honor me as god

Chapter 391 Huge amount of emotions

Chapter 391 Huge amount of emotions
After more than ten days of trekking, the dead legion and the released officials finally returned to Dusk City. Many people missed their beds for a long time, so they just lay down on them and began to sleep soundly.

After Chino returned to Twilight City, he took a good rest for 3 hours, then came to the office, locked the door, and began to check the value of the triple shackle harvest.

【Respect: 10920312】

【Fear: 3105973】

【Awe: 20748589】

Before the battle with Jack this time, all the surrounding civilians had been evacuated by Chino, so there were few direct witnesses, and the harvesting channels were very narrow.

But he never thought that before his death, Jack revealed a shocking secret and sent him to jail. After several twists and turns, he not only did not fall, but climbed to a higher position, and found a good opportunity to harvest value on the way out of the city.

Among them, the value of respect is more than 1000 million, and the value of awe is more than 2000 million. The former is the emotion of everyone facing the superior, and the latter is the emotion of facing the "ghost of death" who can sense the invasion of aliens.

The fear value is relatively small. After all, he has not done anything that can trigger such emotions. The reason why some people feel fear is also due to the difference in individual cognition. This is not surprising.

Although the fear value is only more than 300 million, it is also a huge value that has never been achieved before.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this is an absolute bumper harvest!

"Meow~" Just as Kino was inspecting the triple shackles, a sweet cat meow rang in his ears. The little black cat climbed onto his shoulder, rubbed against his face, then snuggled into his arms, using its soft flesh The pad keeps stepping on the milk.

Kino reached out and rubbed the sides of the little black cat's chin and cheeks. It was so happy that it turned over on its belly, purring loudly.

Hanyi suffered a lot during this invasion. First, he was caught in a cage and locked up with hunting dogs, and then he was ambushed by reincarnators during the pursuit. Shuangyue Lingkong brazenly turned into beasts, but was completely suppressed by Jack's previous life domain , was dying when he was taken away, and was bullied and beaten by Jack's dogs in various ways, and there was no good meat in his body.

After Jack was defeated and captured alive, Han Yi had actually escaped before everyone rescued Alia, but because Kino was surrounded by outsiders, she was afraid of attracting unnecessary attention, so she didn't dare to come back rashly, so she could only go back with bruises all over her body. The little black cat wanders in the form of a wanderer, gets some herbs in the wild to treat wounds, and steals food from various shops in the city.

I thought that after dealing with Jack, I could go home. Who would have thought that Chino would be directly arrested, prolonging her wandering time for several months, and she was also curious that Nuo had left enough relief for her to prevent accidents. Otherwise, she would die in a daze under the severe poison that occurs once a month.

Of course, the final outcome is good. Kino returned safely, and the little black cat also returned to its owner. Under the conditioning of special drugs, it healed its wounds and continued its life of being a cat in the open and an assassin in the dark.

Kino opened the food box and took out a small dried fish. The little black cat's eyes lit up immediately, and it flew into the air to bite the small dried fish, holding its paws in front of its chest, and chewing.

Kino put the little black cat on the table and let it eat by itself, then opened the entrance of the independent space and walked in slowly.

Seeing Kino disappear into the pitch-black crack, the little black cat wasn't surprised. It stretched like a cat to loosen the waist, and quickly got in too.

After entering the independent space, the black shadow flickered, the little black cat turned into a human, and the cold clothes leaped lightly behind Kino, put his chin on his shoulder, looked at his side face, and said with a smile: "Not now. Avoiding me?"

Kino reached back and rubbed her cat's ears: "You don't seem surprised by this."

Han Yi shook his head from side to side, let the cat ears rub against Kino's hand, and said lazily: "Other people are being played around by you, but I always knew that you are a visitor from outside the universe, not from our world. "

Chino: "When did you know?"

Hanyi buried his face in Kino's neck, sniffed lightly on it, and said quietly: "Remember? On the first day I knew you, I said——I smelled a secret smell on you. "

Kino turned his face sideways, his amber pupils smiling into a crescent, filled with dangerous signals: "People who are too close to secrets often end badly."

Han Yi paid no attention to that sense of danger, or she had long been used to it, she stretched out her slender fingers and poked Kino's face lightly: "I can get in touch with your secret at zero distance, there is only one possibility—— You will."

Kino smiled briefly, and looked towards the independent space ahead: "From today on, you have to get used to everything here, this space will be our most important stronghold."

In the next few hours, Kino used the items exchanged in the respect system to carry out a comprehensive renovation of the scientific research laboratory in the independent space.

First of all, the space area has been upgraded to a higher level. The number of floors is still 3 floors. The bottom floor is the cold storage and room temperature storage. The second floor is the alchemy laboratory set up for this world, and the third floor is the modern scientific research laboratory.

The ground surface of each floor has been expanded by 100 times from the original 10 square meters, and the three floors add up to a total of 3 square meters, which is enough to place various large-scale research equipment.

When Kino first exchanged for this independent space, he didn't have enough respect points, and he only had the most basic equipment. This time, he carried out a systematic expansion.

The scope of scientific research is too wide, and it is unrealistic to equip all the scientific research equipment in all fields at one go, so Chino made a choice in the scope of research, mainly focusing on two points-drug research and biological fields.

Drug research is aimed at various "potions" in this world. These potions can bestow extraordinary powers on ordinary people, but the formulas and production techniques are all monopolized by the Hetch family.

If you can secretly break this monopoly, it is not a question of how much money you make, but a strategic initiative card in your hand.

The field of biology is aimed at two things, one is the research on the extraordinary creatures in this world, understanding their physiological structure and so on.

The second, and most important aspect, is the epidemic.

From the perspective of modern knowledge, no matter what kind of epidemic, the pathogen is a microorganism—bacteria, rickettsia, virus, fungus, parasite.

Is the veterinary disease pathogen of this world one of them?Chino wasn't sure.

It may be a microorganism that exists in a certain form, or it may be a brand-new pathogenic factor.

Regardless of whether it was for Kino himself or the Kingdom of Dogrand, sooner or later the problem of the animalization epidemic would have to be resolved. If it was not resolved, he would not be able to get rid of his dependence on the "blood therapy" of the Scarlet Church.

Kino and Dogrand are now a community of interests. The existence of the Scarlet Church has affected the regime, so find a way to get rid of it and make it disappear.

To cure the veterinary disease, it is natural to analyze its pathogenic mechanism first, and this cannot be separated from the biological field anyway.

To achieve these goals, in addition to the advanced equipment in these two fields, Chino also exchanged another item separately, and its unit price was a full 1000 million respect points!
(End of this chapter)

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