honor me as god

Chapter 393 New Ability

Chapter 393 New Ability
There are so many intrusions in this round, and Kino gained 3105973 fear points. Compared with the tens of millions of respect and awe points, the 310 million fear points are relatively small, but they are more than any previous time.

Leaving aside the unknown source of the "Pupil of God's Vision", as far as the fear system is concerned, Kino has four main combat abilities - Lv7's telekinetic power, Lv6's shadow of death, Lv4's claw of death, and strength Reaper's intellectual eclipse linked to the Reaper's Shadow class.

As an "exclusive system for rejecters", "Avatar of Death" can only be redeemed and strengthened by rejecters, and rejecters can only choose one exclusive system.

Kino has fully understood the abilities in the "Avatar of Death" system. This system is not designed for direct combat. The ability to be driven by "emotions".

Take the most basic "Shadow of Reaper" as an example, the enemy will see the shadow of Grim Reaper when they are on the verge of death, which will deepen their fear.

The positive effect of this ability on combat is that when the enemy's fear reaches a certain level, there may be a fear of fighting. Once timid, the state will inevitably decline, and even think about running away. Other than that, there is no real harm.

If we insist on harm, it is psychological harm at most, such as scaring people out of trauma, or being lucky enough to induce a heart attack in the other party, but the probability of this is too small to be treated as non-existent.

Kino chose the Reaper Avatar system before because he liked the fear-enhancing effect of the Reaper's Shadow, which made it easier for him to harvest fear points more efficiently.

But no matter how it is harvested, the fear value is born to strengthen the combat power after all, and it is meaningless to harvest without strengthening the ability.

Among the abilities that Kino currently possesses, the ability of telekinetic power, offensive and defensive, and suitable for his own weapon "Silence", can be regarded as a relatively moderate ability with wide adaptability.

In the Reaper Avatar enhancement system, the only thing that can actively strengthen combat capabilities is the "Reaper's Claw", which can tear apart the opponent and prevent the wound from healing, and any healing effect of the enemy will be converted to damage.

This ability was very useful in the early days, but now it is already a bit difficult to support, and it is definitely not enough to rely on it alone.

Therefore, with the 310 million fear points obtained this time, Kino is going to look for offensive abilities in the death incarnation system to maximize the effect of the system.

Kino has already made the relevant choices, and he has two abilities in his fancy:
[Gaze into the Abyss: The eyes of the god of death stare at the abyss. When this ability is activated, anyone who looks at the pupil of the god of death will be stared back by the abyss. The will will be eroded, and the incomprehensible things will be glimpsed, and the sanity will be reduced rapidly.】

[If the observer's sanity falls to the critical point and is on the verge of collapse, he will randomly fall into one of the following uncontrollable negative emotions: madness, fear, despair, violence, self-abuse]

[Note: To enable this ability, a prerequisite is required - to unlock "Death Wisdom Eclipse"]

[This ability is a one-time unlock, no subsequent upgrades are required, and the erosion effect will be linked to the "Shadow of Death" class]

The ability "Gaze into the Abyss" is an advanced version of "Death Wisdom Eclipse".

The effect of Reaper's intellectual eclipse is that when one suffers from thinking invasion or illusion attack, it will automatically launch a countermeasure against the attacker, eroding the opponent's sanity, and the next step is to see who will collapse first if the will is weak.

During the last Jack the Ripper invasion, there was a ninja in the reincarnation team who learned ninjutsu. He had the "Sangouyu Sharingan" transplanted by Obito Uchiha himself, and he mastered extremely powerful illusions.

But when the pair of sharing eyes stared at Kino's pupils, they were instantly backlashed by the eclipse of the god of death. The ninja's psychological defense collapsed within a few seconds, and his whole body collapsed, which in turn killed many teammates.

The effect of Death God's wisdom eclipse is extremely powerful, no doubt, but it also has limitations-it can only be effective passively.

Death God's Intellectual Eclipse does have a restraining effect on illusion practitioners, but when it comes to those who do not rely on illusion ability, Death God's Intellectual Eclipse cannot be triggered, and the effect is equivalent to 0.

This is undoubtedly very wasteful.

Abyss Gaze perfectly fills this gap. After the exchange, you can actively activate this ability to erode the enemy's mind, and even cause the opponent to collapse directly.

Moreover, Kino had another idea. The trigger of "Gaze of the Abyss" depends on sight. After it is activated, it will take effect as long as it meets the enemy's line of sight. Can this ability be triggered through the "Pupil of God's Vision"?

If the eye formed by the "Pupil of God's Vision" is judged to be one's own, and its size can be controlled by oneself, then this is not only an ability against a single enemy, but can even evolve into a large-scale battlefield Lethality.

Just imagine, when the enemy is marching, a "God's Eye" suddenly appears in the sky overlooking them. Those who look directly at the giant eye are eroded by the "Abyss Gaze", some of them collapse, and the order of the army is chaotic. , and it is even very likely that the camp will be bombed directly.

Thousands of miles away, disrupting the enemy's morale, what kind of powerful effect is this?
With such potential, the consumption of 200 million fear points is simply worth the money.

In addition to the abyss gaze, the second ability that Kino exchanged is called "Heart Eater".

[Heart-eating: Those who are afraid of the god of death will surely meet the god of death.When this ability is activated, anyone who is afraid of death will have his heart corroded by death energy.The deeper the fear, the higher the erosion]

Kino was still thinking just now that the fear value is harvested, and it can't cause damage unless it scares people to death. Now this "heart-eating" is really similar to the ability to "scare people to death".

According to the description, the more fearful the enemy is, the more death energy will be corroded in the heart—in other words, after activating this ability, the more fear points Kino harvests from others, the greater the damage to the opponent's heart .

This is a very interesting ability. It can actually launch a substantive attack based on emotional fluctuations, which is beyond the scope of what science can explain in previous lives.

Of course, Kino is used to the elusiveness of the supreme being, and he doesn't intend to use science to explain everything.

The "heart-eating" ability has two advantages.

One is to strengthen the means of attack, and at the same time strengthen the ability to actively harvest the fear value. If it is used well, it can even make the enemy fall into an endless loop of "the more afraid you are, the more heart-eating damage you receive. The more heart-eating damage you receive, the more afraid you are" .

The second is that it can cooperate with "Abyss Gaze" to cause substantial damage while eroding the opponent's mind, forming a set of ability combinations.

Now that the two abilities have been exchanged, Kino wants to test the effect, especially to see if the "Pupil of Divine Sight" can cooperate with "Abyss Gaze".

Soon, Chino remembered that the Public Security Department had caught a prisoner yesterday, a jobless vagrant who, because of long-term depression and frustration, wanted to vent his desire to trap and kill an innocent little girl who was selling flowers on the street.

The court hasn't produced a complete chain of evidence yet, so it's theoretically a "suspect", but Kino doesn't care. If someone causes trouble at this time, he can only be counted as unlucky.

So, try your hand at him.

(End of this chapter)

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