honor me as god

Chapter 386 Defending the Enemy Act

Chapter 386 Defending the Enemy Act
Isn't it the first time that the sorrow of endless reincarnation happened?She gripped the long sword tightly and warned herself: Don't be a traitor, and don't forget why you are alive. —— "I Am the Flame"

[Awe from Edward Troy: 47]

[Awe from Heron Eric: 85]

[Awe from Steen Deling Regnome: 39]

[Awe from Perseus Van Dörgoland: 26]

[Awe from Denisa Doguland: 1]

In the highest auditorium of the Dogland Kingdom, the surroundings were silent, but the undercurrent was more like surging waves. The awe value surged from all directions and merged into Kino's triple shackle system.

To Kino, it doesn't really matter what these values ​​can be exchanged for in the triple shackles.The important thing is the state of mind, the emotions of these leaders on this matter, and their attitude towards him in the future.

The same awe value, harvested from a commoner and harvested from a king, can be exchanged for exactly the same thing, but the impact it brings is very different.

At this moment, the blood was surging in everyone's body, the heartbeat was like a drum and thunder, and the crazy whistling sound had long since dissipated with the black mist, but it still seemed to linger in their ears.

In front of the trial seat, Solandelle was emotional, like a leader who hadn't grown up, and raised her arms to make a speech: "For 2700 years, we all thought that the fall of the Sun King brought eternal peace to this world. We thought that the extraterrestrial visitors who once ravaged the mortal world would never appear again after achieving their goals, and we all thought that the spark of civilization would flourish forever, and history would not repeat itself. But what happened?!"

"The blasphemers have reappeared in the mortal world, continue to wreak havoc on our land, kill our compatriots, mutilate our people, ravage our homes that have survived for generations, and burn the civilization created by our ancestors!"

"Some people feel that maybe we should show weakness to the extraterrestrials, kill their prey, and give them whatever they want in exchange for peace"

"But is this kind of peace given by others meaningful?!"

"Kill one compatriot today, kill another compatriot tomorrow, in exchange for overnight sleep. When we wake up from the illusory peace, the aliens have new hunting targets, and they have more demanding Take it! Are we going to make endless compromises like this until the blasphemer kills everyone around us and destroys the world?!"

Solandelle walked to the trial seat and looked at Kino. Those clear pupils were clearly azure blue, but at this moment they looked more like the sun burning with blazing flames: "We were born in later generations, and we have not been able to catch up with the 2700 years ago. The "Eclipse War" also failed to protect the former gods, the great Sun King has gone, irretrievably."

"But I have been thinking, for thousands of years, our belief in the sun has been endless. Is it true that as long as there is one person burning the golden fire of the sun, the spirit of the Sun King will never go out? I used to have doubts about this , but today, I finally started to believe it all.”

"In my opinion, Kino Van Helsing is not a cursed person. It is not because he is cursed that aliens come to hunt him down. It is because he has the ability to perceive intrusions, making aliens conscious are threatened, so they keep invading the world."

"This ability does not belong to the mortal world at all! It is bestowed by the gods! We are afraid of the consequences of this ability. This is an extremely serious mistake!"

"Its original intention is not to separate us from each other, but to provide guidance and give us a way to confront the aliens head-on! This is the gods questioning us-you are going to be suspicious of each other like snakes and rats, in order to survive for a while. Kill your companions in exchange for a short period of peace?"

"Still, you want to unite as one, unite as one, the royal family, Ragnome, Heki, Eric, Troy, Dagon...all the indomitable compatriots, all the righteous people, all unite to end this An ancient invasion?!"

Solandelle looked at the councilors who hold the highest power, her petite body seemed to become incomparably majestic under the high voice: "The shadow of the sky has shrouded this world for too long, and under the hesitation of delicate self-interested At this time, every people is longing for the dawn of the sun! If so, let the blasphemers come! Let their kings from the sky come too! Dogrand is not afraid!"

Although the voice of the young princess is immature, it seems to be louder than the roar of the giant dragon, echoing in every corner of the auditorium. The sunlight from the dome shines through the colored windows, splashing a flame-like glow on her body. All the colors have been dimmed, leaving only the only focus in this world.

On the throne of the king, which symbolized the highest power, Perseus's stalwart body stood upright. He stared at his youngest daughter with eyes hotter than the sun, and tiger tears welled up in his pupils unconsciously.

The king's hands were trembling, not because of fear or anger, but because of a kind of fanaticism, as if he had finally found his way in the vast darkness!

In the end, he picked up the hammer that symbolized the final decision
"Boom!" The court hammer settled down.

On the 513th day of the 15th year of the Huo Calendar, the third meeting of the "56th Kingdom Plenary Meeting" in Dogrand came to an end. Under the king's supreme will, "Evening Death" Kino Van Helsing was exempted and acquitted.

46 days later, on the 1st day of the same year, Perseus van Dogolande, the 24th Pope of Dogrand, convened the "Imperial Council" and passed the "Act of Defense Against Enemies", which greatly affected the historical process of later generations.

According to the public perception in the past, the aliens are indeed the public enemy of Dogrand and even the world, but in the legal codes written over the years, there is no law expressly stipulating this matter, and everyone is soft on this matter. Default attitude.

After all, the aliens have disappeared for too long, so long that everyone has almost forgotten their existence. Even if these blasphemers reappeared in the mortal world, many people still feel that the high-level officials of the kingdom have not expressed any attitude. This may be a rumor , have been immersed in the vain dream of peace, unwilling to wake up.

And the announcement of the Defense Against the Enemy Act was like a thunderbolt that shattered vain dreams.

In the "Resisting the Enemy Act", the royal family's attitude towards blasphemers is no longer vague, and aliens are officially defined as "public enemies".

From now on, it is illegal for the whole kingdom, no matter what class, to promote the positive image of the aliens; it is illegal to learn the whereabouts of the aliens but not to report; it is illegal to accept the items of the aliens without turning them in; Guest conduct, including verbal support, is illegal.

At the same time, any battle against aliens will be fully included in the "Dogland Defense System".

This means that no matter where the kingdom is invaded by aliens in the future, it will be officially regarded as an "enemy invasion", and the surrounding cities will immediately enter a first-level wartime state-all city gates will be closed, and irrelevant personnel are prohibited from entering and leaving. 24-hour patrolling, beacon towers are on duty continuously, and the residents of the whole city are under the centralized management of the military, ready to deal with the impact of the sky at any time.

At the same time, the neighboring legions will mobilize all their troops to assist the attacked location under the dispatch of the generals of the legions. Any delay will be regarded as treason and will be executed immediately by the general!

Inclusion in the "Dogland Defense System" means that all military expenditures against extraterrestrial visitors, each monthly coin will be included in the kingdom's finances, and all equipment changes, personnel training, battle damage, pensions, etc., will be regulated by the kingdom. All bills are accepted, and local officials do not need to pay a penny.

In addition, there are several unheard of decisions in the supplementary entries of the "Act against the Enemy":
Dusk City originally belonged to "Fenghuo Province" and was under the jurisdiction of the provincial capital "Fengyunguan". However, from the date of promulgation of the "Act against the Enemy", Dusk City officially separated from Fenghuo Province and became directly under the jurisdiction of Wangcheng.

In the "Doguland Administrative Act", the directly-controlled cities are no longer the main city-level administrative units, but the provincial-level administrative units. The top leaders of the directly-controlled cities have the same administrative power as the "provincial governors".

This means that the title of "Chino Administrator" will become history forever. From today onwards, his title is officially promoted to "Chino Administrator", and his status is on the same level as provincial governors like Resakhar, second only to under "Governor".

After Dusk City became a city directly under the jurisdiction of Wangcheng, all government orders no longer need to be reviewed by the "Fengyunguan" Governor's Mansion, and no officials have the right to intercept them. They can be passed directly to Wangcheng and directly to Tianting.

In addition to administrative reforms, Twilight City has also received earth-shaking privileges in the military.

In the decree of the "Defense Against the Enemy Act", the former "Twilight City Defense Army" was removed from the "Local Defense Army" system and officially listed as an independent army. The king named it "Death".

The "Death Legion" is an independent legion, except for direct orders from the royal city, the rest of the actions are dispatched by the "legion general", and this general is Kino Van Helsing.

Since then, Chino has become the first general since Perseus took office to lead a legion independently without resigning from his administrative position, and at the same time he has both political and military positions.

In addition to being independent in organization and command, the death corps also received two pilot privileges.

[-]. When the Legion of Death issued an "early warning of extraterrestrial invasion", that is, when Chino sensed the invasion of aliens, all cities, large and small, and even villages throughout the Kingdom will immediately enter the second level of combat readiness—except for necessary social operations, the rest Production work was suspended, all residents returned to their homes, and non-essential travel was not allowed. At the same time, the local defenders went door-to-door to check the identities of people. Any suspicious people would be controlled immediately and sent to Twilight City for Chino to identify.

The second level of combat readiness throughout the Kingdom will continue until the Legion of Death lifts the "Alien Invasion Warning".

If aliens appear during the early warning period and a battle breaks out, the adjacent area will enter a state of war according to the principle of the "Dogland defense system" mentioned earlier.

The second pilot privilege of the "Resisting the Enemy Act" is not so much given to the Legion of the Dead, but to the Hetch Family and the Eric Family at the same time. It is regarded as "blasphemy", but it has clear legitimacy in the real sense.

During the invasion of aliens, all the items hunted from the blasphemers will be identified by high-level alchemists. If the alchemists judge that they have no research value, they can be kept by the local legion and rewarded for their merits.

And if the alchemist judges that this object has research value, it needs to be transferred to the Royal City, and then distributed to the "Stars Fortress" for research by the Royal City.

The particularity of the Death Legion is that all soldiers of the legion need to be trained to use extraterrestrial weapons.

The extraterrestrial weapons, guns, heavy artillery, fire mines, and even steel giant birds researched and copied by Stars Fort will be immediately deployed in the death army, and Kino will guide the soldiers to familiarize themselves with and use them.

At the same time, the royal family and the Hetch family will regularly provide potions for the dead legion and strengthen the soldiers on a large scale. They will have the eyes of an eagle, the speed of a cheetah, and the strength dozens of times higher than ordinary people. Resistance, the best can even awaken the power of elements and become a real "superhuman".

The Death Legion, this special legion equipped with extraterrestrial weapons, will become the first army in the Dogoland Kingdom to fight against aliens under the leadership of Kino!

After the "Act against the Enemy" was announced, there was a lot of discussion in the kingdom.

The pessimists are disheartened. They think that the forces beyond the sky are too powerful. To officially declare war on these blasphemers who can kill the Sun King is probably digging their own grave. The announcement of this bill is very likely to be a turning point in the rise and fall of the kingdom. It will drag everyone into a dead end and reproduce the "Thousand Years of Darkness".

Optimists are full of fighting spirit. They feel that they were born in a magnificent era and have witnessed history with their own eyes. People can experience such changes in their lives and have no regrets. No matter whether the road ahead is rough or not, they will follow the brilliance of the sun and keep moving forward. .

In addition to these pessimistic and optimistic discussions, the greater focus is undoubtedly on the "Legion of the Dead", on Kino Van Helsing, who is known as the "Evening Death".

He is both the general of the legion and the consul of a city directly under the Central Government, and holds both military and political positions. Not to mention an unknown person from a down-and-out aristocratic family, even for a royal noble or even a royal heir, this is hard to imagine. It cannot be described as smooth progress.

This power is too great, it is too great, it is so big that it makes people worry and disturb.

After gaining power, although the newly established Legion of Death has not had any record yet, its reputation has spread throughout the kingdom, especially in the "Beacon Province" to which they belonged, after the Dusk City was transferred to the direct control of the King City, its influence is booming , not only the large-scale expansion of the city, but also countless strange people and strangers who came here admiringly.

In the minds of some new-generation children in Twilight City, they don't even know "Troy", but only know "Helsing".

The huge waves of history are rolling forward, and the "56th Kingdom Plenary Meeting" is destined to be an event that changes the course of future generations, and those legionnaires who are called "death birds" by later generations also boarded the stage in the torrent of the times. The battlefield called the world, they followed behind the "Evening Reaper" and cut off the original development track of history.

Many, many years later, when the people of the world who have gone through the years look back, they will finally understand a truth——

The god of death devours life, and the god of death leads all living beings.

(End of this chapter)

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