honor me as god

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

On the day when Kino left the city, the news had already spread to every corner of the kingdom through bright and dark channels, and everyone in the royal city knew that "Evening Reaper" and his "Death Legion" left their first mark in the history of the kingdom. .

Different from impetuous border cities, Wangcheng is full of ancient and vicissitudes of life. The huge wall carved with sun reliefs rises and falls, revealing a solemn and majestic momentum, as if to penetrate this mortal world and merge with the sky above. Together.

The main road of Wangcheng is the most spacious city street in the entire Doguland Kingdom. The 183-meter-wide road is made of heavy and thick bluestone slabs, which seems to be a masterpiece of craftsmanship. The golden light splashes from the starting point under the shining, and the magnificent murals are engraved on it, just like a road that has been visited by the gods.

On this day, the streets outside the city were full of people. The black crowd was separated by the cordon drawn by the defenders and spread to the end of the sky.

The team returning to Twilight City is marching here. The three lieutenants of the "Death Legion" rode their horses at the forefront of the array, followed by the rest of the soldiers. They were dressed in black uniforms with a cold and murderous air, like a bird A dead bird with black feathers.

Among the crowd, all kinds of shouts came to each other:
"Warriors! Kill the aliens! Kill all the blasphemers!"

"I can't wait to see the alien cry!"

"The Legion of Death will guard our home for us, and let all the blasphemers who invaded this world regret it!"

"The majesty of the gods cannot be shaken! Glory to the sun! The sun protects the death legion!!!"

Lu Ge was wearing an excellent black battle armor and riding a hard-earned BMW imported from the Far East. He was boldly riding in front of the three of them. It's almost skyrocketing.

The former hooligan leader held his head high, waved triumphantly to the people, caught all the flowers thrown, and threw them back to other soldiers if he couldn't take them down, and then continued to pick them up shamelessly.

Later, there was a small loophole in the cordon somewhere. A woman squeezed out of the crowd and ran to the front of the queue to show love to Lugo. Others bumped into each other, and the two rode forward together, causing bursts of boos, accompanied by the sour jealousy of a gossip woman.

Baisa looked at Lugo, who was in the limelight, and said nonchalantly: "Lugo is really proud. If he hadn't followed a good master, he should still be a mercenary now."

Paladin glanced at Baiza, and calmly rode his horse closer, pretending to be chatting: "To be honest, what surprised Kino surprised me too."

Baiza: "What?"

"No one confessed to Kino—I knew that I and Lugo would definitely kill me, but I was very worried that you would confess, but you didn't." Paladin paused here, and asked in a deep voice , "You did not confess, did you?"

Baiza turned his face to look at the crowd: "No."

Paladin: "I don't like your reaction."

Baiza: "What's the reaction?"

"Side your face." Paladin imitated him and said with squinted eyes, "When you served in Xilin Town, every time your kid told a lie, he would subconsciously make this movement."

Baisa looked straight at Paladin, and said helplessly, "If I confess, will the judge write it down? When you connect the documents afterwards, will there be my confession on the paper?"

Paladin was speechless. He nodded and asked tentatively: "Then you didn't say it for me? For me and my family?"

"Yeah." Baiza looked sideways at the noisy street, his deep voice was unpredictable, "For you and your family."

On the streets of Wangcheng, where the autumn wind is bleak, the army of death is criss-crossing, and the black crow flag designed by the king himself, which symbolizes the meaning of death, flutters in the wind.

The climate in Luoying season is treacherous and changeable. Just now the sun was shining in the sky, but now it is overcast, and the wind has begun to mix with fine and invisible dust. The air pressure is so low that people feel depressed, as if some kind of force is swallowing up vitality.

"Tread, tread, tread" sounded the dull sound of horseshoes. It was obviously only a part of the thousands of horses, but there was a terrible sense of oppression hidden, so that it drowned out all the noise.

In the center of the formation of the dead army, a tall black horse was galloping forward. Kino had left the carriage at some point and rode the horse himself.

On the horse's back, Kino was wearing a general's black shirt. Every black feather on the robe was the first feather grown by a night crow after breaking its shell. Yun, with those amber eyes without any emotional fluctuations, overlooked the surrounding crowd in dead silence.

Kino was not riding alone, there was another person in front of him.

Solandelle is the opposite of Kino in black. She is wearing a pure white fluffy robe, with a crown of laurel flowers on her forehead. Her skin is fairer than that of Dongxue. She occasionally has a strand of platinum-blonde hair blowing in the wind. It rose and landed on Kino's face, becoming the focus of attention together with him.

There were crowds of people on both sides of the street, but there was no shouting at all. All the people opened their eyes and looked at Kino silently, and everyone who was stared back by Kino would unconsciously nod their heads to show humility.

In this silent stillness, Kino's "triple shackles" were boiling, and his emotional values, mainly "respect" and "awe", surged like huge waves.

Different from the situation at the plenary meeting of the kingdom, it is now a large-scale harvest in the true sense. The royal city has a population of one million. Leaving aside those who were not present, there are hundreds of thousands of people who saw Kino on both sides of the main road.

Facing the "Evening Reaper" who can perceive the invasion of aliens, everyone's emotions have climbed to the peak, and the respect and awe values ​​​​contributed are almost full.

When Kino walked slowly under the attention of the crowd and arrived at the city gate, the respect value had reached more than 1000 million, and the awe value had reached a terrifying 2000 million.

Later, without knowing who led the way, the crowd bowed their heads one after another like waves falling from the sea, knelt on one knee on both sides of the street, clasped their right hands to their chests, and offered the most devout salute.

Solandelle raised her head and stared at Kino with longing on her face: "Now you are what everyone wants."

Kino caressed Solandelle's cheek with his fingertips, leaned over to her ear, and whispered with a smile: "Soon, you will be too."

The black steed walked up to the city gate. Kino looked back and stared. The afterglow of the sky covered by the haze was reflected in the amber pupils, which seemed to be shining brightly. He was looking at this land that believed in the sun, and at the royal city that represented the supreme power. , The corners of the lips slowly raised a strange arc, like a long-dormant demon, finally showing its fangs.

(End of this chapter)

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