honor me as god

Chapter 394 Newborn Gluttony

Chapter 394 Newborn Gluttony
In the underground prison of Dusk City, the prisoner was locked in a cell waiting for trial, chewing the straw he picked from the straw bed boredly. He knew very well that he would not escape execution, and it was only a matter of time before the court found a chain of evidence to convict him.

But so what?In this life, I live a carefree life, working in a mill every day to earn a few stinky money, and saving for a lifetime is not as much as a nobleman’s daily expenses. People hug women to enjoy themselves and work hard by themselves. This kind of life is no fun.

Anyway, I can't escape death this time, so it's worth it to have a good time before I die.

Thinking of this, the prisoner smelled his fingers. Although it was full of the unique sour smell of the prison cell, it seemed that the fragrance of the girl still remained. He couldn't help closing his eyes, and took a deep breath intoxicated: "Hiss~ cool, It would be great if we could do it again, hehehe.”

Just when the prisoner opened his eyes again, his body was shocked and he exclaimed, "What?!"

I don't know when it started, the endless darkness enveloped the cell, extending infinitely outwards, eating up all the light, only a strange amber pupil floating in the darkness, staring at him without any emotion.

The prisoner rolled back screaming, huddled in a corner, and shouted: "Stop scaring me! If you didn't do it, you didn't do it. I don't plead guilty!"

The indescribable ripples seemed to come from the bottomless abyss, flowing in the amber pupil, interweaving into light and shadow that cannot be described in words. Under its gaze, the original clear consciousness was cut into chaos, and the source of the coldness is unknown. The coercion came, and fear erupted from every corner of his body, like a nightmare.

"Hey!!! Is there anyone?! What the hell is this??!" Halfway through the prisoner's cry, he suddenly clutched his heart in pain, his stiff neck creaked, and looked down in horror.

The heart that was once hot and beating in the chest was now inexplicably wrapped in a strange cold current, as if a hand from the depths of the nether world was pinching it, and instead of directly crushing it, it was squeezing it like playing , so that he could clearly feel the whole process of his heart being crushed.

"Hey! Help me!! Hey!!!" The prisoner struggled to roar and scream, but his eyeballs were attracted by an inexplicable force, and he couldn't get rid of the amber pupil's gaze no matter what. The cognitive world has already collapsed, and in the endless darkness, there seems to be unspeakable light and shadow twisted and twisted, like some kind of terrifying living creature.

"Help." The coercion from ancient times has completely destroyed the prisoner's mind, and the breath of death in his heart is surging like a tsunami. He can't speak a complete sentence, so he can only wail hoarsely, gnawing on the iron bars with his teeth, Banging his head against the wall, hurting himself in every way he could think of, trying to distract from the pain in other parts of his body.

But in the face of death, everything was in vain. Most of his teeth were broken, and the rest were crooked and crumbling. Seven out of ten fingers were broken by himself, like the winding roots of an old tree. Distorted like a human body, the skull was also cracked due to the violent impact, and blood gushed out. The whole person was already horrible and inhuman.

When the guards heard the abnormal noise and rushed to the cell, blood was flowing all over the floor, the prisoner's consciousness and body had collapsed, and he fell to the ground trembling uncontrollably, with snot, tears and saliva flowing all over his face .

It was not a small accident that the prisoner died during the period of admission, and the guards rushed to call for rescue.

But before doctors arrived, the prisoner had stopped breathing in extreme terror.

The cell was very dark, and no one noticed that at the moment of the prisoner's death, some kind of eerie black substance surrounded the left chest and heart, and disappeared silently with the passage of life.

The office, Chino who completed the cross-distance kill, already got the answer to the test.

The results of the test made Chino very satisfied.

Can "Abyss Gaze" and "Pupil of Divine Sight" be used in combination?The answer is, yes.

The description of "Abyss Gaze" has already made it very clear that in order to have an effect, the enemy needs to "look" at the eyes of the incarnation of the god of death. Kino is now separated from the dungeon by more than half a city, sitting in the office, theoretically it is impossible to be That prisoner "eyes".

But because the "Pupil of God's Vision" can be used regardless of distance, he can use that transformed eye to observe the prisoner, and he can also be seen by the prisoner, and that eye will be judged to be his own eye. If you see the eyes of the god of death, you can trigger the effect of "gazing into the abyss".

In this way, exchanging for Abyss Gaze is not just a question of another lethal method, this ability can be used in conjunction with the pupil of God's Vision, and it becomes a lethal method without distance restrictions.

Theoretically speaking, even if Kino wanted to release the abyss gaze to a person thousands of miles away, he could do it in this office.

The only limitation of this combination of abilities is time. After several months of adaptation and training, Kino's pupils of divine vision can last for 15 seconds, so the unlimited damage with Abyss Gaze is also 15 seconds. How long can it be? It is long, but it is not short, and it will have miraculous effects if used well.

The effect of "Heart Eater" did not disappoint Kino either.

What happened in the dungeon just now is actually very simple. The overall summary is-the prisoner saw the "Pupil of God's Vision" with the effect of "Gaze into the Abyss", and his mind was eroded while rapidly accumulating fear, triggering "Heart Eater", the heart Tormented by death energy, the severe pain of heart damage further intensified the fear, causing a more violent heart-eating effect, and then fell into an endless loop.

In the end, the prisoner's consciousness fell below the critical point and fell into an uncontrollable "self-abuse" state. In the endless fear and pain, his heart was completely destroyed by the dead energy and he fell into death.

Regarding the relationship between the fear value and the heart-eating lethality, Kino also had a general understanding. Just like the ability description, the deeper the fear -- or the higher the fear value -- the stronger the heart-eating effect.

When the prisoners first developed fear, they were only damaged in the heart, and they were not on the verge of death. The "death point" appeared when the fear value reached 200, that is, the moment when the harvest limit was reached.

In other words, if you want to kill the enemy with "Heart Eater", you need to let the enemy's fear reach the limit.

To be honest, whether it is respect, awe, or fear, it is very difficult to let the emotional value reach the limit of 200 points in one go.

Now we are only dealing with a prisoner, and casually applying Abyss Gaze can make his fear reach the limit, but in the future, it will not be so easy to deal with powerful reincarnators, or other enemies with a strong will, and want to fill up the fear It's here.

But fortunately, the level of Heart Biting can be strengthened and upgraded later. The higher the level, the lower the fear required to reach the "death point". Fear value. Or lower.

Now "Heart Eater" only has Lv1, and Kino didn't make too many demands.

After the verification, Chino asked the guards to call Lugo.

Not long after, Lugo walked into the office and closed the door behind his back: "My lord, are you looking for me?"

Chino stroked the little black cat, and said calmly: "The prisoner caught by the Public Security Department yesterday was the one who seduced and killed the little flower girl. He died suddenly in the cell. You can go to the court to say hello and just close the case. There is no need to hold anyone accountable, and there is no need for an autopsy, the body is directly burned."

Lu Ge was stunned for a moment: "That cub died suddenly? When did it happen? I haven't heard anyone say it."

Chino: "Just now."

These two words made Lu Ge suddenly feel a creepy feeling. He was very conscious, no longer asked, and responded directly: "Okay. I will handle the matter, don't worry."

After speaking, Lugo left.

Now, the matter of the respect and fear system has been dealt with, and the rest is 2000 million awe points. This huge "wealth" needs to be carefully planned.

Kino triggered the awe system in the triple shackles, and the endless frost instantly froze all particle vibrations, making time stand still, and the surrounding space began to collapse, turning into a vast and empty mirror world.

Chino's original intention was to go back to the previous life to find the past, discuss the issue of artificial intelligence, and see how to use the omnic core of No. right.

Kino withdrew from the mirror of past lives and looked at the mirror of seven sins representing the rest of the rejecters.

Not an illusion.

The mirror breath of Gluttony is very weak.
In the past, when Kino stood in front of any mirror of the other six sins, he could feel the coercion from them without any form of interaction.

Especially Gluttony, although Kino, who has no empathy ability, can't understand what fear is, but the last time he had a brief communication with Gluttony, he could clearly feel the class gap between himself and the other party.

It is a gap that can be felt intuitively without any confrontation. If it weren't for this layer of mirror to protect him and let him face gluttony, he would be like a dog who is in a good mood and who is in a bad mood in front of the other party. Ants trampled to death have no control over their own lives.

But now, the coercion of the other five crimes remained the same, and even became more majestic.

Only the gluttony is no longer what it used to be, the previous coercion disappeared, as if it had never appeared, replaced by a faint, faint breath like a baby in a swaddle.

At first, Kino thought that his perception had gone awry, but when he touched the mirror of gluttony, he discovered something that he didn't know whether it should be called "serious".
Gluttony is dead.

To be precise, it was the "predecessor gluttony" who had never met and felt extremely powerful just by perception died.

The reason for this conclusion is simple-the awe value required to interact with "Gluttony" has plummeted, and it has dropped to an exaggeratedly small number.

Now, Chino interacts with the other five sins. Taking "Jump" as an example, the awe points required are all at the million level, and the world with the lowest consumption of "Wrath" is 103 million.

Initiating a "jump" to the current "Gluttony" world only requires 1342 points of awe - there is a statistic for comparison. When Chino obtained the awe value for the first time, when looking at the gluttony mirror, the required "jump" consumption value is 576681 points of awe.

Previously, Kino had analyzed that the awe value required for interaction was directly proportional to the strength of the rejecter. The stronger the opponent was, the more awe value he needed for interaction.

At this moment, the awe value needed to interact with the other five sins is more than before, which shows that the rejecters of these five worlds have survived from beginning to end, have not fallen, and have been getting stronger.

And the awe value required to interact with "Gluttony" has plummeted, and there is only one possibility-the previous Gluttony died, whether he died in the reincarnation invasion or died in the hands of a certain local force, the previous Gluttony has been wiped out. Such as the Sun King who was once the rejecter of the "arrogant" world.

Kino currently has more than 2000 million awe points, theoretically he can "leap" to any rejecter's world.

But as I said before, in the case of too great a difference in strength, there is no initiative in recklessly jumping, and life or death depends entirely on the other party's intentions. At present, there is no evidence that the Seven Sins Rejectors are allies, and one cannot be ruled out. A rejecter can get a special reward for killing another rejecter.

If Silly jumped to a world stronger than himself, it would be ridiculous if he was swallowed up by other rejecters as experience babies. This kind of risk was unacceptable to Kino.

But now, the awe point required to jump to the world of "Gluttony" is only 1342 points, which means that the new "Gluttony" rejecter has not been born for long, just like he just came to Xilin Town last year, he is still in the "infancy" .

No matter who this new "gluttony" is, what kind of personality he is, whether he is hostile or not, with Kino's current strength, if he passes by, not to mention gaining any benefits, at least he will definitely not suffer.

The awe value is the most difficult to obtain, which means that in the identification of the supreme being, the effect of the awe system is the most powerful. It is definitely not a long-term usage to spend all day traveling to and from the previous world like now.

In order to understand the purpose of the supreme being, or go a step further, to understand the reason for the formation of the entire samsara space, it is essential to have a deep understanding of the awe system.

The old gluttony is dead, and the new gluttony is born. Now there is an opportunity to get in touch with the world of gluttony at a very low price, and Kino decides not to miss it.

The 24-hour awe value consumption of "Jump" is 1342 points. Considering Kino's current awe value reserves, this consumption is very low. He is not stingy, and directly invested 40260 awe points, which lasted for a whole month.

For such a long time, no matter what to do over there, it is enough, it is really not enough to wait for another jump after returning.

After the time was exchanged, ripples appeared on the mirror of "Gluttony", and an inexplicable gravitational force attracted Kino, making him walk into the mirror unconsciously.

The moment he touched the mirror, a scarlet reminder appeared from the triple shackles:

[Arrogance, initiate a leap]

[Target: Gluttony]

[Material exchange between two rejector worlds, without any restrictions]

Kino narrowed his eyes, huh?The rules are different from going back to the previous life!The matter of the two worlds can actually be exchanged.
In other words, he can leave his stuff in the gluttony world, and he can also bring things from the gluttony world back to his main world.
[All the abilities and equipment exchanged by the rejector can be used normally after the transition]

[Warning: Rejectors can end the transition early, but they are not protected in any form in the target world]

[If the rejecter dies in the target world, it cannot be recovered in any form]

[Secondary Confirmation: Are you jumping to the world of gluttony? 】

It's so interesting that there are so many different rules. The corners of Chino's lips rose slowly, and he said without hesitation: "Confirm."

[Arrogance, transition confirmed]

[Gluttony World, open]

(End of this chapter)

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