life form, it is temporarily unknown.

"Shua—" Without any warning, a huge shadow suddenly rushed out of the dense forest behind Kino and hit his back.

The giant shadow is not a beast, but a strange plant. It was originally a dense and towering tree without any movement. Even a processor like Kino, who has a strong sense of danger, did not notice the strangeness.

Just when Kino stopped to observe the traces, a huge crack opened in the trunk of the big tree without any warning. There were sharp teeth growing around the crack, and a vine that looked like a tongue emerged from it, with a disgusting smell. The mucus seemed to have tasted the delicious prey in front of it.

The vines quickly approached Kino, about to swallow him into the crack full of sharp teeth, but suddenly froze in mid-air, and even the dripping mucus froze, unable to move.

Kino didn't even turn his head to look at this ugly thing, he just raised his index finger lightly, his fingertips surged violently, and easily confined this man-eating plant with invisible telekinetic power.

"Boom!!!" With the explosion of the air, a large piece of air above the forest was compressed into a singularity, and crashed into the center of the man-eating plant. Immediately after the power of the mind was withdrawn, the infinitely compressed air exploded like a hurricane. When it exploded, not only the man-eating plants were blown into tens of thousands of pieces, but all the trees with a radius of hundreds of meters were affected and broken in half.

Centered on the place where the attack was made, a vacuum appeared in the forest.

Kino took out the specimen box from the space ring, used telekinetic force to take some fragments of man-eating plants and put them inside, put them back into the space ring, and moved on.

For the next three full days, Kino spent in the forest with towering ancient trees, but this forest was unimaginably large, and he couldn't reach the end of it.

Later, Chino didn't bother to walk on foot, and flew at high speed directly by telekinetic power. It is conservatively estimated that he flew more than 3 kilometers in 1000 days, but he still didn't see the end.

Fortunately, this place is different from the previous life. The items exchanged are not subject to any restrictions and can be used directly, and it will not develop to the point where you need to eat and sleep in the open.

When Kino is tired, he will open the independent space, take a comfortable hot bath in the bathroom, get some desserts from the refrigerator after he comes out, lie down on the big soft bed and sleep after eating, and let Zero put some food when he is bored. Music. In a sense, it's also pleasant, like a vacation
In addition to flying around these few days, looking for the edge of the forest, Kino also collected various soil, mineral, and biological specimens along the way.

The creatures in this world are extremely strange. The life known in the scientific world in the previous life evolved from a single cell, slowly evolved into multi-celled, and finally gradually evolved into a richer life form-human beings are one of the evolutionary branches.

From a scientific point of view, this evolutionary trend is very common, but in the world of gluttony, creatures present completely different characteristics from their previous lives——

On the same plant, multiple fruit ears of different varieties are produced.

The large carnivore hunting in the jungle has fish-like scales on its skin, which can dive into deep water.

The surface of the trees is covered with the teeth of beasts, and they can rely on food to grow, and some can even carry out photosynthesis while breathing with the grown lung organs.

There are also some fluffy animals with flowering buds on their heads, and those buds quickly take root and sprout after falling to the ground, and finally "end" the cubs of this small animal.

This is an extremely strange world, where the biological laws of the previous life seem to have lost their effect here. There is no reproductive isolation, no species barrier, and the genes of creatures blend without hindrance, like a hodgepodge full of ingredients, derived All kinds of weird and unpredictable creatures.

Zero is not intelligent enough to analyze the genes of these weird creatures, and Kino is not in a hurry, he kills the creatures he encounters one by one, makes samples, and stores them in the freezer for long-term storage for future research.

What was even more bizarre than these creatures was that Kino hadn't seen a single human being in such a long time.

In the previous life, with the detection technology of human beings, there is no secret on the surface of the earth, there is no unexplored area, and every piece of land is clearly presented under the satellite image.

Similarly, no matter how primitive the jungle is, there will always be traces of human scientific research groups.

But in the world of gluttony, after so many days of flying, Kino did not find any signs of human civilization activities.

In Kino's judgment, there are two possibilities——

[-]. In the world of gluttony, there is no advanced civilization that can detect all regions.

Just like my own arrogant world, although there are the two major countries of Dogland and the Far East Dynasty, as well as various small countries, but because the overall level of science and technology is not high, the region is still a huge limitation for human beings, so there are many on the mainland. An area that humans have not set foot on.

However, the possibility of flying more than 1000 kilometers like Chino and not seeing any traces of human activities is really very slim.

Then, there is only one other possibility——

There is no human civilization in this world.

The world of gluttony is not like the world of arrogance, which has a prosperous country and a prosperous population. There are only ancient and primitive strange creatures here, and the so-called human beings are only one of the primitive creatures.

It's even possible.
There is no such thing as a "human being".

(End of this chapter)

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