honor me as god

Chapter 392 Artificial Intelligence

Chapter 392 Artificial Intelligence
Chino: "Number Zero."

At the top of the independent space, a crisp voice came at a constant frequency: "Hello."

Chino: "Please make me a cup of sweet milk, thank you."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The voice settled down, the independent space seemed to come to life, and the intelligent equipment began to operate automatically. The whole milk powder was transported from the storage warehouse to the conveyor belt, and then taken out by the robotic arm, breaking the package without leaving any dust , Pour it into a teacup, add warm water and a lot of frosting sugar, stir well, and send it to Kino by the delivery robot.

"Please use it slowly~" The delivery robot handed the sweet milk to Kino, and the "QwQ" expression mark was displayed on the head screen at the same time.

Number zero, this is the artificial intelligence core that Chino exchanged for 1000 million respect points.

The original intention of Kino to exchange for independent space, as mentioned before, is to use the power of technology to decipher the secrets of this world, copy and control them.

Kino's idea at the beginning was that if he encounters technical difficulties, he should read and study by himself, or go back to his previous life to ask for advice.

But after thinking about it carefully, he found that neither of them was the optimal solution.

Taking the former as an example, it is indeed a good habit to learn by yourself when you encounter difficulties, but it also has limitations.

Chino does have very strong speed reading and memory abilities, but in front of the huge knowledge base, the power of the individual is too small. It is undoubtedly a dream to challenge the vast scientific and technological knowledge with personal brainpower.

Even if he devotes most of the rest of his life to scientific research, it would be good to be an expert in one or several subdivisions. It is impossible for one person to control the overall situation.

As for going back to the past to find the past, this method seems stable, but the more you do it, the higher the cumulative cost-every time you go back to find the past, you need to consume awe points.A little more consumption here means a little less awe value that can be distributed in other places, and it is by no means a long-term solution in the long run.

Since he can't learn by himself, and can't rely on the past all the time, he must find a way to get the best of both worlds, and this battle with Jack the Ripper provided Kino with a new idea - artificial intelligence.

The combat chip in Jack's body that controls her battle is also artificial intelligence in a sense. It is composed of an extremely large database. When a certain data is input, corresponding data will be produced.

Whether artificial intelligence can generate self-awareness like real humans is not discussed for the time being, at least they have computing power that is difficult for humans to match.

It takes at least half a day for ordinary people to concentrate on reading a book.

It takes 6 minutes for Chino to finish reading a book in speed reading mode.

However, after an artificial intelligence reads a book, if it is a physical scan, it takes a few seconds, and if it is a text that has been digitized, it does not even need 1 millisecond.

From this, Chino came up with an idea. If the scientific research of the independent space is handed over to an artificial intelligence with powerful computing power, and the overall control of the general direction is only done by himself, the efficiency must be far greater than that of personal research.

In this way of thinking, Chino exchanged "Number Zero", which is an artificial intelligence core without any initial data, just like a newborn baby, which will keep reading and writing according to the data received after "birth". Database, and then have independent learning ability and analysis ability.

For example, when Number Zero was first exchanged, Chino taught it the importance of being polite, and it quickly learned, and later on, it gradually memorized some of Chino’s habits, such as drinking a lot of sugar in drinks, and playing music. Play Beethoven and so on.

As for where the cute "QwQ" emoji on the little robot's face was learned, Chino really didn't know, since he didn't teach it anyway.

If you want to guess, it may be that No. [-] recognized the naturally upturned shape of Kino's lips, and felt that he was smiling all the time, so he imitated it on his own.

With the understanding of the world, Zero's database is expanding every day, and now it has at least the intelligence of a 10-year-old child. It won't be long before its database structure is complete, and it can start to contact scientific research.

The knowledge that represents a huge scientific research system, Kino can directly save it in the chip, for Number Zero to read and write, let him run the entire independent space instead of himself, and take over all subsequent research.

In this way, Kino himself will not be wasted too much energy, and also has the means to expand the technology tree at any time.

While Chino was drinking milk, Hanyi's little head poked in from the entrance of the independent space, looking around.

This is not the first time that Hanyi has entered an independent space, but when he saw the lights under the control of No. [-] and the operation of various smart devices, the aborigines in this local world were still very surprised. The cat ears on the top of their heads were erected high, full of curiosity .

"It's really amazing here, you aliens have such interesting things!" Han Yi glanced here, poked there, and finally stuck to Kino's side, and asked with a smirk on purpose, "You reveal all these secrets to me, Aren't you afraid of being leaked by me?"

Kino stretched out his hand to scratch her chin, and said with a smile, "Have you eaten my poison, and still escaped from my palm?"

"Hmph, that's true." Han Yi had no sense of danger that her life was being held back, she put her red lips close to Kino's ear, her cat eyes narrowed into two thin lines, and said in a sweet voice, "I am , I will die on you~"

"Number Zero." Kino snapped his fingers, "help me lure this sticky monster away."

"Okay, let's do it right away." With the sound of No. [-], the layout of the ceiling began to change, and the laser emitting device quietly appeared, firing lasers for teasing cats.

As soon as the laser spots fell on the ground, the cold clothes that had been stuck to Chino suddenly fell down uncontrollably, and patted the spots with his small hands.

Suddenly, she shuddered and looked at her hands in astonishment: "What's going on?! I can't control myself?!"

"The behavioral characteristics of cats are recognized, and the cat teasing mode is activated." With the crisp sound of No. [-], the laser spot sweeps back and forth in the room, sometimes landing on the sofa, sometimes falling on the wall, and constantly typing circle.

At this time, Han Yi is like a magnet that is attracted. Wherever the laser spot lands, she will pounce uncontrollably there, screaming as she pounces: "Meow, woo, stop!!!"

At the end of the teasing, Han Yi transformed into a little black cat under the instinctive impulse, and was teased by the laser pointer to run around the room, sometimes leaping into the air, sometimes running and rolling, sometimes turning in circles, meowing non-stop .

It really is a cat, Kino smiled and shook his head.

In this way, Kino was dealing with the relevant layout of the independent space. The little black cat was teased by the laser spots and ran around until it ran out of energy. When it was carried out by Kino, the whole cat was lying limp in his arms. Just meowing.

Kino left the independent space, closed the entrance, and gave the number zero enough time to continue to "grow", then put the little black cat in the nest, and moved his pupils sideways to look at the fear and awe system of the triple shackles.

It's time to get down to business.

(End of this chapter)

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