honor me as god

Chapter 389 Change Destiny

Chapter 389 Change Destiny
After bidding farewell to the people in Wangcheng, Kino is ready to return to Twilight City.

On the way out of the city, Solandelle stayed by Kino's side and insisted on giving him a ride.

Solandelle's physical condition is much better now. I still remember that when Chino was acquitted at the third meeting of the Kingdom Plenary Council, her hard work and grievances over the past few days were finally released, and she couldn't hold back her emotions. , Wept directly in front of all the congressmen.

Crying and crying, Solandelle suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious, which frightened Perseus and others into confusion. Fortunately, the doctor said that it was just physical fatigue and nothing serious.

After being sent back to the mansion, Solandelle fell asleep for two full days before waking up.

After more than a month of recuperation, Solandelle recovered very well, and her life was very leisurely. She stuck to Chino all day, either reading books or playing the piano together, and going out to breathe the fresh air by the warm lake, watching The afterglow of the sunset on the lake.
The flow of time is eternal, but the sense of time can be fast or slow. Some times feel like years, and some times are just a blink of an eye.

Processors are very sensitive to time. After all, time is one of their weapons. It takes a few seconds to kill a person, and a few seconds to make the processed object open. It must be very precise, so their biological clock is often in step with the real time, and they rarely feel it. Time is aware.

But the more than a month in the palace has been a bit like a dream, and Kino seems to have not realized the passage of time, and suddenly realizes that the day of parting has arrived.

On the carriage going out of the city, Chino and Solandelle sat inside, looking at the scenery outside the window together.

At this time, Solandelle sat closer to Kino, and whispered in her ear, "No, I have a private message to ask you."

Chino nodded, indicating that he was listening.

Solandelle asked in a low voice: "You were in the dungeon. Why did you say that to me——I can sense the invasion of aliens."

That's right, it's no coincidence that Solandelle asks Kino at the kingdom's plenary meeting - can you sense an alien invasion?

At that time in the dungeon, what Kino whispered to Solandelle was exactly "I can sense the invasion of aliens".

Kino told Solandelle this sentence, which became a secret known only to her, and then she asked this secret in the form of a question at the meeting, turning it into a public answer.

Kino stretched out his hand and smoothed Solandelle's long wind-blown hair. A mysterious smile appeared on his face. Instead of answering, he asked instead, "Why do you think I said that to you?"

Solandelle tilted her head, and lightly pressed her small head against Kino's arm, with a thoughtful expression: "I was really scared by you at first, and my mind went blank with a buzzing sound, and I couldn't think at all. Wait When I came back to my senses, I was brought back to the mansion by Lorna."

"I've been thinking about why you told me this. I couldn't figure it out, so I didn't dare to tell anyone, even Lorna. I was afraid that leaking this matter would make things worse for you, so I I can only hide it in my heart and find another way to help you."

Kino asked with great interest: "Then how did you figure it out in the end? Why did you think of asking me this question that you already know the answer to in the plenary meeting?"

Solandelle shrunk her head, with a look of survivors on her face: "I, I, you, don't be angry after hearing this, I actually haven't figured it out until now. The reason why I asked it at the kingdom's plenary meeting is, It's a complete gamble mentality."

Kino thought it was very interesting, and it was very difficult to get a bad idea and deliberately made things difficult for her: "You have won the bet now, and I am fine. But if you lose the bet and I am killed by the question you asked, what will you do?" ?”

This question made Solandelle bow her head and fall into silence, her lips pursed slightly.

Kino didn't make any noise to disturb her, and let her think on her own.

The warm wind was blowing, and the surrounding was very quiet, only the sound of the carriage passing by the bluestone slab.

I don't know how long she was silent, Solandelle raised her head, her eyes were as clear as a lake without impurities, and she said firmly: "I can't make up for this kind of mistake. I will always remember you in my heart and feel guilty for the rest of my life, but I won't So decadent, stop moving forward.”

This answer surprised Kino. A 12-year-old child like Solandelle has a pure and innocent personality. If he really killed his friend because of his own problems, he would probably be distraught, devastated, and even start to doubt Life and personality changes drastically, and it is possible to even think about it.

I will feel guilty for the rest of my life, but I will not be decadent and stand still. It is really strange to say this kind of words from a child.

Kino couldn't help smiling, squinting at the sun curtain outside the window, there seemed to be a glimmer of light in the amber pupils: "You will definitely become a great person in the future."

Solandelle leaned against the window, sighed and said: "Actually, I am not the one who made the difference in this meeting. I was able to speak generously at the meeting. It was all thanks to the teacher, who woke me up!"

Kino thought for a moment. If his memory is correct, Solandelle's teacher should be the current "Minister of Law" and the "Grand Fellow" of the royal palace, Yuanwen Dogrand, a man with profound knowledge, a legendary life experience, but a bad temper. Very eccentric old man.

It is said that this person has a bad attitude when talking to anyone. He has a Sima face in class and a Sima face in meetings, as if others owe him hundreds of gold moons.

Before Perseus became a king, he was a student of Yuanwen. With this old teacher-student relationship, no one can help Yuanwen, and he is not afraid of anyone. Even a prince or princess must be honest in front of him. To be honest, if you don't obey, you will be served by a ruler immediately.

Solandelle continued: "A few days before the third meeting, I really couldn't think of a way out, so I had to ask the teacher for help, and he reluctantly agreed to help me. "

Chino: "Did you tell him what I told you?"

Solandelle quickly shook her head: "It was a bit of a leak at the time, and I stopped it in time. He only knew that you had whispered to me, but he didn't know what you said specifically. Later, it was he who said something to me. Wake me up, that sentence is - you have to think like a king."

Chino: "How do you understand this sentence?"

Solandelle held her small face, stared at the passing scenery outside the window, thoughtfully: "I didn't know what it meant to think like a king at first, but then I thought of a way - try to be like my father. I imagine myself sitting on the throne, listening to the speeches of those MPs in the plenary session, and then how would I feel in my heart."

Speaking of this, Solandelle pursed her lips, her expression became a little sad: "After putting myself in the shoes of my father, I only have one feeling—sadness."

Chino: "Sad?"

Solandelle said quietly: "Yes, sad, very sad. In the eyes of my father, the invasion of aliens has evolved to this scale, slaughtering the border, bombing the main city, and even began to assassinate the prince, shaking the kingdom's regime. It has long been It is no longer a matter of a certain person, or a certain person, but a matter of everyone in the entire kingdom! Dogorand is facing an unprecedented threat!"

"But at this time, the congressmen are not thinking about how to defend the kingdom, but only consider their own families. Some want to seek benefits, and some want to protect themselves. They all want to seek more from it without endangering their own interests. benefit."

"Among so many congressmen, no one realizes that this kind of invasion should never have happened in the first place. It is a matter of original sin and must be prevented. But the result? No one sees this side , everyone only cares about themselves, seemingly in harmony.”

"When I went to replace my father and saw this level, I was really disappointed and sad, and my heart was extremely sad."

Kino said lightly: "But in fact, this is a very normal human nature. The vast majority of people in the world are self-interested. You can't ask everyone to be a selfless saint."

Solandelle nodded slightly: "I understand, so this is the reason why the father has been silent all the time. He is very powerless. He knows that this situation should not happen, but he has no way to reverse the situation, or to be more precise. , he did not make up his mind to reverse it.

"Because what is good for the kingdom is not necessarily good for the big families. What the king cares about is completely different from what the king's leaders care about. My good brother Sting, who has played until he was a child, even raised his right to silence, making him even more confused and more difficult to make up his mind."

Speaking of this, Solandelle's eyes became extremely firm, and she clenched her fists and said: "After understanding the situation of the father, I made a decision-I want to help the father to speak out!"

"I want to let my father know that no matter what others think, even if the whole kingdom is against him, at least my daughter is on his side! He is not alone! I want to tell him that there is at least one person in the kingdom who is with him With the same idea, we all want to unite the entire kingdom, no longer stick to open and secret fights between families, but unite with the outside world, completely eliminate the threat from the outside world, and end the ancient invasion!"

Kino's eyes began to become deep: "But have you ever thought that the reason why your father didn't stand up before was because saying such things involved too much interest, and it would touch the cakes of the big families and offend everyone. Many, many people."

"The essence of power is not that you get power because you sit in a certain position, but that you have power because the people below are willing to give you this position."

"Power appears to be top-down, but it is actually bottom-up. If there is too much hostility and exclusion, even if you are a king, it will be difficult to secure your position."

Solandelle nodded heavily, and said without hesitation: "I understand, but I'm not afraid! As long as it can help the father, as long as it is beneficial to the kingdom and all the people, as long as the matter itself is correct, I will Going to do it."

"It's okay to be hated by others. At worst, everyone hates me, alienates me, and no one plays with me. As long as what I do can bring positive influence to everyone, what about being alone forever? I'm not afraid."

After hearing this, Kino fell into a long silence. He reached out and stroked Solandelle's hair, showing a meaningful smile: "As I said just now, you will definitely become a great person in the future."

Solandelle reversed Kino's fortunes, no doubt about it.

But in truth, she wasn't the only way Kino could get out.

In Kino's prediction, if Solandelle failed to understand the deep meaning of that whisper, and failed to ingeniously ask it out at the plenary meeting, he still had a final plan—a showdown.

Members of the various parties wanted to kill him before because executing him was the best solution between risks and benefits.

And after he threw out the concept of "curse" and hinted that the curse would be transferred, the execution proposal was immediately abolished, and imprisonment became the best solution instead.

Politics is like this, it is complicated and complex, and it is simple and simple, if you make them think it is good, they will do it, if you make them think it is bad, they will abolish it.

If there was no Solandelle at that time, and Kino was unwilling to become a tool of imprisonment, he still had the last way, which was a showdown—to pass the information about the rejectors in himself through a method that would not be obliterated by the supreme being. The words are all told to everyone.

The most tempting among them is undoubtedly the "respect" system of the triple shackles. If the powerful people in the kingdom know this ability to exchange various items "out of thin air", then it is not a question of whether to kill Chino or not. , not only to protect him well, but even to build a palace to enshrine him.

At that time, the kingdom will catch a bunch of civilians every day to worship Chino, contribute respect value, and then let him exchange various items, mutual benefit for both sides, isn't it good?Who would want to imprison him?
Therefore, Kino was not desperate from the very beginning, and there was always such a way out waiting for him.

But this road, unless it was a last resort, Kino was unwilling to take it.

If there is a real showdown, life is obviously safe, and status must also be there, but Kino will have no secrets at all, which is equivalent to showing all the cards in his hand to others.

A person who can only play bright cards, no matter how strong his ability is, will lose his strategic initiative.

The Kingdom has obtained such a "treasure bag", and while protecting him, it will definitely use various means to control and use it to ensure that he will never escape the Kingdom's grasp, and will continue to squeeze him until the last bit of value is lost. Squeeze until clean.

In this situation, the possibility of Kino regaining the initiative is not impossible, but it is extremely slim, almost impossible.

Fortunately, there is no if in history.

Perhaps Solandelle herself didn't know how meaningful she had done to Kino, not only allowing him to escape from the vortex at the lowest cost, but also gaining an unprecedented status.

The most important thing is that the "triple shackles", the most important secret of the rejecters, has been preserved, and only relatively insignificant things such as the "invasion countdown" have been exposed.

Now, in the eyes of the world, Kino is still an aborigine of this world, and is an existence protected by the gods and has inherited the mighty power of the gods.

From today onwards, the entire kingdom is his reinforcement against the reincarnation invasion, and he has gained an absolute advantage.

It couldn't have been better.

(End of this chapter)

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